Smile Makeover and The Oral Facial Harmony Concept in A New Era Relationship Between Tooth Shape and Face Configuration

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Smile makeover and the oral facial

harmony concept in a new era:
relationship between tooth shape
and face configuration

Giuseppe Romeo, MCDT

Oral Design Center
Clinical Assistant Professor, Division Restorative Science, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, USA

Correspondence to: Giuseppe Romeo

Oral Design Center, Piazza Peyron 15, Torino 10143, Italy; Email:

202 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

Abstract involves a complex planning process. To successfully

realize such a project, several factors must be evalu-
The patient’s facial characteristics play an essen- ated when designing the restoration, including dental
tial role in achieving a customized smile restoration alignment, crown dimension, color, occlusion, and
with appropriate individualized tooth shapes. By ini- facial proportions. Understanding all the anatomical
tially studying the patient’s face, an approach can be parameters is essential to creating a harmonious es-
determined to plan new individual tooth shapes to thetic restoration.
achieve a satisfactory outcome. The dental esthetic
rehabilitation taking the facial proportion into account (Int J Esthet Dent 2021;16:2–8)

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 203

Introduction as oral facial harmony.3,4 Dentists have been

conducting orofacial analyses for decades,
The facial type of a patient is not only defined a process that involves applying mathemat-
by facial symmetry, asymmetry or anthro- ical rules and geometry principles to create
pology but also by an awareness of things parallel or perpendicular lines on a patient’s
through the physical senses (perception); face. The aim is to achieve harmony rather
the way things seem, look or feel (impres- than symmetry in the redefinition of the
sion); and the perceiver’s personal interpre- smile, because people’s faces are naturally
tation of esthetic excellence and attractive- asymmetric. The idea, then, is to create a
ness (beauty). Other aspects of the face balanced harmonious smile in relation to
that can be defined for the purposes of the the patient’s face, which is more important
restoration project include strong, dynamic, than trying to create a mathematically per-
delicate, and calm.1,2 Nowadays, many pa- fect symmetrical smile.5
tients seek a more attractive appearance. Patients sometimes further request a
There are several techniques available to new design of the face (beautification con-
perform esthetically pleasing restorations. cept), which is performed with facial har-
Ongoing research is being conducted in mony procedures using hyaluronic acid
this area, for instance, the concept known and botulinum toxin (Botox).6 The new face
configuration is then analyzed as a guide to
realize the future individual tooth shapes for
the customized patient smile.
The patient cases presented in this ar-
ticle report on a system that gives dental
professionals specific skills and tools to go
beyond the usual standard of creativity in
esthetic oral rehabilitation.

Technical approach

The restoration of esthetics in the pros-

thetic treatment of patients is an aspect of
dentistry where computer technologies are
becoming more widely used to achieve the
desired outcomes.7-9 Today, good-quality
dental software programs are available on
the market that offer systems of smile de-
sign assessment according to the overall
facial context of the patient. All smile de-
sign concepts and systems require a facial
photograph of the patient, smiling naturally.
The expression on the patient’s face forms
the first impression and has a high social
value.1,10,11 The facial contour assumes an
important role, especially for the definition
Fig 1 The lateral lines of the face present an initial approach to plan the future of the future maxillary central incisors12-16
transition lines of the maxillary central incisors. (Figs 1 to 3).

204 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

a b c

Fig 2a to c Realization of the new individual tooth shape and customized smile.

a b

c d

Fig 3a to d Final smile and new tooth shapes in relation to the patient’s face.

Case report 1 The treatment plan began with a digital

examination of the bitemporal, bizygomatic,
A young female patient presented who had and bigognatic areas of the patient’s face,
been treated with veneers 18 months previ- drawing the hypothetical anatomical configu-
ously. She was unhappy with the result, par- ration of the tooth on top of the face surface.
ticularly concerning the shape and color of This configuration is mainly related to the as-
the veneers. She was also dissatisfied with pect of the two maxillary central incisors.17
the design of the restoration, which she felt Facial analysis was then performed
was inappropriate in the context of her face. without the use of mathematical rules and
Furthermore, the veneers presented some geometric principles. The primary objective
cracks on the facial surface and showed was not to create a mathematically perfect
cervical imprecisions (Fig 4). smile with no dynamic effects. A further

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 205

Fig 4 Preoperative situation: existing veneers from lateral to lateral. The image Fig 5 Facial analysis divided into two components.
clearly shows the crack and the cervical imprecisions as well as the issues The vertical component guides the evaluation of the
concerning shape and color. relationships among the facial midline, dental midline,
and tooth axis in order to understand the dental midline
shift and the tooth axis cant with the face. The
horizontal component focuses on the relationships
among facial anatomical features such as the inter-
pupillary line, the commissural line, the mandibular
angle, and the ramus, establishing the relationships with
the occlusal plane and incisal edges of the maxillary

and related objective was to avoid giving First, the perimeter of each tooth form
all the teeth exactly the same incisal level, is sectioned into smaller segments. By sec-
which would result in a flat anatomy. In this tioning the tooth into three different seg-
author’s opinion, an esthetic rehabilitation ments, a mesial, distal, and incisal segment
must show a dynamic harmony between is obtained. If necessary, these three seg-
the asymmetric facial details and the final ments can be further divided, resulting in six
individual tooth anatomy. A human face half-segments: mesial cervical, mesial body,
has asymmetric areas; furthermore, natu- mesial incisal, distal cervical, distal body,
ral teeth are not anatomically identical and and distal incisal19 (Fig 6).
symmetric in their position, facial transition After this initial digital and technical ap-
lines, and incisal margin aspects (Fig 5). proach, the mock-up was performed in the
Based on the anatomical concepts and clinician’s office. Then, final feldspathic ve-
facial details, a new classification system neers were created and cemented in the
of tooth form known as Dental Anatomical patient’s mouth.
Combinations was taken into consideration The customized smile shows the dynamic
to create the technical approach in the lab- appearance of the redefined smile. The in-
oratory.18 This concept aims to help dental dividual tooth anatomy has a new anatomi-
professionals to produce different tooth anat- cal configuration. Due to the patient’s Asian
omies that extend beyond the standard tooth ethnicity, the facial transition lines of the two
shapes. The basic principle of the concept is maxillary central incisors were performed with
the segmentation and recombination of two a larger volume, characteristic of the tooth
or even all three of the basic tooth forms. appearance of Asian people (Figs 7 and 8).

206 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

Triangular Ovoidal


Triangular Triangular

Fig 6 Individual tooth planning with anatomical Fig 7 Final rehabilitation with the new anatomical configuration.
segmentation analysis.

a b c

Fig 8a to c Posttreatment photographs of the patient showing a new, customized smile in harmony with the face.

Case report 2 shade A3.5, and the presence of a diastema

presented an additional esthetic challenge.
A 27-year-old male patient was concerned The patient’s expectation was to improve
about the esthetics of his facial contour as the esthetics of both his dental and facial
well as his teeth and smile. The shape of his appearance.
face was clinically analyzed as having a nar- The clinical plan was to manufacture
row configuration of the chin and jaw. His four veneers for teeth 12, 11, 21, and 22,
teeth had a yellow-orange color, similar to and two fragments for teeth 13 and 23 to

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 207

9 deg
15 deg

a b

Fig 9a and b Contour of the patient’s face before (left) and after (right) the derma filler treatment. Note the
change in the mandibular angle from 15 to 9 degrees.

reduce the large embrasures. Direct com- On analyzing the initial image, it was
posite resin has been suggested as a way found that the natural angle between the
to conservatively improve the buccal corri- zygomatic and mandibular branch was 15
dor, and this method was considered in this degrees; after the oral facial harmony anal-
case to facially increment teeth 14 and 24. A ysis, the newly created angle was 9 degrees
study of the patient’s facial proportions was (Fig 9). It has been shown in the literature
executed,20 and a lack of jaw and chin sup- that the masculine facial standard with a
port was noted. The clinical evaluation was highlighted mandibular angle is representa-
to make derma filler using hyaluronic acid tive of attractiveness, and the global facial
at the jaw angle to alter the natural shape standard has become a squarer-shaped
of the face to a square facial standard with face for this gender.
minimum intervention, which is what the After this facial transformation, the tech-
patient wanted. nician measured the distance of the bitem-
The dental technician then digitally ana- poral, bizygomatic, and bigognatic areas,
lyzed the transformed facial shape to create drawing facial reference lines (Fig 10).
a suitable design for the future veneers based In the next step, the practical part of the
on the new facial details.21 This facial analysis treatment began with the diagnostic wax-
is an appropriate technique to digitally plan ups. The dental technician used a specific
an individual tooth design after face modifi- technique to create the individual teeth, es-
cations through derma filler treatment. pecially the two maxillary central incisors.

208 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

a b

Fig 10a and b Tooth types before (left) and after (right) the oral facial harmony analysis. The new tooth shapes
have wider facial transition lines compared with the more triangular shape of the preoperative teeth.

This technique works with the mesial, distal, reduction. The incisal space should be at
and incisal fragments joined together, and least around 2 mm with a butt margin de-
produces a variation of the Dental Anatom- sign.21 To better preserve the unit, the butt
ical Combinations concept. The laboratory margin should be prepared from the in-
made specific silicone and thermoplastic cisal-lingual to the incisal-facial aspect, with
tools (keys) for use by the clinician to create a 45-degree inclination. In the incisal-lingual
a clinically calibrated preparation for the fu- area, 1 mm of reduction is sufficient. With
ture veneers (Figs 11 and 12). this procedure, the clinician can maintain
After the definition of the new squarer more tooth structure, especially in the in-
facial standard, the oral test drive of the cisal-lingual area. With this incisal design,
smile was performed following the new the technician can layer the ceramic effects
tooth configuration. The patient was pho- on the incisal third of the tooth (Fig 13).
tographed and filmed to demonstrate the The calibrated preparation was per-
modifications. After he approved the new formed using the sectioned silicone keys,
smile design based on the facial harmony which helps the clinician to better evaluate
concept, the calibrated minimally invasive all the suitable spaces for the future veneers
preparation was performed using the sec- (Fig 14).
tioned silicone keys. The stratification of the ceramic involved
A calibrated preparation is recom- a sophisticated multilayer technique using
mended to avoid an aggressive tooth a variety of ceramic masses to simulate the

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 209

Figs 11 and 12 Wax-up and sectioned silicone keys for the future oral try in and tooth preparation.

45 deg

Fig 13 Butt margin design with a 45-degree inclination of the Fig 14 Sectioned silicone key in the mouth for the calibrated
incisal margin. preparation.

210 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

Fig 15 Ceramic layering technique.

natural contrast effects inside the tooth.22 In

the incisal area, the double incisal wall tech-
nique was applied, brushing ceramic masses
with different degrees of opacity, translu-
cency, opalescence, and fluorescence ef-
fects. Modifiers and stains were added in
the incisal area to reproduce a natural ap-
pearance. Both the facial and incisal-lingual
areas were treated with the same layering
technique (Figs 15 and 16).
After the layering technique, the final
texture was evaluated, and the different lines
were made onto the entire facial surface of
the veneers using several burs. At this point,
Fig 16 Crack liners and incisal effects after the first bake.
the veneers were ready to be glazed and
manually polished. The final shape of the
veneers respected the new transition lines
of the face configuration that had changed
due to the derma filler treatment. his expectations. The new smile was based
The veneers were tested in the patient’s on the realization of the personalized tooth
mouth for the final try-in and then ce- shapes in accordance with the oral facial
mented. The patient was satisfied with his harmony concept and appropriate treat-
new customized smile design, which met ment (Figs 17 to 23).

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 211

Fig 17

Fig 18a and b Final shape and texture design of the veneers on the

Figs 19 and 20 Intraoral views of the final case with the appropriate new tooth shapes.

212 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

Square Triangular

Square Ovoidal

Ovoidal Triangular

Fig 21 New individual tooth segmentation based on the oral facial Fig 22 Exposure of the incisal third of the two maxillary central
harmony concept. incisors with the lips at rest.

Fig 23 Oral facial harmony

showing the relation among the
anatomical shape of the teeth,
the entire customized smile, and
the facial esthetic treatment.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021 | 213

Discussion Conclusion

Digital technology is widely used nowadays The main purpose of esthetic dental treat-
for facial recognition through face detec- ment is to achieve a beautiful smile. One of
tion from photographs as well as through the most significant challenges for the clin-
the analysis of facial contours. The con- ician and dental technician is to recreate
tinual development of technology and the the beauty of the smile with natural-look-
increasing availability of information in the ing teeth. There are different points of view
field of esthetic dentistry have led to in- concerning esthetic parameters. Dental
creased patient demand, which, in turn, has Anatomical Combinations, supported by a
prompted dental professionals to question customized smile makeover in combina-
certain aspects of customization. The area tion with analog and digital procedures, is
of esthetic odontology has also been ex- a constructive way to ensure harmonious
panding according to this patient demand. unity between the patient’s facial type and
Dental professionals today have the possi- the teeth. Digital facial maps provide reli-
bility of evaluating a patient’s facial propor- able and fast identification of the facial type
tion and function in terms of both sophisti- while smiling.
cated facial esthetics and customized smile This study of the customized tooth based
redefinition.23,24 on facial configuration enabled the creation
In this article, Dental Anatomical Com- of a digital design for a precise and esthetic
binations was described, a classification prosthetic restoration of the anterior teeth.
system that makes use of a segmentation To obtain an optimal outcome, it is neces-
technique to create new tooth forms. This, sary for the dental professionals involved
together with the oral facial harmony con- to interpret exactly how the new custom-
cept, aims to allow dental professionals to ized smile is in harmony with the patient’s
produce different tooth anatomies that ex- face. The esthetic oral rehabilitation and
tend beyond the standard tooth shapes. facial contouring described in this article is
The second patient case described focused on patient need, with an esthetic
herein showed how, after derma filler treat- treatment selected according to the pa-
ment, the dental technician was able to plan tient’s facial shape. In order to perform the
digitally and then manually the new ana- ultimate smile makeover in this new era of
tomical configuration of the patient’s maxil- Dental Anatomical Combinations, based on
lary central incisors. For this step, excellent facial configuration and taking into account
communication is essential among the pa- oral facial harmony, excellent communica-
tient, clinician, and dental technician. tion between the clinician and dental tech-
There has been much discussion in the nician is essential as well as a high standard
dental field regarding exactly what con- of work and strict protocols.
stitutes a minimally invasive preparation. A
calibrated preparation that precisely grinds Acknowledgments
the teeth using sectioned silicone keys to
avoid unnecessary hard tissue reduction is The author is thankful for the intense clinical
an excellent way to treat a patient safely and cooperation and high level of performance
naturally. The attainment of beauty is not of Drs Sillas Durate, Pascal Magne, and
the creation of transformation in the patient Jin-Ho Park of the University of Southern
but rather the creation of a natural harmony California, Los Angeles, USA, as well as Dr
of the smile in the context of the face. Carolina Brito, Goiânia, Brazil.

214 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 2 | Summer 2021

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