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rNG SscuoN
f Reading Section Overview

f General Strategies

t Strategies and Practice Questions

for Parts V-VII
I Key Points in Review
Reeiding Section Overview

The Reading Section consists of questions 10L-200 of the TOEIC test. It is divided into three parts: l
(1) Incomplete sentences
(2) Error Recognition l

(3) Reading Comprehension i

In the test book you will read both individual senteflces and longer texts. In otder to answer the

overall reading skills. :

you will have T5minutes to complete the entire Readi4g Section. You can wor* at your own pace
to complete all three parts.

lO2 fb offrciatToErc@ Test kepara.tion GuMe

Genercll Strcllegies
The language used in the Reading
section represents formar written
contain the contractions or informal English and does not usually
language found in the Listening
comprehension section.
Look at these examples of different
levels of formality:
Informal English
Formal Engtish
I'm sofry, I cafl,t come.
Please call back.
') I regret that I will be unable to attend.
+ I look forward to your reply.
Can you give me ahandwirh this? + I would appfeciate your assistance in
this matter.
at the different language used
in the fonowing rwo zrnnouncements,
XL::- one spoken and one

A spoken excerpt from a staffmeeting

A written communication from
a hotel
There aren,t enough parking spaces
for Because the hotel does not
everyone going to the pafiy have sufficient
at the hotel on parking spaces for everyone
Wednesday night, so they,re attending the
,-r"girg; reception on Wednesday evening,
shuttle bus to pick us up and
drop us off arranged a shuttle bus to bring
*. hr,r.
there. Please use the bus so that guests to the
tie hotel
has enough room for their own guests.
advantage of this seryice so
that we may
accommodate our overnight guests.

In the written comm,nication above,

the sentence structure is more
comprex and the
x;:i; #xl ;T :ru.;,::tr;;{,tr:i;;;; : -, b a, v o u,a k e a du an asvocabulary
e of, p a*y

see chapter 2 for suggestions

on where to find samples of authentic,
formal written English.'

General Stratesics l0a

When you read a sentence or passage, use what you already know to help you make sense of the
material. As you read, form ideas about the text. Find evidence in the text to suppoft your ideas as:'
they develop, or use the evidence to change your first thoughts.

Examplc I

BiUing Date: B Po1icy: Automobile Policy #: A3,4 9e56681

Due Date: JanuarY 25 Minimum Due: $58.38 In fuII: $Sa+.Se

Original premium: $582.80

Last paJrment: $sA.aA Cn
This bill offers you a choice of convenlent paJm.ent plans to meet your individual
needs. You may pay "ln fuIl" and avoid incrrrrin$ a fina,nce charge. Or you may pay
the *minimum due" now and the balance in future montfflJr paJrments. A periodic
rate of 4Vo per month wiII be applied to the outstanding bala,nce.

Consider this example of how a readet might approach the above text:

"This must be a bill, because it says billtng d.ate. A poltcy often refers to insurance of some
kind. This must be an insurance bill. Automobile? Yes, that's a kind of insurance in many
countries. /uld premiuae is used with insurance bills; this must be a bill for car insurance."

"I wonder what CR stands for. It says payfltent, so it must be money already paid. Maybe
it stands for 'credit.' Why do they offer a payment plan if payment has already been made? I'
guess ttre last payment must have been for the previous year."

Look quickly at the material to get a general idea of its content and purpose. This strategy will help
you in all palts of tl:e Reading Section.

After scanning for the main idea, read the questions and choices before you look at the sentence or
passage tgfin-

r04 rue @AIIOEIC@ Test heparation Guidc

Porls V;VII
This parr of the test consists of 40 sentences that are each missing a word or phrase.
Under the
sentence, you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and
@). you must select the
word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Here are some suggestions for improving your ability to find the best word or phrase to complete
the sentence.

Read all of the choices carefully.

If some or all of the choices are the same part of speech, you
must select the corect vocabulary item. on the other hand, if you are asked to cholse
different forms of the same word, you must select the correct grammatical form.

Consider the following examples:

Examplc 2

are quickly -------.
(A) produced
(B) responded
(C) discovered
(D) prepared

Examplc 3
Everyone should have periodic eye
examinations to make sure any problems
are quickly -------.
(A) discovering
(B) discover
(C) discovered
(D) to discover
ln Example 2, yott must choose the word that is appropriate in the context of the sentence. A
medical problem must be discoaered. quickly so that it can be treated.

ln Example J, yott must select the comect grammatical form of the word. The verb should be
passive. The past participle discouered completes the passive construction-problems
are quickty
discouered. and. Practice euestionsfor parts V-WI lO5

Understanding the overall, or general, idea of the sentence can help you detennine the missing
vocabulary item.

Consider the following example:

Examplc 4
The firm ------ Mr. Morrison as its
accountant after it was learned that he had
not been mishandling funds.
(A) reinstated
(B) distracted , :,,
(C) determined
(D) reprimanded

The last part of this sentence indicates that Mr. Morrison had NOT done anything wrong. Ask
yourself, "What would a firm be likely to do in this situation?" Only choice (A), relnstated, ptoirdes
a meaningfrrl answer. Mr. Morrison was reinstated, or retumed, to his position.

prefix: a letter of group of letters at the beginning of a word

stem: the main part of a word

suffix: a letter or group of letters at the end of a word

Use your knowledge of the diffierent parts of words to choose the correct answer. For example,
you know that the ptefix pre' means before, and that re- meatts again, you can determine the
meaning of words like preanange, presearson, and prefligltt, as well LS retppear, retttach, arrd

If you know that the stem uieut means see,'then you can understand that preaieu) means see before
and reuieu means aieu again

r06 Tbe Offtcial TOEIC@ Test Preparatlon Guidc

Here are examples of common prefixes, stems,
and suffixes and their meanings or uses.
!::aii-r:::.,: j.5E=:{r.ast*inrt=+
:::l:r:l=i.:-.:::tr:=:r!::ji :l=+ :=-= *ii....:.:.ii::i== -fus i.;;.:::.i:::.t,,.:.'1 _-_ _

aatT- against bio life -ef a person who does somerhino

auto- self biblto book -fuI tufl of
bi- two cycle circle, round -less without
ex- out, former demo people -ly forms an adverb from an erTiertive
mono- one dict say -neSS fofms a noun from an qrlientiva
multi- many dorm sleep
pfe- before duct lead
syn- with flect bend
tri- three graph writing
fe- again labor work
un- not Ifngua langrrags
temp time
vfu see

biographer a person who writes a story of a life
reflection Iight bent back
monolingual speaking one language
dormitory a place to sleep
laboratory a place to work
laborer a person who works

Note Breaking aparl' a word into prefix and-stem can help you guess the
meaning of many words.
some words, howeverr may seem to have prefixes
but reauy do not. For example, in the words
precious, premier, and pressure, pre- is
not a prefix meaning before, but is part of the stem
word' Look for word parts, but be awate that aword of the
might not always contain a prefix or suffix.

Strategies and. practiee euestionsfor parts V_WI lO7

Identiffing the misslng par1' of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, etc.)
can help you eliminate some of the choices. If the missing word is a verb, for exampte, you can
rule out the choices that are not verbs.

Consider the following example:

Examplc 5
Please ----- your face with a mask when
using welding materials.
(A) protection
(B) protect
(C) protecting
(D) protective

In ttris example, the sentence is gramm atically correct when completed with a verb for,m that
expresses a command-the impemtive form of the verb.

(A) and @) are not verbs, so you can eliminate these choices immediately. Choices (B) and (C) are
both verb forms. Choice (C), protecting, is not an imperative, so choice @), protect, is the coffect

Note Understanding suffixes can help you determine the paft of speech of a word. It is important
to recognize, for example, that many adJectiues end in ent, as in sllent and, perslstent, wllile nouns
with the same stem end in -ence, as in sllence and perslstence.

tO8 lbe AfuiaITOEIC@ Test prepa.ra.ti.on Gui.d.e

Certain combinations of words typically occtr in English. For example, the verb can be used
with an appointment, a dAte, ot a mistakg while the verb do is frequently used with a job,
bomeuork, ot an errand. For example, I made a mistake utben I uas doing my bomeuorh,

r$7hile many
of the choices in this section may seem to make sense, the question may be assessing
your knowledge of English language usage.

Consider the following examples:

Example 6
Mr. Dupr6 has asked me to send his -----
regards to you and your staff.
(A) warm
(B) firm
(C) close
(D) good

The word regard,s is usually used with the words uarrn or best.While close andgood might seem
to make sense, they are not used to modiff regards.

Examplc 7
He has ------- a great deal of time on this
(A) passed
(B) spent
(C) cost
(D) paid

The word time canbe used witth passed. ot spent, but the meanings of the two expressions are
different. To pass tlme means to let the time go by while you are relaxing or waiting. This would
not make sense in the above sefltence. To spend a lot of time on something means that you use
the time for a special putpose.

Strategies and. Pra,cti;ce Questlonsfor Parts V-WI t(X)

When you are choosing the correct grammatical form to complete the sentence, look at how the
parts of the sentence fit together. Information from one phrase often affects choices elsewhere in
the sentence.

Consider the following examples: :

Examplc I
The notebook computer is the *---
profitable of allthe products that are
presently on sale.
(A) as
(B) so
(C) more
(D) most
The phrase of all tbe products tells you that the notebook is being compared with more than one
other product. A superlative adjective is required. Choice @) forms the supedative of the adjective,
so you should choose it as your answer.

Exampte 9
Mrs. Hayashi ------- from her trip to Jakafia
late yesterday evening.
(A) return
(B) returned
(C) returns
(D) be returned

Here, the clue is the phrase l.ate yesterday euening. This phrase indicates that the action took place
in the past. Choice (B) is the simple past and is the correct answer.

l,ro The OffiiaTTOEIC@ Test Prepa.ratioa Guide

Exercise A Identifying Misstng Parts of Speech
Read the following sentences and decide what part of speech is missing in each case. Choose one
of the parts of speech fisted below and write it in the blank. The first one is done for you.

noun prepositiofl verb adverb conjunction adjective

1. In order for the conference to flrn smoo*rly, we will need hundreds --:--- volunteers.
( preposition )
2. The need for skilled workers in the manufacturing trade will ----- dramatically over the next
decade. (
3. Street has the city's ------- concentration of art galleries, museums, and restaurants.
4. The RBI Corporation has ------- maintained that its greatest growth potential lies overseas.
5. The airline industry announced yesterday that it had canceled a $3,5 billion ------ for iet
airplanes. ( )

6. The audience is reminded that neither cameras ------- recording equipment will be permitted
in the auditorium. ( )

Strategies and Practice Questionsfor Parts V-WI tI I

Exerclse B C-ompletlng Sentences
Now complete the same sentences from Exercise A using words of your own.

1. In order for the conference to run smoottrly, we will need hundreds ------- volunteers.,

2. Ttre need for skilled workers in the manufacturing trade will ------- dramatically over the next

3. West Street has the city's ------- concentration of art galleries, museu(ns, and restaurants.

4. The RBI Corporation has ------- maintained that its greatest growth potential lies overseas.

,, The airline industry announced yesterday that it had canceled a $3.5 billion ----- for jet

6. The audience is reminded that neither carneras ------ recording equipment will be permitted
in the auditorium.

Saggested Afisu)ers

lt2 Tbe Offt.cia.rTOEIC@ Test Prepa,ration Gutdc

Exerc-lse C Choosing the Best Answer
Use one of the words in the box to fiIl in each gap. You will not use all of the words.
increase increasingly largest stfongest of for always once or nof

1. In order for the conference to run smoottrly, we will need hundreds ---- volunteers.
2. Ttre need for skilled workers in the manufacturing trade will
------ dram aticaltyover the next

3. west street has the city's ------- concentration of art galleries, museums and
4. The RBI corporation has ---'--- maintained that its greatest growth potential lies

). The airline industry announced yesterday that it had canceled a $3.5 billion
---..- for jet

6. The audierlce is reminded that neither cameras ----- recording equipment will be permitted
in the auditorium.

A*suter Key

Stra.tegles a.nd bac-tlce euestlonsfor parts V_WI f Ig

Keep a Reading Vocabulary Notebook
One of the best ways to increase your reading proficiency is to find reading materials that you
enjo-y and to read for pleasure as often as you can. In order to increase your understanding of
English grarnmar and vocabulary, you may also want to do the following:

r Find material that you can read easily without having to stop and use a dictionary atl the time.

r As you read, undedine unknown words and guess at their meaning from the context in
which they appear. Do not stop and check these words in your dictionary at this point.

r When you have finished reading, choose five to ten,words that you think you have
understood from the cofltext.

Now, write those five words in a vocabulary notebook (see sample below) and check in
your dictionary for the paft of speech and the meaning of the word as it appears in the

Next, use the words in sentences of your own. If you can, have a teacher or native English
speaker check your sentences to see if you have used the words cofrectly.

Recipient Noun a person who receives The recipient of the award gave a speech of
Draft Verb draw or write the first Mr. Ito has drafted the proposal, but it has
version of not yet been reviewed.


It4 Tbe Official TOEIC@ Test Preparation Guide



ln this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how wellyou understand written
There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Directions: Questions 101-140 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), :'
(B)' (c), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or jr,rase
tn"i 6L"t
completes the sentence.

ExamPle Sa mple Answer

Because the equipment is very delicate,
it must be handled with -------.

(A) caring
(B) careful
(C) care
(D) carefully
The sentence should read, "Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with care.',
Therefore, you should choose answer (C).
Now, begin work on the questions. The answers are printed at the end of this section.

l0l. Battery-operated reading lamps ---- very l04. Unfortunately, neither Mr. Sachs ------- Ms.
well right now Flynn will be able to attend the awards
(A) sale banquet this evening.
(B) sold (A) but
(C) are selling (B) and
(D) were sotd (C) nor
(D) either
1O2, ln order to place a call outside the office,
you have to --*- nine first. lO5. According to the manufacturer, the new
(A) tip generator is capable of *---- the amount ol
(B) make power consumed by our facility by nearly
(C) dial ten percent.
(D) number (A) reduced
(B) reducing
lO3. We are pleased to inform ----- that the (C) reduce
missing order has been found. (D) reduces
(A) you
(B) your 106.' After the main course, choose from our
(C) yours wide ----- of homemade deserts.
(D) yourself (A) varied
(B) various
(C) vary
(D) variety

1O7. One of the most frequent complaints I 13. As the filming location has not yet been
among airline passengers is that there is -------, the release date has been
not ----
legroom. postponed.
(A) enough (A) detained
(B) many (B) determined
(C) very (C) delayed
(D) plenty (D) deleted

108. Faculty members are planning to:----- a 114. Extreme ----- should be used when the
party in honor of Dr. Walker, who will retire forklift truck is being operated.
at the end of the semester.
(A) caution
(A) carry (B) cautioned
(B) do (C) cautiously
(C) hold (D) cautious
(D) take
I15. The county hospital is currently -----
l09. Many employees seem more ------- now volunteers to staff the reception.
about how to use the new telephone
(A) look to
system than they did before they attended
(B) looking for
the workshop.
(C) looking around
(A) confusion (D) looking into
(B) confuse
(C) confused I16. We are a major international company with
(D) confusing a growing number of ------- in North
I lO. ------ our production figures improve in the
(A) inferences
near future, we foresee havin$ to hire more
people between now and July.
(B) instances
(C) instincts
(A) During (D) interests
(B) Only
(C) Unless I 17. The report indicates that the Tilbrook Fund
(D) Because is acting properly by delivering policy
advice ------ rather than announcing it to
{I l. The prime minister is expected to anive at the public.
the convention hall at ------ 7:00 p.u.
(A) privacy
(A) approximated (B) privately
(B) approximates (C) private
(C) approximate (D) privatize
(D) approximately
118, This presentation will demonstrate how
l12. Responses to the proposed work schedule Metron computers are superior ----* those
changes are ------- outstanding from of our competitors in terms of both features
several departments. and speed.
(A) until (A) from
(B) yet (B) than
(C) still (C) to
(D) since (D) as

I19. The Executive Council of the Fashion
Buyer,s Congress is -____ of fifteen On -------, employees reach their peak
performance level when they have
menrbers from various branches of been on
the the job for at least two yeari.
fashion industry.
(A) compose (A) common
(B) composing (B) standard
(C) composed (C) average
(D) to compose (D) generat

12O. Though their performance was relatively 726,. We were ------- unaware of the problems
unpolished, the actors held the audience,s
with the air-conditioning units in the hotel
rooms until this week.
---: for the duration of the play.
(A) attentive (A) comptete
(B) attentivety (B) comptetety
(C) attention (C) compteted
(D) attentiveness (D) compteting

l2l. Dr. Abernathy,s donation to Owston

127. lf you send in an order -.-_-_ mail, we
recommend that you phone our sales
College broke the record tor tfre iargest
private gift -_-_- given to the campus. division direcfly to confirm the order.

(A) atways (A) near

(B) rarety (B) by
(C) once (C) for
(D) ever (D) on

122. Savat National park is ----- by train, bus,

l28. \ recent global suruey suggests -_-_.._
demand for aluminum anO tin will remain at
charter plane, and rental car.
its current level for the next five to ten
(A) accessibte years.
(B) accessing
(C) accessibility (A) which
(D) accesses (B) it
(C) that
123. ln Piazzo,s latest architectural project, he (D) both
hopes to ----- his flare for blending
contemporary and traditional idealsl
l2fl' Rates for the use of recreational facilities
do not include tax and are subject to
(A) demonstrate change without -_-__.
(B) appear
(C) vatve (A) signat
(D) position (B) cash
(C) report
124. (D) notice
Fleptacing the office equipment that the
company purchased only three years ago
seems quite --____.
l30. We conduct our audits in accordance _-__-_-
generally accepted auditing standards.
(A) waste
(B) wasteful
(A) of
(c) wasting (B) with
(D) wasted
(C) in
(D) across

131. The Director of Educational Programs 136. Cooks must remember that some raw
works collaboratively with the Ministry of foods are very ------- and should be
refrigerated or chilled until ready to be
Education to ---: that the programs are
eaten or cooked.
meeting the needs of the institution'
(A) ensure (A) PeriPheral
(B) define (B) perishable
(C) accePt (C) Periodic
(D) imPlY (D) Permanent

Armstrong has the -'--- management 137. lf savings could have been made
team of the three comPanies under elsewhere, we -----'- to give financial
support to local community service
organizations last Year'
(A) imPressive
(B) more imPressive (A) continue
(C) imPressivelY (B) continued
(D) most imPressive (C) had continued
(D) would have continued
133. There are over thirty keyboard commands
that can Prompt word-Processing 138. The telecommunications department is
procedures, but common usage -.---'- only completing a detailed ------- of each factory
a few. site to determine the types of equipment
and features needed in each area'
(A) involves
(B) receives (A) elaboration
(C) subscribes (B) evolution
(D) conesPonds (C) evaluation
(D) exPansion
134. The recent storms have led to the -"--'
139. Proposed changes that are not ..'-..'with
closure of our overseas otfice'
existing safety regulations will not be
(A) temPoral considered.
(B) temPorary
(C) temPoraritY (A) dePendent
(D) temPoraries (B) comPliant
(C) relating
135. "Accounts receivable" is money owed to a
(D) supportive
company, ---"-- "accounts payable" is
money owed by the company to creditors' l4O. The lectures will cover the relevant
methods of *-'-- the impact of currency
(A) whereas fluctuations on international transactions'
(B) otherwise
(C) such as (A) determination
(D) in order that (B) determined
(c) determining
(D) determine


This part of the test consists of 20 written sentences. Each sentence contains an error in
vocabulary, grarrlmar, or usage. Four words or groups of words are underlined in each sentence.
You must choose which of the four undedined words or phrases coritains the error.

Here are some suggestiotls for improving your ability to identify the effors in this part ofthe test.

As noted in the section on Incomplete Senteflces, the parts of the sentence that are coffect can
provide clues about the parts that are being tested. For example, if a verb is undedined, check to
see if it agrees with its subject. If a pronoun is underlined, check to see if it agrees with the noun
to which it refers.

Consider the following sentences:

Exa.mplc I
Three colleagues from China, who will be

conducting research in this country,

needs housing in the downtown area from
June 7 to July 31.

The subject of this sentence, tbree, is plural, so the ptural form of the verb is required.
Therefore, choice @) contains the error.

Examplc 2
Because there were only a few applicants
for the position, it is expected that
Mr. Da Silva will be able to do all the
interviewing by itself.

In the parts of this sentence that are not undedined, there is no neuter noun that the pronoun itself
may refer to. Therefore, choice @) contains the error.

Strategies and. kactice Questionsfor Parts V-WI I t9

Check to see if the error is within the underlined word or phrase.

Consider the following sentences:

Exa.mplc 3
Because some of our existing clients .

will not requiring our services this season,
we must increase our marketing efforts.

In tlris sentence, the auxiliary verb will must be followed by the verb form tequlre, be requlred, be
requiring, ot baue requlred to form a gtammatical sentence. Therefore, choice (B) contains the

Exa.mplc 4
The executive department's plans to move

the otfices from downtown to a suburban

area met with little resistance; indeed, most
employees look forward to move.

In this sentence, the error is in choice @). Look foruard to is at expression that is usually
followed by a gerund, or the verb form plus -ing-look forunard to moulng.

Examplc 5
We recognize that many of you have had to
put up occasional disruptions in the workplace during
our recent renovations

In this sentence, there is a missing preposition in choice (A. To Put up tt)itb something means to
tolerate it. This is an example of a phrasal verb, which is a verb that is combined with one or more
prepositions andlor adverbs to form a meaning distinct from its pafts.

l20 Tbe offi.cialTOEIC@ Test Preparation cuide

tearning phrasal verbs and using them correctly
can improve your English proficiency as
help you pfepare for the Error Recognition section well as
of the test.
Here are exampres of commonly used phmsal
verbs and their meanings:

Pay special attention to the structure of complex

sentences. A complex sentence has one
independent clause and one or more clauses
that cannot be used alone. consider the words that
are used to show the relationships between these

Here are examples of complex sentences:

1 Attbougt) replacement work on gas lines will

begin on Monday, employees will not be

r Replacement work on gas lines, utbicltwill begin

on Monday, will not affectemployees.

Strategies and. practice.euestionsfor pa.rts V_WI l?l


Analyzrragthe structrre of such complex sentences can help ]ou spot effors in the way they afe ,{
put togethef.

Consider the following examples:

Exampte 6
However we normally close the theater doors after the show
begins, latecomers will be seated during
the intermission.

The word ltoweuer can connect two clauses when it is placed at the beginning of the second.
clause aftet a semi-colon:

We normally close the theater doors a.fter the show begins; boweuer,latecomers will be seated
during the intermission.

A more appropriate word choice to begin this sentence would be altltough.

Exa,mple 7
ABC Textiles realized a profit of approximately

one of the industry leaders in Germany.


In this senteflce, the second clause is a relative clause and should be introduced with the relative
pronoun ubtch.

ABC Textiles realized a profit of approximately DM 95 miltion last year, wtticlt makes them
one of the industry leaders in Germany.

122 Tbe Ofrbia.l TOEIC@ Test Prepara.ttom Guidc

words and phrases in the sentence may indicate the correct verb
tenses to be used. consider the
following time expressions:

last month today tomoffow

yesterday now in two weeks
since Tuesday always next July

These expressions indicatea pq€;t, present, or future time

--- frame.
-- when they are used in a sentence,
check to see that the upproprirt vlrb tenses *e us.d.

Consider the following sentence:

Example I
The new brochures describing all our

services were detiver"o A ,, ht&esteroay

and were shipped out early tomorrow

Time expressions *.tr: sentence are the phrases tate yesterday(past)

and early totnorrou)
moming (future). The first paft of this sentence refers to the time that
the brochures w€re
delivered' In the second part of the sentence, the phrase tomomow
momlngindicates that the
shipping will take place in thefuture, The brochurcs utlll be slttpped
out errly tomoffow morning.
Therefore, choice @) contains the er:ror.

Make certain that words that indicate space or location are also
used correctly. consider the
following prepositions and adverbs of place.

above across down near through

awly outside opposite toward underneath
Now consider the following sentence:

Examplc 9
The fastest way to get to England from
France by car is over the tunnel linking
the two countries.
In this sentence, the word tunnel is a clue to the effor. while it is possible
to drive ouer{dge,
you would have to dive tbrougb a tunnel. Therefore, choice (C) contains
the error.

Stra.tegies and Prac-tice euestions for parts V_WI t23

Exercise A
Circle the letter of the inconect sentence in each of the following pairs. The answers apperat the
bottom of the page.

l. a. The aidine has slowly built up service to ten European and Asian destinations.
b. The airline has slowly build up service to ten European and Asian destinations.

2. a. The new factory will located south of the town and will employ workers from the entire
province. 1

b. The new factory will be located south of the town and will employ workers from the entire

3. a. Investors ifi the fund stand to made substantial profits.

b. Investol'rs in the fund stand to make substantial profits.

4. a. To request vacation time, employees should receivb advance approval from their supervisors.
b. To request vacation time, employees should receive aavarrcingappro"A from their supervisors.

5. a. Experience shows that preparation the key to the negotiation of any settlement.
b. Experience shows that preparation is the key to the negotiation of any settlement.

6. a. There are much more feasons to analyze this economic theory than have been stated.
b. There are many rnore reasons to analyze this economic theory than have been stated.

7. t. All and every compafly car must be returned to the centfal parking lot after use.
b. Each and every company car must be returned to the central parking lot after use.
8. L. r$flages have
never been as high as they are now.
b. Wages have never been as higher as they are now.

9. L. Despite alate statt, Mrs. Cho was eventually able to achieve competent in the French
b. Despite a late start, Mrs. Cho was eventually able to achieve competence in the French

10. a. Adveftising agencies sometimes ask customers to pay their bills in advance.
b. Adveftising agencies sometimes ask customers to pay its bills in advance.

Atsur Key

124 fbe OflEci,/,rTOEIC@ Test preparati.on Guid.e

The following exercises in controlled writing can
help you practice focusing on impoftant
structural aspects of rilrritten English.

r select an afticle from a book, magaztne,of newspaper.

Make sure that it is an afticle that you
can reald and understand easily. Rewrite one or two paragraphs
(about 1oo-2oo words) of the
afticle according to one of the following instructions. you
may have to make other revisions to
the passage so that it still makes sense. See Exannple
9 onthe following page. After you have
completed the exercise once, choose another instruction
and revise the passage according to that

r Rewrite the passage following one of these instructions:

1' change the passage from the past tense to the present teflse,
or from present to past.
2. change the passage from the present tense to the future

3' Divide all complex sentences into smaller, more simple

sentences where possible.

4. combine simple senteflces into comprex sentences where possible.

5' Find synonyms for adjectives in the text. Make sure

the passage still makes sense.
6' where possible, change single subjects to plural subjects.
change other parts of each
sentence, such as verb forms and pronouns, to fit
the new sublect.
7 ' where possible, change plural subjects to single subjects.
change other pafts of each
sentence, such as verb forms and pronouns, to fit
the new subject.
8. change any female subjects to male subjects, and change
the pronouns as needed.
9. change any male subjects to female subjects, and change
the pronouns as needed.
10. Identiff prepositions and prepositional phrases of time and

Strategies a.nd. practlce euesfionsfor parts V_WI

The following is a sample passage using the directions in 1, 3, aradT described rP*,
Exampl,e 9

Original Text:

Currently, all work sites within the company have safety rules that every worker is expected to
follow. Many of the rules concefll special clothes or other safety items that must be wom, the
safe way to perform work tasks, and the use of equipm.gnt while workin$.

1. Change the passage from the present tense to the past tense.
In the past, all work sites within the compariy had safety rules that every worker was
expected to follow. Many of the des concerned special clothes, etc.

3. Divide any complex seflteflces into smaller, mofe simple sefltences where possible.
Currently, all work sites wittrin the company have safety des. Every worker is expected to
follow these rules. Many of the rules concern special clothes or other safety items. These
items must be wom . . . etc.

'7 Where possible, change plural subjects to single subiects.

Currently, one work site in the company has a safety rute that a worker is expected to
follow. The rule concems a special piece of clothing or a safety item that must be worn, etc.

t26 Tbe Official TOEIC@ Test Prepara,tion Guide

Part Vl
Directions: ln Questions 141-160, each sentence has four words or phrases
underlined. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). You
\- \- - r are to identify the one underlined
" ''
word or phrase that should be corrected or ,"*iitt"n.'

ExamPle Sampte Answer

All employee are required to wear their
identification badges while at work.

The underlined word "employee" is not correct in this sentence, This sentence
should read, ,All
employees are required to wear their identification badges while at work.',
Therefore, you should
choose answer (A).

Now begin work on the questions. The answers are printed at the end
of this section.

141. Being sure to complete the evaluation form 145. l.f clients do not know how respond to a
before you leave the seminar. questionnaire item, ask them to circle ,,1

don't know."
142. The years I spent working with the
children's home was the most rewarding of 146. An increasing number of companies
Bc A
my life. has changed dress codes, allowing
employees to wear casual clothing
143. After checking the features of the X120 c
A B- in the work place,
computer, we finally decided to buy D
the another model. 147. When you send a fax from this machine
remember to enter the area code
144. Although the reorganization of the storage B
A for number that you are dialing.
system caused some disruption, at first CD
there were much benefits.

148. Before submitting the draft document to the 155. Shipment of windows ordered on or near
vice president, see that it has been the lifteenth of the month wilt be delay due
reviewed thorough. to staffing shortages.

t49. Even we had been behind schedule at one 156. From next year, the London ofiice will be
point, the proposal was submitted on time. responsible of allthe European news
D c
l5O. The new lounge furniture has arrived and
will be in place by the end next week. 157. Revitalization of the transportation system
CD would be a major victor for Glenville, which
l5l. Effective immediately, Craig Wu will be the is showing signs of recovering following
AB c
new branch management of the Mottsboro years of economic decline.
c D
158. Ms. Jacobs in Personnel can be relied

15i2. Monica moved to the clty Be! year because upon to provide an excellent advice on how
she was tired for driving so far to work to conduct interviews with job applicants.
c D
every morning.
159. The provincial government is ofiering
{53. Perhaps Mr. Rhenquist is not quite as well Bristol Corporation a $1O-million incentive
qualified for the position as Mr. Robbins package to build a new office buildings
c c
does. in the center of Selisburg.

154. Designing and implementing successful l60. Clients using travel agency vouchers
incentive PaY Plans ale a comPlex should stay in hotels that accept vouchers
c BC
undertaking for any business. and should Present it on arrival.


The Reading comprehension section consists of a number of reading passages,

each followed by a
set of questions' There xe 4o questions in all. fire passages vary
in format and represent the kinds
of materials that are found in travel, leisure, and workplace situations.

Questions in this part of the test will ask you ro:

r identi$ the main idea of a text or the purpose for which it was written

r look for details, sometimes in different words from those in the text itself

r make inferences about the text

Here are some suggestions fot improving your ability to select the best answer
in this part of the

This part of the test will take longer than the two previous reading parts. you
may need to spend
more than half of the 75 minutes on the reading passages. when yo"
t t. the practice tests in
chapter 6 of this guide, you will get an idea of how you can best divide your
time among the three
pafts of the Reading Section.

When you become familiar with te>rt layout, or the way atext appears
on the page, you will often
be able to make predictions about the content of the text. Familiarity with
thelayout can help you
go directly to the most important iflforrnation.

For example, you may be asked to identiry the recipient of a letter or the
name or title of the
writer' usually, the name of the sender or writer is at the bottom of the page in a
business letter,
while the recipient's name and title are found at the top. In an office memorandum,
however, the
names of both sender and receivet ate at the top of the page, under
the date. Knowing this can
help you locate the required information quickly.

Strategies arrd Pra.c:tlce euestlanslfor pa.rts V_WI txt

Exa.rnplc I
Questions 161-162 refer to the following memorandum.

Date July 31
To: Marketing Division
From: Stephen Schneider, Director-Ptanning & Research
Re: Tbe Market Montbljt Newsletter

Attached is a copy of The Market Montbly, a newsletter published by the

Marketing DMsion, designed to keep you updated on competitors, trends, and
events that impact the markets of interest to this company.

area who do not receive the newsletter and

If there are individuals in your
should be added to the distribution list, please contact tllle Monthlyt managing
editor, Maria topez, at efr.24O.

I wotrld appreciate receiving any comments or suggestions you have regardfurg

Tbe Market Montbly. Please feel free to contact me at ext. 167.

16l. Whom should readers contact with

(A) The company director
(B) The marketing manager
(C) Mr. Schneider
(D) Ms. Lopez

At the bottom of the memo, the writer invites suggestions. If you ate fantiliar with office memos
you will know that the writgr's name is usually at the top of the memo, following the word From,
Readers should contact (C) Mr. Schneider.

Here are some cofllmon types of written business communication:

. advertisement , itinerary
. business letter r memo or memorandum
. chart . notice
. e-mail . schedule
. evaluation , table
. fax or facsimile . telephone message
. graph . ticket
. informal note . vouchef
. invitation
Familiarize yourself with the kinds of reading texts found in many areas of daily life, including
leisure, travel, and the workplace. TOEIC reading passages are based on authentic examples of
written English from a variety of settings.

r30 Tbe OffiiaTTOEIC@ Test Preparation Guide

The introduction to the text will tell you what kind of texr you
are about to read.

Exa.nplc 2
Questions 163-164 refer to the following instructions.

In the introduction, the wotd lnstruc'tlons tells you that you will read
a series of steps or
directions' Knowing this can often help you find the information you
tootirg for. If you want to-
"r. steps will *"ruv b;-
identiff a step in the iflstructions, for example, you can assume that those
written in the order in which they will be carried out.

Stra.tegles atd kac,tlce etestlonsfor parts V_WI I3I

Scanning, or quickly reading the text, can give you an idea of what the passage is about, and why it
has been written. Pick out key words and phrases that you are familiar with, and do not focus on
unknown words. This strategy can help prepare you to answef questions about a main idea.

Consider the following example. Cover the right-hand side of the page with a piece of paper. Then
read the passage in the box on the left. Selected words have been shaded to demonstrate that you
need to read only certain parts of the passage to get the main idea. Then read question 165 at the
bottom of the page and try to answer it.

Examplc 3
Questions 165-167 refer to the following article.

Economic Slump Blarrred on Economic Slump Blamed on

Bad Weather Bad Weattrer

I downturn I economy ! The recent downtum in the economy has

! attributed ! last year's typhoon. ! been amributed to last year's typhoon. The
destruction destruction of several key electronics
manufacturing plants on the eastem side of
the flation has led to much smaller
production figures production figures in that key industry. The
resulting demand has driven prices up and
affected overall consumer sales. f affected overall consulner sales. Industry
next year ! experts predict a sharp rebound next year as
many industries take advantage of the
rebuild facilities. opportunity to update and rebuild facilities.
-muchsmaller Damage to residential areas was also
significant, and housing reconstruction has
been strong throughout the last year.

165. What is the main idea of the articlei

(A) A major storm is approaching the area.
(B) New manufacturing plants have been
(C) A large company is going out of
(D) A major storm has affected

If you read only the words Economic Slump, bl.amed, doutnturn, Stpboon, destruction, and affected
ouerall consuflter sAles you can see thata storm (D), or a typhoon, has affected businesses.

t32 The OfficiarTOEIC@ Test Prepa.ration Guide

It is a good idea to read the questions before you
reread the text. when you read a rcal advertisement,
memo' or agenda, f,or example, you usually
have some feason for reading it. 1.ou might
the price of an object, the time a meeting stalts, want to know
or details about a change in procedures. you
iust want to find a telephone number. A quick look at the questions might
that follow the reading passage in
this part of the test can help you determine
what you strouid be reading for.
Example 4
Questions 168-169 refer to the following card.

to tfu Sur tPkza t{otet We frope you fiaoe o pA*oot

lP[ease present tfiis cart ufie" *jryry
our restaurant, uffu
sfiap, and sporting an[
facifrtics wficru siynin7 fuAo iyou,
rootn ilcouflL

cturKout Date: 1(fr Decemfueu

168. When did the guest receive the card?

169. Who issued this card to the guest?
(A) When checking into the hotel (A) Ms. Martelli
(B) When ordering a meal at the
(B) P. Angelo
(c) The restaurant cashier
(C) When paying the biil
(D) The accounts manager
(D) When making a room reservation

Question 168 can be answered by reading the first line of the text.
The word raelcomeindicates
that the guest has just a*ived. The next line,
we ltope you baue a pleasant stay,conflrms this.
not necessafy to keep reading to know that choice It is
1e;-is ttre answer.
Question 159 can be answered by reading the last line of the text.
you see that you only need to find the name
when you read the question,
of the person who issued tbis can then
straight to the bottom of the text, to the name go
of ttre desk clerk who signed, or issued, the
Choice @) gives the name of the desk clerk. card.

Strategies and. practice euestionsfor parts V_VII Ig3

Key points are often contained in specific areas of a text. Reading the first sentence of each
par?;gf3rplr can help you to get the general idea of a passage that has seveml paragraphs. In
shortened texts, such as advertisemeots or arrnouncements, reading the first words or phrases in
each part of the text can help you answer questions such as: What is this piece of writing? Who is
it for? Why was it written?

Example 5
Questions 170-l17g refer to the following advertisement.


Apartrnents Fast, Inc. makes it quick and simple!
offer uptodate avulability on the type of
rental you are searching for:
o Apartments, Studios, Duplexes, Corporate Suites
o All Price Ranges
o Short- and Iong-Term leases
r Fumished or Unfumished
Speclallztng tn Corporate Apartments
We specidize in completely furnished apartments with all the necessities
and comfofts of home. Whether you wish to entertain clients in a corpo
rate apartment or secure temporary housing, we will make all the neces
sary arTangements.

Our service is tailored to your needs while working within your budget.
You'll find that our prices are much less than what you would pay ata
regular or o(ended-stay hotel. And we have a wide variety of apartments
conveniently located throughout the city for you to choose from.
C,ALL NOV: 123-4321
For your free apartment search

l7O. What service does Apartments Fast, lnc.

(A) Cleaning people's homes and
(B) Helping people to find places to rent
(C) Buying and selling apartments and
(D) Moving furniture and appliances for

134 lbe officiarToEIC@ Test Preparation Guide

fo answer question 170, you need to understand the purpose of the advertisement. If you read the
frrst sentences in each block of writing, you will read:

We offer u?to-date auailabtltty on tlre type of rental you are searcblng for . . . ,

We speclaltze tn completely furnkbed apartlnents witb all tbe necessities and comforts of
Our seruice is tailored, to meet your needs wblle utorklng utltltin your bud.get.

flrese key phrases indicate that choice @) is correct.



Strategles attd. bac'tice Questionsfor Parts V-WI I35

Exercise A Determining Meaning from Context
Read the unshaded words in the following passage and try to understafld the overall meaning of the
passage. Then try to answer the questions that identiff whether or not the statements that follow
are true. The answers are printed at the bottom of the page.

Ms. Rose Kemper

Kemper Garments Ltd.
Middlesex IIA8 9XG
Paul Timmerman
Het Ovedoon I
Postbut 6500
NL{401JH Heerlen
The Netherlands
Dear Mr. Timmerman:

ffi*,?'*ffifilH' nff:?HT*'il#"hes'fer

lffiI;Stffiffii;j,ffi ffi or
;: ffi tffi ffi .tffi:u;T*,m#*
patterns as we, as a

ffi iffi Tf i,ffi::t*,ffi nffi*:.:ffi [T#Hm.,t"#i#f il'm*'

Yours truly,
fose lQmper
Rose Kemper

1. Rose Kemper works in the garrnent industry. Yes No

2. Rose Kemper is requesting a shipment. Yes No
3. Paul Timmerman lives in England. Yes No
4. ThLe requested garments are available. Yes No
5. Kemper Ltd. has two locations. Yes No
6. Paul Timmerman has indicated how the goods should be shipped. Yes No
7. Two catalogues are enclosed with the letter. Yes No

Atsuter Kelt

r36 Tbe Officia.l TOEIC@ Test Prepa.ratlon Gutde

Exerclse B Determining Meaning from Context
Read the following passage atad try to understand the meaning without the missing words. Then
identi& whether or not the statements that follow are true. The answers are,printed at the bottom
of the page.

Slogan Effort Underway at TagOorp

executives have [---l working i-_l tne past l--l monrhs to devetop a [-----l stogan
f---l togo,
This fl will l-=.l company tetterhead I--l merchandise and E f--- --__l "no
"" ;

f-.l about."

rne f---_l effort is f- neaOed l-l Gene Dupr6, associate vice-president l---l rnarketing, l---l has been

force came up [__l suggestions f-l

enhancing ano f----_l
the company,s image, and he f---]
subsequently hired, in l---l to conduct [__-l tre calls a 'research-baseO'f*-----__l and marketing ptan.
"We I-__-l to convey, in a [--___] way, [--_-l
distinctive about TagCorp. W" r" [--_l
on the exceilent
value we offer and l--l
breadth of products [-_l develop here.,,

1. The company has worked on this project for several yezrs. Yes No
2. The company is trying to increase product recognition. Yes No
3. Linda Ortiz was hired to lead the project. Yes No
4. Proposals have been tested on outside professionals. Yes No
5. TagCorp produces many different products. Yes No

Strategies and. Practice Questions for Parts V-WI lg7

Exercise C Recognizing the Topic
Find the word in each of the following lists that gives the category, or description, of the other
words in the same list. The first one is done for you.

1. cut lion rabbit monkey @ dog cow

2. receptionist employee mzlnager executive assistant director

3. desk cabinet bookcase table furniture chair stool

4. rain snow weather wind fog ice

5. cement steel wood glass material brick

6. kitchen room basement closet parlor bathroom

7. circle square triangle shape rectangle

8. emotion anger love boredom fear pleasure

9. painting sports music hobby cooking gardening

10. hammer wrench sander drill tool saw



Atsuter Key

r38 Ibe Offtcta.rTOEIC@ Test Prepara.tlon Gu,ide

r Find an English language pen pal with whom you
can cofirmunicate by regular mail or.
e-mail' Frequent reading and writing in English
is an excellenr way r. rr";;; fluency.
r KeeP a joumal' write personal reflections every day, rsummary of
what you do in your
workplace, what you are learning in Engtish class,
or all three! After you write in your
ioutnal' exchange it with a friend or colleague. Then write a response
to what you have
read. Ask your friend to do the same.

r spend one lunch hour a week working on English

language skills together with a colleague.

", iiiin;j;il';.;;;.
choose an article from an Enslish ranguage pipr,
before. Do not rook up words in your ai"uo"rry, #;;;
uut t y-irrrtead to get the meaning from
the context' Prepare two or three questions relaied
* ,il. ,.o;;;'y." *o out yorr
colleague's opinion on what yoir have both
read. Be ready to respond to your "*
"* colleague,s
ideas. you can discuss the text in English
and/ot in your native il;;;.,

Stra.tegles and. practi.e

euestlonsfor parts V_WI -6
Part Vll
Directions: Questions 161-2OO are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, letters,
forms, newspaper and magazine articles, and advertisements. You are to choose the one best answer
(A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and
mark your answer. Answer all questions following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated
or implied in that selection.

Read the following example.

The Museum of Technology is a "hands-on" museum, designed for people

to experience science at work. Visitors are encouraged to use, test, and handle
the objects on display. Special demonstrations are scheduled for the first and
second wednesdays of each month at 13:30. open Tuesday-Friday 12:00-16:30,
Saturday 10:00-17:30, and Sunday 11 :00-16:30,

When during the month can visitors see

special demonstrations? Sample Answer
(A) Every weekend
(B) The first two Wednesdays
(C) One afternoon a week
(D) Every other Wednesday
The reading selection says that the demonstrations are scheduled for the first and second Wednesdays
of the month. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

Now begin work on the questions. The answers are printed at the end of this section.

Questions 161-162 refer to the forowing page
from a carendar.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

I 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 l2 13
Picnic AnnuaI
Trade Show
t4 r5 t6 t7 18 L9 20

27 22 23
24 25 26 {

Board of
Difectors d

I Meeting
281 I - 29 30
Independence Holiday fi
AII offices closed 0t


l6l. What event is scheduled for the fourth
1G,2. How often is the trade show held?

week of the month? ri

(A) Daily
(A) Secretary's Day
(B) Weekly
(B) A company picnic
(c) Founder's Day (c) Monthly
(D) Yearly
(D) A board meeting

Questions 163-164 refer to the following notice. -,-f\

'*'"€e ",re,
+ -f,
€€ E
You are cordtally inaited to uieu
An exbibition of utork by fl
Yosltlko Yamagucbi
Included wlll be works from ber most f,E
recent prolect ln tbe Arctic Refuge {
8028 Lakeshore Boulevard {
Opening Reception: 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. x
Friday, April6fr


Show runs from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
12:00to 5:00 P.M. Sat & Sun
Admission Free
'#'-m .& '&

163. Where will the event be held? 164. What time does the reception end?
(A) ln a garden (A) 12:00
(B) At a private home (B) 4:00
(C) At a gallery (C) s:00
(D) ln a movie theater (D) 10:00

Questions 165-167 refer to the following information.

Friends of the Ltbrury

Supporting and Benefiting the Librury
Be a Friend Join Today! Friends of the ,tbruryget first selection at book
sales, receive a newsletter about the library and the Friends program,
have the great satisfaction of benefiting the library. Be a part of it all _ be a

Friends Membership Schedule

General ......... $10 Family .. $20
Senior (65 and over) ......... $6 Silver .... $200
Junior (17 and under) ........ $+ Gold. ... $500
Here's what Friends do . . .

o Work toward the development of a new branch library

o Raise funds to address financial needs which cannot be met by the library,s
regular budget
o Sponsor the summer reading program for children
o supply "Begin with Books'; packets to parents of newborns to encourage
reading and library use
o Sponsor community programs
o Help establish a closer relationship between the library and the public it

Funds for the Friends' efforts are raised through book sales, membership
donations, and fundraisers. Annual membership expires April 30.

165, What is available to Friends of the Library? 167. What is NOT an aspect of the Friends of
(A) A special newsletter the Library program?
(B) An updated list of newly acquired (A) Programs for young readers
books (B) Expansion of the library system
(c) Reduced library fines (C) Subsidy of tibrary costs
(D) Extended hours for visiting the library (D) Classes for new parents
166. Who would be eligible for the teast
expensive membership rate?
(A) A married couple
(B) A 1S-year-otd chitd
(C) A 68-year-old woman
(D) A 3S-year.old man

Questions 168-169 refer to the following form.

At Lightning Clothing, we want to provide our customers with the best

service possible. 'We value your feedback and welcome any cofirments
you have. Please answer the questions below and mail this form to us in
the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Thank you!

Name: @tP&rnaan
Address: u5 +s4 Strut

Watertown, ,W 11201

E-mail (for sales notices):

1. tIThat motivated you to buy Lightning shoes?

B rriend I Advertisement E Catatog
E Store Display n sreb site n other

2. How many pairs of tightning shoes have you owned prior to this
trr dz-l A7-9 Eto+
3. How satisfied were you with your shopping experience?
flvery n Somewhat E Not Satisfied
4. How old are you?
E under 15 fl rc-zz A zl-zg a 45-60 n 6o+

5. 'Where did you purchase your tightning shoes?

. tr web site E vtail-order catalog 6 store


168. form?
What is the main purpose of this 169, Why did Mr. O'Sullivan buy Lightning
(A) To collect customer information
(B) To allow customers to make special (A) A friend recommended them.
orders (B) A display in a shop attracted him.
(C) To offer customers a rebate (C) He received a discount coupon.
(D) To persuade customers to buy new (D) He saw them in a mail-order catalog.

Questions 17o-1r2 refer to the foilowing advertisement.

Have you ever wondered what your pet was thinking?

fil A Do you want to

Hlrf :*ili:l'"""T#ii1il:ll1]1,'J.,,,:ilff 1T#lI"',ffiTf**,,,"

r r
pf f I w_orkshop entitled "Understanding Your Pet." This
r 3tffillI'#il ;t3 3:1?JffiTfr"::L:il:T[:,ifl.?,"#ffi*,
authors of My Pet and Me. Ademonstration of animal training
session wiil explore

will be given by
Professor Edward West. All registered participants wiil receive
a certificate of
attendance. Audiocassettes will also be available for purchase.

Location Fee Time

Halpern Hotel S2E 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

l7O. Who is going to lead this workshop? 172. What is provided with registration?
(A) Professor Ewing (A) A recording of a previous workshop
(B) Professor West (B) An attendance certificate
(C) Dr. Nitz (C) A copy of My pet and Me
(D) Dr. Francis
. (D) A pet-training manual
771. What is the topic of the workshop?
(A) Photographing witdtife
(B) Animat behavior
(C) How to select a pet
(D) Grooming and caring for pets

Questions 173-175 refer to the following notice.
'+ .ltir,.
., =ii. ,-:* !i E+,

e1:.f. a + F iSpringdal,eEstate
;r_ .=".- '.:

in Auerbach HaIl or Gardens
1. The trall arrd/or approved areas in the gardens of Springdale Estate are
Lv^ilable for weddings and receptions during normal operating hours,
while the gardens are also open to the public. Hours: g A.M.-g p.M.
2. The cost for a wedding or reception is S8.00 per person. If the reception
includes catering, the cost will be an additional.S20.00 per person.
3. AII persons must depart the Gardens no later than the normal closing
time. A late fee of *"75 per hour will be charged until all persons have
exited the property.
4. Rehearsal: lf a rehearsal is planned prior to the wedding day, no more
than 1O persons will be admitted free.
5. A security deposit of 5100 must be made at least 30 days prior to the
function. This deposit will be refunded provided the grounds are left free
of damage and litter.

173. Fot'whom are these instructions written? 175. For what reason would a security deposit
(A) People going to a business meeting not be refunded?
(B) People planning to get married (A) lf the grounds were not left clean
(C) People going to a late-night party (B) lf too many of people attended an
(D) People planning to tour the gardens event
(C) lf guests failed to leave before the
174. What is the cost per person if no food is closing time
served? (D) lf unauthorized areas of the estate
(A) 88.00 were used
(B) 820.00
(c) 175.00
(D) t100.00

Questions 176-177 refer to the following letter.

Ardmore Express rrrlx6467Miami, FL3i3i3gg

Mr. Joseph Sung
2249 Oak St.
Champaign,lL 60602

Account Number: 2736827 3igS8.Og

Dear Account Holder:

Thank you for contacting us with regard to the charge on your

Ardmore Express Gold card account. sfle have contaited sthroeder,s
Department Store on your behalf and ate awaiting a reply.

If we find that the charge was made to your acco,nt in effor, we will
make a credit adjustment within one buiiness day.

ttrre appreciateyou{ patience as it may take six to eight weeks to

complete the research needed to resolve your claimllf we can be
any further assistance, please call (gSg) 5il5-gg7} to speak
with a
customef service fepfesentative.


5. ?te,ga
S. Nagle
Customer Service Supervisor

176. What is the topic of this letter? 177. What is Mr. Sung asked to do?
(A) A mistake in a credit card biil (A) Contact the department store
(B) Achange to an account number (B) Wait six to eight weeks
(C) A complaint about customer service (C) Adjust his account balance
(D) A charge for a late payment (D) Pay his biil immediatety

Questions 178-180 refer tothe following magazine article.

Lorraine Kulasingam has worked in the fashion

industry as a stylist for ten years, choosing the clothing
that models and movie stars wear for on-camera
appearances. "l'm the one who decides how the actors
look," she says. "l love it. Every day is different."
Although Lorraine routinely meets famous movie stars,
there is a disadvantage to her job: she often works
18-hour days, and she has to accommodate everyone's
schedule. "lt's pretty tiring," she admits. "But I wouldn't
change careers for anything."

178. What is indicated about Ms. Kulasingam's l8O. What could be considered a benefit of her
job? position? :

(A) she has recently changed careers. (A) Meeting famous people
(B) She otten works very longdays. (B) Receiving free accommodation
(C) thing.
She gets tired of doing the same (C) Being able to set her own work hours
(D) She recently received a promotion (D) Being ln a management-level position
179. What does Ms. Kulasingam do in her job?
(A) Hires the models who'appear in
(B) Selects clothing for film stars and
(G) Organizes filming of television
(D) Takes pictures for the fashion industry

Questions 181-184 refer to the following schedute.

sanderson Training and Development, lnc.

Course Date Time Location
Evaluating Employees 24
Jan. 23 & 6 p.m.-g p.m. Richmond
Focusing on Quality Feb. 6 9 a.m._6 p.m. Danville
Legal lssues for Supervisors Feb. 21 & 22 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Richmond
Motivating Employees Jan. 18 9 a.m.-4 p.m Richmond
Motivating Employees Mar. 29 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Corbin
Motivating Employees May 5 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Danville
Supervising Others May 1, 8, & 15 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Richmond
lssues Management Feb.24 9 a,m.-4 p.m, Danville
Workplace Safety Jan, 16 g a.m.-4 p.m. Richmond
Workplace Safety Mar. 20 g a.m.-4 p.m. Danville
Dates and times are subject to change. For up-to-date
information, visit our Web site:
www. satrai n in co.

Fees per course: $189, including lunch. canceilations

must be received in writing
no later than seven days prior to the session in order to
receive a refund.
companies will be biiled for any of their emproyees not
cancering in advance.
Registration begins
P::"-l?t-t-1. Register by sending an e-mail to,
calling toll-free 1-888-sss-1967, or visiting olr otficeln Richmond.

l8l. For which employees are these training 183. Which course is offered only in the
sessions primarily intended?
(A) Receptionists (A) lssues Management
(B) Supervisors (B) Customer Service
(C) Maintenance staff (C) Workptace Safety
(D) Office assistants (D) Evaluating Emptoyees
1A2. What is NOT a way to register for the lA4. According to the information, when are
sessions? refunds provided?
(A) tn person (A) When cancellations are received
(B) By e-mait a
week in advance
(C) By fax (B) When the employee,s supervisor
(D) By phone
cancels on the day of the session
(C) When the instructor fails to attend the
(D) When the weather causes the session
to be canceled

Questions 185-187 refer tothe following business profile.

Business Profile: Simon Technologies, lnc.

Location: Corporate headquarters in Chicago, manufacturing plants in Mexico City and Taipei.

Business: Design and manufacture switches used on equipment such as microwave ovens
and gasoline pumps. Switches are custom-made for 80% of customers. Customers are in
twelve countries and include major manufacturers of cellular phones.

Employees: 150 in Chicago, 500 worldwide,

Sates: Simon Technologies had $12.8 million in annual sales last year. Since then, sales have
increased about 200% to over $38 million. Projected sales increase lor the coming year:25o/".

History: Founded in 1979 as a division of H.A. Grady Co. Became independent in 1995.

Future: The industry leader in design and manufacturing, Simon Technologies focuses on
being a world-class supplier of innovative products and on increasing annual growth by at least
10% each year.

185. What does Simon Technologies produce? 187. What percent increase of sales is predicted
for the next year?
(A) Switches
(B) Microwave ovens (A) 1OYo
(c) Gasoline pumps (B) 25Yo
(D) Phones (c) 8Oo/o
(D) 200o/o
186. ln how many countries does Simon
Technologies have facilities?
(A) One
(B) Two
(c) Three
(D) Twelve

Questions 188-190 refer to the following memo.

From: Corinne von Schieveen, Humon Resources

To: Hiroshi Nokomuro
Dote: October 9

notice serves to confirm poyment of your household goods

move, A households goods move includes the relocotiontf your
household goods from Toronto to one destinotion in the Aflonto
oreo, ond must be completed by the first onniversory of your

when you ore reody to obtoin on estimote of moving expenses,

pleose poy o visit to the Humon Resources deporfment for
ossistonce, we will put you in touch with our controcted coniers.
once estimotes ore submitted to Humon Resources for review ond
opprovol, we will issue o letter of occeptonce to the corrier, lf you
should choose insteod to hire o third porty mover, we will provide
direct poyment to thot mover of the conclusion of your move,

Pleose feel free to contoct me with ony ouestions,

Corinne von Schieveen

Humon Resources

188. Who wrote this message? l90. What is indicated in the letter?
(A) A real estate agent (A) Actions must be completed within a
(B) A moving company employee year.
(C) A travel agent (B) Estimates have not been accepted.
(D) A personnel officer (C) The value of Mr. Nakamura,s home
has increased.
189. What is the subject of the message? (D) Payment must be sent immediately.
(A) Payment of moving expenses
(B) Customer complaints
(C) lnsurance claims
(D) Employee retirement plans

Questions 191-192 refer to the following article.

Department stores in the capital re-

gion, suffering from a prolonged slump
in sales, are changing tactics by market-
ing new products and making their
displays more interesting.

Some stores are reducing the amount

of floor space devoted to name brands in
order to display more of their own house
brands. Others are using existing floor
space for their own specialty shops. Still
others are targeting special segments of
the population
- business men in their
20's for example.

Stores that are developing their own

brands are able to offer quality clothing at
30 percent off name-brand prices. They
also have increased flexibility in respond-
ing to shifting market trends.

191. What has caused department stores to 192. Which strategy is NOT being implemented?
alter markingstrategies, (A) purchasing additional floor space
(A) Poor sales (B) Developing in-store brands
(B) New tax regulations (C) Marketing to specific groups of people
(C) Lack of storage space (D) Making displays more interesting
(D) Production costs

Questions 193-195 refer to the following inforrhation.

When you receive your monthly gos bill from

Broodgote Gos. you will find thot the omount you
poy is o totol of severol chorges: Gos purchqsed
Chorge, the Customer Chorge, the Distribution
Chorge, ond locol toxes, The following informotion
describes these chorges,

The Gos Purchosed Chorge is the octuol cost of the

noturol gos you used in the billing period, plus the
cost of tronsporting it to the Broodgote Gos system,
We do not eorn o profit on the cost of the gos. lf you
choose to buy your noturol gos from o
non-reguloted supplier through our Customer Choice
Progrom, this port of your gos bill will indicote the

The Customer Chorge is o fixed monthly fee thot

includes our cosf for the mointenonce ond repoir of
gos lines ond other customer service functions,

The Distribution Chorge is the cost of moving the

noturol gos through the Broodgote Gos system to
your home, Prices fluctuote, depending on the
omount of gos you use,
Ihe locol toxes ore estimoted ond collected by
Broodgote Gos ond then remifted to the
oppropriote outhority.
lf you hove ony questions obout your bill, coll us ot
807-555-9987. You moy telephone us between the
hours of 8:00 AM ond 5:00 pM, Mondoy to Fridoy,

193. For whom is this information intended? 195. Which charge does NOT change from
(A) Local tax officiats month to month?
(B) Residentiat gas users (A) The locattax
(C) Environmental activists (B) The Distribution Charge
(D) Government energy officials (C) The Customer Charge
(D) The Gas Purchased Charge
194. What do non-regulated suppliers provide?
(A) lnformation about taxes
(B) Natural gas
(C) Financial assistance
(D) Gas-line repair service

Questions 196-198 refer to the following information.

Employee Educqfion Benefits Progrom

Foxdale will pay the course fees for full-time employees taking job-related courses up
to a maximum of two courses per year. For part-time employees; Foxdale will pay
fifty percent of the course fees for a single job-related course per year. Courses must
be taken at an accredited university or technical college. Courses at uncertified schools,
such as private business training schools, will not be accepted. A11 courses must be
pre-approved by the supervisor; no reimbursement will be granted if prior approval has
not been obtained. An employee is eligible for fee reimbursement starting six months
from hiring date.


1. Obtain a request form from the Human Resources department.

2. Submit request form to departmental supervisor a minimum of six weeks prior
to start of course.
3. Upon approval, employee may enroll in course.
4. Fees must initially be paid by the employee. Foxdale will reimburse employees
upon proof of successfully passing the course.
5. If an employee stops working for Foxdale during the time of the course,
Foxdale will pay only that portion of the course that occurred while the
individual was a Foxdale employee.

196. For how many courses peryear can a 198. Which requirement is mentioned in the
part-time employee be reimbursed? information?
(A) 1 (A) Courses must be taken at local
(B) 2 business schools.
(c) 5 (B) Courses must be related to the
(D) 6 employee's job.
(C) Courses must be on a list
197. When will Foxdale pay for a course? recommended by human resources.
(A) lmmediately after a request form (D) Courses must be less than six months
in duration.
(B) Six weeks before the start of a course
(C) At the beginning of a semester
(D) After an employee has passed a

Questions 1gg-200 refer to the following order.

Order Sheet
Compuler Support Services

Bockground: The 20computer terminors in our office

need o significont
memory upgrode. After the computer support services
instolled the new inventory progroms on deptemoer
r, ,L-o"gon to hove
severe problems with memory copocity. At times we
ore unobre to
provide our customers with occurote ond timery
invlniory informotion ond
hove even hod to send o messenger to the worehouse to
physicolly whether the needed ch6micot product
quontity requested,
*o, oroitobte in the

specific Request lnstollotion of new memory chips into our

20 computer
terminolg reconfigurotion of progroms, r.r"#in! 5itn.-"Lrprters,

Dole Requested for Seruice: September 1g

Scheduling: we expect thot we wiil need one technicion

to spend one
doy to complete these operotions,

Request mode on September '10

by: Eleonor Thompson tr
Director, lnvenfory ond Billing
Request opproved on Sept, 12by:
[,"#i3.?'* ?"t.
Computer Support Service

199. Why is Ms. Thompson,s department having 2OO. What will Mr. Lopez probabty do?
(A) Send a technician
(A) The computers do not have enough (B) Fite a comptaint
memory. (C) Check warehouse inventory
(B) Suppties of chemical products have (D) Request staff hirings
run out.
(C) There are not enough workers on staff.
(D) An inventory program has not been

Ansuter Key

Key Points in Review
General Strategies
r Prepare yourself for formal written English.

r Relate what you read to what you akeady know.

r Look very quickly at the sentence of passage first; then tead the questions.

Strategies and Practice Questions for Each Part

Incomplete Sentences
r Decide if the question requires knowledge of vocabulary of grzunmaf.

r Consider the overall meaning of a sentence to determine a missing vocabulary item.

r Apply your knowledge of prefixes, word stems, and suffixes to select the best vocabulary

r Identify the missing paft of speech to determifle the corect gfiunmatical form.

r Note that some words are often used together in set expressions.

I Look for grammatical relationships between pafts of the sentence.

Etror Recognitton
r Remember that the words NOT underlined are coffect'

r Check each underlined item to see if it contains an effor'

r Consider the structure of complex sefltences'

r Study the sentence for indications of time and space'

Re a d.lng C ornpre b en s ion
r Allow enough time to read and reread the passages as necessary.

r Become familiar with the layout of texts used in the workplace.

r Read the sentence that introduces the text.

I Scan the entire passage quickly once without stopping to try and understa:nd unknown

r Read the questions before you reread the text.

r When you want to identiff the main idea, read the title and the first sentence of each


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