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1. Whether the act was preplanned with ill will intention against the
government or was peaceful protest with Bonafede intention?

The counsel on the behalf of the prosecution The Union of Kosovo humbly submits it in the front of
the Hon’ble Session court that the act of accused can not be sad to be a peaceful protest. It had an
intention of committing an offence from the very start.

If the trace of events is made it could be easily spotted that through the exhibit VII WhatsApp chats
have been produced by the investigation team as it could be regarded as admissible evidence under

As per the investigation report and the witnesses examined by the investigation authority followed
by the evidences produced the prosecution for the state has drawn an outcome that the accused had
a seditious intention under the section 124A of the Kosovo Penal Code followed by as the law is not
arbitrary in nature because this law has been implemented under the aspect of sovereignty and
internal security of the nation

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