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Pelita Perkebunan 39(3) 2023, 184—200 Latunra et al.

ISSN: 0215-0212 / e-ISSN: 2406-9574

DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v39i3.565

Callus Formation of Coffea canephora Induced with

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and Tomato Extract Supplements
Andi Ilham Latunra1), Eva Johannes1), and Nurul Rifqah Fahira1*)
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Corresponding author:
Received: 3 August 2023 / Accepted: 5 October 2023


Somatic embryogenesis is an effective approach for enhancing the produc-

tion of Coffea canephora embryos that can grow into new plants. Plant growth
regulators (PGRs) are necessary for initiating somatic embryogenesis. Due to its
stability, 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid has become a common synthetic PGRs.
PGRs can be obtained from natural ingredients, such as tomatoes. This study
aimed to analyze the effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract
addition and its appropriate concentration for callus induction of Robusta coffee
in vitro. This research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department
of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University.
This study used a Complete Randomized Design with two factors. The first factor
was the concentration of tomato extract (0%; 7.5%; 10%; and 12.5%). Meanwhile,
the second factor was the concentration of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (0 ppm;
1 ppm; 2 ppm; and 3 ppm). Observation parameters include the percentage of callus
formation, callus growing time, callus fresh weight, callus color, and callus texture.
The quantitative data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the
Mann-Whitney Test to compare the effect of each treatment. The results showed
that several treatments had best effect in Robusta callus induction, such as the
application of 2,4 D with a concentration of 2 ppm and 3 ppm, as well as the
addition of a combination of 2 ppm and 3 ppm 2,4-D with 10% tomato extract.
Therefore, tomato extract is considered not to have a significant effect on the
formation of Robusta coffee callus.

Keywords: Callus induction, Robusta coffee, organic, tomato extract

INTRODUCTION In Asia and Oceania, Indonesia is the

largest coffee exporter after Vietnam. In the
Coffee is the most traded plantation 2021/2022 period, Indonesia became the third
commodity in the world. Coffee is one of country in the world Robusta coffee producer
the plantation commodities with the highest that contributed to the production of around
export value in Indonesia. Coffee marketing 10,000 bags of 60 kg of coffee (ICO, 2023).
opportunities are high domestically and The Indonesian annual coffee report recorded
abroad (Sulistiyo et al., 2023). The level of an increase in demand for Robusta coffee
regional coffee consumption in Indonesia exports which was 2% higher than Arabica
is also relatively high. During 2016-2021, coffee types (USDA, 2023). Due to the advan-
Indonesia was predicted to experience an tageous geographic conditions of its cultivation,
average increase in coffee consumption of Indonesian Robusta coffee can be improved as
8.22% per year (Dewi et al., 2020). a specialty coffee with distinct taste characteris-

184 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements

tics (Kasim et al., 2020; Ibnu & Rosanti, use of explants with young tissue that contains
2022). Robusta coffee is preferred with its more stem cells, resulting in up to 10 embryos
stronger and bitter taste with high chloro- per explant after approximately 70 days
genic acid and caffeine content (Velásquez (Campos et al., 2017). Indirect somatic
& Banchón, 2022) embryogenesis, on the other hand, starts with
However, Indonesia’s Robusta coffee the formation of a group of cells in the form
production decreased by 1.1% in the 2021/ of a primary callus on the explant, which
22 period compared to the previous period, is followed by the formation of an embryo-
due to strong winds and rains that occurred genic callus, pro-embryonic mass, globular
during the coffee flowering period (ICO, embryo, heart-shaped embryo, torpedo-
2023). Generally minimal maintenance inputs shaped embryo, cotyledons, and plantlets
such as the selection of planting material with (Ardiyani & Pancaningtyas, 2017; Etienne
poor quality, as well as limited fertilizers and et al., 2018). This process takes around 9–10
plant protection materials also contribute to months and can produce hundreds of embryos
the decline in Robusta coffee production per gram of callus (Campos et al., 2017).
(USDA, 2023). It has been observed that the In plant propagation through in vitro
utilization of random seeds by the commu- cultivation methods, somatic embryogenesis
nity for coffee cultivation tends to impact has emerged as a highly successful technique.
productivity levels negatively (Rismayanti & Somatic embryogenesis has revealed excep-
Nafi’ah, 2021). Meanwhile, Robusta coffee tional efficacy in increasing large-scale seed
has self-incompatible traits that prevent its production of superior genotypes in crops
pollen from fertilizing the ovum (De Souza with substantial economic significance (Islam,
et al., 2021). Consequently, cross-pollination 2015; Yan et al., 2020). Somatic embryogenesis
becomes necessary for Robusta, resulting in is also a major prerequisite in the propaga-
significantly higher genetic diversity (Simon- tion of woody plant clones, as it can facilitate
Gruita et al., 2019). In addition to the hetero- the development of individual cells into
geneous seeds, conventionally grown trees bipolar structures of roots and meristem buds
of this variety tend to yield lower, and it may simultaneously (Islam, 2015; Deb & Gangmei,
take up to 20 years to develop a new cultivar 2017). The application of somatic embryo-
(Campos et al., 2017; Etienne et al., 2018). genesis in Robusta coffee allows the production
Furthermore, several plant pest pathogens of genetically identical plants from small
such as Hypothenemus hampei, Zeuzera sp. amounts of leaf planting material, thus
Xylosandrus sp, Coccus viridis, Ferrisia virgata, becoming an alternative to accelerate the
Cercospora, Psychidae, and Pratylenchus production of superior seeds (Oetami, 2017;
coffeae may interfere Robusta coffee produc- Fehér, 2019; Méndez-Hernández et al., 2023).
tion (Yulitaasary et al., 2022; Faizin & Maghfiroh, Despite its various benefits, somatic
2023; Langkai et al., 2023). embryogenesis faces general challenge
Somatic embryogenesis is the alternative related to the possibility of somaclonal varia-
of coffee micropropagation by using the totipo- tion, which causes changes in genotype and
tent properties of plant somatic cells to produce has the potential to change plant phenotype
new plants without involving gamete fusion. (Ibrahim et al., 2018; Arimarsetiowati et al.,
This process can occur either directly or 2023). In somatic embryogenesis of coffee
indirectly (Ardiyani & Pancaningtyas, 2017). plants, the risk of somaclonal variation is
Direct somatic embryogenesis involves the influenced by the explant source, culture

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition 185

Latunra et al.

period, plant genotype, and the use of growth potassium, carotenoids (lycopene, -carotene,
regulators (Campos et al., 2017). Previous -carotene,  carotene, -carotene, -carotene,
research by Ibrahim et al. (2018), proved the phytoene, phytofluene, and neurosporene),
existence of somaclonal variations due to flavonoids (rutin, naringenin chalcone, quer-
massive cell division triggered by excessive cetin, myricetin, and kaempferol), and phenolic
administration of the growth regulator sub- acid (chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric
stance cytokinin. The doses of exogenous growth acid, and ferulic acid) (Wu et al., 2022).
regulators also affect the development of callus. Furthermore, tomato extract addition also
Therefore, plant growth regulators (PGRs) are can produce similar effects to the use of
necessary in determining the success of in PGRs and natural anti-browning agents
vitro plant propagation. (Fitroh et al., 2018). because of auxin, cytokinin, and antioxidant
The practice of somatic embryogenesis content (Helena et al., 2022). Several previous
frequently involves the use of synthetic growth studies have proven the positive effect of
regulators. However, these chemical sub- adding tomato extract on plant growth in vitro
stances can pose potential environmental and (Oktaviana et al., 2016; Sari et al., 2019;
human health risks. Improperly regulated Serliana et al., 2019; Agustin et al., 2020;
concentrations of synthetic PGRs may result Dewi et al., 2021; Maulidia et al., 2022)
in cytotoxicity, unwarranted genetic varia- Therefore, this research was conducted
tions, and morphological abnormalities that to find out appropriate concentration of
may inhibit in vitro multiplication (Kocaman 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato
& Güven, 2016; Özkul et al., 2016; Dewir extract for in vitro callus induction of Robusta
et al., 2018). Natural-based PGRs have more coffee.
advantages than synthetic PGRs. These
advantages include more affordable material
prices, easier to obtain materials, and effects MATERIALS AND METHODS
that are not much different from synthetic
plant growth regulators (PGRs) (Sari et al., Explant and Media Preparation
Plant cultivation through tissue culture The research was carried out in the tissue
requires the availability of adequate nutri- culture laboratory of Hasanuddin University
tion in the media because the metabolic from February 2023 to May 2023. The explants
capabilities of the plant differ from those in this research came from the second to
of field plants. Furthermore, when indirect third young leaves of Toraja local Robusta
somatic embryogenesis is applied, callus coffee shoots. The explants were cultured
growth can be a lengthy process, and inadequate on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media with
nutrition within the media may cause browning 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and
or other abnormalities (Abdalla et al., 2022). tomato extract with different concentrations.
Tomatoes are one form of the natural PGRs Red raw tomatoes thoroughly washed and
that can provide nutrients for culture plants. cut into pieces. Then, 100 g tomatoes wee
Tomatoes have a high nutritional value with blended with 100 ml of distilled water with
the content of various important compounds 1:1 ratio. The obtained tomato extract was
such as carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, filtered using filter paper so that a tomato
fructose, raffinose, arabinose, xylose, galactose, extract stock solution with a concentration
and myoinositol), vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, of 100% was obtained. The concentration

186 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements

Table 1. Treatment combination of 2,4-D and tomato extract

2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (D)
Tomato Extract (T)
D00 ppm D11 ppm D22 ppm D33 ppm
T 00 % 0 ppm 2,4-D + 1 ppm 2,4-D + 2 ppm 2,4-D + 3 ppm 2,4-D +
0% tomato extract 0% tomato extract 0% tomato extract 0% tomato extract
T 1 7.5% 0 ppm 2,4-D + 1 ppm 2,4-D + 2 ppm 2,4-D + 3 ppm 2,4-D +
7.5% tomato extract 7.5% tomato extract 7.5% tomato extract 7.5% tomato extract
T 2 10 % 0 ppm 2,4-D + 1 ppm 2,4-D + 2 ppm 2,4-D + 3 ppm 2,4-D +
10% tomato extract 10% tomato extract 10% tomato extract 10% tomato extract
T 3 12.5% (13,75 mL) 0 ppm 2,4-D + 1 ppm 2,4-D + 2 ppm 2,4-D + 3 ppm 2,4-D +
12.5% tomato extract 12.5% tomato extract 12.5% tomato extract 12.5% tomato extract

of each tomato extract in the treatment can Callus Induction

be obtained by dilution as shown in the table.
The sterilized explants were cut into ±
Tomato extract had four different concen- 1 cm2 with a scalpel. Then, the explants were
tration levels (0%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5%). planted in bottles containing MS media
Meanwhile, 2,4-D was used with four levels containing 2,4-D and tomato extract with
of concentration (0 ppm, 1 ppm, 2 ppm, the leaf facing down, each culture bottle
and 3 ppm). Combination concentrations of containing one explant. Bottles containing
plant growth regulators (2,4-D and tomato explants were stored in the incubation room
extract) added to the culture medium are at ± 25 0C with 60% relative humidity for
coded as shown in Table 1. two months in a dark room.
The combination of these two factors
resulted in 16 treatment combinations that Observation Parameters
were repeated 3 times, then the total experi-
The parameters observed in this research
mental data was 48 data. Media sterilization
include the percentage of callus formation,
was done by autoclaving at 17.5 psi and at
callus growing time, callus fresh weight, callus
a temperature of 121 0C for 15 minutes, then
color, and callus texture. Explant ability in callus
stored in the culture room at 25 0C before
formation is calculated by the following formula:
being used to keep the media aseptic.
Callus formation percentage =
Explant Sterilization x100%
Robusta coffee leaves were cleaned with
2 mL of liquid detergent and rinsed with The callus growth time is calculated from
running water. The leaves were sterilized the first day of callus appearance in the form
with 2 g.l–1Dithane M-45 solution for 30 of swelling or discoloration of the explant.
minutes, then rinsed with distilled water. The wet weight of the callus is obtained by
In the LAF, the leaves were soaked in 70% weighing the callus that has been cleaned from
alcohol for 3-5 minutes, then rinsed with the culture medium after 60 days of culture.
distilled water. Next, the leaves were soaked The quantitative data, such as the percentage
in 20% calcium hypochlorite solution for of callus formation, callus growing time, and
15 minutes. Next, the leaves were rinsed callus fresh weight, were analyzed by the
thoroughly using distilled water. Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Mann-
Whitney Test to compare the effectiveness
of each treatment.

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Figure 1. Callus color and texture of Robusta coffee callus 60 days after culture: Yellowish-white
(A), brownish-yellow (B), brown (C), friable (D), compact (E), and intermediates (F)

Meanwhile, qualitative data such as callus RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

color and texture were obtained through
visual observation with a magnifying glass Percentage of Callus Formation
at the end of the observation (60 days after
planting). The color and texture of callus are During a 60-day observation period, we
indicator of the differentiation of embryo- monitored the development of callus tissue
genic and non-embryogenic callus. Previous from Robusta coffee explants. Our findings
studies have revealed several differences in indicate that six treatments were unable to
the morphological features between the two induce callus formation, four treatments had
types of callus (Ardiyani, 2015; Ardiyani & 33% callus formation, one treatment had
Pancaningtyas, 2017; Campos et al., 2017). 66% callus formation, and five treatments
Embryogenic callus, which exhibits efficient showed 100% capacity of callus formation.
growth and optimal functionality, is charac- The average percentage of callus formation
terized by a shiny or yellowish appearance for each treatment is shown in Figure 2.
and is composed of small, loosely arranged The results showed that treatments
cells that resemble friable. Conversely, non- without any added plant growth regulators
embryogenic callus that has undergone func- and those with independent addition of
tional degradation typically manifests as tomato extract (T1D0, T2D0, and T3D0) were
brown and is composed of elongated cells unable to induce callus formation. This
that are clustered together, forming a dense inability is assumed due to the unfulfilled need
and compact sponge-like configuration. The for auxin to induce callus. This is consistent
morphological characteristics of Robusta with previous research on the Robusta coffee
coffee callus are shown in Figure 1. clone BP 308 conducted by Ibrahim & Hartati
(2017), revealed the inability of explants to

188 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements

b b b b b
71.0 ab
Percentage (%)

a a a a
a a a a a a

* Values followed by the same letter in the same column show no significant difference according
to the Mann-Whitney test at 5%.

Figure 2. Percentage of callus formation in Robusta coffee 60 days after culture

forming callus without the addition of sterilization process at high temperatures can
exogenous auxin, even in the presence of cause the degradation of IAA levels. Several
cytokinins with intense activity, such as previous studies have also indicated that the
thidiazuron. administration of endogenous auxin, such
The application of tomato extracts with as 2,4-D can modify the IAA balance by either
different concentrations (T1D1, T1D2, T 1D3) decreasing or increasing IAA levels (Agila
is unable to induce callus formation, indicating et al., 2015; De Castro Marcato et al., 2017;
the inefficacy of low concentrations of Xu et al., 2022). The decrease in IAA levels
endogenous tomato hormones. Navarro & is assumed to be related to the ability of 2,4-D
Munné-Bosch (2022) have researched the to stimulate the conjugation of endogenous IAA
endogenous hormone content in ripe tomato with aspartate, as well as a decrease in the YUC
fruit, revealing the presence of trans-zeatin gene, which is significant in determining
type cytokinin hormones (5-10 ng/g dw), IAA levels (Islam, 2015; Takato et al., 2017).
trans-zeatin riboside (60 ng/g dw), which The low level of auxin might cause problem
is a direct precursor of trans-zeatin, and auxin as the appropriate ratio of auxin and cytokinin
IAA (20 ng/g dw). The low IAA content may hormones is necessary for promoting callus
decrease the effectiveness of callus induction, induction and somatic cell differentiation
as it is generally carried out on media with (Baday, 2018; Junairiah et al., 2018; Rismayanti
high auxin concentrations (Asghar et al., & Nafi’ah, 2021; Arimarsetiowati et al., 2022).
2022). Furthermore, Takato et al. (2017) Meanwhile, the low callus formation in
have reported that the natural auxin IAA the treatment with a combination of 12.5%
tends to be thermolabile. Therefore, the tomato extract and auxin 2,4-D (T3D1, T3D2,

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition 189

Latunra et al.

and T3D3) could be due to the supplemented and a cofactor for biologically important enzymes,
tomato extract, and may increase the suscep- thereby preventing browning, regulating cell
tibility to contamination. Prior research by division and expansion, and stimulating somatic
Yulianti et al. (2016), reported the potential embryogenesis in various plants (Dwiyani et al.,
for contamination from bacteria or fungal 2015; Hapsoro et al., 2018; Darmawati et al.,
spores which may still be found in organic 2021; Helena et al., 2022). This free radical
extracts even though they have undergone inhibitory activity is also shown in lycopene
sterilization. This explanation is corroborated (Dwiyani et al., 2015; Mose et al., 2020). Other
by the findings of Heriansyah & Indrawanis compounds, such as carotenoids in tomatoes,
(2020), who found a correlation between the contribute to preventing photooxidation. Mean-
high concentration of tomato extract and while, the sugar content of tomatoes is neces-
the increased potential for contamination sary as an energy source for in vitro culture
in explants cultured in vitro. The outcome is (Mose et al., 2020).
primarily due to the vulnerability of leaf
explants to microbial invasion via the Callus Growing Time
epidermis and stomata.
Figure 3 provides information on how
The most successful callus formation each treatment affected the duration of callus
achieved in the treatment with independently growth in Robusta coffee. The results of the
2,4-D addition (T 0D 1, T 0D 2, T 0D 3) and Mann-Whitney test in Table 2 show that the
treatment with 10% tomato extract combined treatment with 2 ppm 2,4-D and 10% tomato
with auxin type 2,4-D (T2D1, T2D2, and T2D3). extract (T 2D2) offered the fastest average
Similar results were obtained by Lizawati callus growth time (13,3 days after culture).
et al. (2020), which demonstrated a 100% The T 2D2 treatment was not significantly
success rate for callus formation across all different from the T2D3 treatment but signifi-
treatments, including a single treatment of cantly different from the other treatments.
2,4-D without cytokinin. According to Oliveira Moreover, the T3D3 treatment had the longest
et al. (2022), the auxin 2,4-D has been widely average callus growth time, but it did not show
recognized for its effectiveness in initiating any significant difference from the T1D1, T3D1,
the callus induction stage in the somatic and T3D2 treatments.
embryogenesis of coffee plants. The inducing
Callus is a group of actively dividing cells
ability of 2,4-D is related to its involvement
that form an irregular arrangement. Callus
in cell expansion and cell division during
formation begins with an explant incision, which
the S phase as well as the G2 to M phase
activates the immune mechanism by releasing
secondary metabolites to cover the wound.
Contrary to other treatment combinations The interaction between metabolites from
using tomato extract, the concentration of plants and the exogenous PGRs causes cell
10% showed excellent callus induction ability. elongation, which contributes to the swelling
Tomato extract in appropriate concentration and curvature of the affected tissue. The resulting
could be a promising supplement in promoting cell proliferation and differentiation will even-
callus formation. Apart from the low dose tually develop into a callus. In indirect somatic
of endogenous auxin content in tomatoes, embryogenesis, the callus is a material source
tomatoes contain various compounds that for developing new plants. The efficacy of this
are adequate for plant growth in vitro. Ascorbic technique is dependent on the growth regulators
acid found in tomatoes can act as an antioxidant introduced into the culture media.

190 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements


Callus grow time (DAP)

d d
25 d
cd cd
20 c bc
15 b


a a a a a a

*Values followed by the same letter in the same column show no significant difference according
to the Mann-Whitney test at 5%.

Figure 3. Average callus grow time in Robusta coffee 60 days after culture

In this research, the fastest average callus Other metabolites such as leucine, lysine,
growth time was obtained at 13.3 days after fumaric acid, malic acid, galactonic acid,
planting when implementing a 2 ppm 2,4-D and threonic acid concentration also decrease
and 10% tomato extract (T 2D2) treatment. below average as a result of the citric acid
This observation aligns with Awada et al. cycle, amino acid metabolism, ascorbate, and
(2019) research, which discovered the forma- alderate metabolism.
tion of callus on wounded coffee explants
Exogenous metabolites are necessary to
two weeks after planting due to advanced
support the continuity of callus development
cell division. In addition, Hapsoro et al. (2019)
demonstrated the fastest response at 12 days phases. Metabolites such as glucose, fructose,
after culture, characterized by swelling of the fumaric acid, malic acid, and galactonic acid,
incision scar. which are needed in various callus metabo-
lisms, are contained in tomatoes and used as
According to the research conducted natural PGRs (Agius et al., 2018). Essential
by Awada et al. (2019), the development of
amino acids such as leucine and lysine are
callus in treatments T 2D2 and T 2D3 was
also abundant in tomatoes (Nour et al., 2018).
significantly impacted by the availability of
specific metabolites. The study proved that The T3D3 treatment had the most pro-
each developmental phase in somatic embryo- longed effect on callus formation than the
genesis requires the availability of certain other treatments (37 days after culture).
compounds. During the initial phase of explants This result is one week longer than Ibrahim
until primary callus formation, the concentration et al. (2019), which induced BP 436 Robusta
of carbohydrates, such as glucose, sucrose, coffee callus on media with 2-iP. Different callus
fructose, and ribose decreased, as these carbo- induction times may occur due to different
hydrates were utilized in sugar metabolism. effectivity of the growth regulators and the

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition 191

Latunra et al.

coffee varieties. Additionally, differences in In this study, treatments T 1D1, T 3D2,

callus induction time can be caused by dissimi- and T3D3 produced the lightest callus fresh
larities in cell sensitivity to exogenous PGRs weight (0.06 grams). The results are relevant
and different cell division times due to different to Baday (2018) research indicating a corre-
cell cycles (Junairiah et al., 2018). lation between PGRs accumulation and callus
fresh weight proliferation. However, excessive
Callus Fresh Weight use of PGRs will reduce the average fresh
weight of the callus. Similarly, excessive use
The quantities of callus fresh weight can of tomato extract can interfere with callus
determine the success of callus formation. development, as Sari et al. (2019) demon-
The increase in callus fresh weight is associated strated in a study that revealed high concen-
with the cell’s absorption of water and nutrients, trations of coumarin acid in tomatoes may
which leads to elongation. The ratio of auxin inhibit callus development. In addition,
and cytokinin is a crucial factor in regulating coumarin acid is reported to be an allelopathic
cell enlargement (Fitriana et al., 2019). compound that can interfere with photosyn-
Figure 4 shows the effect of different thesis, nutrient absorption, and plant metabo-
treatments on robusta coffee callus fresh lism (Dahiya et al., 2017).
weight. Treatment with 10% tomato extract Meanwhile, the treatment that was able
and 2 ppm 2,4-D (T 2D2) had the highest to encourage the highest increase in fresh
weight, similar to T 0D2, T 0D3, and T 2D3. weight, was shown in media enriched with
Meanwhile, the lowest average callus wet 10% tomato extract and 2 ppm 2,4-D. This
weight results were shown in the T 1D1 , treatment has a similar effect to T0D2, T0D3,
T3D2, and T3D3 treatments which were similar and T2D3. The potency of the tomato extract
to T 0D1 and T 2D1 treatments. might be related to the appropriate ratio

0.30 c

Callus fresh weight (g)

0.20 c

0.15 bc
0.10 ab
a a a
a a a a a a

* Values followed by the same letter in the same column show no significant difference according to
the Mann-Whitney test at 5%

Figure 4. Average of callus fresh weight of Robusta coffee 60 days after culture

192 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements

between endogenous and exogenous PGRs. tomatoes has the ability to promote cell
Bogdanoviæ et al. (2021) research demon- elongation (Vondráková et al., 2016). On
strated the efficacy of 2,4-D in the induction the other hand, the K element can initiate
and proliferation of embryogenic callus, thus embryo swelling through the formation of
affirming the potential of synthetic auxin. micelles without cell walls, which facilitates
Auxin is a crucial hormone in initiating water absorption (Setiari et al., 2017).
the stages of indirect somatic embryogenesis
by influencing the elasticity of the cell wall Callus Color
and encouraging the pumping of H+ ions into
The color of the Robusta coffee callus
the cell wall by proteins in the plasma mem-
was recorded and presented in Table 2. At
brane. Enzyme activation by H+ ions causes
the end of the observation, a yellowish-white,
the breaking of the cellulose hydrogen cross-
brown, and brownish-yellow callus was
links that comprise the cell wall, leading to
obtained, as shown in Figure 1.
cell elongation and water absorption (Ulva
et al., 2019). The intact cell wall matrix will In previous studies, callus color was
be rearranged during cell growth, affecting used to distinguish between embryogenic
cell weight (Junairiah et al., 2018). Meanwhile, and non-embryogenic callus based on their
cytokinin is vital in conducting dedifferen- regeneration ability. Embryogenic callus typi-
tiation and morphogenetic development (Asghar cally appears as yellowish-white, yellow, or
et al., 2022). These hormones facilitate an brownish-yellow, while brown callus is
increase in cell fresh weight by promoting an indication of non-embryogenic callus
meristematic division and cell growth through that has lost its cell capability to proliferate
their interactions with enzymes that regulate and regenerate (Ibrahim & Hartati, 2017;
cell division (Ulva et al., 2019). Livramento et al., 2018; Ibrahim et al., 2019;
Aside from the appropriate PGRs role, Rismayanti & Nafi’ah, 2021).
it is assumed that ferulic acid and potassium Brown callus formed from the T 0D2,
(K) in tomatoes are crucial in enhancing T0D3, and T1D1 treatments indicated the loss
the fresh weight of callus. Ferulic acid in of callus proliferation ability. Abdalla et al.

Table 2. Callus color of Robusta coffee 60 days after culture as affected by combinations of tomato
extract and 2,4-D treatmens
Treatments Repetition
Tomatoe (%) 2,4-D (ppm) I II III
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Yellowish White Yellowish White -
10 2 Yellowish White Brown Yellowish White
12 .5 3 Yellowish White Yellowish White Brown
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Brown - -
10 2 - - -
12 .5 3 - - -
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Yellowish White Yellowish White Yellowish White
10 2 Yellowish White Yellowish White Yellowish White
12 .5 3 Yellowish White Yellowish White Yellowish White
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Yellowish White - -
10 2 Yellowish White - -
12 .5 3 Brownish Yellow - -
Note: Calluses that do not grow with each treatment are marked with a hypen (-)

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition 193

Latunra et al.

(2022) revealed that browning was assumed is capable of reducing quinones to their original
to be a response to callus stress due to incision substrate through a process of hydrogen atom
wounds which release phenols. Polyphenol donation. Furthermore, it is believed that
oxidase (PPO) and Polyphenol Peroxidase ascorbic acid serves as a competitive inhibitor
(POD) oxidize phenols to quinones, causing of polyphenol oxidase (Ali et al., 2015; Santos
browning. When quinones form chemical et al., 2022).
bonds with cellular proteins, it can disrupt
cell metabolism, inhibit growth, and lead to Callus Texture
explant death.
The texture of a callus can indicate whether
The combination treatment between
it has the potential to become an embryonic
10% and 12.5% tomato extract with auxin
2,4-D (T0D1, T0D2, T0D3, T2D1, T2D2, T2D3, or non-embryogenic callus. A friable callus
has small, granule-shaped cells, while a compact
T3D1, T3D2, and T3D3) offered the capability
callus is made up of larger cells that form
to avoid browning and has the potential to
a spongy structure or a thickening on the
become embryogenic callus. These findings
are supported by research by Helena et al. edge of the robusta coffee explants. Explants
with both callus type (compact callus and
(2022), that revealed the efficacy of tomato
friable callus) are classified as intermediate
extract in reducing bamboo browning during
callus. The results of the observation of
the initiation phase. The anti-browning ability
of tomato extract is related to the presence of callus texture are shown in Table 3.
lycopene and ascorbic acid, which can reduce At the end of the observation, callus
quinone production. Lycopene has the ability with friable, compact, and intermediate
to protect cells from oxidative damage texture was obtained, as shown in Figure 1.
through its inhibitory activity against the The friable callus has greater potential to
quinone reductase 2 (QR 2) enzyme which become an embryogenic callus. Friable
is involved in quinone production (McNerney calluses have loose connections between
& Styczynski, 2017). Similarly, ascorbic acid cells, so they are easily separated from one

Table 3. Texture of Robusta coffee callus 60 days after culture as affected by combinations of tomato
extract and 2,4-D treatment.
Treatments Repetition
Tomato (%) 2,4-D (ppm) I II III
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Compa ct Compa ct -
10 2 Friable Intermedia te Friable
12 .5 3 Friable Intermedia te Friable
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Friable —
10 2 - - -
12 .5 3 - - -
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Compa ct Friable Compa ct
10 2 Intermedia te Friable Friable
12 .5 3 Friable Friable Intermedia te
0 0 - - -
7.5 1 Compa ct - -
10 2 Compa ct - -
12 .5 3 Friable - -
Note: Calluses that do not grow with each treatment are marked with a hyphen (-).

194 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 39, Number 3, December 2023 Edition

Callus formation of Coffea canephora induced with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tomato extract supplements

another. Callus friability is influenced by to note that utilizing tomatoes as a substitute

the auxin hormone used. Auxin can induce for plant growth regulators carries a certain
somatic embryogenesis by causing cells to level of risk, as their hormone levels can be
isolate. Cell isolation is essential in inhibiting unstable, making it difficult to attain the
competition for nutrients between cells and balance ratios for callus formation. However,
supporting the metabolism of embryogenic the essential compounds in tomatoes have
cells (Arimarsetiowati & Ardiyani, 2016). advantageous potential as supplements for
Callus with a compact texture is an in vitro, with an average percentage of callus
indication of non-embryogenic callus. The formation of 100%, the shortest average
compact callus is composed of dense cells callus growth time (13.3 days after culture),
that are difficult to separate. The denseness the highest average wet weight of callus
of the cells in a compact callus reduces its (0.27 grams), as well as the ability to form
ability to absorb the nutrients required for callus which has the potential to become
its growth (Junairiah et al., 2018). Although embryogenic callus an intermediate to a
unsuitable for plant propagation, a callus with friable texture without browning indication.
a compact texture is reported to be more
capable of accumulating secondary metabo-
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