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allegory - device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning alliteration

- the repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words (eg "she sells sea shells") allusion - a direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art ambiguity - the multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, of a word, phrase, sentence, or passage analogy - a similarity or comparison between two different things or the relationship between them antecedent - the word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun aphorism - a terse statement of known authorship which expresses a general turht or moral principle apostrophe - a figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love atmosphere - the emotional mood created by the entirety of a literary work, established partly by the setting and partly by the author's choice of objects that are described clause - a grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb colloquial - the use of slang or informalities in speech or writing conceit - a fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects connotation - the nonliteral, associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning denotation - the strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color diction - refereing to style, diction refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness, or effectiveness didactic - from the Greek, literally means "teaching" euphemism - from the Greek for "good speech," a more agreeable or less offensive substitute for a

generally unpleasant word or concept extended metaphor - a metaphor developed at great length, ocurring frequently in or throughout a work figurative language - writing or speech that is not intended to carry litera meaning and is usually meant to be imaginative and vivid figure of speech - a device used to produce figurative language generic convntions - refers to traditions for each genre genre - the major category into which a literary work fits (eg prose, poetry, and drama) homily - literally "sermon", or any serious talk, speech, or lecture providing moral or spiritual advice hyperbole - a figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement imagery - the sensory details or figurative language used to describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions infer (inference) - to draw a reasonable conclusion from the informaion presented invective - an emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language irony - the contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant verbal irony - words literally state the opposite of speaker's true meaning situational irony - events turn out the opposite of what was expected dramatic irony - facts or events are unknown to a character but known to the reader or audience or other characters in work loose sentence - a type of sentence in which the main idea comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units metaphor - a figure of speech using implied comparison of seemingly unlike things or the substitution of one for the other, suggesting some similarity metonomy - from the Greek "changed label", the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it (eg "the White House" for the President) mood - grammatically, the verbal units and a speaker's attitude (indicative, subjunctive, imperative);

literarily, the prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a word narrative - the telling of a story or an account of an event or sereis of events onomatopoeia - natural sounds are imitated in the sounds of words (eg buzz, hiss) oxymoron - from the Greek for "pointedly foolish," author groups apparently contradictory terms to suggest a paradox paradox - a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or opposed to common sense but upon closer inspection contains some degree of truth or validity parallelism - from the Greek for "beside one another," the grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to give structural similarity parody - a work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the speific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule pedantic - an adjective that describes words, phrases, or general tone that is overly scholarly, academic, or bookish periodic sentences - a sentence that presents its central meaning in a main clause at the end personification - a figure of speech in which the author presents or describes concepts, animasl, or inanimate objects by endowing them with human attributes or emotions point of view - the perspective from which a story is told (first person, third person omniscient, or third person limited omniscient) predicate adjective - one type of subject complement, an adjective, group of adjectives, or adjective cluase that follows a linking verb predicate nominative - another type of subject complement, a noun, group of nouns, or noun clause that renames the subject prose - genre including fiction, nonfiction, written in ordinary language repetition - the duplication, either exact or approximate, of any element of language rhetoric - from the Greek for "orator," the principles governing the art of writing effectively, eloquently,

and persuasively rhetorical modes - the variety, conventions, and purposes of the major kinds of writing (exposition explains and analyzes information; argumentation proves validity of an idea; description re-creates, invents, or presents a person, place, event or action; narration tells a story or recount an event) sarcasm - from the Greek for "to tear flesh," involves bitter, caustic language that is meant to hurt or ridicule someone or something satire - a work that targets human vices and follies or social institutinos and conventions for reform or ridicule semantics - the branch of linguistics which studies the meaning of words, their historical and psychological development (etymology), their connotations, and their relation to one another style - an evaluation of the sum of the choices an author maks in blending diction, syntx, figurative language, and other literary devices; or, classification of authors to a group and comparion of an author to similar authors subject complement - the word or clause that follows a linking verb and complements, or completes, the subject of the sentence by either renaming it or describing it subordinate clause - contains a subject and verb (like all clauses) but cannot stand alone; does not express complete thought syllogism - from the Greek for "reckoning together," a deductive system of fromal logic that presents two premises (first "major," second "minor") that inevitably lead to a sound conclusion (eg All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, Socrates is mortal) symbol (symbolism) - anything that represents or stands for something else (natural, conventional, literary) syntax - the way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, and sentences theme - the central idea or message of a work, the insight it offers into life thesis - in expository writing, the thesis statement is the sentence or group of sentences that directly express the author's opinion, purpose, meaning, or proposition

tone - similar to mood, describes the author's attitude toward his material, the audience, or both transition - a word or phrase that links different ideas understatement - the ironic minimalizing of fact, presents something as less significant than it is wit - intellectually amusing language that surprises and delights

Minor Literary Terms

abecedarius - acrostic in ABC... order acatalectic - metrically complete accismus - pretended refusal acmeism - Russian precise real adonic - dactyl and a spondee adversarius - addressed in satire aetat - at his age affective fallacy - judge results agon - debate agroikos - Frye's term for the fourth stock character, is easily deceived alazon - braggart alba - lament daybreak alexandrine - 6 iambs alloeostropha - Milton's term for an irregular stanza ambages - misleading truth ambo - both amoebean - pastoral alternate amphibology - 2 meanings amphigory - sounds good, no meaning amphisbaenic rhyme - switch order (eg step - pets) ana - scraps of information anacoluthon - don't end sentence as it started anacoenesis - question

anacreontic poetry - Bacchanalian anacrusis - extra unaccented syllable at start anadiplosis - last word of one line is first word of next line anagnorsis - peripety analepsis - Grave's term for the vivid unconscious analogism vs. anomalism - language orgin debate anaphone - anagram of sounds anaphora - expression repeated at start of lines anastomosis - interconnection anathema - denounce Angry Young Men - in Britain 1950s and 1960s anisobaric - rhyme but with different accents anthropomorphism - humanlike objects antimeria - change part of speech antimetabole - repeat words in opposite order antiphon - sung verse antiphrasis - opposite meaning antiquarianism - study past relics strophe - (ancient Greek chorus) moves left, then antistophe, epode antonomasia - proper name for an idea aparithmesis - list numbers aphaeresis - omit first syllable aphorism - wise saying with known author apocopated rhyme - add unstressed syllable to a rhyme apocope - omit sounds

apodictic - argue with proof apo koinon - in common apolelymenon - Milton's term for monostrophic apologue - moral fable apophasis - make an assertion while disproving it at the same time apophrades - unlucky days aporia - pretended indecision aposiopesis - don't finish a sentence apothegm - short aphorism apotropaic - ward off evil apposition - second phrase explains first ara - long curse areopagus - final court aristophanic - dactyl, trochaic, trochaic arsis - now means a stressed syllable artificial comedy - Lamb's term for comedy of manners asyndeton - omit conjuctions attenyseration - softening previous statement attic - clear style aubade - lyric poem about dawn serenade auteur theory - film judged by director's work autotelic - not didactic auxesis - pile on detail axiom - obvious maxim Bad Quartos - Pollard's term for false Shakespeare manuscripts

bagatelle - trifle ballad stanza - abcb, 4343 stress ballade - French with refrain, envoy, 3 rhymes barbarism - mistake in word form bard - Celtic, trouvere - Normandy, skald - Scandenavian, troubadour - Provence baring device - Sklovskij's term for showing the play is artificial basic English - 850 AD by Ogden bathos - failed attempt at dignity begging the question - can't prove major premise Benthamism - goal of happiness Bildungsroman - novel that deals with the development of a young person from adolescence to maturity billingsgate - vulgar language as in fish market Black Mountain School - NC group, projective verse, aesthetic, included Olson, Creele, and Duncan blason - detailed praise or blame poem Bloomsburg Group - group which enjoyed pretty things, included Virginia Woolf blues - 3 lines, repeat bluestockings - smart women bob and wheel - Middle English alliterative verse bombast - ranting bon mot - witty repartee boustrophedon - zig-zag reading bouts-rimes - rhyme game brachycatalectic - omit 2 syllables broken rhyme - divide word to make it rhyme bucolic - formal, about rural areas

burden - refrain burlesque - lower style, parody - lower subject burletta - ballad-opera Burns stanza - aaabab 444343 syllables Byronism - rich, charm, wit cabal - acrostic cadence - sound before pause calque - loan transition calypso - ballad with African rhythm, originated in Trinidad canonical hours - 7 prayer times canso - southern France love song canticle - chant canto - section of long poems canzone - lyric poem with envoy canzonet - little song, more than one movement catachresis - misuse of word catalexis - truncate final syllable of line catastasis - rising action catastrope - conclusion catch - round of 3 catena - string of quotes cauda - tail caudate sonnet - add lines to Italian sonnet causerie - informal literary essay Cavelier lyric - light, polished

Celtic Revival - 1700s movement, two types of Celts: Brythonic and Gaelic Gaelic Movement - 1890s movement, included Hyde cento - scraps from several authors chain rhyme - last word in one line is a homophone with first in next line chanson - song (de geste - great deeds) chant royal - 60 lines (5*11 plus an envoy) chantey - sailor song charientism - gloss over disagreeable chartism - ideal of helping the poor, attacked by Carlyle chiasmus - second phrase balances the first but reverses it choliambus - scazon with last foot of iamb a trochee or dactyl choreopoem - Shange's term for complementing dance and poem chrestomathy - choice passages chronotope - time-space world Ciceronian style - ornamental Cinema Verite - small crews cinquain - invented by Crapsey, 5 line poem claque - paid applauders clerihew - 4-line poem about person, invented by Bentley clinamen - swerving away closet drama - read not acted, invented by Seneca cock and bull - meandering tall tale Cockney School - Blackwood's term for the bad diction of Hazlitt, Hunt, and Keats coda - conclusion codex - manuscript book

collate - compare texts colloquy - formal discussion colophon - publisher's symbol comedy of humours - characters represent the humours (angry, sad, etc), Jonson and Chapman comedy of manners - drama about high society, included Congreave, Goldsmith, Sheridan comitatus - king's dependents commedia dell'arte - improvised comedy common meter - abab or abcb, iamb 4343 commonplace book - Milton's book of quotes for reference compendium - condensation of work(s) without maintaining style compositor - sets type by hand compound rhyme - primary and secondary stressed syllables same concatenation - chain verse concrete poetry - way word is written looks like what word means condensation - abridged version of a work which maintains its style conspectus - outline conte - French tale, has different meanings copy text - basic text for comparisons copyright - since 1976 in US applies for life plus 50 years and existing copyrights get 75 years, 1909-1976 in US 28 years with one 28-year renewal, since 1911 in England life plus 50 years coronach - funeral dirge correlative verses - abbreviated linear sentences corrigenda - to be corrected cothurnus - buskin counterpoint rhythm - developed by Hopkins

covenant theology - revised Calvinism in New England in 1600s Cowleyan ode - irregular Cratylism - names are necessary criticism types - impressionist (how affects critic), historical, textual, formal (genre), judicial (based on standards), analytical (organization of parts), moral, mythic (archetypes), phenomenological (existential worlds) cross-compound rhyme - first syllable of one word rhymes with second syllable of another word crossed rhyme - rhyme in middle of lines (casesura) crotchet - [ ] crown of sonnets - repeat a line Cruelty Theater - 1930s Artaud crux - decision in text editing cryptarithm - letters get number values curtal sonnet - Hopkins changed octave to sestet in sonnet cynghanedd - Hopkins's term for interlaced alliteration Dadism - freedom movement, started in 1916 by Tzara in Zurich Dandyism - exaggerated emotion Dead Sea scrolls - 800 scrolls from 70 AD found in 1947 Debat - Medieval debate, to judge Decadents - late 1800s movement, art is greater than nature, dying is pretty, included Oscar Wilde De Casibus - fall from greatness deconstruction - Derrida's term composition in depth - deep focus (both near and far) deep image - Bly's term for the subconscious defamiliarization - human perception, Russian ostranenie definition poem - rapid analogies

deictis - pronoun referring inwards Della Cruscans - late 1700s movement, included Merry/Cowley, based in Florence demotic - Frye's term for ordinary speech determinism - all acts caused by reasons deuteragonist - second actor, introduced by Aeschylus dialectic - debate of eternal questions dialogism - Bakhtin's term for many voices diastich - use key and text for nonsense text diasyrm - disparaging someone diegesis - not explaining, concluding, or judging dieresis - caesura differance - Derrida's term for difference / deferring dime novel - American penny dreadful Diminishing Age - English 1940 - 1965 dipody - 2 different feet dirge - wailing song discordia concors - unlike images, Samuel Johnson discourse - direct or indirect quote dissemination - Derrida's theory that language's meaning is signed and unsigned Dissociation of Sensibility - Eliot's theory that separates thought and feeling dithyramb - wild language divine afflatus - poetic inspiration doggerel - rude verse Dolce Stil Nuovo - sweet new style, from 1200s donnee - James's term for the given

doppelganger - double-goer double rhyme - feminine rhyme, similar stressed syllables, then same unstressed drab - 1500s poetry, Lewis dramatic conventions - accepted by audience but known to be false dramatic propriety - judge words and acts in context dramatism - Burke's critical mehtod of actions and grammar drame - 1700s French tragedy / comedy cobination, problem play drawing room comedy - high society comedy of manners droll - substitute short plays used when full plays were outlawed Drottkvaett - 8-line poem with internal rhyme from Medieval Iceland druid - Celtic philosophical poet dub - words with recorded music, from 1975 Jamaica dubia - disputed authorship dysphemism - opposite of euphemism Early Tudor Age - 1500-1557, characterized by Humanism Early Victorian Age - 1832-1870, realism grew echelon - words printed stepwise ecologue - formal pastoral poem (like Idylls of the King) ecphonema - outcry Edinburgh Review - 1802 published by Scott, included Jeffrey, Smith, and Brougham edition - single typeset Edwardian Age - 1901-1914, included Celtic Revival, critical questioning eiron - character that is smarter than he appears Eisteddfod - Welsh festival ekphrasis - artwork in literature

elegiac - distitch for lamenting elegiac stanza - abab iambic pentameter, develeped by Gray elegy - solemn (oftern for death) elision - omit part of word Elizabethan Age - 1558-1603, growth of literature ellipsis - omit word(s) emendation - correct text empiricism - rules come from experience not theory enallage - substitute grammatical form enchiridion - handbook encomium - Greek praise for a living person englyn - Welsh quatrain ennead - set of 9 enthymeme - syllogism without major or minor part envoy - bcbc, repeat line from refrain, used in a ballade epanalepsis - repeat word at start and end of a clause epanodos - repeat word at start and middle of a clause ephemera - short-lived writing epicede - funeral ode epideictic poetry - for special occasion epigone - imitator of movements epigram - pithy saying epigraph - on stone or coin epimyth - moral of a fable epistrophe - repeat ending in several clauses

epitaph - inscription on burial place epitasis - rising action epithalamium - celebrate wedding epithet - describe noun epitrope - submit eponym - name associated with attribute epyllion - brief epic equivoque - deceiving pun erethism - exaggerated excitement esemplastic - Coleridge's term for imagination uniting unlike things Esperanto - international language, by Russian Zamenhof ethos - character of speaker Euhemerism - explain myths as exaggerated human stories eulogy - praise person Euphuism - Lyly's style of balance construction, unnatural natural, rhetorical questions excursus - long digression exegesis - explanation of text exemplum - moralized tale exergasia - same point made in many ways exergue - place for inscription existentialism - post-World War II style, existence over essence, no explanations, universe enigma exordium - first of seven oration parts; the introduction expressionism - objectify inner experience expressive theory - Abram's style of analyzing author's expression extravaganze - Planche's term

fabliau - funny Medieval tale in France in an eight-syllable couplet fantastic - rely on imagination for realization Fantastic Poets - Milton and the metaphysicals fantasy - break from reality feminine ending - unstressed syllable added to end of iamb or anapest la femme inspiratrice - woman who inspires and author festschrift - volume of a scholar's essays compiled by his student ficelle - puppet string; James's term for a confidante Field Day - Norther Ireland 1980 filidh - professional Irish poets film noir - somber, crime-filled, urban film of 1940-1960 fin de Siecle - 1890s flat character - Forester's term for a character with a single quality Fleshly School - Maitland (Buchanan)'s term for Rossetti, Swinburn, and Morris in 1871 flyting - vigorous verbal exchange folio - standard size sheet of paper folded in half Folds 1/2 x Leaves x 2*x Pages x-mo Name

folklore - 1850s Thoms defined as popular antiquities foregrounding - unusual prominence given to something form - organization of parts relating to whole Russian formalism - form over content, phenomenology, linguistics, from 1920s formative theory - how world raw manipulated four ages - gold/silver/brass/iron Four Master Tropes - Burke's grouping of metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony

Four Senses of Interpretation - literal, allegorical, moral, anagogical fractal - word as a part of another word Frankfurt School - Marxists Freytag's Pyramid - exposition, complication, reversal, catastrophe fu - violence in Briggsian films Fugitives - group at Vanderbilt in 1920s, agarians fused rhyme - sound ended on next line fustian - overblown diction galliambic - 4 4-syllable feet Gallicism - French diction gasconade - boastful gematric - give numerical values to letters generative metrics - based on positions not feet Geneva School - critics see existential expressions, included Miller genteel comedy - comedy of manners, early 1700s, included Addison Georgian Ages - 1714-1830 and 1910-1936 georgic - about farming, Vergil gest - war or adventure tale gestalt - sum is greater than parts Ghazal - lyric from Middle East glee - poem sung by group gleeman - Anglo-Saxon musician gloss - explanation glyconic - 3 to 4 feet, trochee, trochee, trochee, dactyl gnomic - moralistic

gnosticism - know truth through faith goliardic verses - 1000-1300 satiric university student Gongorism - Spanish extravagent style Gothic - magic, mystery, chivalry Gotterdammerung - violent destruction Graces - 3 Greek goddesses Graveyard School - 1722-1817, included Gray and his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Grub street - now Milton, tribe of poor hacks Mrs. Grundy - all in Morton's book afraid of her but she does not appear hagiography - about saints haiku - 5-7-5 but too long hapax legomenon - something said once Hardy stanza - 8 lines aa'abcccb, mostly tetrameter Hartford wits - Barlow, Dwight, and Trumbull headless line - catalexis hebraism - obedient and ethical Hedge Club - transcendentalists, near Boston Hegelianism - everything logically related hendiadys - connect components with conjuction, "try and do better" Heresy of Paraphrase - Frost's term Hermeneutic circle - must know part and whole Hermeneutics - nothing to interpret Hermeticism - Bruns's theory that "language deviates to arrest function" heteroglossia - Bakhtin's term for multiple voice in narrative heteromerous rhyme - one word rhymed with multiple words together

hiatus - pause between vowel sounds Hieratic style - self-consciously formal, Egyptian Hieronymy - sacred names holograph - handwritten manuscript by author homily - practical sermon homeoarchy - same unstressed syllabe before rhyming syllable homoeoteleuton - same endings of words near each other (eg "really easily") homostrophic - same stanza patterns Horatian satire - tolerant, witty howler - embarrassing innocent error Hudibrastic verse - Butler's 8-syllable couplet humanism - exalt human over divine and animals new humanism - 1910-1930 US movement, included Arnold hypallage - epithet put in unusual grammatical positions hyperbaton - change senctence order hypercatalectic - extra syllable at end hypermonosyllabic - read as 1 or 2 syllables hypertext - Nelson's paper for something that can't fit on paper hypocorism - pet name hypotaxis - words in dependent relationships hypotyposis - vivid description hysteron proteron - latter placed before ictus - a stress identical rhyme - same sound, different words idiotism - depart from linguistic norms

idyll - short, pastoral, descriptive narrative illocutionary act - speech act in act of speaking Imagists - 1909-1918, intellect visual emotional auditory, included Pound, Doolittle, Flint implied author - Booth's human agency impression - copies printed at one time imprimatur - license to print incantation - chant for emotion or magic incunabulum - printed before 1501 induction - introduction inkhorn - needlessly pedantic, 450 years old in medias res - in the middle of, from Horace in memorium stanza - iambic tetrameter quatrain; abba Inns of Court - Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn inscape - Hopkins's term for inner nature instess - creates inscape intentional fallacy - judge by how a work meets its goals, from Wimsatt and Beardsley interlude - short 1500s English movement, led to realistic comedy interpretive community - readers with similar strategies, from Fish inversion - place sentence element out of order ionic - 2 long and 2 short syllables, "lesser" pyrrhic and spondee isobaric - same stress issue - distinct copies of an edition Jacobean Age- 1603-1625, realist-cynic growth jest books - 1500s joke books Jesuits - Loyola 1534, Southwell and Hopkins

jeu d'espirit - clever word play jongleur - French Medieval professional mucisian Juvenalian satire - contempluous formal satire Kabuki - mid-1600s Japanese theater Kailyard School - 1800s Scottish moviement with focus on village life, included Barrie and Maclaren keen - Irish funeral song kenning - synonym for simple noun kenosis - emptying; Jesus becoming human kind - genre (neoclassical) Kit-Cat Club - 1703-1733 English club, Protestant Whigs in London, included Addison, Steele, and Congreave kitsch - shallow commercial art Knickerbocker Group - early 1800s New York group, included Irving, Cooper and Bryant Koine - ancient Greek Kunstlerroman - Bildungsroman about struggling artist kyrielle - French couplets with refrain Lake Poets - included Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Southey, attacked by Edinburgh lampoon - bitter satire of person Lanuage Poets - 1980s American suspicious of language Late Victorian Age - 1870-1901, realistic lay - song or short narrative poem leitmotif - recurrent phrase Leonine rhyme - last stressed syllable before caesura rhymed with last stressed syllable of line letterpress - words not illustrations level - metaphor with dignity

libretto - text of opera life and letters - 1800s style limerick - 5 anapestic aabba 33223 feet liminality - threshold of space or time link sonnet - use second line rhyme for first; Spenserian linked rhyme - fused rhyme lipogram - exclude letter(s) of alphabet Literary Club (Dr. Johnson's Circle) - 1764 London club founded by Reynolds litterateur - literary person little theater movement - 1887 Paris movement by Antoine, in England Independent Theater locus classicus - classical example locutionary act - say something with verb of phenomena beyond itself logaoedic - mixed rhythms logical positivism - empirical sensory observation logocentrism - centering of though, truth, and logic in Western thought since Plato logogriph - puzzle, clue is a synonym Lollards - 1300s English group, included Wycliffe, led to Reformation, wanted purer religion long measure - 4 lines iambic tetrameter abab or abcb loose sentence - complete idea before end of sentence lunulae - ( ), term from Erasmus lyric present - Wright advocates using present tense not progressive (eg "I use it" instead of "I am using it") Mabinogion - Welsh tales, translated by Guest macaronic - blockhead; language combination macedoine - grammar example MacGuffin - MacPhail's term for a scene used to move along the plot

machinery - Pope's term for diety in poem madrigal - musical, pastoral maggot - fanciful, morbid manichaeism - 250 AD Oriental movement by Mani, says God-Satan coeval mannerism - 1500s style, affected style marchen - Germen fairy tales marinism - Italian affected style, shocking, by Marino Marprelate Controversy - 1580s Puritans opposed bishops Martian School - fresh view, Fenton from Raine masked comedy - commedia dell'arte masorah - commentary on Scripture matin - bird morning song meaning - Richards defines as sense, feeling, tone, and intention meiosis - funny understatement melic poetry - with lyre and flute meliorism - 1800s tendency to improvement melopoeia - Pound's term for the whole sound of poem mesostich - acrostic in middle metalepsis - adding tropes to get literal nonsense metaphysical poetry - 1600s, analyze love and religion, taken to the extreme metaplasm - moving a language element from its common place metathesis - switch sounds in a word Middle English Period - 1350-1500, included Chaucer and the Lollards midrash - commentary on Scriptures by rabis Miles Georiosus - braggart soldier, from Plautus

milieu - environment in which work is produced Miltonic sonnet - Italian sonnet without twist mime - developed in the 5th century BC in southern Italy mimesis - theory of imitation mimetic theory - the actuality that is imitated minnesinger - German lyric poet minstrel - bards during late Middle Ages minstrel show - imitate blacks mise en Abyme - small text on a big text mise en Scene - stage setting Modernist Period - 1914-1965 England, best work from 1920s monody - dirge by one mourner monologism - Bakhtin's term for a single voice in a work monosemy - one meaning monostrophic - invented by Milton montage - editing camera shots, originated by Eisenstein mora - duration of a short syllable morae - duration of a long syllable morpheme - minimal meaningful linguistic unit morphology - study of forms, from Goethe mot - brief saying (French for "word") motif - conventional situation leading to a story mot juste - Flaubert's term for using correct words The Movement - 1950s British normality, traditional middle-class mummery - performance by disguised actors

Muses - 9, inspire poets, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne mysticism - theory of knowing God through faculty above logic and illect mythical method - continuous parallel, Eliot from Joyce narratology - analyze relation between story and its telling Naturalistic and Symbolistic Period - 1900-1930, divided by World War I near rhyme - consonance or assonance negative capability - Keat's explanation for Shakespeare's greatness nekuia - book about land of the dead Neoclassicism - Restoration Age, 1700s, revival of Greek and Roman traditions, Augustan Age neologism - new word, describe style neoplatonism - movement in Alexandria 200s, Oreintal, Plato, Christian combination new comedy - of manners, stock characters, plots, included Aristophanes, 4th - 3rd centuries BC New Criticism - included Ransom, Tate, and Warren, and Eliot, Richards, and Compson New Formalism - 1915-1980, recognizable features in poems Newgate - infamous London prison New Humanism - first movement of 1900s, focus on moral qualities New Journalism - subjective reporting, included Hemingway, Mencken, and Dos Passos new novel - antinovel New York School - 1950-1970 group characterized by wit and urbanity, included O'Hara Nine Worthies - Caxton's selection of 3 pre-Christians, 3 Jews, and 3 Christians noh plays - Japanese from 240 AD, 1300-1600, praise, heros, man is woman, violent, solemn nominalism - abstracts just names, included Roscellinus and Ockham nonce word - used once nonfiction novel - started with Capote's In Cold Blood nostos - homecoming

nouvelle - short novel novelette - short novel novella - short tale, especially from Italy and France nucleus - syllable has onset-nucleus-coda numbers - regular verse obiter dicta - incidental remarks objective correlative - Eliot's term for a pattern evoking emotion indirectly objective theory - Abram's criticism theory that a work is significant in itself Ockham's Razor - entities not multiplied beyond necessity ode - exalted lyric with one theme Old Comedy - Greek 5th century BC, satire, religious, bawdy, for Dionysus Old English Period - 428 - 1100 Old English verses - poems from before 1100 with an equal number of accented syllables per line with varying numbers of unstressed in between ollave - Irish poet opera bouffe - French comic opera operetta - contains some spoken words, comic opera opsis - Aristotle's term for spectacle element of drama organic form - grows in writer, not in mechanical mold orphism - Brun's theory that poetry is the ground of all signification ottava rima - abababcc iambic pentameter, developed by Boccaccio outride - unstressed syllable added to a foot, by Hopkins Oxford Movement - Tractarians, 1833, regain earlier dignity, included Newman Oxford Reformers - humanist scholars, early Renaissance era, included More, Colet, and Eras oxytone - acute accent on final syllable

paean - song of praise paeon - one long and three short syllables in a foot palimpsest - writing surface used more than once palilogy - repeat words palinode - writing recanting an old writing panegyric - laud person's achievement panoramic method - point of view with exposition not scenes pantoum - quatrains, second and fourth lines of first verse are reused as first and third lines of second verse parabasis - chorus talks for the author paradiastole - distinguish two meanings; euphemism paragoge - add extra syllable to end of word paragram - word resembling word for which it substitutes paraleipsis - pretend to say nothing while really saying much (eg "to say nothing of his rudeness...") paralipomena - omitted but added in appendix paralogism - faulty reasoning parataxis - clauses in coordinate constructinos paregmenon - two words with same root parergon - done in addition to normal Parnassians - 1800s French poets, aestetic Parnassus - Greek mountain with Apollo and the Muses; anthology parados - opening odes paronomasia - pun paroxytone - acute accent on next-to-last syllable participatory journalism - by Gallico and Plimpton Pasquinade - satire in public place

pastiche - French parody pastowrelle - Medieval dialogue poem, shepherdess wooed by higher man patent theaters - 1660, Davenant "York", Killigrew "King's" pathetic fallacy - Ruskin's term pathos - stimulates sorrow patter song - comic solo with sketchy music pedantry - show-off of learning Pelagianism - belief that humans have no original sin Period of Confession Self - 1960-?, revolt, cynic, little magazines Period of Modernism and Consolidation 1930-1960, radical in 1930s period style - Perkin's term for literary manners that distinguish period periphrasis - roundabout way of stating ideas perlocutionary act - utterance defined by effect (eg soothing) peroration - end of oration persona - "second self" by authro, tells narrative personation - have dead return to talk, Hollander about Howard personism - O'Hara's description of his own poetry but offered no definition Petrarchan Conceit - exaggerated love comparisons in sonnet phaleucian - spondee, dactyl, and 3 trochees phanopoeia - Pound's imagism phenomenology - imspect data of consciousness without presuppositions epistemology - nature of knowledge ontology - nature of being pherecratean - 3-foot line philippic - bitter speech

philology - study language and literature phi phenomenon - perception of motion phoneme - smalest sound unit phonestheme - sound with meaning picaresque novel - chronical of rascals living by their wits Pindaric ode - regular (3-part) plaint - lament, planh (southern France) Platonic criticism - judge by usefulness Platonism - mind over matter play-poem - Woolf's Waves pleiade - ancient 7 sisters, later groups, DuBellay pleonasm- superfluous words plurisignation - ambiguity of meaning poesie - pre-1650 poem, archaic poetaster - incompetent poet poete maudit - doomed poet poetic justic - Rymer's term for thinging turining out the way fairness would dictate polemic - argumenative work polyptoton - repeat words with same root ploce - form of word woven together polysyndeton - many conjuctions portmanteau words - squish two words together positivism - says goal of knowledge is to describe not to explain postmodern - exisstentialism Postmodern Period - 1965-present

poststucturalism - beyond locating value within text posy - anthology practical criticism - applied aesthetic Pragmatic - Abram's criticism method of testing a work by its effect on audience, Peirce 1878 precis - abstract in same order prelude - short poem at start of a work Pre-Raphaelites - 1848 group mimicking style before Raphael, simple nature, included Rosetti, Hunt, and Millais preteritio - passing over smoothly printing - copies at same time, an impression printing - first in English Historyes of Troye, first in England Sayings of Philosophers, first in US 1639 Oath, almanac, and Bay Psalm Book; Caxton in England and Daye in US prom - brief introduction projective voice - meter and form artificial prolegomenon - preface prolepsis - anticipating, treat future as present prolusion - introduction promythium - moral at start of fable proparalepsis - add syllable to end proparoxytone - acute accent on antepenultimate syllable prosopopoeia - personification protasis - introductory act prothalamion - Spenser's peoms before bridal chamber prothesis - add syllable to start pseudomorph - title of a different genre than is the work

allonym - actual person's name used as a pseudonym psychoanalytical criticism - focus on symbols, language Pulitzer Prize - established in 1917 at Columbia pulp magazine - 1920s-1930s, after dime novels purple patch - Horace's term for notably fine writing Puseyism - Oxford Movement Pushkin stanza - 14 tetrameter lines putative author - fictional author pyramidal line - symmetrical distribution of syllables per word quadrivium - master's degree, study arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy quanitative verse - rhythm determined by duration, Old English poems Quarterly Review - Tory magazine established 1809 quarternion - 4 parts quibble - pun; evade issue quip - Herbert's term for a witty saying Rahmengeschichte - German framework Raissoneur - level-headed character Rann - Irish verse quatrain rap - informal conversation ratiocination - data to conclusive reasoning realistic comedy - during Elizabethan and Jacobean Ages, included Jonson, Chapman, and Middleton Realistic Period - 1865-1900 US, 1870-1914 Britain rebus - verbal symbols supplemented by pictures (eg "Xing") recalcitrance - Wright's term for resistant parts of text recension - text with best critical readings

reception theory - reader-response recessive accent - shift from second syllable to first recto - front of paper redaction - revise manuscript redende name - significant name redondilla - Spanish octosyllabic line Reform Bill of 1832 - would switch British districting for Parliament, give more votes to middle class, ' supported by Whigs reggae - from 1970s Jamaica reification - treat abstract as concrete relativism - deny that anything is absolute or permanent repetend - full or partial repetition throughout stanza or poem report song - poem with echo requiem - chant for the dead Restoration - Stuarts restored 1660, reaction against Puritans revenge tragedy - developed by Kyd Revolutionary Age - 1765-1790 Revolutionary Period - 1765-1830 revue - plotless musical entertainment rhapsody - part of epic sung by minstrel rhetoric - art of persuasion rhetorical accent - accentuation from meaning of sentence, not metrical rhetorical criticism - criticism approach involving author-reader communicate rhopalic - each word is one syllable longer than previous rhyme royal - 7-line iambic pentameter ababbcc

rime couee - tail-rhyme stanza, with rhyming trimeter lines rime retournee - words which are backward spellings of each other rollrock - 1800s Hopkins style rocking rhythm - amphibrach rodomontade - bragging Roman a Clef - real people in a novel disguised as fictional Roman a These - thesis novel Roman-Fleuve - river novel, slow developing Romantic Period - US 1830-1865, Britain 1798-1870 romany - gypsy language rondeau - French 15-line poem with 9 and 15 a refrain, 5-4-6 rondel - French 13-14 line poem, complete line refrain rondelet - 7-line stanza of a rondel roundel - 11-line poem with 4 and 11 a refrain, developed by Swinburne roundelay - like a rondel, 14 lines with frequent refrain; music rubaiyat - Arab quatrain, iambic pentameter aaba rubric - red, explain text rune - alphabet character from 200 AD in Germany Sapphic - 3 lines with 11 syllables and fourth with five, developed by Sappho Satanic School - Southey's label for Byron, Shelley, and Hunt Saturday Club - mid-1800s Boston talk group, included Emerson, Longfellow, Whitter, and Holmes satyr play - goat-men, fourth (final) in Greek play bill, provided comic relief Saussurean linguistics - abstract scientific underlying system scazon - chliamb; trochee or dactyl replaces iamb or anapest Scene a faire - obligatory scene

scenic method - construct story in dramatic novel self-explanatory schema - outline, from Joyce scheme - unusual word arrangement Schlusselromas - Roman a clef scholasticism - logic; reconcile reason and Christianity schoolmen - Bacon's term for "hair splitters" School of Donne - metaphysical poets School of Night - atheists, included Raleigh, Marlowe, and Chapman School of Spenser - 1600s, sensuousness, included Fletcher and Browne scop - Anglo-Saxon poet Scottish Chaucerians - 1400s-1500s, Hnryson / James I Scottish literature - began with Barbour's Bruce epic Scriblerus Club - 1714 London club, satire incompetent, included Swift and Pope scythism - favor Russian Asia primitivism, from 1910 semantics - study of meaning semiotics - study of rules allowing signs to have meaning Senecan style - anti-Cicero, from late 1500s-1600s, abrupt, uneven, attic Senecan tragedy - Latin, model Euripides, 5-acts, include chorus, action, mythological themes, rhetorical sensibility - rely on feelings for truth sensual - carnal sensuous - plays on readers' senses sententia - maxim, sentence sentimental comedy - reject manners immorality, 1688-1771 sentimentalism - over emotion; optimistic about humanity series - linked but desing not quite a sequence

serpentine verse - line ends with the same word with which it started sesquipedalian - excessive syllables set piece - conventional work to impress Shakespeare editions - half in quartos, made by Rowe, Pope, Theobald, and Johnson short couplet - iambic octasyllabic short novel - 15000-50000 words short story - less than 15000 words, from Cheops in 4000 BC short short story - less than 2000 words short title catalogue - made by Pollard and Redgrave sigla - shorthand for text versions sigmatism - using hissing sounds signifier - concrete and signified abstract Silver Fork School - 1800s British group with focus on etiquette, included Trollope and Hook Simpsonian rhyme - anisobaric, Lewis about Simpson Skeltonic - rollicking poems of revolt, doggerel slack syllable - unstressed syllable slam - informal public poetic contest sleight of "and" - tropes with conjunctions slick magazine - popular appeal magazines from 1920s and 1930s Socratic method - argument or explanation with questions and answers solecism - violate grammar rules sotadic - 3 ionic and a spondee Spasmodic School - 1854 group, discontented, unrest, jerky, term by Aytoun about Dobell and Smith speculum - reflection in Medieval literature for mimesis and instructor speech act - constative (describe affairs) and perfomative (perform as uttered)

Spenserian sonnet - linked rhyme abab bcbc cdcd ee Spenserian stanza - 9 iambic lines, 8 pentameter and one hexameter, abcbbcbcc spondee - AA spoof - light parody sprung rhythm - only count stressed syllables, invented by Hopkins state - exact condition Stationers' Company - 1557 only publisher stave - stanza stich - line stichomythia - line-by-line verbal fencing Stoffgeschichte - German thematics Stoicism - endurance, from 4 century BC Zeno straight man - makes serious remards in minstrel show stream of consiousness - developed in 1855 by Bain, James stress - metrical; accent depends on meaning structuralism - Barthes's term for an account of modes of discourse and their operation Sturm und Drang - storm and stress, German late 1700s movement, included Klinger and Goethe style - idea and individuality subjective camera - point of view shot summa - compendium supernumerary - bit part in a troupe surrealism - express imaginatino, from French Breton 1924 surrogate - substituted for another suspension of disbelief - Coleridge's term for audience accepting what is know to be false sweetness / light - beauty, intelligence, Arnold from Swift

syllabism - Fussell's theory that the number of syllables is main structure base syllepsis - one word related to two words in different senses symploce - anaphora / epistrophe combination synaeresis - make two syllables into one synaesthesia - several senses respond when one is stimulated synathroesmus - list of items synchoresis - agreeing with opponent syncopation - effect of substituting and of 2 simultaneous metric patterns syncope - omit letter of syllable from within a word synoeceiosis - associating opposites syzygy - Lanier's term for consonent sounds that end one word and start the next tableau - actors freeze tail rhyme - rime couee talking blues - blues with a narrative dimension tanka - Japanese poem with 31 syllables - 5-7-5-7-7 tapinosis - using low term to belittle tautology - using repetitive words technopaegnion - craft trick telestich - acrositic with last letters teleuton - terminal element tenor - Richards' term for subject that vehicle illustrates tension - Tate's definition: unity from resolving concrete / abstract conflict terza-rima - 3-line aba bcb interlocking stanza, developed by Dante textual criticism - critical approach involving establishing authoritative text, Bowers says steps are analyze, recover, study, present

texture - elements remaining after paraphrasing thematics - study recurrent themes topographical poetry - topic is landscape, Johnson's term for Jonson and Denham topos - commonplace touchstone - Arnold's approach of testing quality tragic irony - speaker's words have different meaning to those aware of what will happen Transcendtal Club - 1836 Boston club, included Ripley and Emerson transferred epithet - illogic modifying transliteration - word-for-word translation transvoclaization - preserve sound, not meaning, in translation Tribe of Ben - 1600s group, classical polish, included Herrick and Cavaliers tribrach - foot with 3 unstressed syllables triolet - French form with 8-lines abaaabab (underlined lines are same) triple rhyme - stressed and 2 identical unstressed syllables triplet - 3-line couplet trivium - bachelor's degree, study grammar, logic, rhetoric trochee - SU trope - figure of speech using word in nonliteral sense troubadour - bards in Provence 1100-1400, means "to find" trouvere - Northern French poets 1100-1300, love Tudor Age - 1485-1603, reigns of Henry VIII to Elizabeth I tumbling verse - Skeltonic verse turpiloquence - shameful speech twiner - double limerick by de la Mare typsologoy - study allegorical symbols, especially in Bible

ubi sunt formula - "where are those before us?" ultima thule - farthest possible place unanimism - collective spirit, "Jules Romains" unical - large round letters Unitarianism - 1820s US, Jesus not in Trinity, saved by character, joined Universalists in 1961 University Wits - 1580s London group, Bohemians, included Marlowe, Nashe, and Greene utilitarianism - Bentham's approach in 1700s Britain of judging a work by its usefulness vade mecum - handbook vapours - 1700s eccentricity variorum edition - include possible texts and commentaries with the work Varronian satire - indirect satire; anatomy / menippean vatic - prophetic poets vaudeville - circus-like entertainment, from Normandy Venus and Adonis stanza - 6-line iambic pentameter ababcc verbum infas formula - "unspeaking word" paradox Verfremdungseffekt - German alienation effect verisimilitude - Scott's term for semblance of Truth vers libre - 1800s French movement to make poetry less strict verso - back (left) of page verticalism - 1800s architecture, consciousness fourth dimension, Jolas about Transition work vice - tempter in morality play Victorian Age - 1837-1901, complacent, hypocritical, squeamish vignette - precise, delicate sketch villanelle - 19-line French poem with 2 rhymes virgule - mark used to divide feet

voice-over - speaker not seen (or at least not involved in the action) vorticism - Descarte's term for binomial epistemology and 1914 Lewis spatial forms, clear vulgate - Latin for "commonly used" Wardour Street - insincere speech with archaisms War of Theaters - 1598-1602, public vs. child theaters, Jonson vs. Marston weak ending - a usually unstressed syllable at end of line is metrically stressed Wellerism - utterance, speaker, and situation, like a pun, from Dickens whitespace - isolate important text widow - isolated text wildtrack - soundtrack before video made word accent - normal stress (rhetorical) wrenched accent - change word accent for metrical accent Yeats stanza - 8-line aabbcddc iambic penatameter except 4-6-7 are short zeugma - yoke together different meanings (eg "bolt door and dinner", "cultivate matrimony and estate", "either you or he was")

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