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I. Introduction

Every person is different. Our features, personality, and behaviours are different.

Typically, our differences lead to conflict.

- Thesis: Nils Christie’s “Conflict of Property”, In the British Journals of

Criminology outlines the theory concerning the significance of conflict in

modern-day societal development.

II. Body

1. First Point (Introduction):

- Christie illustrates the notion of conflict between two parties that has

been captured by the legal system.

- Conflict should be between the victim, the defendant, and those

involved until the dispute becomes difficult to manage.

2. Second Point (Advantages and Disadvantages):

- Disadvantages: (1) the willingness to bring conflict itself to legal

professionals. (2) Christie’s objective is to change our perspective on

how our mind responds to the role of law in modern society.

- Advantages: (1) advising that victims should be given the right to

participate in their hearings.

III. Conclusion: How does the article alter how we imagine Law in society?

- It brings forth an inquiry on whether lawyers generally make the

conflict better or worse.

- My personal beliefs?
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Nils Christie’s Conflicts of Property

Every person is different. Our features, personality, and behaviours differ. Typically,

our differences lead to conflict. Nils Christie’s “Conflicts of Property”, in The British

Journals of Criminology outlines the theory concerning the significance of conflict in

modern-day societal development. Christie illustrates the notion of conflict between two

parties that has been captured by the legal system. Creating the inability to resolve our

disputes and taking away basic communication in social life. In a legal sense, conflict should

be between the victim, the defendant, and those involved until the dispute becomes difficult

to manage. He discloses that conflicts help create growth through behaviour, relationships,

and the action to evolve as society changes. For example, hearing another person’s perception

on an issue may help change and clarify our own, and open our eyes to new perspectives. The

general public could use a new method of dealing with the quarrel through new court


Christie identifies several arguments that are typically being discussed. However, the

most prevalent are (1) there is not enough conflict in today’s society, and (2) the legal system

is detaching those from their conflict, making them unable to resolve their disputes. The

conflict itself is scarce in society. Conflicts bring social change and empower lower-class

groups, but they are easily handed over to legal professionals. Perhaps, due to the often

isolated and complex nature of courthouses, these issues lead to the inability of civilians to

deal with them. Christie assesses the idea that lawyers and criminologists are “professional

thieves” of people’s disputes as they gain responsibility over conflicts as they venture into

court. This creates a gap between victims and the offenders, making it harder to resolve in

peace. For example, in Tanzania, we may encounter similar situations in non-western

environments. This conflict occurred between a couple (a man and a woman). Their

investment of time and care in the relationship became one-sided, and she broke it off. It was
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quite difficult to resolve utilities and general expenses, leaving them to legal professionals.

As they were shunned away from one another, this limited their communication and potential

resolution of the issue. Making the dispute more difficult in its time frame.

Ultimately, opinions on Christie’s analogies may come with advantages and

disadvantages. Two major disadvantages within Christie’s article were: (1) the willingness to

bring conflict itself to legal professionals. Christie spoke accordingly to how lawyers are

professional thieves", without addressing the circumstances of the situation. Typically, some

prefer to have lawyers take over the property of their conflict and have them do the speaking.

For example, the defendant, being a victim of assault, would avoid resolving their dispute

with the offender. Considering this situation, allowing the conflict to be resolved through

victims & offenders doesn’t always function properly. (2) Christie’s objective is to change

our perspective on the role of law in modern society. As he describes lawyers as “thieves”,

he persuades the average reader to think negatively about professionals in legal areas. For

example, some social media platforms provide health-related content. They advise the reader

to rely on home remedies or medicine rather than seeking medical advice. However, every

person is different and may seek treatment depending on their bodies. With social media and

Christie’s opinion, altering your view of trained professionals may create a negative stigma

over someone who may guide us through a traumatic setting. Secondly, Christie’s article

brought advantages to our view of the legal system, such as (1) advising that victims should

be given the right to participate in their hearings. As Christie believes, conflicts are property

and should be treated in such a manner. Victims should be able to proceed and not have their

property taken directly from uninvolved parties. With this, the court may not change

completely, but people in society should have a say or be able to decide on how they would

proceed in their disputes, as in the end, it impacts their lives.

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In conclusion, Nils Christie’s article impacts how we imagine law in society. It brings

forth an inquiry on whether lawyers generally make the conflict better or worse. Personally,

in regards to Nils Christie’s article, I believe conflicts can be quite important in society

through growth in relationships and behaviour, and that we may learn to resolve them

ourselves. However, in difficult situations that we, ourselves, cannot handle, we mustn’t

reject the work of our legal professionals. In which, they may resolve issues in a way we

thought wasn’t possible.

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Works Cited

Christie, Nils. “The British Journal - JSTOR.” Conflicts as Property, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.

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