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21. How many moles of Pb 2+ are there in 500.

0 mL of a saturated solution
A. 3.2 • 10 -16
of PbSO
30. Which 4 ? following (1 mark)
B. 9.of 0 •the 10 -9 describes the net ionic reaction for the hydrolysis
of NH 4 Cl( s ) ?--16 (1 mark)
C. 36..27 •• 10
A. 10 5
95. 30. Which of the following describes the net ionic reaction for the hydrolysis
B. 91.043Cl•+ 10?-+
Cl -( aq ) & (1 mark)
( )
4 ( aq )
s ® NH 4 Cl( s )
C. 6.7 • 10 -5 & + -
B. NH 4 Cl + ( s- ) ® - NH 4 & ( aq ) + Cl ( aq )
aq ) + Cl ( aq ) ® NH 4 Cl ( s )
A. 1NH 4
D. .3 •4 (10
C. Cl ( aq ) + H 2& O( l ) & ®
+ HCl ( aq )- + OH ( aq )
B. NH Cl ® NH 4 ( aq ) + Cl ( aq )
22. Which of4+the( s )following compounds is least soluble in water? (2 marks)
D. NH-4 ( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) && ® NH 3( aq ) + H-3O +( aq )
C. Cl ( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) ® HCl( aq ) + OH ( aq )
A. CuI
22. Which +
of4the &
following compounds +
is least soluble in water? (2 marks)
B. NHBeS ( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) ® NH 3( aq ) + H 3O ( aq )
C. CuI
96. 31. Which
D. BeS of the3following salts will produce a solution with the highest pH?
AgBrO (2 marks)
C. 1CsOH
31. A. NaNO
3 salts will produce a solution with the highest pH? (2 marks)
D. AgBrO
B. 1.0 M NaHSO 3
A. 11..00 M
NaNO3 3
23. AB.substance which produces hydroxide ions in solution is a definition of which of
D. 11..00 M
the following? 2 44 (1 mark)
C. 1.0 M NaHCO3
97. 23. AD.
an which
M NaH produces
2 PO 4
hydroxide ions in solution is a definition of which of
the following?
B. an Arrhenius base (1 mark)
C. aisBrønsted-Lowry
32. What acid
true about the transition point of all indicators described by the following
A. an Arrhenius acid
D. a Brønsted-Lowry base
B. an Arrhenius base
32. C.
Whata is true about the transition
Brønsted-Lowry acid point of all indicators described by the following
equilibrium: HIn + H 2 O & ® H 3O + + In -
D. a Brønsted-Lowry base
(1 mark)
98. 24. Which of the following HIn + H2O & +
3O +
® ofHacids, In -
is generally true but not for bases? (1 mark)
A. pH = K a (1 mark)
A. pH > 7 -
A. [pH
24. Which of=]the
HIn In
a +
[ ]
=K following is generally true of acids, but not for bases? (1 mark)
B. release H in solution
B. [HIn
pH [
H 3O
C. conduct
][ ]
1.0 • 10 -7 M
>] 7= =current
In - when in solution
+ + -
] current
ofHH inOsolution
H O indicators
+ 3 -7equals moles of OH
to change
= 1.0 • 10 M colour
when in solution
D. moles of H 3O + equals moles of OH -
D. cause
99. 25. Which indicators
of the to change
following colour will have the highest electrical
1.0 M solutions
- 10 -
conductivity? (1 mark)

A. HI - 10 -

26. Consider the following equilibrium:

HOI + F - " -
® OI + HF

Reactants are favoured in this equilibrium. Which of the following describes the
26. Consider the following equilibrium:

HOI + F - " OI - + HF
100.26. Consider the following equilibrium: ®

Reactants are favoured in this equilibrium.

- " Which
- of the following describes the
HOI + F ® OI
relative strengths of the acids and the bases? + HF (2 marks)

Reactants are favoured in this equilibrium. Which of the following describes the
Stronger Acid Stronger Base
relative strengths of the acids and the bases? (2 marks)
A. HF F-
Stronger Acid Stronger- Base
A. HF F --
B. HF OI --
28. Which of the following is a definition of pK w ?
101.27. Which of the following is true for a neutral aqueous solution? (1 mark)
A. pK w = - log K w
[ ]
A. H 3O + = 0.0 M B. pK w = pH - pOH
27. Which of the following is true for a neutral aqueous solution? (1 mark)
[ ] [ ]
B. H O + = OH -
C. pK w = 7.0 at 25∞C

[OH ] is a definitionD.of pKpK ? = [H O ][OH ]

A. [H O ] = 0.0 M
+ + -
28. C. [HofOthe] >following
+ - w 3
(1 mark)
B. [H O ] = [OH ]
+ - w
D. [H O ] < [OH ]
+ -

C. [H O ] > [OH ]
A. pK = - log K
w + -w
102.28. Which
B. pKof the
= pH following
- pOH is a definition of pK ? (1 mark)
D. [H O ] < [OH ]
w + w
C. pK = 7.0 at 25∞C
3 29. Consider the following equilibrium:
A. pK = - log K
= [pH ][OH ]
w w
+ -
D. pK =
B. pK H O- pOH H CO ( ) + H O( ) ( + HCO3 -( aq )
3 ® HO( 2 3 aq 2 l 3 aq )
C. pK w = 7.0 at 25∞C
D. [
pK w = H 3O + OH - ][ ] What is the equilibrium expression?

103.29. Consider the following equilibrium:

A. K a =
[H O ][HCO ]

( [H CO ]
H 2 CO3( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) ® H 3O +( aq-) 9+- HCO32-( aq ) 3
29. Consider the following equilibrium:
What is the equilibrium expression? B. +K a- 9= -
H 2 CO3( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) (
® H 3O ( aq ) + HCO
H 3O +- HCO3 -
3 ( aq )
[ ][ ] (1 mark)

What is the H [
+ -
equilibrium 3 ][
C. ] Ka =
[H2CO3 ][H2O] (1 mark)
A. K a =
[H2CO3 ] [ H 3O + ][ HCO3 - ]
A. K =
[H O[H][CO
3 ]
2 3
[H O ][HCO ]+ -
[H [O ][HCO
] ]
B. a H CO +2 - D. Ka =
3 3
3 [H2CO3 ][H2O]
[H2CO][H3 ] O]
K a = [H 2 CO
[[ ]][[ ]]
C. K a = H 3O++ 3HCO2 3 --

[H CO ][H O] 30. Which of the following describes the net ionic equation for the hydroly
[[ ]][[ ]]
C. K a = H 32O++ 3HCO2 3 -- of a NaNO2 solution?
D. K a = H 3O HCO3
104. 30. Which of the following describes the net ionic equation for the hydrolysis
of a NaNO2 solution? (1 mark)

A. NaNO2( s ) ( + -
® Na ( aq ) + NO2 ( aq )

B. NO2 -( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) ( -
® HNO2( aq ) + OH ( aq )
C. Na (+aq ) + 2 H 2 O( l ) ( +
® H 3O ( aq ) + NaOH( aq )
D. NaNO2( s ) + H 2 O( l ) (
® NaOH( aq ) + HNO2( aq )

23. Which of the- following is a property of all acidic solutions at 25∞C ? (1 mark)
105.31. The HC 2 O 4 ( aq ) ion will act as (2 marks)
A. They have a pH less than 7.0 .
B. aThey
sincea KpH a <greater
K b than 7.0 . - 10 -
23. Which of the following is a property of all acidic solutions at 25∞C ? (
C. aThey
B. basecause Ka > Kb
since phenolphthalein to turn pink.
D. an
C. They
since hydrogen
< KThey
K a A. when placed
have a pHonless
7.0 .
23. Which of the following is a property of all acidic solutions at 25∞C ? (1 mark)
D. an acid since K a B. > KThey
b have a pH greater than 7.0 .
A. They have a pH C. less They
than cause
7.0 . phenolphthalein to turn pink.
106. 23. Which of the following is a property of all acidic solutions at 25∞C ? (1 mark)
B. They have a pH D. They
greater release
than 7.0 . hydrogen when placed on copper metal.
24. When
C. They
A. a small
They cause
have solid sample is added
pH less than to a solution
0 . turn pink. of H 2SO 4 , a precipitate forms
32. and
D. the
B. dosolution
They release
a have abecomes
chemical hydrogen
pH less
greater acidic.
than .0Which
aplaced. on
7buffer of the typically
solution following
metal. bothsubstances
contain?could (1 mark)
have caused these results? (2 marks)
C. They cause phenolphthalein to turn pink.
A. a strong acid and its conjugate acid
D. They
A. release24.hydrogen
When awhensmallplaced on copper
solid sample a solution of H 2SO 4 , a precipitate forms
is added
B. aNa 2 SO 4acid and its conjugate base
and the solution becomes less acidic. Which of the following substances could
C. (OH)acid
B. aSrweak 2
and its conjugate acid
have caused these results? (2
107. 24. D.
C. aMg
When weak(OHacid
a small andsample
)2solid its conjugate
is added baseto a solution of H 2SO 4 , a precipitate forms
and the solution becomes A. less
Na 2acidic.
SO 4 Which of the following substances could
D. Ca
have (NO3these
caused )2 results? (2 marks)
24. When a small solid sampleB. Sris(OH )2 to a solution of H 2SO 4 , a precipitate forms
A. the
Nasolution becomes
C. less
OH)2 Which of the following substances could
2 SO 4
have caused these results?
33. What is the approximate pH and K a at the transition point for phenol red? (2 marks)
B. Sr(OH)2 D. Ca( NO3 )2
A. Na 2(=SO
C. pH
Mg 6.46)following
OH 2, K a = 3 • 10
108.25. A.
Consider the reaction:
B. Ca((OH
D. pH =NO
7.332),2 K a = 1 • 10 -14
C. Mg(OH) HCN + CH 3NH 2 $ -
® CN + CH 3NH 3
C. pH = 7.32, K a = 5 • 10 -8
D. Ca( NO3 )2 25. Consider -8 the following reaction:
D. pH = 8. 0 , K = 1 • 10
Which of the following describes a conjugate acid-base pair in the equilibrium
above? HCN + CH 3NH 2 $
® CN + CH 3NH(2
25. Consider the following reaction:
Acid Which of Base
the following$ describes
- a conjugate+acid-base pair in the equilibrium
above? + CH 3 NH 2 ® CN + CH 3NH 3 (2
25. When
34. Consider the following
performing reaction:
- a titration experiment, the indicator must always have (1 mark)
Which of the following describes a- =
7.0 . $ acid-base pair in the equilibrium
B. a distinct
CH colour
NH + change
Acid3 NH 2 ®
CNBase+ CH 3NH 3 +
above? 3 3
B. the ability to change from colourless to pink.
(2 marks)
C. a transition A. isCH CN HCN
Which of theHCN point that
following describes3 NH
close atoconjugate
3the equivalence point.
acid-base pair in the equilibrium
above? Acid
an equivalence+ point that Base
is close to+the stoichiometric
- point. (2 marks)
3 3 2 3
C. HCN CH 3NH 3 +
Acid + Base-
B. CH 3NH 3 CN
26. B.
HSof the following is the weakest base? (1 mark)
A. F -
D. IO3 --
109. 26. B. HS
Which of the following is the weakest base? (1 mark)
27. C. CN
Which (1 mark)
-of the following relationships is used to calculate K w at 30∞C ?
A. F -
D. IO3
K w = pH + pOH
of- the following relationships is used to calculate K w at 30∞C ?
27. Which
B. CN [ ]
pK w = - log H 3O +
(1 mark)
D. IO3 -
C. K [ ][ ]
Kww == pHH 3O+ +pOH
OH -
110. 27. Which of the
[ [] [ ] ]
-following (1 mark)
+relationships is used to calculate K w at 30∞C ?
B. K ww== H
D. pK log+ H+3OOH

K == [pHH O+ ][ OH ]
+ -
A. K ww 3pOH
27. Which
B. K pK ww=[H-following
of=the Olog][H
3 + [O
OH 3]] + -
relationships is used to calculate K w at 30∞C ? (1 mark)

C. K
K == pH
w [H O+ pOH
is the pOH
3 ][OH ]
+ -
of 0.2 M HNO ? (2 marks)
K ==[H O []H+ O
[OH] ]
+ - 3
D. pK
B. ww - log 3 3
A. 5 • 10
111. 28. = [H O ][OH ]
C. Kis the
+ -
(2 marks)
B. 0.2 pOH of 0.2 M HNO ?
w 3

C. K0.7= [H O ] + [OH ]
+ -
D. w 3
A. 5 • 10
D. 13.3
28. B.
What 0is.2the pOH of 0.2 M HNO3 ? (2 marks)
C. 0.7
A. 13
D. 5 .•3 10 -14
B. is0.the
28. What 2 pOH of 0.2 M HNO3 ? (2 marks)
C. 0of
112. 29. Which .7 the following K a values represents the acid with
A. 513•.310 -14conjugate base?
D. strongest
the (1 mark)
B. 0.2
29. Which -12 K values represents the acid with
A. K0of
C. the following
a.7= 4.2 • 10 a
the strongest 30.
conjugate What
base? is the dissociation equation for Na 2 CO3 in water? (1 mark)
B. 13 K a.3= 9.5 • 10 -9
29. A. Kisaaof
K ==the
•• 10
5 2+
CO3 2(-aq )
30. Which
What the K
A. a values
equationNa 2 CO
for ( s ) 2%
3Na CONa3thein ) + with
( aq (1 mark)
B. Kaa == 97..58conjugate
the strongest
K •• 10
10 - base? + 2- (1 mark)
2 +B. Na 2 CO2 -3( s ) % 2 Na ( aq ) + CO3 ( aq )
A. Na 2 CO3( s ) % -Na + CO3 ( aq )
-12 ( aq )
A. KK a = = 24..02 •• 10 10 2- - -
29. What
113. 30. Whichisof athethedissociation
following KC. values
equation CO3for + 2H
aq2)- CO2O 3the ) %
( lin water?with3 ( aq ) + OH ( aq )
acidHCO (1 mark)
B. Na CO % -23Na + a + CO
D. K 2= 7.38( s• ) 10 -9 ( aq ) 3 ( aq )
the K a = 9.conjugate
B. strongest
a 5 • 10 base? D. Na 2 CO3( s ) + 2 H 2 O( l ) % 2 NaOH( aq ) + H 2 CO3( aq ) (1 mark)
2- + -2 - -
23.)0( s+)•% -5( l ) % + + OH ( aq )
C. CO H102 O 2 HCO
C. Na K 23CO =( aq Na ( aq ) CO33 ((aq
A. K aa = 4.2 • 10 --12
D. Na
B. Na
= 7.38( s )•% +1022H3Na 2 O+( l ) % + 2CO
NaOH 2-
aq + H 2 CO3( aq )
3 ( aq )( )
B. K aa2= 9.35( s )• 10 -9 ( aq )
2- - --10 -
C. CO K a 3=( aq 2.)0 +• H 102 O
( l ) % HCO3 ( aq ) + OH ( aq )
31.3 OWhich of the following solutions has the highest pH ?
D. Na K a 2=CO 7.38( s )• +102-H 2 ( l ) % 2 NaOH ( aq ) + H 2 CO3( aq )

A. 0.1 M - 10 -
114. 31. Which of the following solutions hasHCl the highest pH ? (2 marks)
B. 0.1 M NaF
A. 0.1 M HCl C. 0.1 M NaHS
- 10 -
B. 0.1ofMtheNaF
31. Which following solutions D. 0.1 M hasNH the4 Cl highest pH ? (2 marks)
C. 0.1 M NaHS
D. 0.1 M HCl NH 4 Cl
- 10 -
B. 0.1 M NaF
C. 0.1 M NaHS
32. The indicator phenolphthalein can be described by the following equilibrium
D. 0.1 M NH Cl
6. Consider the following Brønsted-Lowry equilibrium:
H 2SO3( aq ) + HPO 42(−aq ) → − −
← H 2 PO 4 ( aq ) + HSO3 ( aq )
1. 6. Consider the following Brønsted-Lowry equilibrium:
a) Identify the two Brønsted-Lowry acids in the above equilibrium. (1 mark)
H 2SO3( aq ) + HPO 42(−aq ) →
8. Consider the following equilibrium:
− −
← H 2 PO 4 ( aq ) + HSO3 ( aq )

a) Identify the two Brønsted-Lowry O →

energy + 2 H 2acids←in the O + + equilibrium.
H 3above OH − (1 mark)
b) Define the term conjugate acid. (1 mark)
a) Explain how pure water can have a pH = 7.30 . (2 marks)

2. b) Definethe
8. Consider thefollowing
term conjugate acid.
equilibrium: (1 mark)

energy + 2 H 2 O → +
← H 3O + OH

a) Explain how pure water can have a pH = 7.30 . OVER

(2 marks)
- 19 -
b) Calculate the value of K w for the sample of water with a pH = 7.30 . (2 marks)
6. a) Write the equation for the predominant reaction of HC 2 O 4−
with HSO3 − . OVER
(1 mark)
3. - 19 - of
6. a) Write the equation for the predominant reaction HC 2 O 4−
with HSO3 − . (1 mark)
− − →
6. Write the equation 2 Othe + HSO3 reaction
4 predominant ← between HSO+4 − and H 2 PO 4 − .
− − →
HC 2 O 4 + HSO3 ← +
acid base (2 marks)
acidof K forbase
b) Calculate the value the sample of water with a pH = 7.30 . (2 marks)
b) Identify
7. Consider a 1a.0Brønsted-Lowry conjugate
M solution of NH acid base pair from the above reaction. (1 mark)
4F .
b) Identify a Brønsted-Lowry conjugate acid base pair from the above reaction. (1 mark)
a) Write Base:NH 4 F is dissolved in water.
Acid: both hydrolysis reactions that occur when (2 marks)
Acid: Base:
4. [ ]
8. Calculate the OH − in 0.50 M NH 3( aq ) . (5 marks)

5. 6. Write the equation for the predominant reaction between HSO 4 − and H 2 PO 4 − .
(2 marks)
6. 7. A 0.20 M solution of a weak acid, HA, has a pH = 1.32 .
7. Use
a) Incalculations and thesketch
the space below, table of
the“Relative Strengths
titration curve of Brønsted-Lowry
for the reaction Acids
and Bases”
7. a) when from
In the 0space the Data
.10 Mbelow, Booklet
HCl issketch to determine
10.0 mLcurve the
of 0.foridentity
10 M
theNaOH of the
reaction acid. (5
(3 marks)
when 0.10 M HCl is added to 10.0 mL of 0.10 M NaOH . (3 marks)
7. 8. Calculate the pH of a solution prepared by mixing 15.0 mL of 0.50 M HCl
with 35.0 mL of 1.0 M NaOH. (4 marks)

8. 7. Consider a 1.0 M solution of NH 4 F .
a) Write 10
both hydrolysis reactions that occur when NH 4 F is dissolved in water. (2 marks)
20 M108solution of a weak acid, HA, has a pH = 1.32 .
7. A 0.pH
b) Will
Use the68 aboveand
pH NHthe4 Ftable
solution be acidic,
of “Relative basic, orofneutral?
Strengths Brønsted-Lowry Acids
andSupport your the
Bases”46from answer
Datawith calculations.
Booklet to determine the identity of the acid. (2 marks)
(5 marks)
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Volume of added HCl (mL)
0.10 M 0.10 M

9. 6. Consider the 0.10 M solutions of the following two acids:

pH = 1.00 pH = 2.87
Acid HA Acid HB
a) What can you conclude about the acids that will explain these different pH values? (1 mark)
c) A mixture of indicators is made by combining equal amounts of methyl orange
You can conclude that acid HA:
and bromthymol blue. Complete the following table, showing the colour of each
indicator and the mixture at pH of 5 and pH of 9. (2 marks)
You can conclude that acid HB:
0.10 Mreaction are HNO2( aq ) and
7. The two reactants in an acid-base M 3 −( aq ) .
Colour of Colour of Colour of
a) Write the equation orange
for the bromthymol blue
above reaction. mixture (2 marks)
pH = 1.00 pH = 2.87
a) What can you conclude about the acids that will explain these different pH values? (1 mark)
pH=9 the volume of 0.10 M NaOH needed to neutralize equal volumes of
b) Compare
You can conclude that acid HA:
each of these acid samples. (1 mark)
7. The two reactants in an acid-base reaction are HNO2( aq ) and HCO3 −( aq ) .
You cantheconclude
b) Define that acidacid-base
term conjugate HB: pair. (1 mark)

10. 6. Will
9. The ion

4 is
act an amphiprotic
predominantly as anion.
an acid or as a base in solution?
a) Write 2the 4 equation for the above reaction. (2 marks)
Support your answer with calculations. (3 marks)
a) Define the term amphiprotic. (1 mark)

11. 7. The two reactants in an acid-base reaction are HNO2( aq ) and HCO3 −( aq ) .

6. b)
ion H 2 PO is an amphiprotic
the4 volume 10 M anion.
a) Write the equation forofthe0.above NaOH needed to neutralize equal volumes of
reaction. (2 marks)
each of these acid samples. (1 mark)
b) Define the term conjugate acid-base pair. (1 mark)
a) Define the term amphiprotic. (1 mark)
b) Write
Write the
the formulas
balanced for a conjugate
equation for theacid-base pair for
reaction when H 2the
− reaction. (1 mark)
(2 marks)
4 reacts with HF .

12. 8. At 10.0°C, K w = 2.95 × 10 −15 for pure water.

6. The ion H 2 PO 4− is an amphiprotic anion.
a) Calculate the pH of water at 10.0°C . (3 marks)
b) Define the term conjugate acid-base pair. (1 mark)
a) Define the term amphiprotic. (1 mark)
13. 9. At a particular temperature a 1.0 M H 2S solution has a pH = 3−.75 . Calculate the
b) Write the balanced equation for the reaction when H 2 PO 4 reacts with HF . (2 marks)
value of K a at this temperature. (4 marks)
7. c) Write
Write the formulas
anHequation for a conjugate acid-base pair for the above reaction.
− for a reaction in which H 2 O acts only as
(1 mark)
14. 6. The ion 2 PO 4 is an amphiprotic anion. - 23 -
a Brønsted-Lowry base. (2 marks)
a) Define the term amphiprotic. OVER
(1 mark)
- 21 -
b) Write the balanced equation for the reaction when H 2 PO 4− reacts with HF . (2 marks)

15. 7. c) Write
Write an the formulas
equation for afor a conjugate
reaction acid-base
in which pair only
H 2 O acts for the
as above reaction. (1 mark)
a Brønsted-Lowry base. (2 marks)

16. 8. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M Sr(OH)2 . (2 marks)

b) Write the balanced equation for the reaction when H 2 PO 4− reacts with HF . (2 marks)
17. 9. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M NH 4 Cl . (5 marks)
7. Write an equation for a reaction in which H 2 O acts only as OVER
- 21 -
a Brønsted-Lowry base. (2 marks)

8. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M Sr(OH)2 . (2 marks)

7. Consider
b) Write the
the following equilibria: the reaction of CN − with water.
equation representing (2 marks)
c) Identify a conjugate pair in b) above. (1 mark)
18. 7. The cyanide ion, CN − , is a Brønsted-Lowry −base.

a) Define Brønsted-Lowry base. (1 mark)

II. CH 3COOH + ClO − → ← HClO −
+ CH 3COO −
7. b) Write the following
Consider equation representing the reaction of CN with water. (2 marks)
6. When a solution of Na 2equilibria:
CO3( aq ) is mixed with a solution of Ca( NO3 )2( aq ) a
a) Identify a
In equation conjugate pair in b) above.
I above, the reactants are favoured. Identify the stronger acid. (1 mark)
(1 mark)
precipitate forms.
I. CH 3COOH + OCN − → ← HOCN + CH 3COO

19. 8. a) Write
Write the net ionic
an equation equation
to show for the precipitation
the ionization of water. reaction. (2(1marks)
7. Consider the following equilibria:
b) Write the equation representing ClO − →
CH 3COOHthe+ reaction ←
of CN −
with CH 3COO −
+ water. (2 marks)
20. 9. Calculate the pHI.of 1.50CH M NH COOH . + OCN − → HOCN + CH COO − (5 marks)
c) Identify
b) a conjugate
In equation II above,pair
the3in b)3 above.
products ← Identify the stronger
are favoured. 3 acid. (1 mark)
(1 mark)
a) In equation I above, the reactants are favoured. Identify the stronger acid. (1 mark)
21. 7. Consider the following equilibria:
b) Explain what happens to the precipitate when HCl is added. (3 marks)
II. CH 3COOH + ClO − → ← HClO + CH 3COO

8. Write an equation to show the ionization of water. (2 marks)
I. CH 3COOH + OCN − → ← HOCN + CH 3COO

c) In equation
Identify I above, the
a conjugate pairreactants are favoured. Identify the stronger acid.
in b) above. (1
(1 mark)
c) Consider the following reaction:
II above, CH
b) In equation II. the products are favoured.
− → Identify the stronger − acid. (1 mark)
3COOH + ClO ← HClO + CH 3COO
HOCN + ClO − → −
← - OCN +- HClO
6. An acid-base reaction occurs between HSO3 and IO3 .
8. a) In equation
Write I above,
an equation thethe
to show reactants are favoured.
ionization of water. Identify the stronger acid. (2(1marks)
Does this reaction favour reactants or products? Explain. (2 marks)
a) In equation
Write II above,
the equation forthe
theproducts are favoured.
equilibrium Identify the stronger acid.
that results. (1 mark)
c) Consider the following reaction:

HOCN + ClO − of → OCN − + HClO

8. Write an equation to show the ionization (2 marks)
b) In equation II above, the products are favoured. Identify the stronger acid. (1 mark)
Does this the
c) Consider reaction favour
following reactants or products? Explain.
reaction: (2 marks)
6. An acid-base -15 between HSO - and IO - .
7. At
22. 8. At 60°C,
10 K w reaction
∞C, the pH occurs
= 2.=956.•51 10for . water. Determine
pure 3 the3 value of K w at
HOCN + ClO − → ← OCN −
this temperature. (3 marks)
b) Write
a) Identifytheone
Determine equation
the pH of forwater
the equilibrium
acid-base . inthat
at 10∞C - 23results.
the -
reaction. (1 mark)
(3 marks)
23. 9. c) Consider
Calculate thethe
this pHfollowing
of 0favour
.35 M reaction:
H 2 CO3 . or products? Explain. (2
(4 marks)
− → −
24. 7. Write a chemical reactionHOCN + ClO
showing ← OCNanion
an amphiprotic + HClO
reacting as a base in
8. At 60°C, the pH = 6.51 for pure water. Determine the value of K w at (2 marks)
thisDoes this reaction favour reactants or products?
temperature. -
(2 marks)
(3 marks)
25. 6. An acid-base reaction occurs between HSO3- 23 and
- IO 3 .

a) Write the equation for the equilibrium that results. (1 mark)

8. At 60°C, the pH = 6.51 for pure water. Determine the value of K w at
b) Identify one conjugate acid-base pair in the reaction. (1 mark)
this temperature. (3 marks)
c) State whether reactants or products are favoured, and explain how you arrived
at your answer. (2 marks)
8. At 60°C, the pH = 6.51 for pure water. Determine
- 23 - the value of K w at
26. 7. this
At 10 ∞C, K =
w 2 .95 • 10 . (3 marks)
- 20 -
a) Determine the pH of water at 10∞C . (3 marks)
b) Identify one conjugate acid-base pair in the reaction. OVER
(1 mark)
b) State whether water at this temperature is- 23
- basic or neutral, and explain. (1 mark)

c) State whether reactants or products are favoured, and explain how you arrived
when HC2 O 4- is mixed with HSO 4- . (1 mark)

b) Justify your statement by comparing K a values. (1 mark)

27. 8. Calculate the pH of 0.50 M H 2S. (4 marks)
c) Identify a conjugate acid-base pair. (1 mark)
28. 6. a) Write an equation to represent the predominant reaction
- -
d) when
2 O 4 isthe equilibrium
mixed with HSO will
4 favour
. the formation of reactants or (1 mark)
6. Write the net
products. ionic equation
Explain. for the acid-base reaction that occurs (2 marks)
b) Justify your statement by comparing
between NaCN ( aq ) and NH 4 Cl( aq ) . K a values. (2(1marks)
c) Identify a conjugate acid-base pair. (1 mark)
d) Predict whether the equilibrium will favour the formation of reactants or
products. Explain. (2 marks)
b) Justify your statement by comparing K a values. (1 mark)
6. Write the net ionic equation for the acid-base reaction that occurs
29. 7. Write an equation representing the ionization of water and state both ion
c) NaCN
Identify ( aq ) and
a conjugate NH 4 Cl( aq ) pair.
. (2(1marks)
concentrations that existacid-base
for pure water to have a pH = 7.20 . (3 marks)
d) Predict
7. Define whether
the term the equilibrium
amphiprotic and give will
an favour theofformation
example of reactants
an amphiprotic anion.or (2 marks)
products. Explain. (2 marks)
30. 8. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M NaHCO3 , a basic salt. (5 marks)
7. Write an equation representing the ionization of water and state both ion
pair. to have a pH = 7.20 .
31. 6. c)
Write the net ionic
concentrations that equation
Identify a conjugate
for the
exist acid-base
for pure acid-base reaction that occurs
water (3(1marks)
between NaCN ( aq ) and NH 4 Cl( aq ) . (2 marks)
d) Predict whether the equilibrium will favour the formation of reactants or
32. 7. Define the termExplain.
products. amphiprotic and give an example of an amphiprotic anion. (2
(2 marks)
7. Write an equation representing the ionization of water and state both ion
concentrations that exist for pure water to have a pH = 7.20 .-15 (3 marks)
33. 8. At 20∞C , the ionization constant of water (K w ) is 6.76 • 10 .
d) Predictthe
Calculate [
products. Explain.
H 3O +theofequilibrium
water at 20∞Cwill. favour the formation of reactants or (2 marks)
(2 marks)
7. Define the term amphiprotic and give an example of an amphiprotic anion. (2 marks)
34. 9.
7. Calculate the pH of
Write an equation 0.50 M NaF
representing the. ionization of water and state both ion (5 marks)
concentrations that exist for pure water to have a pH = 7.20 . (3 marks)
8. At 20∞C , the ionization constant of water (K w ) is 6.76 • 10 -15 .
[ ]
Calculate the H 3O + of water at 20∞C . (2 marks)
7. Write an equation representing the ionization of water and state both ion
concentrations that exist for pure water to have a pH = 7.20 . (3 marks)
- 20 -
8. At 20∞C , the ionization constant of water (K w ) is 6.76 • 10 -15 .
[ ]
Calculate the H 3O + of water at 20∞C . (2 marks)
- 20 -

- 20 -

- 20 -
- 23 -
- 20 -

1 C 6 C 11 C 16 B 21 D 26 C 31 B 36 D 41 D 46 C

2 C 7 B 12 C 17 A 22 D 27 B 32 B 37 A 42 A 47 D

3 A 8 D 13 B 18 B 23 B 28 C 33 B 38 B 43 B 48 C

4 A 9 C 14 A 19 A 24 A 29 A 34 D 39 A 44 B 49 B

5 B 10 B 15 A 20 C 25 C 30 C 35 B 40 C 45 B 50 C

51 C 56 B 61 B 66 D 71 C 76 B 81 B 86 A 91 C 96 C

52 C 57 D 62 C 67 D 72 C 77 B 82 D 87 B 92 D 97 B

53 C 58 B 63 B 68 A 73 A 78 A 83 C 88 B 93 C 98 B

54 B 59 D 64 A 69 B 74 C 79 C 84 A 89 C 94 A 99 A

55 D 60 65 A
6. BConsider 70 D Brønsted-Lowry
the following 75 B 80 B equilibrium:
85 A 90 C 95 D 100 B

H 2SO3( aq ) + HPO 42(−aq ) → − −

← H 2 PO 4 ( aq ) + HSO3 ( aq )
101 B 106 A 111 D

102 A 107 B
a) 112 A the two Brønsted-Lowry acids in the above equilibrium.
Identify (1 mark)
103 A 108 D 113 B
6. Consider the following Brønsted-Lowry equilibrium:
104 B 109 D 114 C
For Example: →
105 D 110 C H 2SO3( aq ) + HPO 42(−aq ) − −
← H 2 PO 4 ( aq ) + HSO3 ( aq )
Species 1: H SO3 ← 12 mark
a) Identify the two2 Brønsted-Lowry acids in the above equilibrium. (1 mark)
Species 2: H 2 PO 4− ← 12 mark

1. a) For Example:

b) Define
1: term
H 2conjugate
SO3 acid. ← 1
2 mark (1 mark)

Solution: Species 2: H 2 PO 4− ← 1
2 mark

b) For Example:

A conjugate acid is a species produced when a proton is 

b) Definebythe
accepted term conjugate acid.
a Brønsted-Lowry base.  ← 1 mark (1 mark)


For Example:

A conjugate acid is a species produced when a proton is 

accepted by a Brønsted-Lowry base.  ← 1 mark


For b) Calculate the value of K for the sample of water with a pH = 7.30 . (2 marks)
6. Example:
a) Write the equation for the wpredominant reaction of HC2 O 4− with HSO3 − . (1 mark)
A lower temperature causes a shift to the left.
2. Solution:
a) 
[ ]
The H 3O + drops as a result, and the pH increases.
For Example:
 ← 2 marks

b) HC 2 O 4+− + HSO − →
C O 2 − + H SO 
[ ] [
H 3O = OH − =31 × ← ]
10 −7.30 2= 54.0 × 10 −8 M 2 3 −
 ← 1 mark

← 1− mark
6. a)base
Write the equation
acid for the predominant reaction of HC 2 4 
O with HSO 3 . (1 mark)
b) K
Solution: Calculate
= HO
w [
3 ] [ ] (
+ value of− K for the sample
× OH =w 5.0 × 10 −8 5.0of×water )( )
10 −8 with × 10=−15
= 2.a5 pH 7.30←. 1 mark (2 marks)

3. a) b)HC −
HSO3 − →
a+Brønsted-Lowry C 2 O 42 − acid + base 
For Example: ← conjugate H 2SO
pair3 from the above reaction.
 ← 1 mark
(1 mark)
Solution: base acid
[ ] [ ]
H 3O + = OH − = 1 × 10 −7.30 = 5.0 × 10 −8 M
− 2−
← 1 mark
b) HC 2 O 4 C2O 4 
K w = Hbase[3O
] [ − 
] ( )( )
× OH = 5.0 × 10 −8 5.0 × 10 −8 = 2.5 × 10 −15 ← 1 mark
[ ]
b) Identify −
8. Calculate the a OH
in 0.50 MNH conjugate
3( aq ) .
acid base pair from the above reaction. (1 mark)
(5 marks)
OR  ← 1 mark
Solution: 
HSO3 − H 2SO3 
− 2−
For Example: O C O 
base2 4 acid2 4 
acid base 
K 1.0 × 10 −14 
4. K b = w =OR = 1 . 79 × ←−15 mark
 10 ← 1 mark
K a 5.6 × 10 −10 
HSO3 − H 2SO3 

base acid  +
NH 3 + H2O → ← NH 4 + OH

I 0 . 50 0 0 

[ ]
C − x +x +x  ← 2 marks

[E] 0.50 − x x x 

011chk - 10 - February 23, 2001

Kb =
[NH ][OH ] =
+ −
( x )( x )
= 1.79 × 10 −5

[NH3 ] (0.50 − x ) 
−  ←− 2 marks
6. Write the equationthat
Use assumption for the
− x ≈ 0.50 reaction
or use thebetween HSO
quadratic 4 and
formula. H 2 PO
 4 .
 (2 marks)
011chk [ ]
x = OH − = 3.0 × 10 −3 M
- 10 -

 February 23, 2001

( Deduct 12 mark for incorrect

significant figures.)
5. HSO 4− + H 2 PO 4− 2−
← SO 4 + H 3PO 4 ← 2 marks

014chk -9- May 8, 2001

For Example:

6. pH = 1.32 ⎫

⎬ ← 1 mark
[H O ] = 0.048 M

HA + H2O →
← H 3O + + A− ⎫

[I] 0.20 0 0 ⎪⎪
⎬ ← 2 marks
[C] −0.048 +0.048 +0.048 ⎪

[E] 0.152 0.048 0.048 ⎪⎭

8. Calculate the+ pH−of a solution prepared by mixing 15.0 mL of 0⎫.50 M HCl

7. Consider aH13.O
with [ 0M A ][ ]
K a =35.0 mL of 1.0=M NaOH.
.048NH)(04 F.048
. )
= 1.5 × 10 −2

⎬ ← 1 mark (4 marks)
[HA] 0.6.
152Consider the 0.10 M solutions of⎪ the following two acids:
a) Write both hydrolysis reactions that occur when NH 4 F is dissolved ⎭ in water. (2 marks)
Solution: Acid HA Acid HB
For Example:
The acid is: H 2SO3 ← 1 mark
For Example:
7. moles HCl = 0.0150 L × 0.50 M = 7.50 × 10 −3 mol ⎫

NH 4 ( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) →
← NH 3( aq ) + H 3O ( aq ) −2
+ ← 1 mark ⎪
moles NaOH = 0.0350 L × 1.0 M = 3.5 × 10 mol ⎪
F −( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) → ← HF ( aq ) + OH −
( aq )
← M
1 mark ⎪ 0.10 M
excess moles NaOH = 3.5 × 10 −2 mol − 7.50 × 10 −3 mol = 2.75 × 10 −2 mol ⎪
pH = 1.00 ⎬ ← 4 marks
pH = 2.87
10 −NH
7. [Consider a
NaOH] = OH = 1
.0 M
] 2.75 × of
− solution
0.050 L
4 F . = 0.55 M ⎪

a) What can youtwo
conclude about the acids that will explain these different
6. a) Consider the 0 .10
Write both hydrolysis M
−14 reactions that occur when NH 4 F is dissolved in water. ⎪ (2 marks)
solutions of the following acids:

[H 3O + = ]
1.0 × 10
0 . 55
.8 × 10 −4
= 1Solution:
Acid HA Acid HB ⎪
b) Will the above NH 4 F solution be acidic, basic, or neutral? ⎪
pH = 13 . 74
Support your answer withFor Example:
calculations. ⎪⎭ (2 marks)
For Example:
Solution: Acid HA is+ strong. ⎫
8. a) NH 4+( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) →
← NH 3( aq ) + H 3O ( aq ) ← 1 mark ⎬ ← 1 ma
For Deduct
Example: 1 mark for incorrect significant
F −(2aq ) + H 2 O( l ) →
← HF 0.10
( aq ) +
HB is weak.
( aq )
) 0.10←
M1 mark

b) K a for NH 4+ = 5.6 × 10 −10 ⎫

pH = 1.00 pH ⎪= 2.87
K 1.0 × 10 −14b) Compare−the 11 volume of 0.⎪10 M NaOH needed to neutralize equal volu
K b for F − = w = = 2
− 4 the. 9 × 10 ⎪
016chk a) What can youK a conclude
3.5 × 10about each of these
acids -that acidexplain
10 -will samples.these marks pH values? (1
⎬ ← 2different Julymark)
30, 2001

Solution: Solution: ⎪
b) WillKthe
Since above NH 4 F solution
a > K b , the solution
be acidic,
is acidic . basic, or neutral?⎪⎭
For Example: For Example:
Support your answer with calculations. (2 marks)

Acid HA is strong. ⎫ ⎫
9. a) b) The same volume of NaOH( aq ) is ⎬needed for each acid
← 1 mark ⎪
Acid HB is weak. sample. ⎭ ⎪
For Example: ⎬ ← 1 ma

K a for NH 4+ = 5.6 × 10 −10 ⎫
HNO2( aq ) + HCO3 ( aq ) ← H 2 CO3( aq ) + NO2 ( aq ) ← 2 marks

10. 7. K The K
two 1.0 × 10in−14an acid-base −reaction
w reactants are HNO2( aq ) and ⎫
1( aq ) .
A = =
b conjugate acid-base = 1.7 × 10 13 ⎬←←113 mark
2 marks
Ka 5.9 × 10 −2 pair are two species whose formulas ⎭
differ by a proton.
a) Define
b) Write the
theequation for the above
term−conjugate reaction.
acid-base pair. (2(1marks)
Since K a = 6.4 × 10 which is greater than K b , the ions act ⎫ 1
as an acid. ⎬ ← 1 2 marks

8. At 10.0°C, K w = 2.95 × 10 −15 for pure water.

For a)
Calculate theformulas for →
pH of− watera at 10.0°C . acid-base pair
− for the above reaction. (3 marks)
(1 mark)
11. a) c) Write the
HNO conjugate
2 ( aq ) + HCO3 ( aq ) ← H 2 CO3( aq ) + NO 2 ( aq ) ← 2 marks

b) A conjugate acid-base pair are two species whose formulas

Solution: ← 1 mark
differ by a proton.
For Example:
HNO2 and NO2 − OR H 2 CO3 and HCO3 − ← 1 mark c)

b) Define the term conjugate acid-base pair.
K w = 2.95 × 10 −15 = H 3O + OH − [ ][ ] ← 1 mark (1 mark)

Since [
H 3Othe
c) Write
Solution: ] [ ]
OH − for a conjugate acid-base pair for the above reaction.
9. At a particular temperature a 1.0 M H 2S solution has a pH = 3.75 . Calculate the
(1 mark)

value H
For Example:
Solution: 3[
of OK+a 2at=this
2.95 × 10 −15 (4 marks)

[ acid-base ]
H 3O + = 5.43 × 10 −8 M
A conjugate pair are two species whose formulas
← 1 mark
← 1 mark
HNO2 and NO2 − OR H 2 CO3 and HCO3 − ←← 1 mark
1 mark
differ by pH
a proton.
= 7.265
For Example:
13. Deduct 1 mark for incorrect significant figures.
2 ) ⎫
H 2S + H2O → ← H 3O + + HS− ⎪

[I] 1.0 0 0 ⎪
021chk c) Write the formulas for a conjugate acid-base
- 9 -pair for the above reaction. ⎬ ← 2 marks
(1 mark)
February 26, 2002
[C] −1.78 × 10 − 4 +1.78 × 10 −4 +1.78 × 10 −4 ⎪

b) E
A 1 . 0 −
mixture 1 . 78
of × 10
indicators 1 .
phenolphthalein78 × 10
bromcresol 1. 78 ×
green 10
added ⎪

to the water. What is the resulting colour of the mixture? Explain. (2 marks)

HNO2 and NO2 − OR H 2 CO3 and HCO3 − ← 1 mark

pH = 3.75 ⎫

For Example:
H 3O + = 1.78 × 10 − 4 M
021chk -9-

⎪ February 26, 2002

Resulting colour: ⎬ ← 2 marks

Blue at pH =
[ ][ ] ( ) ← 1 mark
H 37O
+ . −
HS 1.78 × 10 − 4 −8

Ka = = − 4 = 3.2 × 10 ⎪
018chk [ H 2 S] 1 . 0 − 1 . 78 × 10 - 11 - ⎪ September 7, 2001
Explanation: ⎭
Bromcresol green is blue at pH 7.265; phenolphthalein is ← 1 mark

021chk -9- February 26, 2002

b) an equation
Example: for a reaction
the balanced equationin which
for theHreaction
2 O actswhen H 2 PO 4− reacts with HF .
only as (2 marks)
a Brønsted-Lowry base. (2 marks)
14. a) Amphiprotic describes the ability to act as an acid in one ⎫
7. The theand
reaction pHion,
ofa CN
as 0base
.25− M is Sr
,in (OH)2 . reaction.base.
a different
a Brønsted-Lowry ⎬ ← 1 mark (2 marks)
Solution: ⎭
H 2Define
b)Example: HF →
PO 4− +Brønsted-Lowry
← H 3PObase. 4 + F
− ← 2 marks (1 mark)

HSO3 − + H 2 O → +
← H 3O + SO3
2− ← 2 marks

b) Write the balanced equation
9. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M NH 4 Cl . for the reaction when H 2 PO (2 marks)
4 reacts with HF . (5 marks)

16. For
OH − = 0.50 M ⎪

pOH = 0.30
A Brønsted-Lowry base is a proton acceptor. ⎬← ← 21 marks

7. The cyanide ion, CN , is a Brønsted-Lowry base. ⎪
pH = 13.70
For Example: ⎪
H 2 PO 4− + HF → ← H 3PO 4 + F − ⎭ ← 2 marks
a) Define Brønsted-Lowry base. (1 mark)

17. NH 4+ + H 2 O → +
← H 3O + NH 3 ⎪
b) Write the equation representing the reaction of CN − with water.⎪ (2 marks)
[I] 0.25 0 0 ⎪
⎬ ← 2 marks
For [Example:
C ] − x + x + x ⎪

[ E ] 0.25 − x
For Example:
A Brønsted-Lowry base is a proton acceptor.
x ⎪ ← 1 mark

7. The cyanide ion, CN − , is a Brønsted-Lowry base.

CN − + H 2 O →
K aa)= Define
3 O
5.6 × 10Brønsted-Lowry
+ + OH −
NH 3
base. = ]( x )( x ) ⎪ ← 2 marks

(1 mark)
NH 4+ ] 0.25 − x
− ⎪
⎬ ← 3 marks
b) Write the equation representing the reaction of CN with water. (2 marks)
[ +
x = H 3O = 1.18 × 10 M − 5
c) Identify a conjugate pair in b) above.

⎪ (1 mark)
For pH
= 4.93 ⎪

For Example:
8.a) Write
18. Deduct A an equation to show
1 Brønsted-Lowry basethe
is aionization of water.
proton acceptor.
024chk 2 mark for incorrect significant figures. - 8 - ) ← 1 mark (2 marks)
May 9, 2002
For Example:
CN − + H 2 O → −
b) ← HCN + OH ← 2 marks
9. Calculate the pH of 1.50 M NH 3 . (5 marks)
c) CN − and HCN OR H 2 O and OH − ← 1 mark
For Example:
b) Write the equation representing the reaction of CN − with water. (2 marks)
c) Identify a conjugate pair in b) above. (1 mark)
19. 2 H 2 O( l ) →
← H 3O +( aq ) + OH −( aq ) ← 2 marks
For Example:

20. NH 3 + H2O →
← NH 4
+ OH − ⎪
For Example:
024chk -8- May 9, 2002

+ H2O → − ⎪ ← 2 marks
[I] CN 1.50 ← HCN + OH
0 0 ⎪
⎬ ← 2 marks
⎪ ← 1 mark
− −
x HCN OR H 2 O and
[C]CN −and + x OH +x

[E] 1.50 − x x x ⎪

c) Identify a conjugate pair in b) above. (1 mark)

024chk 1.0 × 10 −14 -9- May 9, 2002

Kb = = 1.79 × 10 −5 ⎫
5.6 × 10 −10 ⎬ ← 1 mark
024chk - 10 - ⎭ May 9, 2002
For Example: +
Kb =
NH 4 OH − ][ ] -9- July 29, 2002

CN − and 3] OR H O and OH − ← 1 mark
Solution: 1.0 × 10 −14 −5 ⎫
Kb = −10 = 1.79 × 10
5.6 × 10 ⎬ ← 1 mark
7. a) In equation
Consider the I above, equilibria:
following the reactants are favoured. Identify the ® ⎭ 1 mark
stronger acid. (1 mark)
[ ][
Kb =
NH 4 OH −
Solution: [NH3 ] I. CH 3COOH + OCN - " ® HOCN + CH 3COO

= x2 ⎫
HOCN 1 .50 − x - " ® 1 mark
⎪ COO -
c) Consider theII. followingCH 3COOH + ClO
reaction: ® HClO + CH ⎪ 3

[ ]
x = OH − = 5.18 × 10 −3
HOCN + ClO ® OCN + HClO ⎬
- " -

← 2 marks
a) =
pOH In2equation
.29 ⎪
I above, the reactants are favoured. Identify the stronger acid. (1 mark)

b) =Does
pH .71 II above,
this reaction
In11equation favour
the reactants or products?
products are Identify the⎪stronger acid.
favoured. Explain. (2(1marks)

8. At 60∞C, the pH = 6.51 for pure water. Determine the value of K w at
Deduct 12 mark for incorrect significant figures.
21. a) thisHOCN
temperature. ) ® 1 mark (3 marks)
b) Example: ® 1 mark
Solution: 3
c) Products are favoured because HOCN is a stronger acid %
For Example:
thanInHClO. ˝ ® 2 marks
b) equation II above, the products are favoured. Identify the ˛stronger acid. (1 mark)
9. Calculate the pH of 0.35 M H 2 CO3 . (4 marks)
= 6.51 the following reaction: )
22. c) pH
Consider ‘
[ ]
H 3O = 3.09 • 10 M = OH
-7 -
[ - "
] -

˝ ® 3 marks
® ‘
-141 mark
For Example:3
= H 3 O[+
OH -
= ][
3 . 09 • 10] (
3 .09 )(
• 10 -7

Does this reaction favour reactants or products? Explain.

= 9 .5 )
• 10 ‘
˛ (2 marks)
23. H 2 CO3 + H 2 O " +
® H 3O + HCO3

(Deduct 1
028chk 2 mark for incorrect significant figures. - 9 -
Solution: ) ‘ September 4, 2002
c) [Consider
I] 0.35the following reaction: 0 0 ‘ 1
For Example: ˝ ® 1 2 marks
[C ] -x +x +x - ‘
HOCN + ClO - " ® OCN + HClO ‘
[E] 0.are
Products 35 -favoured
x because HOCN x is a strongerx acid ‘%
˛˝ ® 2 marks
026chk thanDoes
HClO. - 11 - Explain.
this reaction favour reactants or products? (2 July 29, 2002

Ka =
[H O ][HCO ] = 4.3 • 10

For Example: [ 2 3]
H CO ‘
‘ a base in
7. Write a chemical reaction showing an amphiprotic anion reacting as
water. x 2 ‘ (2 marks)
• 10 -7 =are favoured
4.3Products because HOCN is a stronger acid ‘%
than HClO. 0 . 35 - x ˝˝®®2212 marks
Solution: [ ]
x = H 3O + = 3.88 • 10 - 4 M -9- ‘

September 4, 2002

For Example: pH = 3 .41 ‘

HPO 42 - + H 2 O # -
® H 2 PO 4 + OH
- ® 2 marks

( Deduct 12 mark for incorrect significant figures.)

028chk -9- September 4, 2002
b) Identify one conjugate acid-base pair in the reaction. (1 mark)
For Example:
c) State whether reactants or products are favoured, and explain how you arrived
For Example:
Solution: at your answer. (2 marks)
For Example:
K = 2.95 ¥ 10 -15 = H 3O + OH -
HSO3 - + IOw3 - Æ̈ SO3 2 - + HIO
25. Solution: 3
[ ][
¨ 1 mark]
¨ 1 mark (equilibrium arrow required)
b)7. Example:
HSO103∞C,and [
Since - H 3O + = 2OH
= 23 .95
- ¥ 10] [
, -15 -
. 3 and HIO3 ¨ 1 mark

c) [
a) Determine = 2pH
the ]
+ 2
¥ 10
.95 of
H 3Oare favoured. -15
water at 10∞C . ¨ 1 mark (3 marks)
3 His3O
Identify [+
weaker ]
¥ 10 -8
than OR in the reaction.
HIO3 pair
acid-base ¨¸ 1 mark
Ô (1 mark)
- ˝ ¨ 1 mark
pH = 7reactants and explain how ¨
a) is awhether
Write weaker
an equation
.265 thanorSO
base products
to represent are favoured,reaction
3 the predominant Ô 1 arrived
you mark
at yourHCanswer. - - ˛ (2(1marks)
when 2 O 4 is mixed with HSO 4 . mark)
For Example:
26. a)
Deduct 12 markKfor
Solution: w =incorrect
2.95 ¥ 10significant +
OH -
= H 3Ofigures. [ ][ )] ¨ 1 mark

For HSO3 - Hand

For Example:
Example: [
3O ] [ ]
+SO 2 - - OR IO - and HIO
=3 OH , 3 3 ¨ 1 mark
b) State whether water at this temperature is acidic, basic or neutral, and explain. (1 mark)
Reactants [
HC6. O a) +Write
+ 2
= 2.-95 Æ̈
¥ 10 -15
equation H 2toC 2represent
O 4 + SOthe 2 - predominant reaction ¨ 1
¨ 1 mark
Solution: 2 -4 4 4
¸ 1 mark
[ ]
- -
HSO3 His3O when+
a weaker HC O is
- mixed
2 4 than HIO3 OR
acid 8 with HSO . ¨ (1 mark)
the =pH5.43of ¥0.10
8. Calculate 50 M H 2S. Ô (4 marks)
For Example:
c) State whether reactants ˝ ¨arrived
1 mark
.265 than or products are favoured, and explain how ¨ you
- 2-
IO 3 is a weaker
Solution: pH = 7base SO 3 Ô 1 mark
Solution: at your answer. ˛ (2 marks)
b) Justify
For Example:
Solution:1 [ your
] [
- by
H 3O = OH , the water is neutral.
comparing K a values.
- 9 - ¨ 1 mark
(1 mark)
May 15, 2003
Solution:2 mark for incorrect significant )
For Example:HC2 O 4- + HSO 4- Æ̈ Æ̈ H C O + SO 2 - ¸ ¨ 1 mark
For Example: 2 H S + H 2 O H 32O +2 4+ HS4- Ô
6. b)
] whether
Reactants 0an 50equation
.are watertoatrepresent
favoured. the
0 predominant
this temperature basic or neutral, andÔÔ¨
0 reaction
is acidic, explain.
1 mark (1 mark)
when4 HC
K a HSO -
> 2K
Oa4HCis2 O
mixed- with HSO 4 . - ¨˝1 ¨ 1 2 mark (1 mark)
Solution:[C] 3 - is-axweaker acid than HIO3+ xOR
+x ¸Ô
ÔÔ (1 mark)
Solution: - b) Justify your statement2- by comparing K a values. ˝ ¨ 1 mark
[ E
For Example: ] 0 . 50 - x
IO3 is a weaker base than SO3 x x Ô˛Ô
For Example: ˛
(assume x is negligible)
c) Identify a+ conjugate acid-base pair. (1 mark)
034chk Since H
For Example: [
3 O = ] [
OH -
, the ] water is neutral. - 9 - ¨ 1 mark May 15, 2003
HC 2 O 4- + HSO 4- Æ̈ H 2 C 2 O 4 + SO 42 -
Solution: ¨ 1 mark
6. a) Write an equation
For Example: = 9 . 1 ¥ 10 -8
K HSO > K a HCH2 OS4=
H 3represent
to ][-
O + HS-the predominant
( x )( x ) reaction ¸
˝ ¨¨ 1 mark
1 mark
when aHC 2 O44- is mixed [ with
2 ] HSO (
-.50 )
0 . ˛ (1 mark)

HSOx 4=- and +
H 3OSO[ ]
=42-2.13 ¥ 10 - 4
b) Justify your statement by comparing K a values.
¸ ¨ 1 mark
Ô (1 mark)
˝ ¨ 1 mark
For pH2 O=43- .67
OR Example:
HC and H 2 C 2 O 4 Ô ¨ 1 mark
Solution: c) Identify a conjugate acid-base pair. ˛ 2 (1 mark)

For Solution:
a) Example:
28. 034chk HC2 O 4- + HSO 4- Æ̈ H C O + SO 2 -- 10 -
2 2 4 4 ¨ 1 mark May 15, 2003
034chk -9- May 15, 2003
d) Example:
whether the equilibrium will favour the formation of reactants or
b) -
K a HSO 4 > K a HC 2 O 4 - ¨ 1 mark
products. Explain. (2 marks)
Solution: HSO 4- and SO 42- Ô
b) Justify your statement by comparing K a values. (1 mark)
˝ ¨ 1 mark
For Example: 2 4 O and H C O
2 2 4 Ô
c) Identify a conjugate acid-base pair.
Solution: ˛ (1 mark)
d) Reactants are favoured since K a HSO 4- < K a H 2 C 2 O 4
Solution: ¨ 2 marks
For Example:
For Example:
034chk d) Predict whether the equilibrium will
- 10favour
- the formation of reactants or May 15, 2003
- - ¨ 1 mark
For Example:

29. H 2 O( l ) + H 2 O( l ) Æ̈ H 3O +( aq ) + OH -( aq ) ¨ 1 mark

8. Calculate the pH of 0.25 M NaHCO3 , a basic salt. (5 marks)

Since pH = 7.20 , H 3O + = 6.3 ¥ 10 -8 M ] ¨ 1 mark

[ ] [ ]
H 3O + = OH - = 6.3 ¥ 10 -8 M
For Example:
¨ 1 mark

30. HCO3 - + H 2 O Æ̈ H 2 CO3 + OH - Ô
[I] 0.25 0 0 Ô
˝ ¨ 1 mark
[C ] -x +x +x Ô
[E] 0.25 - x x x Ô
(assume x is negligible)

Kb =
1.0 ¥ 10 -14
H 2 CO3 OH - [ ][ ]
4.3 ¥ 10 -7 HCO3 - [ ] ¨ 1 mark

6. Write the
2.33 = x
10 -8 equation
net¥ionic for the acid-base reaction that occurs ¨ 1 mark
between NaCN ( aq ) and0.25
NH 4 Cl( aq ) . (2 marks)
[ ]
x = OH - = 7.62 ¥ 10 -5 M ¨ 1 mark

Solution: pOH = 4.12 and give an example of an amphiprotic anion. ¸

7. Define the term amphiprotic ˝ ¨ 1 mark (2 marks)
pH = 9.88 ˛
For Example:
8. At 120∞C
Deduct , the ionization constant
2- mark for +incorrect
NH 4H( aqO)+ %
of water
significant (K w ) is 6.76 • 10 -15 .
figures. )
® 2 marks
31. CN ( aq ) + the
For Example: 3 [ ®of water ] ) + NH
HCNat( aq20∞C . 3( aq ) (2 marks)

32. Definition: Amphiprotic describes a substance that can act as "

Solution: ‘
either an acid or a base. ˝ ® 2 marks

Example: HCO3 -
For Example: ˛

33. [ ][
K w = H 3O + OH - = 6.76 • 10 -15 ] ® 1 mark

[ ] [ ][ ]
Since H 3O + = OH - , H 3O + = 6.76 • 10 -15

036chk [H O ] = 8.22 • 10- 9 - M

+ -8 ® 1 mark July 25, 2003

036chk - 10 - July 25, 2003

For Example:

34. '
F- + H2O #
® HF + OH

[I] 0.50 0 0 ‘
˝ ® 1 mark
[C ] -x +x +x ‘

[E] 0.50 - x x x ‘
(assume x is negligible)

Kb =
K w 1.0 • 10 -14
= -11
= 2.86 • 10 =
[ HF ] OH -[ ] '

Ka 3.5 • 10 - 4 F- [ ] ˝ ® 1 mark

2 ˛
2.86 • 10 -11 = x ® 1 mark

[ ]
x = OH - = 3.78 • 10 -6 M ® 1 mark
pOH = 5.42 '
˝ ® 1 mark
pH = 8.58 ˛

( Deduct 12 mark for incorrect significant figures.)

038chk - 12 - September 2, 2003

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