Study Guide Iii Quarter

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Saint Isidro´s Bilingual School


3rd Grade

Study lesson from book:
Lesson 6.6 pg. 152
Lesson 7.1 pg.164- 165
Lesson 7.3 pg. 170- 171
Students need to know their times table 5 - 9.
Students need to be able to answer 2 digit multiplication.

Students need to be able to answer any questions about the following


Study lesson from book:

Capitalizing nouns Lesson 2.1.2. pg. 32 - 34
Common and proper nouns Lesson 2.1.3 pg. 32 - 34
Abstract nouns pg. 41 - 43
Changing i to y and add - s , - es pg. 46 - 47
Stud ents will b e a b le to write sentences using the following word s.

1. Monkeys: ____________________________
2. Libraries : ____________________________
3. Stories: _____________________________
4. Skies: ______________________________
5. Babies: _____________________________

Study lesson from book:
Suffixes - ful and - less pg. 24
Suffixes - y and - ly pg. 49
Prefixes re- and pre - pg.32

When do we write a suffix?

A: We write a suffix at the end of the base word.

When do we write a prefix?

A: We write a suffix at the beginning of the base word.
Students will be able to write sentences using the following words.

1. preschool: ______________________________
2. recycle: _______________________________
3. precook: _______________________________
4. pregamel: _____________________________
5. recopy:: _______________________________


Study lesson from book:

Unit 3
Communities through time pg. 156 - 159
People bring changes pg. 162- 167

Study the following terms

Decade: a period of 10 years

Century: a period of100 years
Continuity: continuous action

Study the following questions

1. Which is longer, a decade or century?

A: Century

2. Which is youngest , a decade or century?

A: Decade

3. How changes in communities usually happen?

A: Slowly
4 . Wha t b uild ing s were m a d e of wood ?
A: Chica go's Build ing s

Study the following terms

Invention: action of inventing something.

Vote: a choice between two or more candidates.
Equally: in amounts or parts that are the same in size.
Engineer: a person who designs and builds.
Civil rights: equal social opportunities and protection under the law.

Look and write the differences between long ago and today pictures of
New York City.

Long Ago


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