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Term: Fall 2016 Course: LING-150A1-001G Instructor: Smith,Luke

Term/Course/Instruct Term: Fall 2016 Course: LING-150A1-001G Instructor: Smith,Luke (100% Response)

I was treated with respect in this discussion section.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
strongly agree 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
agree 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
uncertain 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
disagree 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
strongly disagree 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

What is your overall rating of this discussion instructor's teaching effectiveness?

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always effective 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
usually effective 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
sometimes effective 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
rarely effective 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
almost never effective 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

How much have you learned in this discussion section?

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
much more than usual 2 28.6 3.71 1.11 2.82 - 4.6
more than usual 2 28.6 3.71 1.11 2.82 - 4.6
about as much as usual 2 28.6 3.71 1.11 2.82 - 4.6
less than usual 1 14.3 3.71 1.11 2.82 - 4.6
much less than usual 0 0.0 3.71 1.11 2.82 - 4.6

To what extent did this course require participation in online instructional activities (individual and/or group)?
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
much more than usual 2 28.6 3.43 1.27 2.41 - 4.45
more than usual 1 14.3 3.43 1.27 2.41 - 4.45
about as much as usual 2 28.6 3.43 1.27 2.41 - 4.45
less than usual 2 28.6 3.43 1.27 2.41 - 4.45
much less than usual 0 0.0 3.43 1.27 2.41 - 4.45

I expect a final course grade of:

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
A 2 28.6 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
B 3 42.9 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
C 1 14.3 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
D 0 0.0 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
E, F, or Fail 0 0.0 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
Pass or Satisfactory 1 14.3 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95
Other 0 0.0 5.57 1.72 4.2 - 6.95

My grade point average is:

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
3.50-4.00 0 0.0 3.71 0.49 3.32 - 4.1
3.00-3.49 5 71.4 3.71 0.49 3.32 - 4.1
2.50-2.99 2 28.6 3.71 0.49 3.32 - 4.1
2.00-2.49 0 0.0 3.71 0.49 3.32 - 4.1
below 2.00 0 0.0 3.71 0.49 3.32 - 4.1
My class is:
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
freshman 6 85.7 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89
sophomore 0 0.0 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89
junior 1 14.3 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89
senior 0 0.0 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89
graduate student 0 0.0 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89
other 0 0.0 1.29 0.76 .68 - 1.89

In my academic program, this course is best described as:

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
an elective 1 14.3 3.29 1.25 2.28 - 4.29
required and in major area 1 14.3 3.29 1.25 2.28 - 4.29
required, but not in major 0 0.0 3.29 1.25 2.28 - 4.29
program requirement (e.g., GenEd) 5 71.4 3.29 1.25 2.28 - 4.29
other 0 0.0 3.29 1.25 2.28 - 4.29

My sex is:
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
female 5 71.4 1.29 0.49 .9 - 1.68
male 2 28.6 1.29 0.49 .9 - 1.68

Your major area of study?

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
agriculture 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
architecture 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
business or public admin 2 28.6 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
education 1 14.3 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
engineering, mining, computer science 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
fine, performing or media arts 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
health related professions 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
humanities 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
life sciences 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
physical sciences, math 0 0.0 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
social and behavioral sciences 3 42.9 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27
other 1 14.3 7.86 4.26 4.45 - 11.27

The instructor speaks clearly and audibly.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
about half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

The instructor maintains my attention when presenting information.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 4 57.1 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
more than half the time 3 42.9 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
about half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5

The instructor uses examples and illustrations that help clarify the topic.
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 4 57.1 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
more than half the time 3 42.9 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
about half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5

The instructor clearly defines new or unfamiliar terms.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
about half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

The instructor signals transitions when changing topics.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
about half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

The instructor indicates which information is essential and which is minor.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 6 85.7 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
more than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
about half the time 1 14.3 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32

The instructor inspires excitement or interest in the subject matter of this course.
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
about half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2

I feel confident in the instructor's knowledge of the course material.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 4 57.1 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06
about half the time 1 14.3 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06
almost never 0 0.0 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06
does not apply 0 0.0 4.43 0.79 3.8 - 5.06

The instructor seems well prepared for discussion sessions.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 3 42.9 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86
more than half the time 4 57.1 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86
about half the time 0 0.0 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86
almost never 0 0.0 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86
does not apply 0 0.0 4.43 0.53 4 - 4.86

I understand the relationship between the problems or questions raised in the disucssion sessions and the material presented in lect
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21
more than half the time 0 0.0 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21
about half the time 2 28.6 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21
almost never 0 0.0 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21
does not apply 0 0.0 4.43 0.98 3.65 - 5.21

Discussion sessions are well organized.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 4 57.1 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
more than half the time 3 42.9 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
about half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
does not apply 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5

Discussion sessions challenge me to think.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 2 28.6 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
more than half the time 4 57.1 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
about half the time 1 14.3 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
almost never 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
does not apply 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7

The instructor seems to care about my individual progress and development.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
about half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
does not apply 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2

The instructor notices if I am confused about a discussion activity or assignment.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 3 42.9 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
about half the time 2 28.6 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
almost never 0 0.0 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
does not apply 0 0.0 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86

The instructor provides assistance on an individual basis when I need it.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 2 28.6 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
more than half the time 4 57.1 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
about half the time 1 14.3 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
almost never 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7
does not apply 0 0.0 4.14 0.69 3.59 - 4.7

I feel comfortable asking questions or making comments during discussion sessions.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32
more than half the time 0 0.0 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
about half the time 1 14.3 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32
almost never 0 0.0 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32
does not apply 1 14.3 4.67 0.82 4.01 - 5.32

The instructor manages discussions so that they are a useful part of my learning experience.
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
more than half the time 2 28.6 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
about half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1
does not apply 0 0.0 4.71 0.49 4.32 - 5.1

The instructor constructively manages disagreements among students.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 4 57.1 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17
about half the time 1 14.3 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17
almost never 0 0.0 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17
does not apply 1 14.3 4.50 0.84 3.83 - 5.17

The instructor manages discussions so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
about half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
does not apply 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2

The instructor gives thorough answers to students' questions.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
about half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
does not apply 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2

The instructor sticks to the point when answering questions.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 5 71.4 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
about half the time 1 14.3 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
almost never 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2
does not apply 0 0.0 4.57 0.79 3.94 - 5.2

The instructor evaluates my work fairly.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 6 85.7 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
more than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
about half the time 1 14.3 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost never 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32
does not apply 0 0.0 4.71 0.76 4.11 - 5.32

I get adequate feedback on my work.

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always 6 85.7 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16
more than half the time 1 14.3 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16
about half the time 0 0.0 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16
less than half the time 0 0.0 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16
almost never 0 0.0 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16
does not apply 0 0.0 4.86 0.38 4.55 - 5.16

What is your overall rating of this team's teaching effectiveness?

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
almost always effective 4 57.1 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
usually effective 3 42.9 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
sometimes effective 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
rarely effective 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5
almost never effective 0 0.0 4.57 0.53 4.14 - 5

What is your overall rating of this discussion section?

Response Text Response Count Response Percentage Mean Std. Dev. 95% CI
one of the best 3 42.9 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
better than usual 2 28.6 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
about the same as usual 2 28.6 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
worse than usual 0 0.0 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
one of the worst 0 0.0 4.14 0.90 3.42 - 4.86
Term/Course/Instruct Term: Fall 2016 Course: LING-150A1-001G Instructor: Smith,Luke

What did you especially like about this discussion section?

I enjoyed being given the opportunity to ask questions in a smaller lecture group.
I liked how small it was. It was engaging and helped clarify information discussed in lecture.
It was usually quick and to the point.
Small group
The small class size
it helped me get a better understanding on our project and if I had any questions they were answered

What suggestions would you make to improve this discussion section?

Better times to be held.
Not on Fridays or a big chunk of time for it
maybe not so late in the day

Please write any additional comments you may have below.

Luke is very funny

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