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Dance of Death - by "Harms"

Just before dark Ron and Don drove their van to the location they had
selected for taking their next target. It was a short-cut that went on a

side street past the American embassy and plenty of girls and young
took that route rather than the longer way around.

Don stayed concealed behind the van, while Ron went ahead to select a
to their liking. It would also have to be one walking alone, because
did not want to create problems. He had to let several choice ones pass,

either because two or three of them were together, or because someone

was too close behind.

Then their opportunity came. An auburn-haired beauty in black pants was

headed up the street. Her leather jacket was open and a snug sweater
highlighted her breasts. She definitely had that �look at mine�
about her. Well, they most definitely intended to look at hers! Much
thoroughly than she had in mind.

Ron clicked the on/off button on his radio twice to let Don know their
target was on the way, and he stepped out a few yards behind her. He
it so that she would become aware of him a little bit before she passed
parked van. It worked perfectly! She was paying attention to him a few
meters behind her, and never even saw Don until he had her! Gloved right

hand over her mouth so she could not scream and bend her backwards over
so her feet were off the ground. Ron was there in a matter of seconds to

trap the flailing feet, and they slung her into the van. Ron rolled the
door shut and jumped in the driver�s seat. And Don had the pleasure of
getting their victim under control.

As usual, the knife did it very nicely. It was in a sheath under the
With one hand still covering her mouth (too bad about the lipstick!) he
slipped it out and laid the cold steel against her cheek. The kicking
struggling stopped and the crying started as he bound her hands behind
with a strip of high-strength Velcro and rolled her onto her back on the

seat to inspect the merchandise!

He opened the front of her jacket wide to display two gorgeous breasts
covered by a soft, velvet sweater. Removing his gloves he touched her
through her clothing, cupping them in his hands, filling his palms with
them. Then he put a hand between her legs to feel her mound. As he
she tried to close her legs. He laughed and let her struggle, because
enabled him to at the same time get his other hand on her buttocks and
her muscles writhing and tensing.

Ron drove quickly and they were soon out of the city. They had prepared
lights and other requirements in an empty warehouse a few miles away,
they were there in about ten minutes. Don put a blindfold over her eyes
order to disorient her during the first phase of the action.

With one of them holding each arm, they half dragged half walked her
the warehouse. A rope through a pulley was ready and waiting. It was
tied to
her Velcro fastenings, pulled snug and then just a bit farther so that
could just barely touch the floor. To relieve the pulling on her wrists,
had to stand on tiptoe. The position also highlighted her breasts,
framed by
her raised arms.

First they spun her around and around to get her dizzy, and very shortly
started pleading , �Please stop, I�m going to be sick.�

That was what they had been waiting for. They stopped her spinning with
in front of her and Don behind and started talking to each other. �Top
first, or bottom first?� They settled on bottom first, leaving the
for later enjoyment. Each of them had a pair of short-bladed shears. Ron

from in front began at the ankles, cutting up each leg of her pants. Don

slipped a hand in the back of the stretch waist band and cut downward,
moving his hand across her lower back as he did so, feeling her rising
tension as the shears and his hand reached the swell of her buttocks.

�Pink bikinis�, he announced, �with the thong between her ass-cheeks so

doesn�t show a panty-line. Delicious stuff!� With a couple more snips,
black pants lay on the floor, and were tossed aside. He started playing
her ass while Ron cut through the sweater and her bra. Her breasts too
delightful, and Ron�s mouth went there immediately. He licked the smooth

globes all over, savouring the smell and taste of her. Then to the
licking them, sucking them and feeling their involuntary hardening on
Meanwhile Don fixed Velcro strips around each of her ankles and pulled
now frightened and struggling girl�s legs apart and fastened them to two

rings set into the floor. They were ready to start hurting her.

Ron did it first. With no warning at all his teeth found her right
and he bit into her. She instantly screamed and went rigid at the pain.
the same time Don reached between her legs from behind. His lower arm
pressed against her buttocks while his hand cupped the soft fur of her
mound. Then he felt the the soft sensitive skin high on the inside of
thigh. At first he just stroked her there enjoying the smooth skin and
muscles of her thighs tensed in pain. But just as Ron stopped squeezing
tit, he took skin and flesh between thumb and forefinger and gripped
making the cries of pain continue.

Don had now decided what he wanted to do. �Bring the bench over�, he
Ron. You can sit on it and keep her under control. I want to bugger her
while she�s hanging there. You can do her cunt after that. And bring the


Ron pulled the bench up in front of her, sat on it and handed Don the
lubricant. He went back to his enjoyment of her face and breasts while
buddy got ready.

Don�s pants were off in no time, and with all the action they�d already
he was fully erect. He first greased his cock thoroughly. He expected
ass to be very tight and need plenty of lubrication. He clipped off the
bikini underwear, which had remained on her until now. And he stepped up

behind her to let her feel him. He pulled her back against him, slid his

cock into the crease between her buttocks and began to move, slipping
and forth between her cheeks. And he talked to her. �Feel that, little
That big hard cock. In a few minutes I�m going to be putting my fingers
that little asshole of yours. They�ll be all nice and greasy and slip in

real easy. And maybe they�ll open you up just a wee bit so you can take
of this up there. Have you ever let your boyfriend do you greek? You
that�s what that�s called, don�t you.�

He stepped back quickly. �Whew�, he exclaimed.� I almost came before I

got into her! I�d better get her greased up!

When he stepped forward again it was to put two fingers between her
buttocks. While he found her asshole, his other hand was in front of her

holding her so she couldn�t pull away and at the same time feeling her
hair and her cunt with his fingers. He found her asshole and pressed
the resistance. Her sphincter eased and the greased finger slipped
She closed around him delightfully, and he could hardly wait. But he
a good amount of lubricant and got two fingers in her.

Now he was ready. �Hold onto her�, he ordered. Ron wrapped his arms
her from the front and held her while Don got his cock between her
and found the opening. She began to howl as he pushed up into her. It
several thrusts to get fully inside her. Ron sat down again and while
screwed her he indulged in other pleasures- stroking her face, then
her. Fingering her nipples, then squeezing them. He looked over her
at Don. His eyes were squeezed tight shut and Ron could tell he was
ready to
come. He planted himself in front of her with his legs spread, holding
firmly so his buddy could ram his cock into her as hard as he wanted. Of

course every thrust of Don's cock up her anus pressed her mound forward
against Ron's erection. It was a dance of desire� soon to become a dance
death, although she didn't know it yet!

A few more strokes into her and Don's whole body tensed. Ron knew what
about to happen and held her tight so that Don could shove into her to
hilt as he ejaculated. He stood there for several minutes afterwards,
asshole still tight around him, as his cock softened and his racing
slowed a bit. She was quiet now too, as she was no longer being hurt.
eventually his sexual organ slipped from her and lay again between his

He drew and deep breath. "Great fuck!" he sighed. "But now it's your
How do you want her?"

They could feel her starting to shake and cry again as Ron replied, "On
back on the cot. Missionary position. Legs spread and me on top of her
so I
lick her tits and watch her face while I screw her.

The cot was only a few steps away. They unfastened her legs and arms,
dragged her to it and put her on her back with her head hanging downward

over one end of the cot.

"I haven't had a woman in months, so spread so I can fuck you, Ron
She of course held her legs tight together, exactly as they had
Ron straddled her legs and Don held her head firmly with one hand and
other over her nose and mouth so she couldn't breath. They could feel
panic set in as she struggled in vain to get air into her lungs, holding
until the struggles became frantic before Don removed his hand.

They gave her a few moments to recover her breath, then Ron repeated his

order. "Now spread your legs so I can fuck you� wide open so I can see
into your cunt". This time she obeyed.

Her legs were now spread and ready, but of course a terrified woman has
lubrication at all. Besides, Ron wanted to enjoy this part too. He
the KY jelly onto his fingers and ordered her to keep her legs spread.
ran his left hand down her belly and across her abdomen, feeling its
and firmness. Then with thumb and finger he opened her sex so that the
fingers of his right hand could slide between her inner lips and
her internal passageway.

He could wait no longer! He stripped off his pants and knelt over her.
took his cock between his fingers and placed it at her opening. "Lift
legs", he ordered. And bend your knees. You know how to fuck a man� so

She did as she was told and he was inside her. He began screwing her and
excitement mounted. As the pace of his thrusts increased, Don stopped

Ron saw the knife and knew what he intended. He raised himself up on his

hands to watch as Don brought the point to the side of her tit. Holding
by the nipple he slid the razor sharp blade into that soft flesh. She
screamed in pain and the blood spurted and ran down onto the cot. Ron
at her breast to take the salty metallic taste into his mouth. But the
of blood, her pain and the sensations in his groin were too much for
He too let out a loud cry as he ejaculated inside her.

While Ron caught his breath Don put the blindfold back on her. Then he
reached upward and pulled down a rope that was waiting there. They were
going to conclude this by hanging her. But instead of the usual knot,
had tied a slip-knot in the rope so that instead of breaking her neck
would slowly choke to death while they watched her death-throes.

She had lain quietly for a few minutes after Ron had finished raping
Now her hoarse screaming started up again as she felt the noose slipped
her head and fitted around her neck. They tied her hands behind her but
her legs free so she could kick frantically as they pulled on the free
of the rope. It tightened over the pulley and began to lift her body off
bed. Now she pissed herself in fear. Urine gushed out of her and ran
her legs as she started choking.

They pulled her up off her feet and dangled her there. She twisted and
kicked, but her struggles only pulled the rope tighter round her neck.
face reddened with trapped blood as she twisted. Her mouth gaped and she

gasped for air while the men stood back and watched.

Her struggles lessened as she began to lose consciousness. Toward the

spasmodic jerks went through her legs. Her brain was dying and sending
impulses though her body.

A few moments later the entertainment was over and she hung limp and

Written bv "Harms"

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