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2, 2024}
Classes: SUP

To paraphrase is to include the ideas or information from an original source in your paper by
rephrasing those ideas or information in your own words. The key to successful paraphrasing is
to use as few words as possible from the original text--be mindful NOT to change the meaning
that you are trying to convey as you rephrase and to cite your paraphrase. Without proper citation,
your paraphrase could be construed as plagiarism. Your paraphrase can be longer or shorter than
the original. Concentrate on the meaning and not on the words to get the paraphrase in your own
"voice." Use some or all of the paraphrasing techniques listed below:

Technique Original sentence Paraphrased sentence

Change word form or part of American news coverage is When American journalists cover
speech. frequently biased in favor of events, they often display a
Western views. Western bias.

Use synonyms of
"relationship words" such Budget shortfalls at the state Higher university tuition costs
as contrast, cause, level have resulted in higher are due to lack of money in the
or effect, and substitute a tuition costs at universities. state budget.
word or phrase that conveys
a similar meaning.

Use synonyms of phrases There was a resurgence of At the beginning of the 1980s,
and words tuberculosis at the start of the the incidence of
decade. tuberculosis increased.

Change the word order. Under the early admission Universities accept students before
system, students are accepted their high school graduation under
by colleges before they the early admission system.
graduate from high school.

Change passive voice to Passive Voice: The Active Voice: Over one-third of the
active and move phrases entrance exam was failed by applicants failed the entrance
and modifiers. over one-third of the applicants. exam.

Use reversals or negatives

that do not change the This unusual species is only This species is not found on land.
meaning. found underwater.

Do not change concept Gamma rays consist of high High-energy photons that do not
words, special terms, or energy photons that have have mass or charge form Gamma
proper names. neither mass nor charge. rays.
A. Paraphrase the following sentences mentioning the technique(s) employed.
1. "In a surprising turn of events, the mayor announced a new initiative to revitalize the city's aging
2. "According to recent statistics, unemployment rates have fallen to their lowest in the past decade."
3. "The central bank's decision to raise interest rates has sparked debate among various economic experts."
4. "Local farmers are expressing concern over the impact of unusual weather patterns on crop yields."
5. "The international conference on climate change is set to commence next week, with delegates from over
50 countries."
6. "In an effort to combat air pollution, the city council has introduced stricter emissions standards for
7. "The tech giant, known for its popular smartphone model 'X-200', reported record-breaking profits this
8. "Researchers at the University of Somewhere have made a groundbreaking discovery in renewable energy
9. "Celebrations erupted across the nation as the national team clinched the World Cup in a thrilling final
10. "COVID-19 vaccination rates are steadily increasing, according to the latest report from the World Health

B. Decide on which sentences are good paraphrases and which are not, telling why.
1. Original: "The government plans to increase healthcare funding by 20% next year."
Paraphrase: "Next year, there will be a 20% reduction in government spending on healthcare."
2. Original: "Local scientists have developed a new method for recycling plastic waste."
Paraphrase: "A new technique for reprocessing plastic rubbish has been created by scientists in the area."
3. Original: "The city's oldest bridge is currently undergoing extensive repairs."
Paraphrase: "The most ancient bridge in the city is being extensively demolished."
4. Original: "Rising sea levels pose a significant threat to coastal communities."
Paraphrase: "Communities along the coast are facing serious challenges due to the increasing sea levels."

5. Original: "The school introduced a new language program to promote multilingualism."

Paraphrase: "A recent initiative to encourage multilingualism has been started by the school."
6. Original: "The company announced a merger with its largest competitor."
Paraphrase: "Its biggest rival has been taken over by the company."

7. Original: "Advancements in technology are transforming the way we access information."

Paraphrase: "The way we obtain information is being changed by improvements in technology."
8. Original: "The artist's exhibition showcases a blend of modern and traditional styles."
Paraphrase: "The artist's display exclusively features contemporary styles."
9. Original: "Voters are showing increased interest in environmental policies."
Paraphrase: "There is a growing apathy among voters towards environmental policies."
10. Original: "The new budget includes measures to support small businesses."
Paraphrase: "Support for large corporations is a key feature of the new budget."

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