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1) Complète avec la forme correcte de BE ou Have : /10

a) ...............................he American ? No, he……………………………………

b) I……………………………….blue eyes but I……………………………………………….freckles.

c) …………………………..Jasmine ………………………………red hair ? No, she…………………..

She…………………………….. dark hair.

d) My cousin ………………………………………..from Brétigny,

He……………………………….from Paris.

e) ………………………………… twelve years old ? Yes, I…………………………………

f) My parents……………………………………………………………………..a blue car.

g) …………………………………………….Ahmed and Baptiste …………………………glasses ?

Yes, they ……………………………………………… but they…………………………………………

a moustache !

h) My sisters ……………………………. tall but


i) …………………………………………………………. a pen ?

2) Is ou HAS ? /2

a) Nadia’s got a cat……………………………..

b) Hugo’s 12 years old……………………………………

c) My mum’s very tall………………………………….

d) Léna’s got a beautiful smile………………..

3) Réponds à ces questions par une réponse courte. Fais attention au choix de
l’auxiliaire BE OU HAVE !!! /4

a) Have they got a T.V ? Yes,………………………………………………………………….

b) Has your teacher got a moustache ? No, ……………………………………………………

c) Is your book on the table ? Yes,…………………………………………………………..

d) Are your friends sad ? No,…………………………………………………………………….

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