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True or false - 5x1=5)

a. The irregular cleaning of teeth Prevents the dental Problems.

b. We should drink 1 liter water daily.

c. Human body Consists of more than 70% Water.
d. The Soil climate and Weather do not affect the harves Hing of local food.
e. vial influenza is also known as Pneumonia.

Tick the Comect answers (5x1=5]

a. which of the following germs is present in impure water?

I) silkworm ii) bacterial iii) fire fish

b. What Should be the temperature of water to disinfect the Contaminated Water?

i) 80°C ii) 100°C iii) 95°C

c. How much Water does the human body contain?

i. 70%. ii. 80%] iii)90%

d. Direct contact includes………….

I) Running ii) Hugging iii) Swimming
e. In droplet infection, water drops come out from nose and…….
i) Mouth. ii)skin iii)eye

Very short answer question? (5x1=5)

a. Define disease.
b. What is local food?
c. what is nutrition?
d. What is Water Contamination?
e. what is hygiene?

Answer these question. (5x2 = 10)

a. Write any four ways to Care teeth.

b. write any four ways to Purify Water.

c. Why is water essential in Our body? Explain
d. Mention any four importance of local foods.
e. state the Preventive measures of eys Conjunctions.
Best of luck

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