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Physiology Lab.

Blood collection, serum & plasma, venous blood, capillary blood

Prepared by :
Sarah Omar
• The blood is made up of liquid and solids .
1. The liquid part called (plasma) is made of water, salts,
and proteins. It makes up about 55% of the body's total
blood volume.
2. The solid part of the blood contains red blood
cells(RBCs) which is deliver oxygen to the tissues and
organs .
• white blood cells(WBCs) fight infections and are part of
the immune system .
• platelets(PLT) help blood to clot when you have a cut or
injury .
Blood Components
Difference between Serum and Plasma
Characteristics Serum Plasma

Composition Serum is the water fluid from blood without Plasma is the blood fluid that contains
the clotting factors. blood clotting factors.

Contains of Serum contains proteins, electrolytes, Plasma is considered as the medium of

antibodies, antigens and hormones. blood in which RBCs (Red Blood Cells),
WBC (White Blood Cells) and other
components of blood are suspended.

Isolation Procedure Serum is more difficult and time consuming Plasma is easier and less time consuming
to separate. to separate.

Fibrinogen absent present

Use of Anticoagulants Serum does not need anticoagulants for Anticoagulants are necessary to separate
separation plasma
Collection tubes
• Types of blood collection tubes
1. Gel tube ( yellow tube ) : serum , gel .
2. Plain tube (red or white tube ) : serum , without
additions .
3. Lavender ( purple tube ) : whole blood ,EDTA .
4. PT tube ( blue tube ) : plasma , sodium citrate .
5. Green tube : plasma , heparin .
6. Capillary tube ( red & blue ) . ‫ن‬
Collection of blood
• We can get blood by two methods :
1. venipuncture
2. Capillary puncture

Note :
• Venous blood : is deoxygenated blood
• Artery blood : is oxygenated blood
• Surgical puncture of a vein , its also called phlebotomy .
• Sites of venipuncture :
How the Test is Performed?

• Equipment's :
1. Tourniquet
2. Alcohol
3. Needle \ Syringe
4. Tubes
5. Gauze
6. Band aid \ plaster
Steps for venipuncture
1. Prepare supplies .
2. Clean the skin with alcohol .
3. Place tourniquet .
4. Select a site for venipuncture .
5. Puncture vein with 15 degree angle .
6. Take off the tourniquet when blood flow begins .
7. Place a gauze to over puncture site and remove
needle .
Capillary puncture
• Is a blood sample collected by pricking the skin.
• Capillaries are tiny blood vessels near the surface of the

Sites of capillary puncture

1. Ring \ great finger
2. Infants heel
3. Earlobe
Steps for capillary puncture :
1. Clean the skin with alcohol .
2. Pricked with a sharp needle or a lancet across the
fingerprint not parallel to them .
3. Collect the blood with capillary tube .
4. Put cotton \ gauze on the puncture site .

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