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The context of Macbeth

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in about 1606 or 1607. Several years before, in 1603, James VI of
Scotland ascended the English throne, becoming James I of England. The process of succession
was a painful one for the English and it aroused great anxiety around leadership and stability of
the throne. That anxiety is clearly reflected in this play.

The play also reflects the sudden interest across Shakespeare’s London in all things Scottish,
and Shakespeare turned to Scottish history for material. He found a spectacle of violence and
stories of traitors advised by witches and wizards, echoing James’s belief in a connection
between treason and witchcraft.

This is a good clip to start this research task:

Why should you read "Macbeth"? - Brendan Pelsue - YouTube

Research questions

Why was the transition from Elizabeth I to James I so troubling for England? Look in particular
at the anxiety around succession in the later years of Elizabeth’s reign.

England in the early 17th century were politically precarious and due to Queen Elizabeth 1 not

producing a heir James Stewart, King of Scotland, was named king. 2 years later he was

attempted to be assassinated which questioned his legitimacy as a king.

What were the attitudes toward superstition and witchcraft under James I?

Most people during the ruling of James I believed in the existence of witches and other

supernatural beings.

Who was the real Macbeth?

The real Macbeth was called Mac Bethad mac Findlá ich who ruled over Scotland from

1040-1057 as its king.

What was the Elizabethan idea of the Divine Right of Kings?

The Elizabethan idea of the Divine Right of Kings stated that kings received their power and

authority from God and can’t be held responsible for any of their actions by earthly authority.

What was the Elizabethan idea of the Great Chain of Being?

The Elizabethan idea of the Great Chain of Being was that God planned for everything in

existence meaning that God chose where you belonged and the social order you were in.

What is ‘the curse of the Scottish play’?

The curse of the Scottish play is a superstition due to the play’s first performance. A coven of

witches had objected to Shakespeare using real incantations which resulted in them cursing the

play. The actor playing Lady Macbeth then died suddenly which further enabled people to

believe in the superstition.

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