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Spelling Unit 3 Week 1
20 Questions DATE :

1. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A garranteed B garanteed

C garuanteed D quaranteed

2. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A creatures B creachures

C creechures D cretchers

3. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A poisonus B poizonus

C poisonous D posoinous

4. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A apointment B appointment

C uppointment D appoinment

5. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A exploit B expoit

C exxploit D expploit

6. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A erthbound B earthbound

C eurthbound D earthound

7. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A streemline B streamline

C steemline D steamline

8. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A welthy B wealthy

C weallthy D wellthy

9. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A shoulder B sholder

C shudder D shollder
10. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A straighten B straghten

C straiten D straten

11. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A mussen B moisten

C moisen D mossen

12. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A peddigree B pedigree

C pedagree D pedigrea

13. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A vollunteer B volunteer

C vollanteer D volluntear

14. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A impeach B impeetch

C impeatch D impeech

15. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A spoilladge B spoilidge

C spoilage D spoillage

16. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A treashures B trejers

C tressures D treasures

17. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A tuoghest B tuffist

C toughest D tuffest

18. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A seeling B sealing

C ceiling D cealing

19. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A equallity B eaquality

C equalaty D equality

20. Choose the correct spelling from the choices below.

A hellthee B healthy

C heallthy D hellthy

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