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Tiny Epic Dungeons – Cheat Sheet/Clarifications

Page references throughout this document refers to the rules in the Tiny Epic Dungeons Adventurer’s

Official Card Appendix: TEDungeons_Card-Appendix-©2021.Gamelyn.Games.pdf - Google Drev

Game setup (pg 4): Layout simplified

Dungeon Deck Setup
Hero Count
Deck 2 3 4

A. Draw and shuffle 9 Room Draw and shuffle 7 Room Draw and shuffle 5 Room
cards cards cards

B. Draw 2 Encounter cards Draw 3 Encounter cards Draw 4 Encounter cards

and 6 Room cards. Shuffle and 9 Room cards. Shuffle and 12 Room cards. Shuffle
the cards the cards the cards

B with Potions Perform the above steps based on player count. Cut the deck in two halves and shuffle
and Perils the Mixy’s Lab Room card into the top half.

C. Draw 3 Room cards and add the Lair Door Room card. Shuffle the cards

D. Stack the 3 decks facedown: Deck C on bottom, B in the middle, and A on top.

Proceed with steps E through V as listed under Game Setup in Adventurer’s Manual

On your turn (pg 6): Clarified

On your turn, your hero may perform any of the following actions in any order:

● Do nothing

● Move
a. Spend 1 Speed
i. If destination Dungeon Card is facedown, reveal it
1. Place new facedown Dungeon Cards adjacent to open corridors, if possible
2. Move miniature to revealed Dungeon Card
3. Check for Danger
4. Resolve Check for Danger effects if any
ii. If destination Dungeon Card is revealed
1. Move miniature to destination Dungeon Card
2. Perform evade Skill Check, if required

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Tiny Epic Dungeons – Cheat Sheet/Clarifications

b. Repeat until hero runs out of Speed, encounters an enemy, or performs a Heroic Action
● Perform One Heroic Action
a. If hero has already moved end movement for the turn (regardless of remaining Speed)
i. If Heroic Actions is ‘Attack’ go to Attack: Skill Check order (next page), otherwise
b. Perform Skill Check, if required (next page)
c. Resolve Heroic Action success or failure effect, as applicable
ii. Perform Any Number of Free Actions
a. Pay Focus/Health to trigger abilities, if required
b. Resolve Free Action effect
● End Turn
a. Move Torch token down one space on its track
b. Resolve any effect on the space on which the torch lands
c. Turn passes to next player clockwise

Skill Check order (pg 9): Clarified

a. [Free Action Window]
b. Roll Hero Dice
c. [Free Action Window]
d. Select a single Hero Die to be used as result
e. Use remaining dice to modify check’s result, if able
f. Modify Skill, if able/required
g. Determine success (meet or exceed target skill number)
h. If Skill Check is successful:
a. Gain Focus/Health from unused dice
b. Pay Focus to trigger abilities, if required
c. Resolve Skill Check success effect
i. If Skill Check is failed:
a. Resolve Skill Check failure effect if applicable

Attack: Skill Check order (pg 11-12): Clarified

Melee/Missile Attack order

a. Determine target enemy

a. Melee: Target enemy must be in the same room
b. Missile: Target enemy must be in another room in line-of-sight of the hero and within
b. [Free Action Window]
c. Roll Hero Dice and Enemy Die
d. [Free Action Window]
e. Select a single Hero Die to be used as result
f. Use remaining dice to modify check’s result, if able
g. Modify Skill, if able/required

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Tiny Epic Dungeons – Cheat Sheet/Clarifications

h. Determine success (exceed target enemy’s defense value)

i. If Skill Check is successful:
a. Gain Focus/Health from unused dice
b. Deal damage to the enemy equal to the difference between the result’s total (with all
modifiers) and the enemy’s Defense
j. If Skill Check is failed:
a. No damage is dealt to the enemy
k. If the enemy is still alive and in the same room or in line-of sight of the attacking hero it Counter-
a. Determine result of Enemy Die
b. Add Enemy Modifier to result of Enemy Die based on the type of attack the hero used
c. Determine hero defense
d. Deal damage to the hero equal to the difference between the result’s total (with all
modifiers) and the Hero’s Defense (with all modifiers)
l. Attack action ends

Spell Attack order

a. Determine target enemy within the listed range of the spell
b. [Free Action Window]
c. Roll Hero Dice and Enemy Die
d. [Free Action Window]
e. Select a single Hero Die to be used as result
f. Use remaining dice to modify check’s result, if able
g. Modify Skill, if able/required
h. Determine success (meet or exceed spell skill number)
i. If Skill Check is successful:
b. Gain Focus/Health from unused dice
c. Pay Focus to trigger abilities, if required
i. Deal damage to the enemy equal to the listed damage of the spell. Spell Damage
ignores the enemy’s Defense, dealing direct damage.
j. If Skill Check is failed:
a. No damage is dealt to the enemy
k. If the enemy is still alive and in the same room or in line-ofsight of the attacking hero it Counter-
a. Determine result of Enemy Die
b. Add Enemy Modifier to result of Enemy Die
c. Determine hero defense
d. Deal damage to the hero equal to the difference between the result’s total (with all
modifiers) and the Hero’s Defense (with all modifiers)
l. Attack action ends

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