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At the end of the course the students must be able to:

1. Define Human Anatomy

2. Describe the main divisions of Human anatomy

3. Discuss the different levels of structural organization of the human body

4. Name and describe briefly the different body systems

5. Describe a person in anatomical position

6. Describe the following imaginary planes.

a. Sagittal plane
b. Midsagittal plane
c. Coronal plane
d. Horizontal plane

7. Discuss the following anatomical terms used for the different parts of
the body to describe their relations with one another.

a. anterior and posterior

b. superior and inferior
c. medial and lateral
d. superficial and deep
e. proximal and distal

8. Discuss the following criteria in the study of oneself:

a. physical attributes
b. functional attributes
c. psychological attributes


Familiarize yourself with the Gross anatomy laboratory room located at the 11th floor of the
college of Medicine Building. You will find here the technician’s room where anatomical models,
bones, specimens are borrowed from and returned to at the beginning and end of the laboratory period.
There are also anatomical charts posted in the walls of the entire room that can be used as reference as
well as well-meaning quotations to guide you in your stay in College of Medicine. We hope these will
help in your journey to become full pledged physicians in the future.
Study of one’s own body is essential before one attempts to study structures in other living and
dead human bodies as well as anatomical models. One can understand himself and others better by
studying first one’s own physical, functional and physiological make-ups.

Obtain your own values for the following. Use the metric system for the
various measurements.

I. Physical attributes:
5'4 ft
A. Height _______________
64 kg
B. Weight _______________

C. Chest circumferences _______________

38 inches

D. Waist circumferences _______________

36 inches

E. Hip circumferences _______________

40 inches

F. Color of skin _______________


G. Color of hair _______________


H. Color of eyes _______________

II. Functional Attributes

A. Blood pressure _______________

B. Pulse rate _______________


C. Respiratory rate _______________

17 breaths/min

D. Pupillary light reflex _______________


E. Knee jerk reflex _______________

III. Physiological Attributes

You are now required to write a personal history from time of your birth to the present
time. This must be done in a separate sheet of paper to be submitted at the end of the laboratory
period. This should include all the persons and events that had greatly influenced your
psychological make-ups. You may add also the long term and short term goals in your life and
how you plan to achieve these goals.

Describe and illustrate the anatomical position in yourself.

Person is standing erect (head, eyes & toes facing forward), upper limbs at by side with palms facing forward, lower limbs together

and toes pointing forward.


Look for anatomical models in the laboratory cut in the following phases. Describe them.

Sagittal __________________________________________________
divided parallel to the median plane but not equally division of the left and right

Midsagittal _______________________________________________
equal division of left & right from the sagittal suture

Coronal __________________________________________________
division of front & back guided by the coronal suture

Transverse _______________________________________________
division of upper and lower limbs of the body

Practice the use of the different anatomical terms by filling up the following blanks.

1. The clavicle articulates at its _____________

medial end with the sternum and with

the scapula at its _______________

lateral end.

2. The ribs articulates at its ______________

anterior end with the sternum and with the

thoracic vertebrae at its ________________

posterior end.

3. The heart Is ________________

posterior to the sternum.

4. The ________________
proximal end of the humerus articulates with shoulder

bone while the ______________

distal end with the forearm bones.

5. The skin is __________________

superficial to the fasciae and muscles.

6. The ears are found in ___________________

peripheral side of head.

7. The abdomen is ________________

inferior to thorax.
8. The ________________
part of small intestines joins the stomach while the

part is continuous with large intestine.

9. The middle finger is _________________

proximal to the ring finger.

10. The ulnar is __________________

medial to radius.

Illustrate the following movements in your body. Describe these:

Flexion is the decreasing angle/bending of neck/body while extension is the
straightening of the flexed body.
1. Flexion and extension of vertebral column ___________________________
Flexion the bending of elbow, extension is the straightening
flexed positioned body.
2. Flexion and extension of the elbow___________________________________
In pronation, palm faces posteriorly, supination is the rotation of the forearm
3. Pronation and supination of the forearm _______________________________
and hand laterally so the palm faces anteriorly.
Abduction is away from the median plane while adduction is towards
4. Abduction and adduction of the arm __________________________________
the median plane.
Inversion is where the sole faces medially while in eversion the sole
5. Inversion and eversion of foot _______________________________________
faces laterally.

Describe the position assumed by the person
in the picture.
Person is standing erect, upper limbs at the side, palm facing
forward, lower limbs are together and toes pointing forward.


This position is called ___________________

Anatomical position


The above section/plane is called _______________________.

Transverse Plane Describe how the body is cut.

The body is divided into upper and lower parts.

The above section/plane is called _______________________.
Median Plane
Describe how the body is cut.
Body is cut equally to left and right.

These 3 pictures are cut in this section/plane

Coronal Plane

Describe this section. __________________

Sectioning of the body into front and back, basing it in the

coronal suture.

Using anatomical terms and guided by the directions of the arrows, identify the different
movements on the:

1. arm ________________________

2. arm ________________________

3. Forearm & Hand______________


4. Thigh ______________________
5. Thigh ______________________
6. Foot _______________________

7. Foot _______________________

Using anatomical terms and guided by the directions of the arrows, identify the different
movements on the:

1. arm ________________________

2. arm ________________________

3. arm ________________________

4. arm _extension

5. thigh ______________________

6. thigh _______________________
7. leg ________________________

8. leg _________________________

Identify actions on the fingers. Describe.

1. ________________________
Adduction of fingers

Fingers toward the middle

________________________ 1


2. _________________________
Abduction of fingers
Fingers move away to each other


Identify actions on the foot. Describe.

1. ________________________

Sole is facing the front



2. _________________________

Sole is facing backward.


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