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Q1: How to change the priority of a swap file/partition to 10?

a swapon +10 /path/to/swapfile

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d We can't change the priority of swap partions

e swapon -P 10 /path/to/swapfile

f swapon -p 10 /path/to/swapfile

Q2: How to mark a node called my-node as unschedulable in Kubernetes??

a None

b None

c kubectl stop my-node

d kubectl cordon my-node

e kubectl off my-node

f kubectl down my-node

Q3: Which of the following will create the so called Hamburger Menu??

a None

b Img-circle

c Icon-bar

d Icon-next

e Icon-prev

f None

Q4: How to watch rolling update status of "frontend" deployment until completion in
a None

b kubectl rollout status --live deployment/frontend

c kubectl rollout status -s deployment/frontend

d kubectl rollout status -l deployment/frontend

e kubectl rollout status -w deployment/frontend

f None

Q5: Can you insert multiple rows with only one INSERT query??

a None

b True

c None

d Yes but these inserts cause data corruption

e False

f It's possible but only with newer MySQL versions

Q6: How to retrieve the join token for manager nodes in Docker Swarm??

a docker get join-token manager

b docker swarm token manager

c docker print join-token manager

d docker swarm join-token manager

e None

f None

Q7: ________is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the
command line to assemble an image.?

a Docker Kitematic

b Dockerfile
c Docker Cloud

d Docker Compose

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: When looking for all the processes running on a Linux system, what command should
you use??

a xrun

b ps

c None

d service

e oterm

f None

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