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Kendriya vidhyalya NO.

Session: 2023-2024

Computer Science
Submitted by:-
Name: Lakshya Suthar
Class: XII A
Class Roll no.: 10
Board Roll no:

This is to certify that Rema Deosi Sundi of
class Xll A of Oxford Public School, Ranchi
has completed her project file under the
supervision of Mrs Rolley. She has taken care
and shown sincerity in completion of this

I hereby certify that this project is upto my

expectations and guidance issued by CBSE.

Internal External

Signature Signature
c o led e e +
I would like to express my greatest
gratitude to the people who helped and
supported me throughout my project. I
am thankful to my parents for helping
me in completion of this project. I am
grateful to Mrs. Rolley whose valuable
guidance has been the ones that helped
me patch this project and make it full
proof success. I would also like to
express my gratitude to the Principal Mr.
Suraj Sharma for his constant motivation
during the course of this investigation.

Name: Rema Deosi Sundi

Class: XI I A
Board roll no..
Soßoare an'Hardware requirement

• Operating system: Windows 10/8/7

• Platform • Python IDLE 3.7
• Database • MySQL
• Languages : Python
#7-farÆware Specifications:-

• Processor : Dual core or above

, Hard Disk : 40 GB
, RAM • 1024 MB

Mvanges ofPrqect:-
1. Saves time of teachers and administrators
2. Fee Collection
3. Improving Teaching Standards
4. Complete attendance automation
5. Effortless grades and marks management
6. Publishing of online forums and assignments
7. Easy management of class information analytical
8. Ordering books for library accordingly
Thís project automates school management system.
Schoof Management System consist of fas6 such registering stuienfs, attendance
recordkeePíng controfto absentees, details ofteacher, fee structure ,etc,
Oata 161e handlíng has been effectively usedín the Program, Oatabase is a collection
of interrefatec(data f0 serve multiple applicatíons ie, database Programs create files
of information. & we see thafþfes are workeÆwíth most inside the program ítseff
The software requíredfor management ofc(ata is caffeíOß MS 9f has three models.
Relation model: 9f stores information in form ofrows (car/ínalíty) and columns
Therarchícaímodef: 9n Mis 916e ofmodel we have multiple records inside a single
Network model: 9n Mis, the data is represented by coßectíons of recorc( ani
relationshíPs is separate/by associatíons,
Characterís6cs of98MS

• 9f reduces the redundancy, Oata sharíng

• Oata standardízafion

• Reduction of/ata inconsistency

Types offí/es basedon access
Random 161e Test161e ßínary 161e
Source Code in Python
import mysq1. connector as a con—a. connect (host= ' localhost' ,
user= ' root ' , database= ' test' , passwd= ' rema ' ) def
ÄddSt() :
n=input ("Student
name: ") cl=input
( "Class : " ) r=int
(input ("Roll no: )
a=input ( "Address : "
) ph=input ( " Phone :
" ) data= (n , cl ,
r , a , ph)

sql=' insert into student values (Cs '

c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute (sql , data) con .
commit ( ) print ( "Data
entered successfully" )
print ( "
" ) main ( )
RemoveSt() :
cl=input ( "Class :
" ) r=int (input
("Roll no: ) data= (cl
, r)

sql= ' delete from student where and '

c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute (sql ,
data) con . conunit ( )
print ( "Data
Updated" ) print (
main ( ) def DisplaySt
( ) :
cl=input ( "Class : " ) data= (cl , )
sq1= ' select * from student where
class=%s ' c=con . cursor ( )
* Introduction
* Software k Hardware

* Ac/vantages offhísProject
* Source Code in Python
* Output Screen
* Mysaz fabbs
* £ímffafíons
* Future Scopes
* ßíbfíograPhy
c . execute
(sql) d=c .
fetcha11 ( )
for i in d:
print ( "Name.
[0] ) print
( "Date :
print ( "Attendance :
( " " ) print (
main ( ) def
( ) :
cl=input ( "Class : " ) m=input ( "Monthly : " )
b=input ( "BusFee : " ) sc=input ( " ScFee : " )
tc=input ( " TechFee t=input ( " Total : " ) data=
(cl , ) sq1= update FeeStructure set

c. execute (sql , data) con .

conunit ( ) print ( "Data
Updated") print ( main ( ) def
DisplayFees ( ) : sq1= select *
from FeeStructure c=con. cursor (
) c. execute (sql) d=c. fetcha11
( ) for i in d:

print ( "Class
print ( "Monthly : "
, i [1] ) print
( "BusFee :
print ( "Scree : " , i
[3] ) print
( "TechFee : " , i
[4] ) main ( ) def
UpdateSa1 ( ) :
n=input ( " Teacher : " ) tcode=int (input ( "Tcode : " )
) salary—int (input ( " Salary : " ) ) data= (n , tcode)
sq1= update teacher set c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute (sq1 ,
data) con . commit ( )
print ( "Data
Update" ) print (
main ( ) def DisplayT
( ) :
sql= ' select * from
teacher' c=con. cursor
( ) c. execute (sql)
d=c . fetcha11 ( ) for i
in d:
print ( "Tcode
print ( "Name: , i
print ( " Salary: "
, i [2] ) print ( "Address
print ( "Phone : " , i
[4] ) print ( " " ) print
( main ( ) def
CIÄttd() :
d=input ( "Class : " )
clt=input ( "Class
teacher : " )
where name=%s and tcode=%s
t=int (input ("Class strenght: ") ) d=input
( "Date : " ) ab=int (input ("No of absentees :
") ) data= (d, clt, t , d, ab)
sql=' insert into CIÄttendance values , ' c . execute
( sql , data) d=c . fetcha11 ( ) for i in d:
print ( "Name.
print ( "Class :
print ("Roll no.
print ( "Address :
print ( "Phone : " , i [4] ) print
( " " ) print ( main ( ) def AddT() :
tcode=int (input ( "TCode : " ) ) n=input ( " Teacher name :
" ) s=int (input ( " Salary : " ) ) a=input ( "Address : " )
ph=input ( " Phone : " ) data= ( tcode , n , s , a , ph) sql='
insert into teacher values (Cs , c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute (sql , data) con . commit ( ) print
( "Data entered successfully" ) print ( main ( ) def
RemoveT ( ) :
n=input ( " Teacher : " ) tcode=int (input ( "Tcode : " ) data=
(n , tcode) sq1= ' delete from teacher where and tcode=%s '
c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute ( sq1 , data) con . conunit
( ) print ( "Data Updated") print (
c=con . cursor ( )
c. execute ( sq1 , data) con. commit ( ) print
( "Data entered successfully" ) print ( main ( ) def
DisplayCIÄttd ( ) :
sq1= ' select * from CIÄttendance ' c=con.
cursor ( ) c . execute (sql) d=c . fetchall ( )
for i in d:
print ( "Class :
print ( "Class teacher print ("Total
St: " , i [2] ) print ( "Date : "
print ( "Absentees :
print ( " " ) print (
main ( ) def TÄttd() :
n=input ( "Name : " ) d=input ( "Date :
" ) a=input ( "Attendance : " ) data=
(n , d , a)
sq1= ' insert into tattendance values , , c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute ( sq1 , data) con . corrunit
( )
print ( "Data entered successfully" ) print (
main ( ) def DisplayTÄttd() :
sql= ' select * from tattendance ' c=con . cursor
( )
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input
( "Continue in this table (y/ n) : ") elif table==2 :

while op in ['y' , 'Y'] :

print ("1. Add teacher" ) print ("2 . Remove
teacher" ) print ( "3 . Update Salary") print ("4
. Display Tdetails") task—int (input ( "enter
task no
if :
ÄddT() elif task==2 :
RemoveT ( ) elif task==3 :
UpdateSa1 ( ) el if task==4 :
DisplayT ( ) :
else :
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input ( "Continue
in this table (y/n)
elif :

op= ' Y '

while op in ,
print ( "1. Class Attendance") print ("2 .
Display CIÄttd details" ) task=int (input ("enter
task no: ") ) if :
ClÄttd ( ) el if task==2 :
DisplayCIÄttd ( ) else :
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input ( "Continue
in this table (y/n)
el if :
print ("Total : " , i [5] ) print ( "
" ) print ( main ( ) def ÄddBook ( ) :
bid—int (input ( "Book id: ") ) t=input ( "
Title : " ) a=input ( "Author : " ) p=input
( " Publisher g=input ( "Genre : " )
data= (bid, t, a , p , g)

sql=' insert into library values (Cs '

c=con. cursor ( )
c. execute (sq1 , data) con. cormnit ( ) print
( "Data entered successfully" ) print ( main ( ) def
RemoveB ( ) :
t=input ( " Title : " ) bid—int (input
("Book id: ") ) data= (t , bid)

sql= ' delete from library where and '

c=con . cursor ( )
c. execute ( sq1 , data) con . commit
( ) print ( "Data Updated" ) print (
main ( )

def DisplayB ( ) :
sq1= ' select * from library ' c=con .
cursor ( ) c . execute (sql) d=c . fetchall
( )
for i in d:

print ( "Bid: , i ) print ( "Title :

" print ( "Author :
print ( " Publisher • print ( " Genre

print ( " " ) print (

main ( ) def main ( ) :
ch='y' while ch in 'Y'] : print ("Pitts Modern
print ( " 1 . Student" ) print ( "2 . Teacher" )
print ( " 3 . CIÄttendance " ) print ( "4 .
TAttendance " ) print ( " 5 . FeeStructure " )
print ( " 6 . Library" ) table=int (input ( "enter
table no
print ( " " )
if :

op= ' Y '

while op in , print Add student" ) print ("2 .
Remove student" ) print ("3. Display St detail")
task=int (input ( "enter task no
if :
AddSt ( ) el if task==2 :
RemoveSt ( ) elif :
DisplaySt ( ) else :
op= ' Y '
while op in ,
print ( "1. Teacher attendance" ) print ("2 .
Display TÄttd details") task—int (input ("enter
task no: ") )
if :
TÄttd ( )
el if task==2 : DisplayTÄttd ( )
else :
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input ( "Continue
in this table (y/n)
elif :

op= ' Y '

while op in ['y' , 'Y'] :
print ("1. Update Fees") print ("2 . Display Fees
details") task=int (input ( "enter task no: ") )
if task==l :

UpdateFees ( )
el if :
DisplayFees ( )
else :
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input
( "Continue in this table (y/ n)
el if :

while op in ['y' , 'Y'] :

print Add Book")
print ("2 . Remove Book") print ("3. Display
Book") task=int (input ( "enter task no if
AddBook ( )
elif task==2 :
RemoveB ( ) el if task==3 :
DisplayB ( ) else :
print ("Enter Valid Choice! ! ") op=input
("Continue in this table (y/n) else :
ch=input ( "Do you want to continue (y/ n)

Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e,
Type "help" , "copyright" , "credits" o:
= RESTART: C: \Users\abc\ÄppData\Loca.
right", "credits" or "license 0" for Pitts
Modern School
1. School
2 . Teacher 3 . CLAttendance
4 . TAttendence
5 . Fees tructure 6 . Library enter
table no: 1
1. Add student
2 . Remove student 3 . Display Stdetails
enter task no: 1 Student name: Rema
Class: 12A
Roll no:40 Address : SiromtoLi phone :

Ftle Edg Debug Opt'0M

enter task no : 1
Tcode : 101
Teacher name :Äjay
Salary : 64000
Address : Hinoo
Phone: 9430182766
Continue in teacher table (yn)
1. Add teacher 2 .
Remove teacher
3 . Update Salary 4 .
Display Tdetails enter
task no : 2 Teacher : Aj
Tcode : 101
Data Updated

Continue in teacher table (y/n)

1 .Ädd teacher

2 .

Remove teacher
3 . Update salary 4 . Display Tdetails
enter task no : 3 Teacher : Aj ay
Tcode : 101
Continue in FeeStructure table (y/n)
Do you want to continue (y/n) : y
Pitts Modern School
1. Student
2 . Teacher
3 . CLÄttendance
Debug Opt•ons

Continue in teacher table (y/n) : n

Do you want to continue (y/n:y
Pitts Modern School
1 . Student
2 . Teacher
3. CLÄttendance
4. TÄttendance
5. Fees tructure 6 . Library enter
table no : 3

1 . Class Attendance 2 .
Display CLAttd details
enter task no: 1 Class :
Class teacher: A Singh
Class strength : 60
Date : 2021-02-13
No of absentees : 15
Data entered successfully

Continue in CIAttendance table (y/n)

1 . Class Attendance
2 . Display CLÄttd details
Debug enter task no: 1
Name : Aj ay
Date: 2021-03-13
Attendance : Present

Data entered successfully

Continue in TAttendance table (y/n)

1 . Teacher Attendance 2 . Display
TAttd details enter task no: 2
Name : Aj ay
Date : 2021-02-13
Attendance : Present
Name : Seema
At tendance : Absent
mysql> desc student;

t Field I Type I Null I Key I I Extra I

nane varchar( 30 YE NUL
) S L
class varcharC30) YE NUL
roll varchar( 30 YE PR I
) S L
addres varchar( 30 YE NUL
s ) S L
phone varchar(30 YE NUL
) S L
S ra•s in set (O. 14S sec) vsql> desc
teacher t Field t Type t Null I Key I
Default I Extra I
tcode varchar( 30 NO PR NUL
) I L
name varchar(30 YE NUL
) S L
salar varchar(30) YE NUL
addres varcharC30) YE NUL
s S L
phone varcharC30) YE NUL
rgas in set (0.009 sec)
mysql> catten©ance;

I Field I TypeI Null I Key I Default I Extra I

class vat-char(30) YES NULL
cl teacher YES NULL
totalstvarchar(30) NULL
date varchar( 30) YES NULL
absentees vat-char YES NULL
S In set (0.012
mysql> desc
I FieldI Type I Null I Key I
Default I Extra I
nane varchar(30) YES MJLL
date varchar(30) YES MJLL
attendance YES WLL
varchar( 30 )
3 in set (0.016 sec)
I FieldI Type1 Null Key I Default I
Extra I
class varchar(30)YES NULL
monthlyvarchar( 30) YES NULL
busfeevarchar(30)YES NULL
scfee varchar(30)YES NULL
techfeevarchar(30)YES NULL
total varchar(30)YES NULL

6 reas in set (0.005

sec) mysql> desc
t Field I Type 1 Null I Key 1
Default t Extra 1
bid I varchar(30) 1 NULL
author varchar(30) YES NULL
publisher vat-char(30) YES NULL
genre varchar(30) I YES NULL
4 rows in set (0.018 sec)
Computer Science with Sumita Arora
Computer Science with Preeti Arora
Under the guidance of subject teacher
Future Scope
In future our system can include accounting
system, good backup, and restore facility.
System is so much flexible so in future it can
increase easily and new modules can be
added easily.
You can add student admission as well as
pay online fees.
Make online exams more effective, efficient
and more dynamic so that it helps to get good
support from the student.
The limitation of the application is more
improvement in online examinations.
Limited questions had been stored and
need more updation and maintenance of
the application.
Storage capacity is too small so that it
cannot be stored large amount of data so
that backup is necessary for the future

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