Physics Electrostatics

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Physics Name_____________________

Unit 3 – Electrostatics Notes Date _____________ Block___

Structure of Matter
 Protons
o Found in the ______________________ of atoms
o ______________________ charge

 Neutrons
o Found in the ______________________ of atoms
o ______________________ charge

 Electrons
o Found ___________________ the nucleus
o ______________________ charge
o _____________________ and ____________________ to atoms. This is the focus of

 Positive Charge
o Has more ____________________ than ___________________

 Negative Charge
o Has more ____________________ than ___________________

 Neutral
o Has an equal number of ____________________ and ___________________

Materials & Response to Charge

 Conductors
o Materials that __________________ electrons to
________________ across the entire surface of an object.

 Insulators
o Materials that __________________________ electrons to
____________________ across the surface of an object
o The charge will remain at the
Charge Interactions
 Force of Repulsion
o The ____________________ that two objects can
repel each other is if they are both charged with the
________________ type of charge.

 Force of Attraction
o One object is __________________ and the other
object is ____________________.

o Both objects are ____________________ with

______________________ charges.

 Separation of Charge (Polarization)

o The process of separating ______________________ charges within an object
o A charged object can cause ___________________ to move within an object so that one
side is positive and the other side is negative
o The object remains __________________!

Quantity of Charge – HONORS ONLY

 The charge an object has is measured in Coulombs (C)
 An object would need an excess of _________________ electrons to have a total charge of -1 C.
 An object with a shortage of _________________ electrons would have a total charge of +1 C.
 The charge on a single electron is -1.6 x 10 -19 Coulomb.
 The charge on a single proton is +1.6 x 10 -19 Coulomb.
 The quantity of charge on an object reflects the amount of ____________________ between
electrons and protons on that object.
 Physics
Ways to Charge & Un-charge an Object
1. Charging by Friction
 ______________________ an object.
 Two objects have __________________ and ___________________ charges.
 Transfer occurs from the ________________ electron-loving material to the
_____________ electron-loving material.
o Use Triboelectric Series

2. Charging By Conduction
 Charge the neutral object by ______________________ with a charged object
 Both objects have the ____________________ charge as the initial charged object

3. Charging By Induction
 Method to charge an object _____________________ actually __________________ the
object to any other charged object.
 The object being charged receives a _________________ that is __________________
that of the charged object.
 Charging with a Negative Source of Charge

 Charging with a Positive Source of Charge

4. Grounding
 _______________________ excess charge on an object by means of the transfer of
electrons between it and another object of substantial size (your body, the earth, etc.)
Electric Fields – HONORS ONLY
 Exist around any object carrying a ________________.
 The direction of the electric field is in the direction that a _________________ test
charge would be pushed or pulled if placed in the space surrounding the source charge.

 Electric Field Lines

o Always extend from a ___________________ charged
object to a ________________ charged object, from a
positively charged object to infinity, or from infinity to
a negatively charged object.

o Never ____________________ one another.

o Are most ___________________ around object with

the greatest ______________of charge.

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