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Present Simple

‫المضارع البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المضارع البسيط‬ V 1 ‫التصريف األول‬

(Inf.) ‫مصدر الفعل‬ (V+s) s ‫فعل منتهي ب‬

live / go / study lives / goes /studies
I go to the club every week. He goes to the club every week.
do not+ inf. does not+ inf.
don’t + ‫( مصدر‬go) doesn’t + ‫( مصدر‬go)

I don’t go to the zoo every week. He doesn’t go to the zoo every week.
Do +(you..)+ inf.‫? مصدر‬ Does +(he..)+ inf.‫? مصدر‬
Do you go to the club every week? Does he go to the club every week?

I We You They Boys ‫اسم جمع‬ He She It A boy ‫مفرد‬ tea ‫ال يعد‬
‫استخدام المضارع البسيط‬
‫عادة منتظمة‬
I get up early every day. I don’t get up late every day.
‫حقيقة يومية‬
My father works in a bank.
‫حقيقة علمية‬
The sun rises in the morning. It doesn’t rise in the evening.
).. ‫ طائرات‬/ ‫مواعيد ثابتة (قطارات‬
The train to Cairo leaves at 6:00 a.m.
‫ في حالة الصفر العلمية‬If /Unless ‫بعد‬
If you boil water, it turns into steam.
‫ في الحالة األولى‬If /Unless ‫بعد‬
If you play sport, you will be healthy.
‫الكلمات الدالة على المضارع البسيط‬
always ‫دائما‬ usually / normally ‫عادة‬ often ‫غالبا‬ sometimes /occasionally ‫أحيانا‬

rarely/ seldom ‫نادرا‬ never ‫أبدا‬ every (day..) )‫كل (يوم‬

once ‫مرة واحدة‬

twice ‫مرتان‬ a day / week …

Three times ‫ثالث مرات‬

)s / es / ies ( ‫إضافة‬

o/ch/sh/ss/x es go - goes ‫ متحرك‬+ y ys play- plays ‫ ساكن‬+ y ies try- tries

1) He always ………. Football on Friday.
a. play b. plays c. playing d. played
2) My brother ……… something to eat now.
a. want b. is wanting c. wants d. wanted
3) We don’t ………. dinner at home .
a. eat b. eating c. ate d. eats
4) When does the next train ………?
a. arrive b. arrived c. arriving d. arrives
5) What time ……… the lesson begin ?
a. do b. does c. doing d. is
6) Where ……… your parents work ?
a. does b. doing c. do d. did
7) The shops in our city ……… at 9:00 p.m.
a. closes b. closed c. closing d. close
8) I ………. what she is saying .
a. am not understanding b. don’t understand c. understanding d. not understand

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