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=-Assessing Your Leadership =8`haracteristics


1. Rate yourself on each of the characteristics using this rating scale: 1 = not at all like me, 2 =
somewhat like me, 3 = very much like me.
2. Next, take a moment to analyze your ratings and answer the questions in the space

Characteristics 1 2 3
Integrity x
Flexibility x
Loyalty x
Confidence x
Accountability x
Candor x
Preparedness x
Resourcefulness x
Self-discipline x
Patience x

In addition to the characteristics listed here, researchers have identified intelligence, optimism,
intrinsic motivation, and empathy as additional characteristics that are necessary for someone
to become a leader. However, all of these qualities do not guarantee an effective leader, and
these qualities are needed in greater or lesser amounts, depending on group preferences and
the situation.


1. Relative to these characteristics, what are your strengths as a leader?

My strengths as a leader would be defined by my ability to adapt to changing circumstances

while maintaining integrity and a clear vision. Indeed, this one also includes effective
communication and empathy. The characteristic that highlights me the most when leading it will
be courage and empathy. I believe that I’m the kind of person would take risks when necessary
and is able to understand others emotions as well as support.

2. What are your potential weaknesses?

My potential weakness would be self-doubt since this can undermine a leader’s effectiveness.
Also, it can lead to undermine the authority and confidence. However, by identifying our
weakness and reflecting on the leadership style that’s a great way to success. Indeed, self-
discipline is crucial to effective leadership even though that’s one the characteristic I need to
work on. Having the ability to exhibit this characteristic provides a positive example for the team
and encourage them to follow suit.

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