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Behavior change project

Behavior Change Journal: September 16, 2023

Finding the motivation to start was a bit challenging, but once I began my 10-minute daily

sessions, I felt proud of taking the first step.

Setting aside 10 minutes a day was relatively easy to incorporate into my routine.

I realized that even a short burst of physical activity can boost my mood and energy levels.

This discovery is motivating me to stick to my plan.

I logged my 10-minute daily physical activity sessions using my fitness tracker app.

Additionally, I recorded my thoughts and feelings before and after each session in my journal.

I will continue to update my behavior change journal every week to track my progress and

share my experiences as I work towards my goal of achieving 30 minutes of daily physical


Behavior Change Journal: September 23, 2023

Finding time for the additional 5 minutes of physical activity each day was a bit challenging.

I had to adjust my schedule to make it work.

Continuing the 10-minute sessions from the previous week felt more natural, and I was less

resistant to starting.

I discovered that I enjoy outdoor activities more than indoor workouts. I'll try to incorporate

more outdoor exercises into my routine.

I logged my daily physical activity sessions using my fitness tracker app and increased the

duration to 15 minutes this week. My journal also captured my pre and post-workout feelings.

Behavior Change Journal: September 30, 2023

Balancing work commitments and daily physical activity became more challenging this

week. I had to remind myself of the benefits of exercise to stay motivated.

The 15-minute sessions have become a routine, and it feels easier to find time for them.

I realized that on days when I exercise in the morning, my energy levels throughout the day

are consistently higher. I'll try to prioritize morning workouts.

I successfully completed 15-minute daily physical activity sessions this week, documenting

them in my fitness tracker app. My journal also continued to capture my emotional and

physical experiences.

Behavior Change Journal: September 7, 2023

As I approached the 30-minute goal, I faced some fatigue and muscle soreness. It was tough

to push through, but I remembered my long-term health goals.

By the end of this week, I had reached my 30-minute daily goal. It felt satisfying to see the

progress I had made.

My commitment to daily physical activity has significantly improved my mood and overall

well-being. I feel more energetic and focused throughout the day.

I successfully achieved my 30-minute daily physical activity goal this week, and I recorded

each session in my fitness tracker app. My journal continued to document my feelings and

physical changes as I progressed.


Throughout this transformative journey, my primary goal was to incorporate regular physical

activity into my daily routine to enhance my overall health and well-being. To achieve this, I

set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives for

each week.

In the first week, my SMART objective was to start with 10 minutes of daily physical

activity. My goal was to create a foundation for consistent exercise. It was achieved without

much difficulty, as it was a small change to my routine.

In the second week, I aimed to increase my daily physical activity duration to 15 minutes.

This goal was met, though finding time for the additional 5 minutes was somewhat

challenging. This experience taught me the importance of time management.

The SMART objective for this week was to maintain 15 minutes of daily exercise while

balancing work commitments. This was challenging but doable, and I discovered the benefits

of morning workouts in sustaining my energy throughout the day.

In the final week, I worked toward reaching the 30-minute daily goal. This was the most

challenging part of the journey, as fatigue and muscle soreness set in. However, I managed to

achieve the goal, which felt incredibly rewarding.

These SMART objectives connected with material from various chapters in my health and

wellness resources. Chapters discussing goal setting, time management, and the benefits of

physical activity played a significant role. Furthermore, I looked ahead in the textbook for

insights into overcoming exercise plateaus and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In terms of personal health and wellness, I made substantial progress throughout the journey.

I noticed increased energy levels, improved mood, and a heightened sense of overall

well-being. This experience reaffirmed the vital role of physical activity in maintaining a

healthy lifestyle.

I learned that I possess the determination to commit to a goal and the ability to adapt my

routine to overcome challenges. It also taught me that I prefer morning workouts for

sustained energy.

Several barriers and challenges emerged, including work commitments and physical fatigue.

To overcome them, I adjusted my schedule and relied on my self-efficacy to push through

moments of difficulty.

My strengths were evident in my dedication and commitment to the goal. What was easy was

the initial 10-minute daily routine, while the most challenging part was achieving the

30-minute milestone.

Self-efficacy played a pivotal role in this experience. Believing in my capability to achieve

the goal was instrumental in overcoming challenges and maintaining consistency.

This experience had a profound impact on me. It instilled in me the importance of setting

SMART goals, maintaining self-efficacy, and prioritizing physical activity for overall

Moving forward, I will continue to incorporate daily physical activity into my routine. I will

also apply the lessons learned in goal setting, time management, and self-belief to other

aspects of my life. This experience has motivated me to lead a healthier, more balanced

lifestyle, and I am eager to see how it positively impacts my future endeavors.

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