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1. The nervous tissue is composed of neurons and glial cells.

2. Neurons are the working units of the nervous system that generate and transmit
3. An axon carries impulses away from the cell body to other neurons and muscles.
4. The myelin sheath is a fatty material that wraps around the axons of some
5. Myelinated axons transmit impulses faster than unmyelinated axons.
6. Dendrites receive impulses from other neurons and conduct them to the cell body.
7. Neurons are classified according to the number of processes that arise from the
cell body.
8. Efferent neurons get information from the central nervous system to glands and
9. A non-conducting nerve fiber is described as resting potential.
10. In a resting potential, the axon membrane is polarized, while in an action
potential, the axon membrane is depolarized.
11. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit nerve impulses from presynaptic
to postsynaptic.
12. Membranous coverings of the CNS are called meninges.
13. The cerebrum is the largest and most complex part of the brain.
14. Simple reflex actions do not depend on conscious thought.
15. Reflex action is a rapid automatic response to a certain stimulus.
16. The human cranial nerves are 12 pairs, and the spinal nerves are 31 pairs.
17. The parasympathetic nervous system is most active when the body is relaxed.
18. Hearing and balance are the two major functions of the ear.
19. Glucagon promotes the production of glucose from proteins.
20. Overproduction of thyroid hormones is called hyperthyroidism.
21. Too low growth hormone in childhood can cause a condition called dwarfism.
22. Too much growth hormone during childhood can cause a condition called
23. The cavities of the spongy bone contain red bone marrow.
24. The formation of bone from osteoblasts is called ossification.
25. Ligaments attach one bone to another.
26. Tendons attach muscles to bones.
27. Synovial fluid helps protect the ends of bones from damage by reducing
28. When a bone breaks but does not come through the skin, it is a closed fracture.
29. The inflammation of joints is called arthritis.
30. A muscle that bends a joint is known as a flexor.
31. A muscle that straightens a joint is called an extensor.
32. Point mutations are due to changes in the structure of the gene.
33. Chromosomal mutations involve changes in the whole chromosome set.
34. DNA carries genetic information.
35. RNA is responsible for the expression of genetic material through protein

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