On The Shores of The Atlantic Ocean

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On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean

On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean ............................................................................................................. 1
History of Liberia ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Firestone Company ................................................................................................................................... 3
Liberia and the United States:................................................................................................................... 4
One-Year Stay at Liberia 2010-11 .............................................................................................................. 5
Memories of Liberia .................................................................................................................................. 7
History of Liberia
Liberia is a West African country located on the edge of the second-largest
ocean in the world the Atlantic Ocean. The country is home to a
lush rainforest containing a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Its neighboring
countries include Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast. The population is
about 5 million. The area is about 111,000 square kilometers. Columbus
discovered America by going through the Atlantic Ocean. The "American
Colonization Society" was established in 1916 in connection with the
abolition of black slavery in America, for this purpose, colonized Africa.
Start trying. As a result of their efforts, the African country of Liberia finally
came into existence. Future US Presidents James Monroe and Andrew
Jackson were also included in this society. This was 50 years before the
abolition of slavery in America.

In 1821, the society made an agreement with local leaders in West Africa
and acquired a strip of land. The following year, the society started sending
freed people here. Most of them were families. In 40 years, about 12
thousand black Americans arrived in this new neo-population. One hundred
years ago from Pakistan, Liberia became independent in 1847.
Firestone Company
Near the capital of Liberia is the Firestone Natural Rubber Company
established in 1926. It is part of the American company Bridgestone. It has
more than 6,000 employees. And it covers about 200 square miles. It is the
world's largest single natural rubber operation. Harvey Samuel Firestone,
owner of the Firestone Company, was a friend of Thomas Edison and
Henry Ford. Harvey Samuel Firestone also wrote a book (Man on the
Move). In which he writes about travel in Liberia in the 1920s and the
Firestone Company. The company is doing great service in healthcare and
education of Liberia.
Liberia and the United States:
During the 20th century, Liberia played a role in the US World War II effort,
with African rubber traveling from Liberian ports to US factories. As the
Cold War heated up, US military aircraft were granted 24-hour-a-day
landing rights at the airport in the capital city of Monrovia. From Liberia, the
United States called the Voice of America programs and broadcast radio
communications to its embassies around the continent. That is why
Liberians call the Americans Big Brother. The United States recognized
Liberia in 1862. The flag of Liberia is also modeled after the flag of the
United States, the Voice of America (VOA) was also the main office of the
United Nations Mission in Monrovia. Liberia's administrative structure is
similar to that of the United States. Like the United States and Burma,
Liberia does not use the International System of Measurement (SI).
Monrovia is the capital and is named after the fifth US president, James
Monroe. There are also. The currency is the Liberian dollar. Petrol pumps
are called gas stations like in the US.

George Weah, the current president of Liberia, was the first non-European
to win the Ballon d'Or in 1995. His 18-year football career ended in 2003.
After that, he entered politics. He is a former player of football clubs
Chelsea, Manchester City and AC Milan.

One-Year Stay at Liberia 2010-11

There was a direct flight of 18 hours from Pakistan. One gets tired even
sitting on the plane. On the way, there was a 2-hour stop in Khartoum, the
capital of Sudan. On the way back, we stopped in Tripoli, Libya. Liberia
time is the same as UK time. This also had to be taken into account when
calling in Pakistan. Due to its location on the equator, the weather is almost
the same all year round. Liberia is a founding member of the League of
Nations and the United Nations (UN). The second largest number of ships
in the world are registered in Liberia. Because of the relaxed laws, the Flag
of Convenience is used by Liberia. There are a lot of rainforests. And the
country is green while traveling by helicopter, it looks like a carpet.

During 2010 and 2011, we had the opportunity to visit this country for a
year during the United Nations mission. The experience of working in an
international environment was memorable. There were Eid, Diwali and
Christmas celebrations.

Kendeja is a beautiful resort on the beach near the capital. Had breakfast
with friends at a Lebanese restaurant once which was very tasty. Signs of
civil war devastation are visible everywhere. At Camp Clara the ruins of the
damaged hotel are visible. The wooden furniture is very nice with pictures
of animals painted on it. Western Union was a reliable means of sending

There were friendly matches and meals. Evening outings were the norm
and volleyball was played. A ship called the Katrina brought food supplies
to Harper. And all the people looked forward to it. Once we had lunch at the
small port of Harper and enjoyed it. Cassava and coconuts are common.
Motorcycles are used as taxis.
Memories of Liberia
Special wooden boats The canoe is used. There are also small hills and
swampy areas. The Cavalla River is the longest river. Mangrove trees are
common. Our headquarters was in Harper, Maryland. There is also a
university in Harper known as Tubman University. There were wooden
poles. Houses in small towns and villages are mostly huts. Bananas are
also cooked and eaten. Rituals and culture in Liberia are quite different.
Monrovia Tumanburg, Gbarnga, Buchanan, Zwedro, Barclayville, Plebo,
Harper and Greenville are major cities.

Children walk to and from school all day. Soccer is played enthusiastically
and all day. Helicopters and small UN planes fly to major cities. Flights are
frequent. Roberts International Airport (RIA) is the largest airport. Iron,
diamonds, black gold, etc. Rubber plants are common. Farmhouses are
present. Beautiful beaches along the coast provide tourist attractions.
However, the tourist industry is negligible. Electricity is mostly through
generators. There is no central power plant. Small ships run from Harper to
Monrovia. There is also a lighthouse at Harper. There are also old offices of
the Freemasons and several churches. A small town like Harper has offices
of many international organizations. The United Nations Mission in Liberia
lasted until 2018 and rendered valuable services in peacekeeping which
was appreciated at the international level.

Although it's very rare to go again and see those areas again with people
from many countries but still the memories are fresh. Life goes on.

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