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Nama : Moh.

Sulthon Hayatullah Thoyyib

NPM : 2021301044

Kelas : PAI A2 – Semester 5


Education can be interpreted as an effort to guide and direct a person to be better.

Education also aims to develop the potential that God has given to every human being
optimally and maximally. The teacher delivers the lesson, and the students hear and
understand what the teacher is saying. However, Ki Hajar Dewantara as an Indonesian
Education figure, said that education can be sourced from 3 environmental aspects, namely
the family environment, school environment, and community environment.

Education in children is one of the important things that must be considered by

everyone. The age of children is a period of growth and development that is right to shape the
child's personality. This can be in the form of character building, building and training
physical, cognitive, language, art, social-emotional, spiritual, discipline, self-concept,
independence, and also the five senses.

Islam is a perfect religion, through the Qur'an and hadith, Allah has conveyed the
guidance of human life from waking up to waking up again completely and flawlessly. So it
is also undeniable that regarding education there are also directions and instructions in the
Qur'an and hadith. Especially in children's education.

On the other hand, judging a child, they are likened to a white paper that has no
writing at all. Then the family, school, and community environment gives color to a child's
life. As explained earlier, the age of children is the golden age. If the beginning of their life
has received a good upbringing, then the child will grow into a good person.

A. Children's Education That Must Be Obtained Since Childhood

Children's education from an Islamic perspective cannot be separated from Islamic

education and the teachings that children must get since childhood. Islamic teachings broadly
consist of three, namely aqidah, worship, and morals. This is in line with what Luqmanul
Hakim has taught his son and is an example that we must emulate

1. Aqidah Education

Aqidah is the science of faith, trust, and belief in the one and only God.
Believing that no God has the right to be worshipped and worshiped but Allah and
shun all acts of shirk and associate Allah with anything. Aqidah becomes an important
foundation in one's life.

The values of faith that must be taught and instilled in a child begin with,
introducing Allah and his messengers, giving an idea of who is the creator of the
universe and its contents, and introducing the Almighty God. Instilling aqidah to
children before teaching other sciences is an important thing that must be done by

2. Worship Education

Worship is an important thing in the life of a human being. So worship

education is an important thing that must be taught since childhood, so that when the
child grows up he can worship correctly and in accordance with the guidance of
Islamic teachings, and the child can obey religious orders and stay away from all

A child who has natural potential must be developed optimally in positive

things by instilling religious values. Such as praying when going to do activities,
teaching children about wudhu, purification, prayer, fasting and other worships.

3. Moral Education

Morals are behaviors, habits, attitudes, and characters inherent in a person.

Morality is the form of one's soul which is contained in attitudes, words, and also
actions. Moral education can be taught to children through habituations of behaving in
everyday life. Such as telling the truth, respecting parents, loving the smaller, not
being arrogant, and various other morals that must be accustomed to children as early
as possible.
If children are not familiarized with good morals, then they will grow up
without control. Moral education in children is also greatly influenced by the
environment in which a child is. The first and closest people to the child are the
family and specifically the parents. Parents are the first example of a child's moral
growth and development.

Educational Success Is Influenced By Families

The success of toddler education is influenced by the family, because many are done
in the family environment.

Child learning in the family occurs naturally, without being noticed by parents, but the
bad influence that is sometimes done by parents, will have enormous consequences,
especially in the first year of the child's life (under five years). At that age, the growth of
children's intelligence is still related to their five senses and has not grown logical thinking or
abstract meaning or it can be said that children still think senses. While in mid-childhood,
children receive education in school so that the country's education strategy can determine the
achievement of educational goals in accordance with Islamic law. Another party that also
plays a role in children's education is the community.

The child's educational approach refers to the concepts of tarbiyah and ta'dib.
Education on the concept of tarbiyah emphasizes the act of rahmah, where parents or teachers
are obliged to cultivate a sense of empowerment and develop independence gradually starting
from the skills of taking care of themselves, doing homework, playing and learning skills.
While ta'dib refers to the process of cultivating values, especially discipline and orderly
culture. Sacrifice is carried out through habituation of discipline in accordance with the
prayer schedule as well as giving praise and punishment.

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