B.SC Project Proposal Format-1

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Namal University Mianwali

Electrical Engineering Project Proposal

Dual Power Generation(Solar and wind power generation System)

Submitted by: Roll No:

Muhammad Zaman BSEE-2020-40
Sheraz Haider BSEE-2020-33

Supervised by : Engr. Zafar Ullah

C0-Supervised by: Dr.Wahab Ali Shah

Table of Contents
Abstract:.................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3
Problem Statement................................................................................................................. 4
Problem Solution.................................................................................................................... 4
Project Description.................................................................................................................. 4
Work Distribution.................................................................................................................... 5
Project Budget........................................................................................................................ 5
Timeline:................................................................................................................................. 7
Constraints:............................................................................................................................. 7

Table of Tables
Table 1: Work Distribution
Table 2: Budget
Table 3: Timeline

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Wind Turbine
Figure 2: Solar Tracking system
Figure 3: Dual Power Generation system

The environmental issues we are currently facing require long-term prospective efforts for
sustainable growth. Renewable Energy resources will provide a better solution for this problem.
Our FYP introduces a Dual Power Generation System, using the combined potential of wind and
solar energy sources. This innovative system not only generates clean electricity but also
presents an efficient and eco-friendly approach to power generation. As the world's resources
keep decreasing, the need for practical solutions to use renewable energy becomes increasingly
critical. This project aims to provide a comprehensive solution to the challenges outlined in the
problem statement. It involves the design and implementation of a dual power generation system
that efficiently addresses the energy crisis using a multi-faceted approach.
Firstly, the project incorporates a charging system that utilizes both solar and wind energy
sources to charge a battery. To optimize solar energy collection, a dual-axis solar tracking
system is employed, while a wind pressure tracking system is used to optimize wind energy
In the absence of adequate solar energy, a microcontroller-driven system shifts the load to the
windmill, ensuring uninterrupted power generation. Additionally, excess energy is intelligently
routed to support the grid when the battery reaches full capacity.
By integrating these systems, the project not only contributes to resolving the energy crisis but
also promotes environmental sustainability by reducing harmful emissions like CO2. This
approach underscores the practicality and efficiency of utilizing renewable energy sources as a
reliable and eco-friendly alternative.

Nature has blessed human beings with abundant blessings and human beings get benefits from
these blessing according to their needs. These blessings include air that is used for breathing,
water that is used for drinking, washing and power generation purposes, soil that is used for
growing crops and building houses and sun that is basic source of light, important for proper
growth of plants and couple of years ago it is also used for power generation. In addition to this,
electricity is as important as food and water in this era of technology. According to studies,
global energy demand increases by 40% between 2009 and 2035. Due to increase in demand of
electricity world is shifting towards the renewable energy resources and according to 450
scenarios share of coal in total energy demand reduced to less than 16% while renewable energy
increased by 27% in 2035.
Solar energy and Wind energy are renewable form of energy and clean, produce no carbon
emission and does not affects the environment. In last few years, technology has been improved
and there is revolution in industry so, demand for power generation also increases. There are
many energy sources such as non-renewable energy sources including fossils fuels, biomass and
renewable energy sources including solar, wind and water. As non-renewable energy sources are
costly and harmful to the environment so, world is shifting towards solar and wind energy
generation because these are environment friendly, cheap and easily available.

Solar energy is generated through solar panels and Wind energy is generated through wind
turbines, these are vulnerable system to climate conditions and weather.
Solar energy is generated through solar panels and Wind energy is generated through wind
turbines, these are vulnerable system to climate conditions and weather.

Problem Statement
The problem that people is facing are solar panels without a solar tracking system are less
efficient. Therefore, the control circuit is used by the microcontroller to move the motor to orient
the solar panel optimally.
The challenge with wind power generation lies in the absence of a wind tracking system,
resulting in lower efficiency. To overcome this, a control circuit with a microcontroller is
needed to adjust wind turbine orientation for optimal energy capture. This is essential to
maximize energy output, adapt to variable wind conditions, and ensure dependable and efficient
wind power generation.
control the charging mechanism i.e. when the battery gets overcharged or undercharged. It
requires a set of op-amps that constantly monitors the parameters like panel voltage, load current
etc. When the battery is fully charged a green LED is switched on and when the battery is over
charged or undercharged a red LED glows. MOSFET is used to cut off the load when it gets
overcharged or is undercharged whereas a transistor is used to switch the load to another dummy
one when it is fully charged thereby protecting it from being damaged

Problem Solution
This project aims to provide a comprehensive solution to the challenges outlined in the problem
statement. It involves the design and implementation of a dual power generation system that
efficiently addresses the energy crisis using a multi-faceted approach.
Firstly, the project incorporates a charging system that utilizes both solar and wind energy
sources to charge a battery. To optimize solar energy collection, a dual-axis solar tracking
system is employed, while a wind pressure tracking system is used to optimize wind energy
In the absence of adequate solar energy, a microcontroller-driven system shifts the load to the
windmill, ensuring uninterrupted power generation. Additionally, excess energy is intelligently
routed to support the grid when the battery reaches full capacity.
By integrating these systems, the project not only contributes to resolving the energy crisis but
also promotes environmental sustainability by reducing harmful emissions like CO2. This
approach underscores the practicality and efficiency of utilizing renewable energy sources as a
reliable and eco-friendly alternative.

Project Description
Our project addresses pressing environmental challenges, emphasizing the need for
sustainability. We introduce a Dual Power Generation System in our Final Year Project (FYP),
combining wind and solar energy for clean and efficient electricity generation. As global
resources dwindle, the demand for practical renewable energy solutions grows.

Our project creates a comprehensive response, implementing a dual power generation system. It
combines solar and wind energy to charge a battery, employing dual-axis solar tracking and wind
pressure tracking for optimal energy capture. A microcontroller ensures seamless energy transfer
to the windmill in the absence of sufficient solar power.
Surplus energy supports the grid when the battery is full, reducing harmful emissions like CO2.
This project exemplifies the practicality and efficiency of renewable energy sources, addressing
the energy crisis and promoting environmental sustainability.
Work Distribution
Following table shows the work distribution among the members for project work.
Sr. Task Lead Assist Semester
1 Literature review Muhammad Zaman Sheraz Haider 7th
2 Planning + Requirement Sheraz haider Muhammad Zaman 7th
3 Simulation Muhammad Zaman Sheraz Haider 7th
4 Hardware Sheraz haider Muhammad Zaman 7th and 8th
5 Mid Documentation Muhammad Zaman Sheraz Haider 8th
6 Hardware of Dual axis Sheraz Haider Muhammad Zaman 8th
7 Micro controller Muhammad Zaman Sheraz Haider 8th
8 Testing Sheraz Haider Muhammad Zaman 8th
9 Final Documentation Muhammad Zaman Sheraz Haider 8th
Table 1: Work Distribution

Project Budget

Components Budget Quantity

Anemometer 10000 1

Windmill Blades 30000 3

Atmega microcontroller 10000 2

Gear box 8000 1

single Phase Permanent 30000 1

Magnet Suspension Motor

Yaw motor & yaw drive 7000 1

Solar panel - -

Servo motor 15000 2

Hardware components 5000 -

Motor Drive (L298) 2000 2

Mechanical work 10000 -

Total Budget 127000 -

Table 2: Budget
1. 50-Watt PV Panel available at campus will be used with 1-D Infrastructure.
2. Lab Resources will be also used.


Table 3: Timeline

 The discontinuous and variable nature of sunlight based and wind energy sources,
subject to climate, time, and season, presents difficulties in guaranteeing a steady
power supply, especially in energy-requesting metropolitan regions
 Risk of Grid Overload.
 Project might face issues like solar tracking and wind tracking system as it depends
upon the selection of motors and calculation

Figure 1: Wind Turbine

Figure 2: Solar Tracking system

Figure 3: Dual Power Generation system

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