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Effects of red and near-infrared LED light therapy on full-thickness skin graft
in rats

Article in Lasers in Medical Science · February 2020

DOI: 10.1007/s10103-019-02812-6


19 1,849

8 authors, including:

Cintia Martignago Livia Assis

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Brasil University


Viviane Ribeiro da Silva Nivaldo A Parizotto

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Brasil University


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Lasers in Medical Science


Effects of red and near-infrared LED light therapy on full-thickness

skin graft in rats
Cintia Cristina Santi Martignago 1 & Carla Roberta Tim 2 & Lívia Assis 2,3 & Viviane Ribeiro Da Silva 1 &
Estefany Camila Bonfim Dos Santos 1 & Fabiana Nascimento Vieira 1 & Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto 1,2,4 &
Richard Eloin Liebano 1

Received: 15 January 2019 / Accepted: 21 May 2019

# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vivo response of different wavelengths (red and near-infrared) of light-
emitting diode (LED) on full-thickness skin grafts (FTSG) in rats. Thirty rats were randomly allocated into three experimental
groups: control group (C); red LED treated group (R); and near-infrared LED group (NIR). Skin grafts were irradiated daily for
ten consecutive days, starting immediately after the surgery using a red (630 nm) or near-infrared (850 nm) LED. The results
showed that the red wavelength LED significantly enhanced the skin graft score in relation to the NIR group and increased
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) protein expression and density of collagen fibers compared with the other experimental
groups. These results suggest that the red wavelength LED was efficient to improve the dermo-epidermal junction and modulate
the expression proteins related to tissue repair.

Keywords Light-emitting diode (LED) . Light therapy . Photobiomodulation therapy . Full-thickness skin graft (FTSG) .
Rehabilitation . Plastic surgery

Introduction The major complication in tissue transplants, be it a flap or

graft, is necrosis [3]. To secure the survival of the graft, it is
A full-thickness skin graft (FTSG) is commonly used to cover important that the plasmatic imbibition and revascularization
open wounds in orthopedic and plastic surgery. It includes the with the recipient bed occurs after the graft transfer [4], and
epidermis, entire dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, and thus vascular ingrowth is expected with the progression of the in-
provides robust wound coverage after healing and improved tegration process and establishment of venous and lymphatic
texture and coloration of the skin [1, 2]. drainage [5, 6]. When these processes do not occur, beyond
tissue necrosis, the contracture of the skin may also occur,
resulting in undesirable (aesthetically unpleasant) clinical con-
ditions that may lead to loss of function.
Cintia Cristina Santi Martignago and Carla Roberta Tim contributed Treatments for reducing these complications or even pro-
equally to this work. moting full-thickness skin graft survival are based mainly with
the use of vasodilators, anticoagulants, and prostaglandin in-
* Cintia Cristina Santi Martignago hibitors [7, 8]. Recently, research involving more innovative therapeutic approaches have been developed aiming to avoid
and reduce necrosis and enhance the safety and viability of
Department of Physiotherapy, Federal University of São Carlos, São skin grafts. Among the innumerable interventions, highlighted
Carlos, SP, Brazil is photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) by laser which has
Scientific Institute and Technological Department-University Brazil, positive effects on skin metabolism [9, 10].
São Paulo-Itaquera, SP, Brazil PBMT consists of the use of non-ionizing light
Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP, Santos, SP, Brazil sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
Biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine and Medical Chemistry, for therapeutic purposes [11]. In this therapeutic modal-
University of Araraquara, Araraquara, SP, Brazil ity, the emitted photons are absorbed by specific
Lasers Med Sci

photoreceptors stimulating mitochondrial electron trans- Full-thickness skin graft experimental model
portation chain initiating a series of cytoplasmic or cell
membrane reactions [12] which lead to changes in mem- For the surgical procedure, the rats received intra-peritoneal
brane potential, O2 consumption, and DNA and RNA anesthesia with 40 mg/kg ketamine (Dopalen; Vetbrands; São
synthesis rates [13]. These molecular alterations acceler- Paulo; Brazil) and 20 mg/kg xylazine (Anasedan; Vetbrands;
ate the process of cell differentiation and proliferation São Paulo; Brazil) and were then placed on a flat surface in a
[14], and increase protein synthesis [15], leading to the ventral decubitus position and had their backs tricotomized,
main therapeutic effects of PBMT: analgesic, circulatory, and then the surgical procedure was performed to remove a
inflammatory processes modulator, and tissue repair [16, skin fragment from the dorsal region, measuring 3 cm wide
17]. and 5 cm [20], with a reference point 0.5 cm below the lower
A recently published literature review [18] concluded that angle of the scapula, placing the midpoint of the mold on the
LED light therapy and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) pro- dorsal column of the animal. The skin fragment was drawn
mote similar biological effects. Advantages of LEDs include from the deep fascia of the muscles using a no.11 scalpel
no laser safety considerations, ease of home use, ability to blade, and including the superficial fascia and skin being
irradiate a large area of tissue at once, possibility of wearable outlined by means of a template trimmed in a standard mea-
devices, and lower cost [19]. surement (3 × 5 cm). The non-cutaneous tissues (fat and mus-
In this context, it was hypothesized that the LED light cle) adhered to the dermis were removed by means of a no. 11
therapy may optimize the healing process and stimulate the scalpel until the fragment acquired a whitish and homoge-
skin graft survival in rats, constituting a more suitable and neous appearance. After this procedure, the cutaneous tissue
effective treatment to be used. Thus, the aim of the present was replaced in its own bed with 180° rotation. Sutures were
study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different LED light made with separate stitches of 4–0 monofilament nylon,
therapy wavelengths using an experimental model of FTSG in starting at the vertices and 1 cm apart. After suturing, the graft
rats. For this purpose, morphological aspects of the grafts and was adequately manually compressed to avoid possible air
the expression of wound healing markers were evaluated. bubbles under it with gauze and physiological solution. In
order to minimize post-operative discomfort, the animals re-
ceived analgesia (i.m. 0.02 mg/kg buprenorfiine—Temgesic;
Reckitt Benckiser Health Care Ltd. Schering-Plow,
Materials and methods Hoddesdon, UK) directly after the operation and subcutane-
ously for 5 days after surgery.
Experimental groups
LED protocol
Thirty adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), weighing ±
245 g, 6 weeks old were used in the present study. Animals LED light therapy was performed using a gallium–aluminum
were placed in plastic cages with sawdust bedding, with one arsenide (GaAlAs) 850-nm diode LED and arsenide gallium–
animal per cage, and were allowed to move freely in the cages indium–aluminum–phosphorus (AsGaInAlP) 630-nm diode
with free access to commercial food and water. The room had LED (Ibramed, Brazil) with the following parameters: contin-
a 12-h dark/light cycle and a controlled temperature (24 ± uous emission, 200 mW optical power output, 15 s irradiation
2 °C). The present study was approved by the Animal Care time, 0.5 cm2 spot area, energy density of 6 J/cm2, irradiance
Committee guidelines at the Federal University of São Carlos of 0.4 W/cm2, and 3 J total energy per point. Both LEDs
(protocol 8577280716) and it was conducted according to the irradiation were applied daily, at 15 points (3 points in the
Guiding Principles for the Use of Laboratory Animals. FTSG surface and 12 surrounding it—Fig. 1), with the punc-
The experimental animals were randomly distributed into tual contact technique in all experimental groups. In this tech-
three groups (n = 10 per group): nique, the LED probe remains in contact with the animal
throughout the application period, must be maintained at a
& Control group (C): the rats of this group were submit- 90° perpendicular to the flap in the cast spaces of the mold
ted to skin grafting and to the simulation of the LED for 10 sessions with the first application immediately after the
application. FTSG.
& Red treatment group (R): the rats of this group were sub- Regardless of the group in which the animal belonged, the
mitted to skin grafting and treated with red LEDs with a plastic mold was placed on the back with the demarcation
wavelength of 630 nm. point where the irradiation was carried with the purpose of
& Near-infrared LED treatment group (NIR): the rats of this standardizing the application site with the probe remaining
group were submitted to skin grafting and treated with in contact with the animal. For the animals of the C group,
near-infrared LEDs at 850 nm wavelength. the simulation was performed with the equipment device on
Lasers Med Sci

hematoxylin and eosin (HE), (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany),

in an optical microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany)
at a magnification of × 400 by two evaluators blinded to the
group. These analyses were performed as proposed by
Basaran et al. [22] with modifications. This analysis consisted
of evaluating 5 items: epidermal integrity, dermo-epidermal
junction, collagen organization, graft adhesion, and inflamma-
tory infiltrate. Each of these items was scored from 0 to 2 (0
when the item had no characteristics, 1 had a significant pres-
ence of the characteristic, and 2 had similar characteristics to
normal); the results presented in each item were added up and
the higher the score, the better the prognosis of the FTSG.
Figure 1 Schematic representation of LED irradiation point

off. The equipment was calibrated by the manufacturer both at Immunohistochemistry analysis
the beginning and at the end of the experiment in order to
obtain high reliability for the effective optical power emission For the TGF-β (transformer growth factor beta) and bFGF
of the device. Ten days after surgery, all animals were eutha- (basic fibroblastic growth factor) expression analysis, the
nized individually by anesthetic overdose (twofold anesthetic paraffin was removed with xylene from serial sections of
dose) and the skin of each animal was removed for analysis. 5 μm. After this procedure, the sections were rehydrated in
graded ethanol and pretreated in a microwave with 0.01 M
citric acid buffer (pH 6) for 3 cycles of 5 min each at
Sample collection and preparation
850 W for antigen retrieval. Subsequently, the material
was pre-incubated with 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in
After the euthanasia of the animals, a skin fragment of the
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution for 5 min to in-
FTSG (1 cm2) was collected with the assistance of a plastic
activate the endogenous peroxidase and then blocked with
mold to standardize the collected site, the site being the upper
5% normal goat serum in PBS solution for 10 min. The
border of the FTSG at the right extremity. After the material
specimens were incubated with an anti-TGF-β polyclonal
was collected, it was fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin,
primary antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) at a
and cut with a spinner microtome, Spencer 820 with 0.5-μm
concentration of 1:1000 and anti-bFGF polyclonal primary
thickness for histological analysis and immunohistochemistry.
antibody at a concentration of 1:500. Incubation was per-
formed overnight at 4 °C in the refrigerator and followed
Density of collagen fibers by two washes in PBS for 10 min. Afterwards, the sections
were incubated with biotin-conjugated secondary antibody
The slides stained with Picrosirus Red (Sigma-Aldrich, anti-rabbit IgG (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA,
Darmstadt, Germany) were analyzed for the purpose of quan- USA) at a concentration of 1:200 in PBS for 1 h. The
tifying collagen types I and III without differentiating them. sections were washed twice with PBS followed by the ap-
The images were captured in a polarized Optical Microscope plication of avidin–biotin complex conjugated to peroxi-
(OLYMPUS BX53) with × 400 magnification. These images dase for 45 min. The visualization of the bound complexes
were analyzed using the ImageJ software, as proposed by was performed with the application of a 0.05% solution of
[21], where the images were subjected to a threshold such that 3–3′-diaminobenzidine and counterstained with Harris
each nonwhite pixel was turned black and each white pixel Hematoxylin. Finally, for control analyses of the antibod-
remained white. Next, the number of black pixels in each ies, the serial sections were treated with rabbit IgG at a
image was used to calculate the percentage of the image area. concentration of 1:200 instead of the primary antibody.
For each slide, the reading was performed in seven distinct Furthermore, internal positive controls were performed
fields and the quantification mean was used for statistical with each staining bath. Digital images at × 200 magnifi-
analysis. cation were captured by an optical microscope. The results
were evaluated both qualitatively (presence of the
Qualitative and semiquantitative histological immunomarkers) and semiquantitatively according to a
evaluation previously described scoring scale from 1 to 4 (1 = absent,
2 = weak, 3 = moderate, and 4 = intense) for immunohisto-
The qualitative and semiquantitative histological analysis of chemical analysis. Two experienced observers performed
the FTSG were performed in histological slides stained with the scoring in a blinded manner.
Lasers Med Sci

Statistical analysis the NIR LED group. No other difference was observed
(Fig. 2a).
Data are expressed as the mean ± standard error of the mean
(SEM). Shapiro-Wilk’s and Levene’s tests were applied to
Histological descriptive analysis
evaluate the normality and homogeneity of the results, respec-
tively. For the variables that exhibited normal distribution,
Representative images of the skin graft sections are shown in
comparisons between experimental groups were performed
Fig. 2b. Histopathological analysis revealed that 10 days post-
by analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), and the Tukey’s
surgery, the C and NIR groups demonstrated severe morpho-
post-test used to compare individual groups. For the variables
logical modifications, characterized by the destruction of epi-
that exhibited non-normal distribution, the Kruskal-Wallis test
dermis integrity, discontinued epidermal-dermal junction, and
was used. A p value < 0.05 was considered significant. All
disturbed collagen organization loss. For the R group, mor-
analyses were performed using the GraphPad Prism 6.0 pro-
phological modifications were also observed but less intense
gram (GraphPad Software, San Diego CA, USA).
compared with the C and NIR groups. Red-treated animals
showed a limited area of destroyed epidermis and epidermal-
dermal junction.
Density of collagen fibers
Histological semiquantitative analysis
Figure 3 shows the morphometric evaluation of the density of
The score of histological semiquantitative analysis was signif- collagen fibers. The percentage of collagen fiber was signifi-
icantly higher in the R LED group (p = 0.0417) compared with cantly higher in the R group compared with the NIR group

Fig. 2 a Morphometric analysis of graft performance. Values shown are organization (arrow); presence of inflammatory process (arrowhead).
mean and standard deviation. Control group (C); red LED treated group Control (C); red LED treated group (R); near-infrared LED group
(R); near-infrared LED group (NIR). (indicated as *p = 0.0417versus (NIR). C and NIR groups demonstrated severe morphological modifica-
NIR). b Representative photomicrographs of morphological analysis of tions and R group showed less intense morphological modification
FTSG cross-sections. Epidermal-dermal junction (asterisks); collagen (Stain: HE; scale bar 20 μm)
Lasers Med Sci

Fig. 3 Graphic representation of

the morphometric analysis of
density of collagen fibers. Values
shown are mean and standard
deviation. Control group (C); red
LED treated group (R); near-
infrared LED group (NIR). (indi-
cated as *p = 0.0013 versus NIR;
#p = 0.0015 versus C), the per-
centage of collagen fiber was sig-
nificantly higher in the R group
compared with the NIR group

(p = 0.0015) and C group (p = 0.0013). No other difference It is of common knowledge that a FTSG leads to alterations
was observed. in the integumentary system, such as reduced blood flow,
ischemia conditions and impaired skin growth, skin contrac-
Immunohistochemistry analysis tures, and formation of partial or complete necrosis after an
injury [23].
bFGF expression In this context, the LED has been considered a promising
alternative to treat many skin diseases due to its repair process
The immunohistochemistry results revealed positive bFGF positive effects [24]. The morphometric evaluation demon-
staining in the fibroblasts and endothelial cells in all groups strated that the red LED irradiated animals presented a higher
(Fig. 4a). However, the semiquantitative analysis demonstrat- semiquantitative histological evaluation when compared with
ed no difference in bFGF immunoexpression among groups the near-infrared wavelength. Nishioka et al. [24], in a skin
(Fig. 4b). flap model, observed that the animal irradiated with red LED
with the same wavelength utilized in our study obtained better
TGF-β expression histological results than the control group, suggesting that the
energy offered to the cutaneous tissue was capable of improv-
Immunohistochemistry evaluation demonstrated that the ing the tissues’ quality in both researches.
TGF-β expression observed mainly fibroblasts and endothe- Additionally, studies have shown that the impaired wound
lial cells for all groups (Fig. 5a). Furthermore, the semiquan- healing in ischemic tissues such as a skin graft is associated
titative analysis exhibited a higher TGF-β expression in the R with reduced levels of fibroblast factors, including bFGF ex-
group compared with the C group (p = 0.0121) and NIR (p = pression [25, 26]. It is known that bFGF induces fibroblast
0.0017; Fig. 5b). proliferation and differentiation as well as improving survival
of the skin graft/flap via blood vessels formation [27].
Previously, Yu et al. [28] demonstrated that 660-nm wave-
Discussion length stimulated the production of bFGF from fibrolast cells
in cell culture. Interestingly, in the present study, no effect on
The present study aimed to evaluate the in vivo response of the expression of this immunomarker was found with the LED
two different wavelengths (red and near-infrared) of a LED light therapy. Possibly, the LED parameters used in the present
light therapy experimental model of FTSG in morphological study were not able to offer sufficient energy to modulate
aspects and expression of wound healing markers. The histo- bFGF expression in the experimental period studied.
logical findings demonstrated that red LED light therapy pro- Furthermore, in the present study, the red LED presented an
duced a significant increase of the semiquantitative histologi- increased TGF-β expression. TGF has been widely reported
cal evaluation, higher TGF-β expression, and density of col- as an important regulatory cytokine that is involved in large
lagen fibers compared with the other experimental groups. number of cellular actives in wound healing [29]. In particular,
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Fig. 4 Results of the qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of skin Results of semiquantitative analysis of the bFGF expression. Values
tissue immunohistochemistry for bFGF. a Representative shown are mean and standard deviation. Control Group (C); red LED
photomicrograph of the qualitative results in the different groups treated group (R); near-infrared LED group (NIR). No difference in
evaluated, Scale bar: 20 μm Immunolabeled fibroblastic cells (arrow). b bFGF immunoexpression among groups

there is evidence indicating that TGF-β mediates fibroblasts dependency, with the best result being observed after red LED
migration and proliferation, collagen production, and extracel- irradiation. Thus, the modulated expression of TFG-β after
lular matrix (ECM) deposition in the wound healing process red LED irradiation may stimulate the formation of new der-
[30]. However, previous findings showed that several oxida- mal fibroblast and production of ECM proteins contributing to
tive exposures, as well as skin grafts, are responsible for a the acceleration of skin graft healing.
downregulation of this growth factor, resulting in a reduced Also, the increased collagen production in red LED
regenerative capacity [31]. In the current study, the red LED showed the healing effect of the electromagnetic treatment.
was able to increase the expression of these cytokines com- Collagen (mainly type I collagen) is the most abundant struc-
pared with the other experimental groups. Recently, LED light tural protein in connective skin tissue [30]. Collagen fibrils
therapy has shown promise in modulating the growth factors depositions are responsible for the mechanical strength and
and cytokines expression related to skin repair in several treat- resiliency of skin graft. Possibly, the modulation of growth
ment parameters of LED [32]. Safavi et al. [33] demonstrated factors produced by the red LED determined a stimulatory
that the red LLLT was able to accelerate the wound healing effect on the dermal fibroblast cell metabolism, culminating
process, with the up-immunoexpression of TGF-β and other in a higher deposition of collagen, increasing the skin graft
gene expressions in injured gingiva tissue of rats. integration. Therefore, the upregulation of TGF-β signaling
Using a skin excisional wound model, de Souza et al. [34], evidenced in the present study may increase collagen produc-
found a downregulation of TGF-β immunoexpression after tion and, consequently, stimulate earlier wound healing in the
LED irradiation (700 nm) at an early stage of the healing formation of the new epidermis after a FTSG.
process (2 days after injury); however, no differences were One crucial point that needs to be determined in the field of
observed at later times (4 and 6 days after injury). The increase LED photobiomodulation is the importance of studies explor-
of the TGF-β expression 10 days after the FTSG evidenced in ing the effects of different wavelengths, in order to try to
the present study may suggest a tissue wavelength response establish the effective and safe treatment parameters of
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Fig. 5 Results of the qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of skin shown are mean and standard deviation. Control Group (C); red LED
tissue immunohistochemistry for TGF-β. a Representative treated group (R); near-infrared LED group (NIR). (indicated as *p =
photomicrograph of the qualitative results in the different groups 0.0017 versus NIR; #p = 0.0121 versus C). Scale bar 20 μm. TGF-β
evaluated. Scale bar 20 μm. Immunolabeled fibroblastic cells (arrow). b was higher in R group compared with the C group
Results of semiquantitative analysis of the TGF-β expression. Values

LLLT for an optimal stimulation in tissue repair strategies Compliance with ethical standards The present study was
within the clinical setting. Since the present study was limited approved by the Animal Care Committee guidelines at the Federal
University of São Carlos (protocol 8577280716) and it was conducted
to a relatively short-term evaluation of the effects of only one
according to the Guiding Principles for the Use of Laboratory Animals.
set of LED doses, information on the long-term performance
of this therapy and higher amounts of LED energy remains to
be provided.
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Brazilian funding agency FAPESP project # 2015/13501-3. 950X.2013.12005.x
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