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MARKETING DEFINITION the process by which marketing organisations

engage customers, build strong customer relationships and create customer value in
order to capture value from customers in return.
Understand the target market
Distribute products at the right place
Sell them at the right price
Be alert of competing products
Build relationships with customers


STAGE 1: Understand the marketplace and customer needs

#Needs, wants, demands

Needs: Human needs are states of felt deprivation
 Physical needs
 Social needs
 Individual needs
Wants: are the form human needs take, as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.
Demands: Human wants that are backed by buying pow

#Market offerings: Goods, services, and experiences

 Consumers’ needs and wants are fulfilled through a market offering some combination of
products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or
 Market Myopia: mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers
than to the benefits and experiences derived from the products
=> It is when the company is focusing only on existing wants and losing sight of underlying
consumer needs

#Customer value and satisfaction

 Customers form expectations about the value and satisfaction that various market
offerings will deliver, and buy accordingly
 Creating the balance between customer expectations and the marketers’ ability to
deliver on value
#Exchange, transactions and markets
 Exchange: act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return
Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange
E.g: A political candidate wants votes, a singer wants audience, Vlogger wants views, etc
 Transaction: A trade between two parties that involves at least two things of values,
agreed-upon conditions, and a time and place of agreement.
A transaction is marketing’s unit of measurement.
 In a transaction, we must be able to say that one party gives X to another party and gets
Y in return.
 Market: The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service
 These buyers share a particular need or want that can be satisfied through exchange

=> Should understand market and customer before stage 2 <=

STAGE 2: Design a Customer-driven Marketing Strategy

Marketing Management is defined as the art and science of choosing target markets and
building profitable relationships with them. The marketing manager’s aim is to find, attract, keep,
and grow target customers by creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.

Two key questions to keep in mind:

 What customers will we serve?

 How can we best serve these customers?

#1 Select customers to serve:

The company wants to select only customers that it can serve well and profitably.
The company must decide who it will serve by:
 dividing the market into segments of customers (market segmentation) and

 selecting which segments it will go after (target marketing).

#2 Choose a Value Proposition

Must also decide how it will serve targeted customers – how it will differentiate and position itself

in the marketplace (refer to a company’s value proposition)

Note: a company's value proposition is a set of benefits/ values it promises to deliver to

consumers to satisfy their needs.

#3 Marketing management orientations

5 alternative concepts with which organisations design and carry out their marketing strategies

 Production concept:

 Product concept:
 Selling concept:

 Marketing concept:

 Social marketing concept:

STAGE 3: Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program
marketing mix tools are classified and called the 4Ps of marketing: Product, Price,
Place, and Promotion.
To deliver on its value proposition, the firm must:
 Create a need-satisfying market offering (Product);

 Decide how much it will charge for the offer (Price);

 Decide how it will make the offering available to target consumers (Place);

 Communicate with target customers about the offer and persuade them of its

merits (Promotion).

STAGE 4: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is the process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by
delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.

 It deals with all aspects of acquiring, keeping, and growing customers.

CRM is the process of managing detailed information about individual customers and
carefully managing customer touch points in order to maximise customer loyalty.

STAGE 5:Creating customer loyalty and retention

Customer lifetime value is the value of the entire stream of purchases that the customer would
make over a lifetime of patronage.
# Growing share of customer
Good CRM can also help marketers to increase their share of customers – the share they get of
the customers purchasing in their product categories.
=> firms can offer greater variety to current customers. Or they can train employees to cross-sell
and up-sell in order to market more products and services to existing customers.

# Building customer equity

Customer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s customers.
Building right relationships with right customers



As an international brand, Heineken has shown its efforts and insights in understanding the
marketplace and customer needs. By expressing the excitement of drinking, Heineken has
promoted its products as a means of communication, bringing people together during lockdowns
in Covid 19.

Target audience:
Through the video, Heineken focuses on people over 18 from different cultures and
backgrounds. These people pose the same difficulties in communicating and connecting with
each other because of movement restrictions during Covid 19.

Messaging: “It's not the best get-together, but it's the best way to get together”. It indicates that
during Covid, although people had to stay at home and couldn’t have face to face meetings, they
could still share their feelings and connect with each other through online platforms while enjoying
Heineken beers.

Visual elements
Images of Heineiken products were integrated in many daily life activities to make it more
familiar with customers. All filming scenes were recorded at home, clearly illustrating the Covid
situation of people, raising awareness of staying at home during a pandemic.

Call to action
Through the video filmed at home with Heineiken beers integrated in every scene, Heineken
calls for people to stay at home, connect with their dearsts through social media and improve
the joyfulness of online meeting by drinking beers.

ASSIGNMENT 1: Individual reflection

Topic 1, topic 2,3
Reporting structure, DIEP
4 para
Main: check personal experience, ability to plan for future,
Personal experience: club activities, simple as a customer who use product, as a customer, how
you feel
Discuss topic + personal experience


Topic: all
Same as asm 2 but you have to do on your own

Education: Higher levels of female education tend to decrease fertility through delayed
marriage, improved knowledge
Women who complete 4 years of college are less likely to have a child,

each generation is less populous than the previous, leads to concerns about labour shortages
and the effects on a country’s economic and social stability.

Depend on culture and

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