Welcome To Cell Biology 2023-2024: Elsa - Rodrigues@ff - Ulisboa.pt

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Teaching Staff
One of the goals of university

Learning to learn
One of the goals of university

”Learning to learn” is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to

organise one's own learning, including through, effective
management of time and information, both individually and in

“Aprender a aprender" é a capacidade de prosseguir e persistir no

processo de aprendizagem, de organizar a sua própria
aprendizagem, nomeadamente através de uma gestão eficaz do
tempo e da informação, tanto individualmente como em grupo
About me
About me

(1993) IGC 1995 Montpellier
1996 2001 2019
Biology 1999

Gene Gene Associate Professor

Genetics Molecular Assistant
Regulation Regulation (Cell Biology;
freshwater fish Biology Professor
PhD PhD Molecular Biology,
Schoolarship Schoolarship Pharmacogenomics)
Higher education pitfalls


Friendship Knowledge
Higher education pitfalls


1st year

Friendship Knowledge
Higher education pitfalls


2st year

Friendship Knowledge
Higher education pitfalls


3st year

Friendship Knowledge
Higher education pitfalls


4 and 5th year

Friendship Knowledge
Higher education pitfalls

Work load
Higher education pitfalls
Key to success

Do not procrastinate (at least toooooo much…)

Do not give up
Key to success

Have passion and perseverance toward a very long-term goal

Key to success

Do not procrastinate
Do not give up

In case of dispair - Ask for help from collegues/ teachers

We are always there for you!

Study from BOOKS!!!!!

What you can find in the moodle platform

1. Theoretical classes summaries

2. Practical classes summaries
3. Laboratory classes summaries
4. Practical classes exercises
5. Theoretical classes PowerPoint slides
6. Advance reading - scientific papers
7. Notices and general information
8. Other documents for pedagogical support
The course focuses on several central themes in cellular biology:
1) The origin and early evolution of cells;
2) Cell types and the unique characteristics of stem cells;
3) State-of-the-art cellular biology techniques;
4) Structure, function, and biosynthesis of cellular membranes and membrane-bounded
5) Cellular compartments involved in endocytosis and exocytosis,
6) Vesicular transport mechanisms;
7) Cytoskeleton and cell movement;
8) Interactions between cells in multicellular systems;
9) Organelle cross-talk;
10) Cellular division, cell cycle and cell fate;
11) Examples of molecular and cellular basis of diseases resulting from defects in cellular
processes addressed in classes and therapeutic targeting.
Goals and learning outcomes

A. Knowledge Related Skills

Understand the complexities of eukaryotic cell structure and function

B1. Problem Solving & Critical Thinking

Be able to think critically and interpret hypothetical experimental observations based on
class concepts.

Evaluate the limitations and troubleshoot of experimental approaches used in Cell Biology.

Generate appropriate tables and graphs to represent data.

Incorporate their knowledge of cellular biology into future courses (i.e. Biochemistry I, II
and Molecular Biology).
Goals and learning outcomes

B2. Communication skills

Gather, critically assess, and utilize primary scientific literature to research a topic.

Present an oral scientific report with clear and concise language using audio-visual adds
to a science-literate audience

B3. Professional and Ethical Behaviour

Work safely and effectively in the laboratory setting

Record and analyse the results of experiments.

Work effectively within a group of peers.

Apply the principles of academic integrity and ethics of scientific research in group work.
Teaching methodologies

Theoretical classes (2x 1h/ week)

Discuss of relevant contemporary problems in the area of Cell Biology as well as the
technical approaches to their solution.

Practical classes (1x 1.5h/ week)

Provide the student with the critical discussion of the theoretical knowledge acquired,
through the solving of practical problems and exercises.

Laboratory classes (1x 3h/ week)

Allow the student to master the handling and use of the optical microscope.
Theoretical classes (tentative calendar)

27 T1 Presentation/ Syllabus/ Evaluation E. Rodrigues

25 - 29 September 28 T2 The origin and evolution of cells. The cell theory. Overview of prokariotyc and eukaryotic cells E. Rodrigues
4 T3 Tools to study the cell - Cell models, cell culture and methods E. Rodrigues
2 - 5 October 5 T4 Tools to study the cell - Cell models, cell culture and methods - video online - National holiday E. Rodrigues
11 T5 Structure and Composition of Biological Membranes E. Rodrigues
9 - 13 October 12 T6 ER, membrane biogenesis, lipid and protein synthesis, protein sorting E. Rodrigues
18 T7 ER, membrane biogenesis, lipid and protein synthesis, protein sorting E. Rodrigues
16- 20 October 19 T8 Vesicular transport E. Rodrigues
25 T9 Vesicular transport, Lysosome E. Rodrigues
23- 27 October 26 T10 Membrane function - transport G. Soveral
1 National holiday
30 - 3 November 2 T11 Endocytosis E. Anes
8 T12 Endocytosis E. Anes
6- 10 November 9 T13 Plant cells. G. Teixeira
15 T14 Tools to study the cell - Advanced Microscopy Liana Silva
13 - 17 November 16 T15 Mitochondria S. Solá
22 T16 Peroxissomes, lipid droplets S. Solá
20 - 24 November 23 T17 Nucleus S. Solá
29 T18 Cytoskeleton E. Rodrigues
27 - 1 December 30 T19 Cytoskeleton E. Rodrigues
6 T20 Becaming multicellular - Cell Junctions, Cell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix E. Rodrigues
4 - 8 December 7 T21 Mitose, meiosis and the regulation of cell cycle S. Solá
13 T22 Cell renewall and cell death; Stem Cells S. Solá
11 - 15 December 14 T23 Organelle cross-talk in health and disease E. Rodrigues
Teaching methodologies

Theoretical classes (2x 1h/ week)

Discuss of relevant contemporary problems in the area of Cell Biology as well as the
technical approaches to their solution.

Practical classes (1x 1.5h/ week)

Provide the student with the critical discussion of the theoretical knowledge acquired,
through the solving of practical problems and exercises.

Laboratory classes (1x 3h/ week)

Allow the student to master the handling and use of the optical microscope.

Frequência obrigatória de
2/3 destas aulas

Frequência obrigatória de
2/3 destas aulas
Avaliação (em PT para não haver dúvidas!)

Ensino Teórico – Contributo de 40% para a nota final

Exame – época Normal

Para todos os alunos que frequentam a UC
Para melhoria de nota - alunos que fizeram o exame teórico no ano anterior
Aprovação, se classificação global ≥ 9,5

Exame – época Recurso

Para alunos não avaliados na época Normal;
Para alunos que reprovaram na época Normal
Para melhoria de nota - alunos que fizeram o exame teórico na época
Normal ou no ano anterior
Aprovação, se classificação global ≥ 9,5
Avaliação (em PT para não haver dúvidas!)

Ensino Prático – Contributo de 30% para a nota final

Participação (30%), Mini-testes no moodle (45%), Trabalho (25%)

Aprovação, se classificação global ≥ 9,5

Ensino Laboratorial – Contributo de 30% para a nota final

Desempenho e assiduidade (33%), Exame Laboratorial (67%)

Aprovação, se classificação global ≥ 9,5

A Crash Course in Cell Culture Techniques will

be offered to the TOP 3 students in Cell Biology

COOPER GM. (2018) The Cell a Molecular Approach. 8 Ed. Oxford Univ. Press
ISBN: 9781605357072

ALBERTS B et al. (2017) Molecular Cell Biology. 6 Ed. Garland Science, Tailor
& Francis ISBN 9781315735368

PLOPPER, G and Ivankovic DB (2020) Principles of Cell Biology. 3 Ed. Jones

& Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978128414984

AZEVEDO C E SUNKEL C (2012) Biologia Celular e Molecular. 5 Ed. Lidel,

Lisboa ISBN 9789727576920

Artigos científicos selecionados/ Selected scientific papers.

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