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EEE-446 Microwave Electronic Engineering

Sheet #1

1. Derive the upper frequency used for a Triode (Lighthouse tube) with respect to
parasitic elements.
2. Find the upper frequency used for a diode if the distance between anode and
cathode d=0.5 mm, and the voltage across anode = 225 V.
3. Determine the transit time between two electrodes for an electron given the
voltage difference across the electrode UAB = 200 V., d=0.4 mm, e=1.6 * 10-19
Columb, m=9.1 * 10-31 kg.
4. Find the upper frequency used for a diode if the distance between anode d=0.3
mm and the voltage across the anode U = 150 V. Calculate the phase shift due to
the transit time if the diode is used at f1 = 3 GHz and f2 = 10 GHz.
5. For a triode calculate the phase shift between Ia, Ug if;

If Ua = 250 V, Ug = 3 V,  = 50 cm,  = 35, dgk = 0.1 mm.

6. Determine the frequency of oscillation of a triode oscillator if the parameters of

equivalent circuit are:

L1 = 0.3 H, C1 = 20 pf (Anode-cathode); L2 = 0.2 H, C2 = 15 pf (Grid-cathode);

L3 = 0.1 H, C3 = 10 pf (Anode-Grid);

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