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Clarendon College /65

English Language
End of Term Examination
December 2021
Third Form
Paper 02
Time: 2 Hours

Instructions: This paper consists of THREE SECTIONS. Do ALL

questions in sections ONE and TWO then complete only ONE
question from section THREE.
Section 1 (Prose Extract)

Read very carefully through the following passage and then answer
the questions.

Frederick Street

When Nita arrived in the city of Port of Spain at noon she looked around her and felt dizzy. She heard the honking of

the horns, the screeching of the breaks, the shouting of taxi-drivers and the chiming of the church clock. People were

hurrying across the street on their way to buy more goods and clothes and many idlers were standing around and

crowding the pavements.

The buildings seemed tall and massive to Nita. They were so different from those of her rural district in Lipinot. There

was so much to see in this strange place. But she was upset. She wanted to see everything but her mother did not have

time to take her around all the streets. They stayed in Frederick Street, the main one.

Frederick Street was the biggest and the busiest. Nita thought that half of Trinidad must be in Frederick Street that

afternoon. Imagine her joy and excitement when, amongst this sea of people, she bumped into her friend Patsy, who was

also helping her mother with Christmas shopping.

1. When did Nita arrive in the city? (1mk)

2. What sounds did she hear? (2mks)

3. Why do you think she felt dizzy? (3mrks)

4. Which word in the passage means: a) country; b) huge? (2mrks)

5. In what ways was the city different from her home country? (2mrks)

6. Why was she upset? (2mrks)

7. Why do you think Frederick Street was called the main street? (3mrks)

8. What brought joy and excitement to Nita? (2mrks)

9. Why was the city very busy? (2mrks)

10. Name the figure of speech used in the expression, “amongst this sea of people”. (1mk)

Total 20 marks
Section 2 (Poetry)

Read the poem and then answer the questions based on what is
stated or implied.

The Rio Minho Glade

By Nellie Frances A. Olson

Laughing flows the Rio Minho.

Rippling over sand-beds, shallow,

Leaping over rocky ledges,

Sleeping where the bamboo hedges

Let their dancing shadows quiver

On the smiling mountain river.

Gurgling laughs the joyous Minho;

Softly gleams the sunshine yellow –

Melting gold and green together;

While the dry leaves sear and olden,

Weave, beneath, a carpet golden.

Driving up the winding Minho,

Hearing naught but whispers mellow

Lisping from the limpid river –

Rustling as the bamboos shiver,

Seems the druid glade exalted

Like some temple nave high vaulted.

Resting by the quiet Minho,

Nature seems all things to hallow;

Hushed the hymn of glade and river

Blending trembling notes a-quiver;

While the bamboos bowing there

Seems like sacred heads a prayer.

1. In this poem, the poet is describing mainly
a) the movement of the Rio Minho.
b) the changing mood and behaviour of the Rio Minho.
c) the scenery around the Rio Minho.
2. Which words describe the mood of the river at the beginning of its journey?

3. Identify the figure of speech used in the line, “Gurgling laughs the joyous Minho”. (1mk)

4. In what stage of its journey is the river most vigorous? Quote words and expressions

to support your answer. (3mks)

5. In which stanza does the movement of the river begin its decline? (1mk)

6. Which sound words in stanza three show that the river has mellowed? (3mks)

7. What does the word “limpid” tell about the river? (2mks)

8. Identify the use on one simile in the poem. (1mk)

9. Based on the simile selected in number 7, explain the comparison made by the poet.


10. In what ways is the journey of the river like the journey in man’s life? (3mks)

Total 20 marks
Section 3 (Narrative Writing)

You must answer ONE question from this section. Your story must be approximately 250 to
350 words in length.

Your story will be assessed on how well you

a) used the stimulus provided

b) developed and organised the content of your writing
c) use of dialogue
d) used language appropriate to your audience, purpose and content
e) use appropriate grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

Write a story on ONE of the following:

1. You are among a group of persons at the beach. You hear the loud splashing of
the waves. When you turn around you see hands in the air, and you hear the cries
“Help! Help! Someone is drowning”. Write a story based on the rescue of the
drowning man.

2. You are alone at home one night. After your favourite show you felt tired and
went to bed upstairs. Suddenly you were awakened by a noise. You hear stealthy,
soft footsteps in the living room. A door squeaks, the hinges creak – there is heavy
breathing – then the key turns – you hear a drawer open and then the sound
ceases. Write a story beginning with this scenario and continue to describe what
happened afterwards, how you felt and what you did.

3. She held her son close by her side as she walked quickly along the narrow road.
This was the moment. Write a story which include these words.

4. Write a story titled, “The friendly alien”.

Total 25 marks
The answer’s for Frederick street

1. She arrived at noon.

2. She heard the knocking of the horns, the screeching of the breaks, the shouting
of taxi drivers and the chiming of the church clock.
3. Why is because there were too much noise.
4. Country (rural district in lipinot) huge (massive)
5. The building seems tall and massive to Nita.
6. She was upset because her mom didn’t have time to take her around all streets.
7. Why is because Frederick street is the biggest and busiest.
8. Why is because she bump into her friend Patsy.
9. Why is because they are doing Christmas shopping.
10. It’s a Metaphor.
The answers for the Rio Minho glade.

1. The word’s that describes the mood are: Joyous, on the smiling
mountain and dancing.
2. C
3. It ’a metonymy speech.
4. Blending trembling notes a-quiver; while the bamboo bowing there
seems liked sacred heads prayer.
5. In stanza five (5)
6. They are: winding and mellow.
7. That it is noisy.
8. Seems the druid glad exalted like some temple nave high vaulted.
9. It’sa simile because they are not alike in anyway.
10. It’s a like way because his life was going well until the earthquake
happened and in the poem and the last but it got vigorous.
My story.

Hey Guy’s today story will be about my past so here we go. Once upon a time me and my
mom were going to a new town to live, she didn’t know where we were going because it’s
the first time we have travel. We were passing food shops when mom stop me ask ‘Darling
La-van do you want anything to eat?’, La-van look at his mom and said ‘I don’t want
anything to eat right now mom' he replied, mom said ‘ okay baby tell me when you want to
eat', he replied ‘okay mom' then they start to walk again . It was almost noon and they were
tired so they stop for a while, La-van looked at his mom and said ‘ Mom where are we going
And was supposed to pick us up?’ he asked, she look at her son as well and said ‘ baby it’s
your dad that was supposed to pick us up but I don’t know where he is now' she said with
upset voice, he said ‘ okay mom' after there conversation they began to walk again it was
night, So she held her son close by her aside as she walked quickly along the narrow road.
This was the moment she heard a voice and was about to run with her son when the person
said ‘Lucy, La-van why are you running’ they stop and look around Lucy say that it was her
husband, La-van run to his father and said ‘ Dad where were you I was so scared' he said his
father look at him and said ‘ sorry my boy I was busy with work' he said. He look at his wife
and said Lucy why are you standing there come we’re going home now, you guys will loved
our new home Lucy smile. The end so guys I was really sacred because it was dark night and
I was very young at that time so kids next story will be next week byeeee.

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