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Q. What is mixed cropping how does it help a farmer?

Ans-The process which involves growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land
is known as mixed cropping

It helps the farmer in following ways

1-Risk of total crop failure due to uncertain monsoon is reduced.

2.-Chance of pest infestation is reduced.

Q.How can the rainwater be effectively used for irrigation purposes?

Ans-Major part of rainwater runs of to the sea. If this water is collected in storage reservoirs ,tanks and
interbasins transfers, we can use this water for irrigation purposes during the dry season.

Q.-What is a biological method for controlling weeds?

Ans-In the biological method, some insects or other organisms are used in the crop field which consume
and destroy the weed plants. These organisms selectively eat away the weeds without harming the crop
plants .

Example Cochineal insects can be used to control Opuntia weeds.

Q.-Define biotic factors. Name few biotic factors which damage the food material during storage.

The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic factors

Examples of biotic factors that damage the food material during during storage:

1 Rodents, (rats) birds animals

2 Insects ,worms, bacteria, yeast ,moulds

3 Enzymes present in the food material

Q.-How do moisture and temperature affect the life of food materials?

Ans High moisture content and high temperature at the time of storage of any food material will
decrease the life of food material due to
1 Growth of microorganisms and

2 Increased enzymatic spoilage of food

Q.What are abiotic factors? Name two abiotic factors which affect the food materials during storage.

Ans-Natural and nonliving factors which affect the agriculture and environment are called abiotic
factors,. Two abiotic factors which affect the food materials during storage are temperature and

Q.-Classify fertilizers with suitable examples.

Ans-Fertilizers are classified as

1-Nitrogenous fertilizers Example Urea

2 Phosphatic fertilizers Example Triple superphosphate

3-Potassic fertilizer Example Potassium chloride

4-Complex fertilizers example NPK

Q.-What is the need of sustainable agriculture?

Ans-Sustainable agriculture has been developed to fullfill the basic needs of the growing population. The
population is increasing at a very high rate and natural resources are depleting day by day. More ever
the occupation of 70% population in our country is agriculture.

Q. a-What are concentrates in animal feed.

B0Name two internal parasites which cause diseases in animals?

Answer-a) Concentrates are the substances which are rich in one or more nutrients. Cotton seeds, oil
seeds, oil cakes and some cereals like gram and bajra are some typical examples of concentrates.

b)Worms and flukes

Q.-What is the significance of animal husbandry?

Ans-Significance of animal husbandry are:

i)It helps to undertake proper management of domestic animals.

ii) It helps to produce good quality high yielding breeds of domestic animals.

III) It improves income of farmers.

iv) It enriches soil with animal waste that is used as manure.

Q.-What are 'Sahiwal' and 'Jersey' breeds

Answer Sahiwal is an indigenous cow breed of superior variety. It is mainly found in the region of Punjab
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

Jersey is an exotic breed of cow found in an Island of Jersey.

Both Jersey and Sahiwal are high milk yielding breeds of cow.

Q - name any two Indian breeds each of cow and buffalo.

Ans-Indian breeds of cows are Sahiwal and Gir

Indian breeds of buffalo are Murrah and Mehsana.

Q.- Which method is used commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why?

Ans-Cross breeding is the method which is commonly used for improving cattle breeds. Cross breeding
between two good varieties of cattle will produce a new improved variety with desired qualities of both
like long lactation period and resistance to diseases.

Q.-What is poultry? How can poultry help in solving the food and nutrition problem?

Ans-Poultry is the branch of animal husbandry which deals with rearing of birds for eggs and meat. It
provides the best source of protein and fat. With increase and population demand for meat and eggalso
increases. Poultry helps in producing meat and egg on high scale and thereby meet the demand. Meat
and eggs are rich source of protein along with iron and vitamins. Thus it also solve the nutritional

Q.-How does drought affect crop production?

Ans-Draught occurs due to scarcity or irregular distribution of rain. Drought poses a threat to rain fed
farming areas where farmers do not use irrigation for crop production and depend only on rain. In areas
with light soil while crops get adversely affected by drought conditions.

Q.Discuss the various types of diseases that affect cattle causing death and reduce milk production in

Ans-Cattle suffer from a number of diseases which cause death and reduces milk production. Parasites
of cattle may be both internal and external. External parasites mainly live on skin and cause skin
diseases. Internal parasites like worms affect the stomach and intestine while flukes damage the liver.
Infectious diseases are also caused by bacteria and viruses.

Q.- Ggive two examples of shell fishes.

Ans-Shellfish include two groups

Crustaceans and Molluscs.

Crustaceans include crab and bobsters

Molluscs include octopus and oysters.

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