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I have always lured for attention from my stepbrother. He never had a good face towards me...

Each time I tried contacting him or starting conversations with him he snatched himself away
from me. I just wanted to have a good friend relationship with him. But he was the one who
never bestowed. So it all started when My father married to his secretary having a son 2 years
older than me. Both of them always tried to keep us together and always in the intention of
fixing our bonds.

A 19 year old grown girl and A 21 year old boy can never be friends yeah the hormones never

Finally, the D-day has come.

It was a dark and cold night
My father was out of town and my step mother was with at her first cousin's house who
recently had a by pass surgery.
So I was all alone My step brother was not yet home.
I waited for him till midnight and I didn't remember when the warmth and comfort of the couch
dived me in deep sleep.
There was a knock a hard shrill sharp knock at the door. It was loud and continuous. I turned on
the lights and could realise there is a male figure knocking at the door. I asked out loud, " Who?
Who's there? Who's at the door?. It is me. Your stepbrother. He said in a deep voice . I got some
relief I opened the door he looked tired. I asked him for food he gave a naive look and went
straight to his room.
The night was ruthlessly cold. I made some soup for myself and I decided to give him too.
I knocked at his door but no one answered. So I pushed the door open. I found the room was
empty I placed the soup on the stool at the corner and suddenly I could hear water dripping. I
thought someone let the tap open in bathroom I opened the bathroom door and was awestruck
it was my stepbrother steadily standing and taking shower.
Oh! My Goodness. His body is so smooth. The water dripping over his lips...then his
neck..making his pecs and abs wet. He was all naked in front of my eyes.
I couldn't stop myself from seeing him.
He was so perfect. Those veiny hands as if they are to rule over me and throttle me. Those eyes
that had always drived me crazy. His drenched dick that was so passionate and free. Jiggling
as he was bathing. I started embracing myself as if he was touching me.
I was so indulged in watching the view that I forgot to hide and peek. He caught me seeing him
He outrageously said, "hey what the fuck are you doing here?" Holy shit, what the hell I was
I am not supposed to do that. After all he was my step brother.
His raised voice made me cry. I started sobbing, " I am sorry, I couldn't control myself. You are
so perfect I just cant control. I am sorry"
He approached towards me wiped my tears and said, "The first day I saw you your body
attracted the sexual desires of mine. Whenever I saw you. I feel pulsations inside . I always tried
to distance myself from you. But this time I can't resist myself and do let me love you."

He step forward and kissed me on my lips. It was like a dream happening. I grabbed him hard
and kissed harder. Those soft motions he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up I curled my
legs around his waist. We were so much in a passionate kiss. The kiss of desire, obsession.i
was in the moment I always wanted that. He grabbed me by ass and placed me on his bed...I
always wanted that bed. Yes it is happening. My stepbrother is all into me.. he removed my top
and kissed me harder..and said you arethe passion I always it a dream? I nodded
saying no. He didn't even let me reply and removed my bra. It was my first time showing my
boobs to someone. I was feeling shy. I placed my palms on my nipples. He placed his
masculine strong hands against my neck and kissed me on the neck. He removed my hands
and said these nipples deserve the cover by my lips and tongue and not your palm.
I hold a breath. His soft breath over my nipples can be felt.. He kissed my nipples and licked
them obsessively hard. I was losing my control I m living the moment I waited for so long his
hand over my another boob. Embracing it softly.. yeah I was aroused I was sexually aroused.
His whispers in my ear each time that he always wanted me making it a moment of wonder.
He softly moved his hands into my pants and then loosening it followed by removing it.
I wasn't having a moment to gather breath and control he flipped me and removed my panty.
I looked at him. I was feeling so shy. He smirked and was dominate. He spanked me with his
strong palms.
He asked me if it hurts. I affirmed.
He said," now it wont hurt anymore "
He flipped me again and his face was into my thighs.
His sniffing can be felt. I was so out of control. Oh God. Is it for real?
His tongue was over my clitoris. Mercy LORD you are driving me crazy. He was so good at
eating it I almost visited heaven. I can't let open my eyes they were rolling above. Stop! I cant
hold .
This is so unreal to me.
Ah! His fingers inside my vag. I always want that touch yes. Touch me. Finger the vag hard.
Yes!!!! Ahhhhhh!! I can control this is heavenly. Continue it..don't stop... yes... dominate me..
yes.. continue yes.. ahhhhhh...
His tongue over.. ahhhhhh.. over my....shitt.. yess. . Over my.....
ohhhhhhhhmmmmmmggggggggggg..............his tongue over my clitoris... so stimulating.....
Ahhhhhh.. I cummed.. his fingers were so apt.. I cummed.

I saw his dick his wss hard and erect. Oh a man dick. My step brothers dick. As if It wants me..
I held my brother's dick that was already in natural lube that lewd scent attracted me..
I kissed the glans area and licked it against gravity.
Oh the dick was hard veiny and erect.
I licked it forth. It was all wet by saliva. I started giving my hands a motion work in circulation
embracing the hard dick
Blowing it with my mouth... in and out..
He was moaning.. I held my hands in circulation and sucked it forth. Embracing his testicles
and licking them.... those soft balls have all control..
He moaned harder his moans were fucking driving crazy... suddenly a squeaking noise can be
I glanced around with a side eye. It was figure standing against the wall....
All of a sudden it caught my attention... I suddenly ran for clothes.
The figure was of My father........
Did I let the main entrance opened?.
My step brother opened his eyes he ran for clothes...

My father left the room...

To be continued........

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