The Impact of Teaching Practice

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Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Purpose of the Study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Research Hypotheses 6
1.7 Scope of delimitation of the study 7
1.8 Definition of Terms 7

2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Organization of teaching practice 9
2.2 Definition and concept of teaching practice 12
2.4 Suggestion approaches to teaching practices 15
2.3 Supervision of teaching practice 16
3.0 Methodology 18
3.1 Research Design 18
3.2 Population of the Study 19
3.3 Population Sampling/ sample Technique 19
3.4 Research Instrument 20
3.5 Validity of the Instrument 21
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument 21
3.7 Administration of the instrument/ procedure
for data collection 21
3.8 Method of Data Analysis 21

Data analysis finding and discussion of result 23


5.1 Discussion 32
5.2 Recommendations 32
5.3 Conclusion 32
Appendix 35
References 40
The Introduction of the 9-3-4, the junior secondary school, senior secondary
school coupled with the ever changing curriculum, calls for the need for
professional teachers.

Teaching practice is a six credit unit compulsory course for final year N.C.E
and post graduates Diploma (TIC) Students of the college of Education and
Faculties of Education in our Universities. Teaching practice may be described
as the practical aspect of teacher Education design to give the student teacher an
opportunity relating to the principles of Education.

Teaching Practice course takes in the first semester of the final year.

The colleges post N.C.E Students, out of various Secondary schools and the
TTC Student to other college of Education. The Student are given a one day
orientation course in the college as soon as they are about to proceed on
teaching practice. The orientation program is geared toward briefing Student on
what to expect and do while on teaching practice.

For anybody who attempted education course(s) either in a university or college

of education must undergo "Teaching Practice". This is because it is an integral
part of the major course towards certification. The aim of teaching Practice
is to expose the students to practical teaching experience for “experience is said
to be the best teacher".
The theoretical knowledge acquired by the students is to be demonstrated
practically during teaching practice exercise given advice about what to look
for, what to do and how to behave generally.

Hooper and Johnson (1973) argued that a major function of such experience is
implementation of social control that by means of teaching practices, students
are brought face to face with the realities of schooling and the conservation
nature of the school system. However, before students go on teaching practice it
is observed that most of them will be exercising one fear or another due to
various reasons.

Student teachers normally think of how to teach for effective understanding by

the pupil. Student teacher will think of how to cope with different behaviors of
the students in the schools they are posted to.

Teaching Practice supervision is done by all qualified academic staff of the

college, the qualified is based on having a maximum of post graduate diploma
in education.


The problem facing teaching student after graduating and bound with some
effect and felling. It is common to see that student teachers face many
challenges and obstacle during their teaching practice.

Also during the teaching practice, there should be through and sound orientation
for the student before the teaching practice that will enhance the smooth running
of their training exercise.
It is important to note that graduate teachers without teaching practice
orientation and lecture are going to face many challenges and problem during
their work experience.

In other words the study will focus on the likely logistic problems involving and
seek for useful suggestion on how to overcome the problems that will be faced
by the student after graduating


It is hope that this study will have impact on teaching practice exercise on the
productivity of qualified secondary school teachers. One of the factors which
influence the choice of topic from this project is to look at the important and the
benefit derived from teaching practice the study will influence student's
performance in their academics when they get back to their colleges and it will
affect their performance when they get out into full teaching.

Another factor is also the conviction that student teachers have useful
knowledge to offer pupils and the schools where they are attached to some are
very skeptical about the performance of student teachers because they are still
under training.

Lastly to suggest some possible ways of solving the problems that face teaching


The study is significant, that it tends to reflect the impact of teaching practice
exercise on the productive of qualified school teachers. It is equally of
importance to all the concern members, school management, Government,
Student teacher and school Students.


1. What are the relationship between experiences student teachers and their
2. Is there any relationship between student teacher activity in their colleges
and their performance during teaching practice?
3. Is there any relationship between training received by student teachers in
the college and their impact on the student they are going to teach?


HO1: There is no significant relationship between inexperience student
teachers and their productivity in Lagos State Senior Secondary School.

HO2: There is no significant relationship between student teachers activity in

their college and their performance during teaching practice.

HO3: There is no significant relationship between the training received by the

teacher in their college and their impact on the students they are teaching in
Lagos State senior secondary schools.


The study will be limited to five secondary schools in Alimosho local
Government Area of Lagos state due to time and finance. Another factor is cost
in running many institutions.
LESSON NOTE: It is a note written down by a student teacher, to plan his or
her lesson for the week.

STUDENT TEACHER: This is a student still undergoing teachers' education,

who is being sent out to secondary school as part of his or her training in the

PUPILS: This is a group of children being taught.

CLASSROOM: This is a place where group of learners stay in school. It is a

place where students are being taught.

TEACHING PRACTICE: This is the practical aspect of teacher education

designed to give the student teacher an opportunity to put into practice certain
theories related to the principle and practice of education. It is a six unit
compulsory course for NCE student and post Graduate Diploma student
(TTC) and faculty of Education student of our universities.



Good teaching practice is a key influence on student learning – a desired

outcome and primary goal of higher educational institutions. Teachers strive to
meet the principles of good practice in an effort to provide the best learning
experience for their students – Flinders University. Student Teaching is the most
important experience in teacher education programme and is generally based on
a country’s National Education policy. Teaching practice is a compulsory
course for all aspiring student teachers registered in a teacher preparation
programme in Nigeria. It is one-semester in duration; usually lasting from the
beginning to the end of the First Semester of the final year of students’ training.
During this period, most programmers focus on:

 Instructional planning

 Instructional technology

 Micro-teaching mentoring (Model Teaching, Assessment, Feedback

Reports etc.)

 Studies in teaching methods

 Posting of students to schools where they can practice their major courses
of study.

The Student Teaching Program at any higher institution is a well-structured

programme designed to provide an opportunity to develop and evaluate aspiring
teachers’ competence in an actual classroom within school settings. In a paper
on Global exposure presented at the Research Seminar Series, Aglazor(2011)
noted that field-based experiences such as study abroad and student teaching are
intended to bridge theory and practice. The teaching practice exercise is the
culminating point where the relationship among the three major players:
university supervisor, host teacher, and aspiring teacher interface to determine
the quality of experience the aspiring teaching will take away. It becomes the
bedrock on which the aspiring teacher once certified and employed builds their
professional identity. It is therefore, necessary that aspiring teachers are paired
with competent, knowledgeable and concerned university supervisors to help
them assume the full range of duties of a teacher during this hands-on training
period. Host teachers have equally vital influence in aspiring teachers’
professional growth and development. A College of Education or University
Faculty of Education Teacher Education Programme is informed by its
institution’s unique vision and mission. For validity, education programmers’
must be guided by their institution’s vision and philosophical theories. This
underscores the reason why programmers must make sure their student teachers
understand both the institution and programme’s educational philosophy.

Conceptual Framework
Mkpandiok (2006) observed that, for the past 15 years, scholars have embarked
on extensive research in other to adopt teaching techniques to tackle the issues
of the differences among individual learners with regard to the social and
institutional contexts of teaching in higher education. According to Sipek
(1988), and in recent time the theories and methods of research on teaching in
terms of understanding and how academics experience teaching. In the light of
this, the work of Okorie (1986) has been an improvement on earlier studies as
well as noting the lack of research on the associated intention or motives of
teachers. The authors have investigated the extent to which university teachers
conceptualized teaching in different ways (Koko, 2002). Practice teaching
occupies a key position in the programmed of teacher education, it is a
culminating experience in teacher preparation (Nnamdi, 2000). Adagba (2005)
stressed that, this exercise provides opportunity to beginning teachers to become
socialized into the profession. Ajoku (2003) asserted that, performance during
practice teaching provide some basis for predicting the future success of the
teacher outgoing popularity and centrality of practice teaching is an important
contributing factor towards the quality of teacher education programmed. Edem
(2003) confirmed that, during practice teaching, working with students in
schools provide a high degree of emotional involvement of a mostly positive
nature. Students teachers feel themselves grow through experience and they
begin to link to a culture of teaching. Murray (2007) asserted that, during
practice teaching, they feel engage, challenged and even empowered.

Amaewhule (1993) reaffirmed that, practical teaching experience is under taken

by students in faculty of education in Universities and Colleges. Imart (2003)
reaffirmed that, it is an essential aspect of teacher education because it prepares
teachers for their future teaching roles and assignment. The main agents who
implement educational policies has to be properly organized and teaching
practice also helps in this function (Hyon, 1999). Osuala (2004) concluded that,
teaching practice expose the trainee teacher to the realities of effective teaching
and help those to try out methods of teaching and gain practical classroom
experience under expect supervision. Wellington (2006) explained that, during
the teaching practice, the trainee teachers are sent out from the University and
College to primary, secondary, commercial, comprehensive and technical
schools to teach for a period of time as a part of their training. According to
Andabai (2011), during this practice a student is supervised and evaluated not
only by a supervisor allotted to him but also by a group of other lectures who
supervises him as a team as well as a staff of the school in which he is teaching.
Akpomi (2001) argued that, the need for this different evaluation is to make
sure that he is properly corrected and graded.

Itejere (1998) stressed that, teaching practice is the most vital part of trainee
teacher’s career training, this is because it is during this practice that the trainee
teachers applies the methods, even the philosophy of education which he was
taught theoretically in the classroom. He now realizes this professional
responsibility as a teacher and starts to learn how to manage the younger ones
who will be left under his control and care. Edem (2003) also stressed that,
teaching practice is a period in teachers in the teacher training institutions and
universities are made to undergo a period of internship or apprenticeship within
the school system. Just like they would be engineers going for industrial
training to gain practical experience of what the job is all about, the trainee
medical doctor goes through clinical studies and horsemanship. (Ihekwoaba,
2005). According to Haddad (1994), the teachers are exposing to a period of
supervised teaching; this is in line with educational theories which associate
learning with doing. For a real teacher to emerge, he must acquire the necessary
skill from a master craftsman who is usually an educational.

Several studies have been conducted on student-teachers’ performance and their

attitudes in teaching practice internationally, and a few research on how
professional primary school teachers teach and assess the Creative and
Performing Arts disciplines in Nigeria. The results indicate that teachers have
difficulties in teaching and assessing these disciplines and hence the study was
taken to investigate the extent to which teachers were prepared during their
training, with special focus on teaching practice aspect. The review of the
literature indicates that there are no studies that have been conducted regarding
the effectiveness of teaching practice in preparing student-teachers to
implement Creative and Performing Arts curriculum in Nigeria therefore,
literature is been limited to the general experiences in teaching practice. First,
we need to understand what teaching practice involves and its purpose in the
teacher training process. Marais and Meier (2004, p. 221) note that “the term
teaching practice represents the range of experiences to which student teachers
are exposed when they work in classrooms and schools.” It is an integral
component of teacher training and refers to students’ placements to schools to
practice lesson planning, classroom organization and most importantly
classroom teaching. It is an essential part of effective professional training.
Kiggundu and Nayimuli (2009) view it as “… a form of work-integrated
learning that is described as a period of time when students are working in the
relevant industry to receive specific in-service training in order to apply theory
in practice” (p. 347). Thus, it is time spent by student-teachers in schools to gain
practical teaching experience.

The Tlokweng College of Education teaching practice handbook (2011) defines

teaching practice as “the practicum, field experience or internship” (p. 5).
Different authors have shared their experiences on the rationale of teaching
practice. According to (Retrieved 6, February,
2013) the purpose of teaching practice is to prepare student-teachers for their
careers as teachers by incorporating them completely into the school
atmosphere so that they feel as if they are part of the school to think and
meditate on the practical reality of teaching. It also pushes to encourage student-
teachers to be creative and to develop their abilities as a professional teacher.
Sharing the same sentiment, Ngidi and Sibaya (2003) and Marais and Meier
(2004) explain that teaching practice grants student-teachers experience in the
actual teaching and learning environment therefore, it is an important
component of becoming a teacher. In addition, the University of Nigeria which
is the Colleges of Education affiliate, has the Faculty of Education Teaching
Practice for Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) students annually and
its handbook stipulates the rationale for teaching practice which tally with those
of the colleges of Education. These include: enhancing student-teachers’ career
potentials and breadth of experiences, clarifying and inter-relating important
areas of knowledge in the practical context of developing and nurturing work-
related skills, fostering collaboration of all stakeholders in a way that
contributes towards the quality teacher preparation, bringing together different
supervisors and their varied skills to facilitate the provision of high quality
supervision and mentoring and enabling student teachers to critically examine
both educational theory and practice within the appropriate contemporary
educational framework of Nigeria and equipping student-teachers with
sufficient knowledge and skills so as to enable them to meaningfully extend
their professional role to education and human resource development in Nigeria
(University of Nigeria Faculty of Education handbook, 2011). Perry (2004, p. 4)
shares his experience on TP that, “although student-teachers gain specialized
knowledge from class lectures, teaching practice adds value to this knowledge
when students come into contact with the real classroom situation. He believes
that it is during teaching practice that knowledge is affirmed. Of the same view,
the University of Nigeria Faculty of Education handbook (2011) contends that
teaching practice forms an essential component of all the teacher education
programs offered in the faculty. Thus, teachers’ preparation in Colleges of
Education needs to be of quality in all the subjects they are trained for, in order
for them to provide quality Education to learners.

It is during teaching practice that student-teachers should practice what they

learnt in classrooms to prepare for their teaching profession. As aforementioned,
student-teachers also perceive teaching as their preparation for the teaching
profession and “as a result, teaching practice creates a mixture of anticipation,
anxiety, excitement and apprehension in the student teachers as they commence
their teaching practice” (Manion, Keith, Morrison and Cohen, 2003 and Perry,
2004, cited in Kiggundu and Nayimuli, 2009, p. 345). However, it can frustrate
students if they are not well prepared to handle subjects they are expected to
teach. These challenges, if not addressed, may affect student-teachers’
performance during teaching practice and may in the long run affect their
perception of the teaching profession (Quick & Sieborger, 2005).




In this chapter, the focus will be on presenting the data we have collected and
collated through the question. This presentation will be based on the responses
from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be
summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show
answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study.
The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to recapitulate that the objective of this study was to appraise the
impact of teaching practice on the productivity of quality teachers. In the
preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented,
critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain
recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of
benefits in appraising the impact of teaching practice on the productivity of
quality teachers.


This study was undertaken to appraise the impact of teaching practice on the
productivity of quality teachers. The study opened with chapter one where the
statement of the problem was clearly defined. The study objectives and research
hypotheses were defined and formulated respectively. The study reviewed
related and relevant literatures. The chapter two gave the conceptual framework,
empirical and theoretical studies. The third chapter described the methodology
employed by the researcher in collecting both the primary and the secondary
data. The research method employed here is the descriptive survey method. The
study analyzed and presented the data collected in tables and tested the
hypotheses using the chi-square statistical tool. While the fifth chapter gives the
study summary and conclusion.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Teaching practice has been found to be very beneficial in the course of this
research work because, it provides an opportunity for the trainee teachers to
teach and increase their professional competence. The result showed that trainee
teachers benefited greatly in participating in teaching practice because they
were able to build proper confidence and competence in lesson preparation and
developed skills and attitude of a teacher during the exercise. It was also
revealed that teaching practice helps trainee teachers to learn how to keep
records of assignment and also participating in school activities. Therefore we
recommended that the government should provide finance inform of stipend for
trainee teachers and teachers engaged in teaching practice programme. A proper
orientation for trainee teachers should be carried out using efficient means of
communication like; seminars, workshops, conferences and discussion.
Faculties of education and colleges should organize the exercise very will so as
to give the best professional practice to the trainee teachers. Institutional
resource centers of the various institutions should be adequately equipped and
expanded enable every trainee teacher participates at least once or twice in
micro-teaching exercise as a way of exposing them to practice teaching. The
university should appeal to non-governmental organizations like the private
sector, individuals and industries to assist in supplementing educational
materials and learning resource that would prepare the students.

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