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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course

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Instructors: List Stats for course

Course List

Course Name: LING2100: Study of Language

Call Number: 24-176
Period: 02:00P-03:15P TR
Semester: Spring 2015
Instructor: Luke Smith
Evaluation Start Date: 20 Apr 2015
Evaluation End Date: 28 Apr 2015

University-wide standard question results:

1. Was this course required for your degree? [AVG: 1.40000

STDDEV: 0.50262]
1. [12: 60.0%] No, not required
2. [8: 40.0%] Yes, required
2. On average, how many hours per week did you devote to
this course outside of class? [AVG: 1.55000 STDDEV:
3. Assignments and activities were useful for helping me
learn. [AVG: 4.25000 STDDEV: 1.20852]
1. [2: 10.0%] Strongly Disagree
2. [0: 0.0%] Disagree
3. [0: 0.0%] Neutral
4. [7: 35.0%] Agree
5. [11: 55.0%] Strongly Agree
4. This course challenged me to think and learn. [AVG:
3.90000 STDDEV: 1.16529]
1. [2: 10.0%] Strongly Disagree
2. [0: 0.0%] Disagree

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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course

3. [2: 10.0%] Neutral

4. [10: 50.0%] Agree
5. [6: 30.0%] Strongly Agree

Current stats for that class:

Instructor Rating
[ 5=Excellent - 4=Above Average - 3=Average - 2=Below Average -
1=Poor ]

Average: 4.60000
Standard Deviation: 0.59824

Excellent: 13
Above Average: 6
Average: 1
Below Average: 0
Poor: 0

There are 17 comments for this course:

Please take a few minutes to

make an objective evaluation of
your instructor's teaching. Your
instructor will not see your
evaluation until after your grade
has been recorded by the

He made the topics clear and
managed to make class enjoyable
despite the fact that the course
subject is not inherently interesting
to me.

He was an excellent teacher. He
explained everything clearly and
made the topic interesting

He was very enthusiastic about the
subject and encouraged some

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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course

interest in me, when I had previously

no knowledge or desire to learn about
language before.

I think you did a great job teaching
this course because you got to the
point and explained the subject
matter well. Your homework
handouts helped practice and weren't
just busy work. Sometimes your
pacing made me a bit anxious, almost
as if we had to rush through the
material for the day. But I may have
been the only one distracted by that.
However, overall your teaching was
efficient. Thanks for a fantastic year, I
really enjoyed having you as an
instructor. Best of luck in Arizona!

Luke was a fantastic professor. He
made topics I would generally find
boring to be fairly interesting by
relating the topics to current
events/popular culture. I would
absolutely take him again.

Luke was a great teacher! He was
very clear about what we needed to
know and provided wonderful
examples in order to make sure that
we understood the different concepts.
The homework assignments were a
great way to see if we actually
understood the material, and he was
always willing to go over the
homework, or any other problems we
had, in person.

Mr. Smith did a very good job
explaining the material and making it

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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course

easy to understand. He definitely

know a lot about the subject.

Over all he was great he not only
found a way to get the class engaged
but he also managed to indulge us to
look at things in many different ways.

Really great teacher

The instructor was clear in what was
expected of us to learn and made the
course fun and interesting!

The professor knows what he is
talking about and explains things
very clearly. He made the course very

[Above Average]
He was a very knowledgeable and
nice professor. He didn't give any
unrealistic assignments and
everything that he did give was
straight forward and related to the
exam. Never had a problem
explaining anything more than once.
He was also kind of funny, even
though most other students didn't
think so.

[Above Average]
He was funny and informative, if
maybe at times a bit nervous, but
overall it was a joy to witness his

[Above Average]
He was very well educated and
familiar with the material. He wrote
his notes kind of randomly all over

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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course

the board, which made it hard to

follow, but he always made sure we
have a good understanding and idea
of what would be on the exams.

[Above Average]
I think that Mr. Smith has a great way
of engaging students in the material.
He was great at explaining the
material, and wanted students to

[Above Average]
Objectives for the class were clear,
and aequately covered throughout
the course.

He needs to have more of a flow
when teaching. I felt like all the
information was very jumbled and
didn't really have a flow to it. The
stuff we learned in class about the
specific languages didn't really feel
like they were tested on.

Number of students in this course: 39

Number of evaluations for this course: 20

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