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Sourabh Dalala, Vankatesh Jadhav b, Rohit Rautc, Mr Swapnil Narkheded

UG Students, Department of Electrical Engineerig, JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology And Research, Wagholi, Pune-
Assistance Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Istitute of Technology and Research,
Wagholi, Pune 412207, INDIA.


The act of a photovoltaic system depends on the geographical location and type of PV modules implemented. PV systems
are beneficial in areas having moral amount of incident solar radiation. Pune gets an annual average solar radiation of
about 5.4 kWh/m2 a day. In this paper 1KW photovoltaic system is designed and simulated using PVSyst software for
Pune, Maharashtra, India using measured data of the location. The total amount of energy generated by the system and
various losses occurring in the system are analysed and presented Performance ratio of the system over the whole year is
estimated as which shows that generation of electricity from the PV system is a variable option for Pune to supplement the
increasing energy needs.

Keywords-Solar PV System Simulation, Solar Radiation, PVSyst Software

@ 2020 - Authors

1. Introduction
The solar rooftop system block diagram is given as

Fig.1: Block diagram solar rooftop system

Rooftop solar system is a great step towards fighting climate change. Solar panel contributes to
the “green economy.” Solar power is incredibly efficient. It can be installed quickly and does not
necessitate any wires, cords or power sources. Solar energy requires minimum maintenance. Solar panels
have zero emissions. Solar rooftop PV system produces a clean, eco-friendly form of energy, meaning
that its which does not produce any type of pollution or harmful gasses. A solar rooftop panel only
requires space and more amount of sunlight for efficient working and on some days when the sun is on
low spirits, batteries stored in the solar panels will work as preserver. This system has an expected life of
25 years which make people worth the investment [1]. This system does not need any fuel to produce

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2 Sourabh Dalal et. al./ ICCIP-2019

electricity and thus stay away from the trouble of transportation of fuel or storage of radioactive
missuse.The energy production is highest during peak energy demand time. Installing a rooftop solar is
not harmful; in fact we would be able to generate more resources through it. It can be seen that with the
installation of this system there is saving of electricity bills as solar panels help us in generating
electricity and we can use this in our home. We can also get Government subsidies as the Govt. has
launched Go Green Program. The Govt. gives a subsidy of around 30% towards the rooftop solutions in
India [2].
To utilize the solar resource efficiently, it becomes necessary to size and simulate the system
parameters for efficient energy yield. The energy yield and the required size of PV system can be
estimated using simulation software PVSyst. A number of researchers have used PVSyst to estimate
the performance of the system. The aim of this paper is to design and simulate a solar rooftop system to
meet the energy requirements of a small load of a department building in JSPM Wagholi, India using
PVSyst software. In this paper we have used actual measured onsite data as input to the software so
that accurate results for the system design and performance analysis are obtained.

2. Literature Review

Shahzad Ahsan, Kashif, Javed, Ankur Singh Rana, Mohammad Zeeshan, “Design and cost analysis
of 1 kW photovoltaic system based on actual performance in Indian scenario.” The study is created on
design of solar PV system and a case study based on cost analysis of 1.0 kW off-grid photovoltaic energy
system installed. Rekhashree, Dr. J.S Rajashekar, Dr.H.Naganagouda, “Study on Design and Performance
Analysis of Solar PV Rooftop Standalone and On Grid System Using PVSYST” The main goal is to validate
the model based approaches for a grid connected solar PV system for domestic & commercial application. H.
Yamashita, K.Tamahashi, M. Michihira, A. Tsuyosh,i K. Amako and M. Park, “A novel simulation technique
of the PV generation system using real weather conditions” The main goal is to demonstrate the model based
methods for a grid connected solar PV system for domestic & commercial application. M.V. Santhi Lakshmi,
DR. CH. Sai Babu, “Design of off-grid homes with renewable energy sources” The limited reserves of fossil
fuels and global environmental concerns over their use for electric power generation had augmented the
attention in the exploitation of renewable energy resources.

3. Objectives:

 Study of solar rooftop system.

 Study of PVSyst software.
 Development of 1KW solar rooftop system in PVSyst.
 Analysis of 1KW solar rooftop system in PVSyst.

4. System Components and Specifications:

4.1 Solar panel:

Polycrystalline solar panel of 320Wp each of total 3 no are used.

Fig. 2: Polycrystalline solar panel

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Analysis of 1KW Solar Rooftop System By Using PVSyst 3

Table 1 Solar panel specifications

Parameter Specification
Manufacturer Sova
Module SS330P36C
Technology Polycrystaline silicon
Number of cell in series 72
Isc (A) 9.30 A
Vsc(V) 46.31 V
Imp 9.98 A
Vmp 36.77 V
Fuse rating 15 A
Rs(ohm) 0.33 ohm
Rsh(ohm) 550 ohm

4.2 Solar Inverter:

A PWM charge controller, charge regulator or battery regulator restricts the rate at which electric
current is added to or strained from electric batteries. It averts overcharging and may defend against over
voltage, which can diminish battery performance or lifecycle, and may posture a protection risk. It may also
prevent totally draining ("deep discharging") a battery, or perform controlled discharges, dependent on the
battery technology, to defend battery lifetime. The standings "charge controller" or "charge controller" might
refer to any a stand-alone device, or to regulator circuitry integrated inside a battery pack, battery-powered
device, or battery charger[4].
Table 2 Solar Inverter specifications
Parameter Specification
Manufacturer Microteck
Module 24 V system : 1734VA
Input voltage 170 V – 260 V
Output voltage 230 V
Efficiency >80%
4.3 Battery Specifications:
Total 4 no of 42Ah batteries are installed in series- parallel combination for the system.

5.0 PVSyst:
PVSyst is a photovoltaic design and simulation program. It is designed to be used by architects,
engineers, and researchers. It offers a user-friendly approach to develop a project. PVSyst has a large database
of meteorological data for a number of sites all over the world. It also provides manual insertion of measured
data for sites which are not enlisted in the software. It presents results in the form of a full report which
includes specific graphs and tables. The data can be exported for use in other software’s. To obtain results, we
have to provide some inputs to the software. Simulation variables in PVSyst are: -
 Meteorological data
 Incident irradiance in collector plane
 Incident energy factors
 PV array (field) behavior
 Inverter losses
 System operating conditions
 Energy use
 Efficiencies

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4 Sourabh Dalal et. al./ ICCIP-2019

 Normalized performance index [5,6]

5.1 PVSyst required Input:

The design of a photovoltaic system is totally depend upon location because every location receives
different amount of solar radiation. It happens due to the position of that particular location with respect to
sun. This difference of position is observed in the form of unique set of parameters like latitude, longitude and
altitude of a location [7,8].
Table 3 Meteorological and System Data
Parameter Location: JSPM Wagholi
Latitude 18.58°N
Longitude 74.00°E
Tilt Angle 18°
Azumith Angle 0°
Albedo 0.2
PV system size 1KW
PV module SS330P36C
Inverter Microtech1734 VA, 230V
Battery Amron quanta 42Ah,12V

5.2 Load Forecasting:

Table 4 Load Forecasting

Equipment Numbers Power Rating per equipment Daily Usage Energy Consumption

Computer 3 120W 4hr/day 1440Whr/day

Lamp 5 16W per lamp 8hr/day 640Whr/day

Domestic use 1 511w per app. 5.5hr/day 2811Whr/day

Stand by consumer - - 24hr/day 24whr/day

Total 4915Whr/day

5. Result

A detailed report consisting of various graphs and tables obtained using PVSyst software is presented in this
section. One inverter of l734 VA and 3 modules of 330 Wp each are required for this system. The output
power is obtained after applying all necessary efficiency corrections. System simulation results are shown in
Table 5.
The global horizontal radiation data taken as input to the software are measured data obtained from
pyranometers installed at Pune. Yearly total incident global horizontal radiation of 2052.2 kWh/m2 is
given as input to the system. Where Glob Hor- Horizontal global irradiation, Glob Eff- Effective Global, E
Avail- Available Solar Energy, E Unused -Unused energy (full battery) loss, E Miss- Missing energy, E User-
Energy supplied to the user, E Load- Energy need of the user (Load) and Sol Frac- Solar fraction (E Used / E

Table 5 Result

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Analysis of 1KW Solar Rooftop System By Using PVSyst 5

Months Glob hor Glob eff E avail kwh E Unused E Miss E User E Load Sol-frac
Kwh/m2 Kwh/m2 Kwh Kwh
kwh kwh
Jan 157.7 188.5 142.6 0.007 17.69 134.7 152.3 0.884

Feb 166.0 187.5 138.4 0.000 7.95 129.7 137.6 0.942

Mar 204.5 213.9 155.0 0.006 5.38 147.0 152.3 0.965

Apr 211.0 204.4 146.9 0.0013 10.44 137.0 147.4 0.929

May 223.1 203.6 148.8 0.001 12.92 139.4 152.3 0.915

Jun 172.0 152.9 117.2 0.000 42.43 105.0 147.4 0.712

Jul 142.7 128.4 100.7 0.026 65.82 86.5 152.3 0.568

Aug 139.1 130.9 102.3 0.000 65.08 87.3 152.3 0.573

Sept 159.7 159.1 122.2 0.000 40.62 106.9 147.4 0.725

Oct 274.1 188.6 140.7 0.007 22.00 130.4 152.3 0.856

Nov 153.4 178.7 135.1 0.000 26.14 120.3 147.4 0.826

Dec 148.8 180.3 136.9 0.000 24.33 128.0 152.3 0.840

Year 2052.2 2116.9 1587.0 0.059 340.70 1453.1 1793.8 0.810

Fig.A Performance Ratio Graph Summer Season Fig.B Performance Ratio Graph Rainy Season

The performance of solar system it depend upon operation of solar system as well as it depend upon
climate condition. Climate condition directly affect generation of solar power. While keeping constant
load of system during rainy season the performance ratio is 0.319 and solar fraction is 0.764as well as
during summer season the performance ratio is 0.394 and solar fraction is 0.949.

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6 Sourabh Dalal et. al./ ICCIP-2019

Fig.3 Performance Ratio Graph

Performance ratio (PR) is used to evaluate the performance of the PV plant. Performance ratio of the system
is the ratio of energy output of the system and radiation incident on the given area. It is presented in fig c. It is
around 0.7 for most of the months in a year which is satisfactory for a system as small as this. The solar
fraction is near about 0.8.

Fig.4 Loss Diagram

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Analysis of 1KW Solar Rooftop System By Using PVSyst 7

Loss diagram shows all the losses that occur in the system step by step. At the output 1453 kWh of energy is
obtained from the system. A number of losses occur in photovoltaic module and array. Wiring loss, module
quality loss and module mismatch this losses are mainly depend upon temperature
6. Conclusion

A detailed methodology to design standalone system and simulate using PVSyst software is presented in this
paper. Using the measured global solar radiation data for JSPM Wagholi, more accurate results are produced.
It is concluded that design of a solar PV system is entirely location dependent. Performance ratio is very
important parameter for evaluating the system performance. Performance ratio of the system over the whole
year is estimated as 0.706 and solar fraction is 0.81 which is satisfactory. It shows that generation of
electricity from the PV system is a good option for JSPM Wagholi. Based on this analysis, large capacity
systems can be designed for this location.The maximum solar irradiation is achieved at a tilt angle of 18°
which is nearly equal to the latitude of that location and no shading effect is considered.


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[2] T.M. Iftakhar Uddin, Md. Abrar Saad, Husnain-Al-Bustam, Md. Zakaria Mahbub, “Computational Modeling of
a GRID Connected System Using PVSYST Software”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
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[4] Qoaider, L., and Steinbrecht, D., "Photovoltaic systems: A cost competitive option to supply energy to ofT-grid
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[5] Karki, P., Adhikary, B., and Sherpa, K., 2012 "Comparative study of grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system in
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[6] Bouhouras, A. S., Marinopoulos, A. G., Labridis, D. P., & Dokopoulos, P. S, "Installation of PV systems in
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[7] Kandasamy, C. P., Prabhu, P., and Niruba, K., "Solar potential assessment using PVSYST software",
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[8] Ibrahim, D., "Optimum tilt angle for solar collectors used in Cyprus." Renewable energy, vol. 6.7, pp.

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8 Sourabh Dalal et. al./ ICCIP-2019

Sourabh Dalal has completed Diploma in Electrical

Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of
Polytechnic Latur in 2014-17. Now he is pursuing
degree in Electrical Engineering from JSPM’s
Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology &
Research, Wagholi Pune in Savitribai Phule Pune

Vankatesh Jadhav has completed Diploma in

Electrical Engineering from Vishwabharati
Polytechnic Institute Nanded in 2014-17. Now he is
pursuing degree in Electrical Engineering from
JSPM’s Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology
& Research, Wagholi Pune in Savitribai Phule Pune

Rohit Raut is currently pursuing degree in Electrical

Engineering from JSPMBhivarabai Sawant Institute of
Technology & Research, Wagholi PunSavitribai Phule
Pune University

Swapnil Narkhede has completed his M.E. (EPS) in 2016. At

present he is working as faculty of electrical engineering at
JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research,
Wagholi, Pune. His area of interest is Renewable Energy,
Industrial Drives & Control, Smart Grid, Stability of Electrical
Power System & Control System. He has much experience in
many projects and also worked as mentor for projects such as
Electrical Vehicles, Solar Projects, Reverse Osmosis water
filtering system, Development Compact Electronics Controller
for automatic lighting controller and RO systems etc

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