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R H Y T H M I Z E R u lt r a

How to connect Diva, Serum, Piments, Vital and more via CC

How does it work?

Rhythmizer has four Map slots for sending MIDI CC messages out along with its
randomised notes and grooves. Many synths use these messages to control individual

We have supplied presets for four synths: Serum, Diva, Pigments and Vital. Let’s start
controlling one of those. Check out the video here.

1. Choose your synth in Rhythmizer

Let’s select Serum Live for now.

2. Select mod destination

Right-click or drag on any map slot and you’ll get a list of the controls in Serum that
can be controlled by Rhythmizer. Let’s choose Macro 1 (as you can see, that’s CC2)
3. Load MIDI Map in Serum

But how does Serum know what CC is what? In your downloads you’ll find MIDI Maps
for four synths. Load them in and they’re now talking the same language.

4. Adjust Source and range

In this case, the source is Rhythmizer’s velocity output, and the range has been
decreased a little bit.

5. Bypass

Click the pink visualiser to bypass that slot. Click the Bypass button to bypass/
reactivate all slots. This is useful if you’re heavily mapping a synth but want to hear
presets ‘clean’ as you browse them - before reactivating your mapping.1
In Serum, open Menu and click Load MIDI Map. This will show you were your MIDI
Map folder is.

From your downloads, move

• Rhythmizer_Serum_FULL and
• Rhythmizer_Serum_LIVE (if you’re a Live user)

to that map folder. Rhythmizer has corresponding CC presets (Serum / Serum Live).
Load a MIDI Map in Serum when you want to use these.

Find the folder ‘’ on your hard drive. Inside it is a file called:

• com.u-he.Diva.midiassign

Replace it with the one from your Rhythmizer Ultra MIDI Map folder.

New mappings made in Diva will automatically save to this list.

In Pigments Settings, head to MIDI > MIDI Config and Import Config.

Import Config

Mapping to Vital requires a quick edit to its config file, so we recommend backing up
before editing.

A text document in your CC Maps folder details Map installation.

I want to map other synths
We hope to include mapping for more synths in the future. If you can’t wait, mapping
can be done manually, as both MIDI maps and Rhythmizer CC presets can be created
at your end.

Each synth has its own needs, capabilities and, sometimes, limitations.

Why are there separate files for Live?

Live 11 has a bug, where only a limited selection of CCs was available for transmission.
Ableton has admitted this, and have promised a fix soon.

Meanwhile, we have mapped the available slots for Live users.

Control anything in Ableton Live
By dropping the Ultramapper Max for Live device on to a MIDI channel which is being
routed to Rhythmizer, you may convert CCs to any Live parameter.

Select the Ultramap CC preset in Rhythmizer, and map to any Live parameter in the
Map boxes on the Max device:

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