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Economics is a social science that focuses on the production, distribution, and consumption

of goods and services, and analyzes the choices that individuals, businesses, governments,
and nations make to allocate resources. As humans have unlimited wants within a world of
limited means, economists analyze how resources are allocated for production, distribution,
and consumption.

In Economics, there two different areas of study

The study of Microeconomics focuses on the choices of individuals and businesses,

and Macroeconomics concentrates on the behavior of the economy as a whole, on an
aggregate level.

Economics is the Evergreen Subject which has high demand at both the national and universal
levels because of its utility in our day-to-day life. The economics field is very much interesting
which offers a variety of subjects in it. Career options in Economics include jobs like Economist,
financial risk analyst, Accountant, Investment Analyst, Financial consultant, Data Analyst, and

 Professional Economist
 Financial Risk Analyst
 Data Analyst (Banking Sector)
 Financial Planner (Banking Sector)
 Financial Controller/Financial Economist
 Equity Analyst
 Cost Accountant
 Economic Researcher
 Business Economist
 Agricultural Economist
 International Economist (Specialization)
 Industrial Economist (Specialization)
 Labor Economist (Specialization)
 Investment Analyst
 Actuary

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