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Here are the Ophis predictions for 2022 for the countries/regions of Australia, the

Dominican Republic and Thailand.

2022 Thailand

Due strictly to overseas development involving the United States, in 2022 there will be a
movement to change the Thai Constitution. Something occurs locally to Asia that
brings peace to area that lasts through 2022, 2023 but ends in 2024 with a sudden and
unexpected military takeover of the country, a coup. Thai military controls media, bans
political parties. There are three different leaders of Thailand in 2024.

2022 The Dominican Republic

This isometric analysis really discouraged me because the request was from a friend,
but there’s almost nothing to analyze. This means the region is static, or said another
way, life continues on without any significant disruptions. The only blip on the radar
for 2022 in the Dominican Republic is a demonstration getting out of control and
resulting in some fatalitries. It is connected to politics.

Because there appears to be a few years of peace in this region I took the time to do a
much deeper search and I found something very interesting. In the palindromic
reflections of events concerning the DR we find that in the year 2030 AD there will be a
political assassination that will instantly trigger a rapid series of events. Political
intrigues, civil unrest. Multitudes flee country. This is toward final quarter of the year.
Those fleeing country are not given sanctuary elsewhere.

Quickly in 2031 AD there is no military resistance against a sudden invasion by U.S.

troops who seize power and conduct an occupation- bases, encampments, new political
structuring. Large population of U.S. citizens relocate to DR. U.S. forces occupy and
remain 4 years until government and population modifications made. Departure of
occupation forces is not a departure of U.S. citizens. Can’t identify reason for increase
in American citizen presence.

In summary, for the next 8.5 years the DR will remain basically unchanged.
Ophis Report: Australia 2022

Set records for wettest year in over 50 years, perhaps due to monsoon
Corruption of high-standing judicial officials exposed
In elections the liberal leadership will be voted out
Unexpected resignation of member of the House of Representatives
Federal Government announces sweeping reforms to business rules to attract overseas companies to

Major industrial dispute, possibly concerning uranium mining

Oversea nuclear threat/detonation results in Australia publicly denouncing event and severing
diplomatic relations with perpetrator(s)

Steel production and other national resources begin a large economic upswing

By end of year Australian living/economic conditions improved

Australia military forces with join those of ally in overseas operation

Government makes demands of banks that are accused of illegal practices

Conclusion: 2022 will be interesting to Australians because of so many overseas developments,

some which greatly improve Australian economy and conditions. In this analysis there is a strong
hint in many events that the Red Threat of China is no longer an issue by the end of the year. There
is further an undercurrent of data inferring that there is a secret accord, an agreement by several
parties concerning Australia about its future and strategic role in becoming a world power.
Evidence that Australia has assumed such a role will surface in Oct-Nov.

Let me introduce myself. This may seem strange to some of you, but apparently there a few who really
don’t know me. I’m a guy with a passion for history, for the acquisition of knowledge and the finding of
relevance to discovered information. As a guy I come with a lot of that guy baggage that I think I’m
pretty good at concealing. I give the hours of my days freely to those who have questions.

I’m about to embark on a massive project, and the results will be posted in Archaix as the project is
underway; a monumental work. But this requires me to redirect my energies, to avoid those psychic
vampires in this group who routinely attempt to siphon off my essence with their distractions, biases
and religiosity. I care about souls but I could care less about what those souls believe. We are all
products of our programming.

There are some of you here that do not belong. It has nothing to do with your core faith, but in the
dissonance felt in your comments. Several people in this group got the boot, but only after given
chances. Archaix is a work in progress, just as we all are. Hostile, negative, hidden-agenda types have
been escorted right out of here and when they pop back in under another account we eliminate those

We set this group up for people to come in contact with very different data that the thousands of other
Facebook groups are full of. This is why so few posts from other groups are allowed in. People get
angry about it, and that’s okay. Facebook allows ANYONE to start their own group and do whatever
they want with it.

Some of the most absurd beliefs people have accepted have billion dollar industries supporting their
propagation. The paradigms pushed by the media are to be found EVERYWHERE so why bring that
drivel into Archaix? It’s insulting to have a good thread going just to have someone suddenly post a
bunch of copy and paste paragraphs and links and kill the thread. This has happened several times and
I’m giving no more warnings.

If an admin or moderator sees you to the door do not message me to overturn it. These people belong
to a group that is very small but carries a lot of weight with me- their my friends. They would not have
my trust had I not already measured the rhythm of their ways.

I’m patient, and I do care. But in order to bring peace to the many I’ll axe the few.
next sunday at SoFi stadium in Los angeles. Bengals v LA Rams
3:30 pm PST
Bengals last went to the SB in 1989 and lost to the 49ers

Previous to that one other SB also lost against the 49ers in 1981.

The Sinking City of Nan Modal

In the vast Pacific on the island of Pohnpei are peculiar megalithic ruins laid out where they once
were a part of a thriving metropolis.

The bones and skeletons of men standing much taller than the local Micronesians have been
excavated. Japanese excavations have exhumed the remains of humans standing seven foot tall.

Off the coast of Nan Modal are the remains of yet another ancient forgotten and sunken city, a
mystery at the bottom of Metalanim Bay. Curiously, local tradition claims that the ruins of Nan
Modal were once a huge city built there because the occupants did not want to move too far away
from the ruins that were now under the sea that had been built by an earlier culture.

The walls and structures of Nan Modal were built using 20-ton basalt blocks. The entire region is
built of artificial islets supporting constructions with tunnels connecting them all to Nan Modal
proper. The largest structure still above water is Nan Dowas, was built of naturally-formed
hexagonal basalt blocks.

According to local Micronesian legend, Nan Modal was built after the appearance of a dragon that
came and dredged the canalworks as men made the stones fly through the air to their present
positions. This dragon would have been a celestial object and the earthquakes that brought the area
out of the sea, allowing local to build on dried-out sea bottom. Evidence that this is what happened is
fact that Nan Modal was built atop a coral reef and the canalworks were carved out of the hard coral.

The floating of blocks through the air is another Cargo Cult trait. Cranes and aircraft hoisting
building materials on cables when observed from a great distance looks just like things floating
through the air because the tethers and cables can’t be seen. In WWII the local Pacific islanders
watched American Combat engineers build airports and bases on many islands and these locals in the
1940s thought they saw things magically moving though the air.

The Bearded Man cliff carving face the sea from a prominence at Nan Modal and is mentioned by
Childress on page 221 of his book, Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific. Thor Hyerdahl
sailed to over 60 Pacific islands collecting the stories of this Pacific “Bearded God,” for this is
curious in a region of the world of smooth-skinned, beardless people. A single statue of this bearded
deity is also found at Easter Island in South Pacific.

Much of the ruins are underwater. Chronologically, the cataclysm that drowned the unknown city
below the bay may have occurred in May 1687 BCE. This is deduced by fact that Easter Island and
all of South America, Tiahuanacu, Cuzco, Central America and the vast copper mining communities
of the Great Lakes region in North America all met with similar destruction at this time. On the
other side of the world in the Mediterranean the Phoenix [sky dragon] visitation was recorded as the
Flood of Ogyges.

You don’t think you can predict the future in two minutes? Hmmm…can you
isolate any time in the history of my publishing or YouTube posting that I even
intentionally tried to steer you wrong?
Many of you have followed my date sequence prediction analytics and videos,
Ophis and GameSeer. Isometric projections are merely one procedure by which to
study event-trajectories. These event-trajectories are reality tunnels that are
governed by physics constants.

I know some of you like conducting your own tests and experiments, so I'll share
with you another very penetrating method by which we can predict future events.
YOU can predict future events using this method.

Our holosphere may be constructed of palindromic sequences, however, within

those patterns are timelines running in patterns of both pi [3.14] and phi [1.618]
forming informed fields that target future dates relative to and connected to the
two dated events that are measured.

This means you isolate any two events in history that are relative, that are
intrinsically connected. The distance in time measured in years, months or days is
then multiplied by our natural number for the circle in nature- pi, or 3.14, or the
golden mean, phi, which is 1.618 and represents growth and entropy cycles.
Here is an example.

Example: A rebellion in North America was in 1776.6 AD, starting American

Independence, in the Revolutionary War. This was 84 years before the next
rebellion in North America, the start of the Civil War at 1860.6 AD. The distance in
time between the beginning of the United States to the potential BREAKING of
the USA is 84 years. But 84 years x pi [3.14], or the circle [cycle] is 263.76 years.

1776.6 began the USA and 263.76 years later occurs the BREAKING up of the
United States, in the year 2040.36 [May]. The Phoenix cataclysm.

History is packed with millions of these patterns, of 3.14, sometimes 1.618 and
even 5.08, which is pi x phi. When I told you guys I have studied the history of our
world through the lense of mathematics, I wasn't kidding. And what is true of the
years of historical events is likewise true of the days between the events of your

I have begun my new special project. The final edition of Chronicon has been
started. Playlists, books, chronological timelines, history charets and donations
links are below.

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