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[ viewpoint ]


The Elephant in the Room:

Too Much Medicine in
Musculoskeletal Practice
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(1):1-4. doi:10.2519/jospt.2020.0601

dvances in assessment and management of musculoskeletal Two Examples of Too Much Medicine
Relevant to Physical Therapy Practice
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conditions (eg, fracture management) have improved care

for many people. We contend that there have been other, less Nonsurgical Interventions for Pain Mus-
culoskeletal pain management costs con-
beneficial developments in the provision of care for people
tinue to rise. Individuals may have been
with musculoskeletal pain conditions—one is the worrying tendency misinformed that myriad nonsurgical
to provide too much medicine. health care options, including acupunc-
There are overlaps and confusion medicalizing normality—when a normal ture, manual therapy, myofascial trigger
regarding the usage and definitions of human function or condition is labeled point therapy, injections, pharmacology,
terms.8 In this Viewpoint, we will use the as abnormal.10 among others, will, in isolation, “fix” the
term “too much medicine” as an umbrella In this Viewpoint, we argue that too problem. Use of opioids has been at the
term that includes overdiagnosis, misdi- much medicine and medicalizing nor- forefront of the drive to eradicate pain.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020.50:1-4.

agnosis, false positives, diagnostic over- mality in contemporary musculoskeletal Worldwide, use of prescription opioid an-
medicalization, and overdetection. Too practice have become the “elephant in algesics more than doubled between 2001
much medicine has led to overtreatment, the room.” Medicalizing normality cre- and 2013, leading to an opioid epidemic
overutilization, interventional overmedi- ates health concerns where none exist. in many countries.14 In the United States
calization, and low-value care.12 Too much medicine involves provision in 2017, health care providers (principally
Many musculoskeletal conditions of care where benefits do not outweigh general practitioners) prescribed opioid
require a level of investigation and in- harms, and wastes precious health care pain medication 191 million times (59
tervention. Too much medicine occurs resources. We (1) list 2 common examples prescriptions per 100 people). Twenty-
when the provision of either (or both) is of too much medicine, and 2 examples nine million people were taking nonste-
unjustifiably excessive, for example, re- of medicalizing normality, relevant to roidal anti-inflammatory medications,
ferring an individual experiencing non- physical therapy practice; (2) outline the accompanied by 100 000 hospitalizations
specific low back pain with no red flags drivers of too much medicine and medi- and 17 000 related deaths.4,19
for magnetic resonance imaging. Another calizing normality; and (3) make sugges- Orthopaedic Surgery Many surgical pro-
concern in musculoskeletal health care is tions for change. cedures perform no better than skin in-

School of Health and Social Work, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom. 2Therapy Department, Central London Community Healthcare National Health Services
Trust, London, United Kingdom. 3Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, College of Health Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 4Doctor of Physical
Therapy Division, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC. 5Physical Therapy Division and Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University, Durham, NC. 6Institute for
Evidence-Based Healthcare, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia. 7School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Health Sciences
Division, Curtin University, Bentley, Australia. 8Body Logic Physiotherapy, Shenton Park, Australia. No funding was received to support this Viewpoint. The authors certify that they
have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the article. Address
correspondence to Dr Jeremy Lewis, School of Health and Social Work, Wright Building, College Lane Campus, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB Hertfordshire, UK.
E-mail: t Copyright ©2020 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 50 | number 1 | january 2020 | 1
[ viewpoint ]
cisions and arthroscopy without the “fix” plumb-line assessment of cervical, tho- prioritizing condition-specific and life-
(sham surgery), especially when the pa- racic, and shoulder posture, then advis- style advice; that “doing something” is
tient’s main complaint is pain.7 Examples ing that the symptoms are due to subtle better than “waiting and watching”6; that
include repairs for nontraumatic medical variations in postural alignment, is medi- the origin of pain can always be identi-
meniscal tears, arthroscopic debridement calizing normality. fied with clinical tests and imaging; that
for knee osteoarthritis,13 type II superior “Abnormalities” Detected by Imag- once identified, pain can be “fixed”; that
labral tear from anterior to posterior le- ing There has been an increase in the symptoms are caused by “abnormalities”
sions,20 biceps tenodesis for long-head- identification of “abnormalities” in mag- in static posture and structure; and that
of-biceps pathology,20 and acromioplasty netic resonance imaging and ultrasound not addressing “abnormalities” risks fur-
for subacromial impingement.16 as the explanation for presenting symp- ther tissue damage or exacerbation of the
Prioritizing expensive surgical pro- toms. However, this practice has medi- condition.3
cedures when cheaper, equally effective calized normality on an unprecedented When more expensive interventions
alternatives exist is concerning. Non- scale.1,2 Examples include lumbar disc are recommended that offer equivalent
surgical management, principally in the protrusions, disc bulges, facet joint degen- or worse outcomes than lower-cost alter-
form of graduated activity and exercise, eration, and spondylolisthesis in people natives, profit and remuneration become
is consistently as effective as surgery without low back pain; labral abnormali- drivers of sectors of the health care indus-
for shoulder pain, knee pain, and the ties and rotator cuff tendon pathology in try, insurers, pharmaceutical companies,
majority of grade I to III ankle sprains. baseball pitchers without shoulder pain; and some clinicians. For sections of the
Surgery may be a reasonable treatment osteophytes, cartilage damage, bone mar- media, drivers include sensationalism
option, but it is associated with increased row lesions, and synovitis in people with- and revenue.9 Politicians may not wish to
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clinical risk and increased costs for health out knee pain; and labral tears in young disenfranchise voters by appearing to re-
systems and patients, often without pro- people without hip pain. These findings duce or withdraw health care alternatives
viding increased clinical benefits. For suggest that many changes labeled as “ab- considered fundamental by the electorate
many musculoskeletal conditions, too normalities” are normal and may not be or advocated by lobby groups.15,18
much medicine can be avoided if ap- associated with pain or symptoms. Many
propriate condition-specific education, interventions may be performed on people Suggestions for Change
lifestyle advice, and evidence-based non- who have normal age-related changes, and Reducing the sequelae of too much medi-
surgical management are prioritized. most probably on tissues that are not the cine will require continuous effort from
cause of the symptoms. all stakeholders.17 We must all consider
Two Examples of Medicalizing Normality sustainability and acknowledge that
Relevant to Physical Therapy Practice Drivers of Too Much Medicine health care resources are finite. In this
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020.50:1-4.

Musculoskeletal aches and pains are There are many drivers of too much med- section, we outline suggestions for how
common. Up to 70% of people experience icine, including the belief of clinicians patients, policy makers, clinicians, educa-
shoulder pain and 90% experience low and patients that more health care (in the tors, the health care industry, and the me-
back pain at some stage in their lives. One form of imaging and investigations, pre- dia can drive change. We have included
might argue that these common muscu- scribing medicine, injections, multiple a recommended reading list (APPENDIX,
loskeletal conditions could be considered passive interventions and electrotherapy available at and resources
unpleasant yet “normal” occurrences. In modalities, and surgery) is better than (TABLE) to help reduce the impact of too
this section, we summarize 2 examples of
the mislabeling of normal and age-relat-
ed variations in posture and structure as
Resources to Better Understand
“pathological” and/or the basis for pre-
TABLE and Help Reduce Too Much Medicine
senting symptoms.
and Medicalizing Normality
Postural “Abnormalities” Ankylosing
Provide a card or leaflet with possible questions or discussion points for patients:
spondylitis and severe kyphosis and sco-
liosis may be associated with symptoms. Discuss the value and importance of shared decision making in musculoskeletal practice6
However, for the majority of musculo- Too much medicine: and
skeletal presentations, most posture “ab- Better medicine:
normalities” are likely to be variations of Improving critical thinking about health care:
Online guides for reporting medical research:
normal and do not differentiate between
people with and without pain.11 Observ- Discuss musculoskeletal management in social media forums5
ing a person’s static posture based on the

2 | january 2020 | volume 50 | number 1 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
much medicine and medicalizing nor- tions to activity following an injection pain. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019;28:1699-1706.
mality in musculoskeletal practice. or surgery, and for how long)
What Can Patients Do? What Can Educators Do? 2. Brinjikji W, Luetmer PH, Comstock B, et al.
• Ask questions relating to the different • Ensure that curricula are contempo- Systematic literature review of imaging features
of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic popula-
management options for your condi- rary and reflect current evidence tions. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015;36:811-816.
tion, focusing on the anticipated ben- • Teach critical appraisal skills so clini-
efits, time scales, and harms cians can effectively and efficiently in- 3. Bunzli S, Smith A, Schütze R, O’Sullivan P.
• Ask what you can do to help manage corporate new evidence into practice Beliefs underlying pain-related fear and how they
evolve: a qualitative investigation in people with
your condition • Teach shared decision-making skills chronic back pain and high pain-related fear. BMJ
• Ask if “wait and watch” is an appropri- What Can the Health Care Industry Do? Open. 2015;5:e008847.
ate option • Use common language and explana- bmjopen-2015-008847
• When fully informed of the benefits, tions for patients, based on an unbi- 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
U.S. opioid prescribing rate maps. Available at:
harms, and costs of the management ased assessment of research
options, contribute to codesigning the • Promote interprofessional practice maps.html. Accessed October 21, 2019.
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What Can Policy Makers Do? SUMMARY decision making should be an integral part of

physiotherapy practice. Physiotherapy. In press.
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• Withdraw the financial incentive to oo much medicine burdens

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intervention societies of resources. Overcom- extent are surgery and invasive procedures ef-
• Defund low-value care (eg, subacro- ing too much medicine requires stake- fective beyond a placebo response? A systematic
review with meta-analysis of randomised, sham
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