Quick Guide of XCAL-M

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Quick Guide of

2017 April

1. Graphic User Interface

2. Port Setting

3. AutoCall Scenario Setting menu

4. AutoCall Scenarios

5. Monitoring Data

6. Statistics – AutoCall Result

7. Troubleshoot
1. Graphical User Interface


Icon Bar

Worksheet Bar

Status Bar

2. Port Setting
Main View

1 Click [Port] icon.

2 Check Mobile#.

3 Click [Mobile Alias Setting] ( ) button.

2. Port Setting
Mobile Alias Setting – QMICM (Qualcomm MSM Interface Connection Manager)
1 Configure [Interface] and [Chip Type]. 2 Configure LogMask (Click [Recommend]).

Click [Add/Edit] button.

[Recommend]: Default set

3 Configure [Data Service Type]. of LogMask setting

4 Configure [APN] and [Profile]

by checking information from
[Setting] – [QMICM Command].

6 Click [OK] button.

5 Click [Add/Edit] button to save.

2. Port Setting
Mobile Alias Setting – Smart (XCAL-Smart App interface) for Qualcomm
1 Configure [Interface]. 2 Configure LogMask (Click [Recommend]).

3 Configure [Data Service Type].

Data Packet Size: 200Byte

Check [Special Trace Option].

4 Click [Smart DM[App] Interface.

Click Using ADB Interface.

6 Click [OK] button.

5 Click [Add/Edit] button to save.

2. Port Setting
Mobile Alias Setting – VoLTE for Qualcomm
1 Configure [Interface]. 2 Configure LogMask (Click [Recommend]).

3 Configure [Data Service Type].

Max Packet Size: 1500Byte

Check [Special Trace Option].

4 [Smart DM(App)] is not required.

6 Click [OK] button.

5 Click [Add/Edit] button to save.

2. Port Setting
Mobile Alias Setting – Smart (XCAL-Smart App interface) for Samsung chipset
1 Configure [Interface].

2 Configure [Interface Type].

Data Packet Size (DL/UL): 200Byte

3 Click [Smart DM[App] Interface.

Click Using ADB Interface.

4 Click [Add/Edit] button to save. 5 Click [OK] button.

2. Port Setting
Mobile Alias Setting – VoLTE for Samsung Chipset

1 Configure [Interface].

2 Configure [Interface Type].

Data Packet Size (DL/UL): 1500Byte

3 [Smart DM(App)] is not required.

4 Click [Add/Edit] button to save. 5 Click [OK] button.

2. Port Setting
DM Port and Modem/Net Adapter setting

1 Configure Device Ports.

DM Port: Configure by checking Port

information in [Device Manager].
DM Port: Configure by checking Port
information in [Device Manager].

Mdm/Net Adapt:
Configure Network

Configure port options automatically.

2 Click [OK] button.
Mind [DM Port] has to be selected.
2. Port Setting
GPS Setting

1 Configure COM Port of corresponding GPS by checking port information from [Device Manager].

① GPS Type
② Baud Rate
③ Flow Control
④ GPS Time Sync: Synchronize time of PC and GPS automatically.

2 GPS Status is displayed in Status bar.

No GPS No GPS is configured in Port Setting.

[,] Searching GPS information is in progress.

[138.xxx, 33.xxx] GPS location information is obtained, but not from
GPS Alarm GPS is not connected.
[138.xxx, 33.xxx] GPS location information is obtained from satellite.

All connected mobiles start AutoCall test

3. AutoCall Scenario Setting menu Sync simultaneously and the next call is started
when all AutoCall test is ended.

Async AutoCall test is processed mobile by mobile.

AutoCall Setting
AutoCall test is processed sequentially
according to Mobile #.
1 Click [AutoCall] icon.
Per Call Generate log file for each call.
Each Scenario Generate log file for each scenario.

All Scenario Generate log file including all scenarios.

Generate log files according to configured

Per File Size
Generate log files according to configured
Per Time

None Generate no log file but runs AutoCall test.

All Info of Call Save [Call Statistics] – [All Info] tab screen in
Statistics *.jpg format.

Detail Info of Save [Call Statistics] – [Detailed Info] tab

Call Statistics screen in *.txt format.

By Count
Save MOS value of each Count in [MOS
Result of MOS
Statistics] window in *.xls format.

Save PESQ and POLQA information in *.xls

RTP Info Save RTP information table in *.xls format.

3. AutoCall Scenario Setting menu
AutoCall Setting (Cont’d)

Create Create new AutoCall scenario.

1 Click [AutoCall] icon. Scenario
Edit Edit existing AutoCall scenario.
Delete Delete AutoCall scenario.
Import Import pre-configured AutoCall scenario in
Scenario *.zsc format.
Export Export configured AutoCall scenario in *.zsc
Scenario format.

Assign scenario for other mobile ports in the

Apply Row
same row.
Apply All Assign scenario for all the other mobile ports.
Delete All Delete all assigned scenarios.
CSFB Manual CSFB options with ADB Commands

Traffic in Loss Keep call in Traffic condition with no Drop
Vocoder event even if there is no Vocoder packet.
Drop Vocoder Declare Drop event when there is no
Packet Timer Vocoder during the configured time (sec).
Code226 Declare no event when Code226 message
condition appears before the configured n%.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
AutoCall Scenario

1 Click [AutoCall] icon.

2 Click [Create Scenario] icon. 3 Enter a scenario name in Scenario Name entry field.

4 Configure AutoCall Scenario options.

5 Click [Add/Edit] button.

6 Click [OK] to save.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Common Timer Setting

Timer Description
Idle Time Standby time before starting next call setup. (unit: sec)
Maximum time allowed to connect to network after a call start. (unit: sec)
Setup Time * For Voice type Autocall test, time to establish a voice call (Traffic).
* For Data type Autocall test, time to allocate IP (PPP Connection).
In case of Data Autocall scenario. (unit: sec)
T.Setup Time
FTP example: time for FTP(DL/UL) server connection to GET/PUT command.
Setup Time + T.Setup Time.
Total Setup * When Setup Time and T.Setup Time is not separated.
* For FTP and HTTP test.
Maximum allowed time to sustain a call after call connection. (unit: sec)
Traffic Time
* Results TimeOut when, for example, test file/website is not fully downloaded/uploaded.
Call Count Counter how many times repeat Autocall loop (Idle/Setup(T.Setup)/Traffic Time).
Total Total call time.
Time(sec) Following must be satisfied: Total Time > Idle Time + Setup Time (+T.Setup Time) + Traffic Time

[Basic Flow - Voice Call]

[Basic Flow - Data Call]

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – Common
1 Call Type Setting
Origination Outgoing voice call test.
Termination Incoming voice call test.
Continuous voice call test ignoring set Traffic
MtoM Org Outgoing Mobile to Mobile voice call test.
MtoM Ter Incoming Mobile to Mobile voice call test.
Multiple Mobile to Mobile voice calls

Alternative outgoing/incoming voice call test.

Alternation can be configured for MtoM test,
and the pair of outgoing/incoming should be
2 Alternation Setting matched:
- OT: Repeats origination once and
termination once.
- TO: Repeats termination once and
origination once.

Setup dual-tone multi-frequency signalling:

- Qualcomm or AT Command
during Traffic
- ADB Command
DTMF can work with Interval from 1 to 5 sec.
Send DTMF in
Setup DTMF during Traffic Setup time
traffic setup
Required for Silence Detection during voice
Play Sound

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – MOS

1 MOS Setting

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – MOS(Cont’d)

Configures reference MOS value. When threshold is

Bad Quality
lower than the configured value, the call is declared as
Bad Quality.

Configures reference MOS value. When threshold is

Continuous B.Q.
1 Count Setting continuously lower than the configured value, the call is
declared as Continuous Bad Quality.

Configures reference count of Bad Quality. When there

2 Event Setting Continuous B.Q. are more numbers of Bad Quality than the configured
Count count, the call is declared as Continuous Bad Quality

Continuous Call Continue traffic for the corresponding voice call even if
In CBQ CBQ Fail is occurred.

MOS Count Configures number of MOS test in one call.

Measures MOS data as configured in MOS Count
Using MOS Count
ignoring Traffic Time configured in AutoCall Setting
for Traffic Time

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – MOS(Cont’d)

Test mobile measures MOS score while the

3 Measurement method TimeSync Simplex(Downlink)
opposite mobile plays sound source.

Test mobile plays sound source while the

TimeSync Simplex(Uplink)
opposite mobile measures MOS score.

Test mobile and the opposite mobile plays

TimeSync Half Duplex sound source and measures MOS score

Test mobile and the opposite mobile plays

ARS (Uplink Only) sound source and measures MOS score
alternately for promised time period.

Test mobile plays sound source for

promised time period while not
ARS (Downlink Only)
synchronizing sending and receiving

Mouth (MO Microphone) to Ear (MT

Mouth to Ear (TimeSync)
Speaker) test.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – MOS(Cont’d)

Selects MOS algorithm.

Algorithm PESQ, POLQA, MOS P.862, MOS P.862-1, MOS P.862-2,

Add algorithm Adds another algorithm for MOS test.

4 File / Algorithm Setting
Selects reference sound source for comparing to he
recorded sound source.
Original File
Recorded and played sound source should be identical
for comparison.

Different Play
Checks when reference and play sound source differ.
File from Org

Plays sound source in advance.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Voice – MOS(Cont’d)

Play Waiting Configures waiting time after ending play sound source.
Time(ms) Default value is set to zero ms.
Save Wave
Saves recorded sound source in 1 call unit.

Saves wav file when MOS result is less than the

configured value.
Wave Save
Threshold When it is set to save all wave files, it is configured to
4.75; when it it set not to save all wave files, it is
configured to 0 correspondingly.

Saves sound source recorded in mobile. In order to use

Record Phone
this option, Smart Call Recorder application should be
installed in smart phone in advance.

Volume Setting
5 Common Setting Tx Volume
Configures volume of sound source to be played.

Default is set as inactivation.

Volume Setting
Rx Volume Rx Volume value is configured automatically in
accordance with OS setting.

New MPM Detail Be activated when New MPM is detected.

6 Tx/Rx volume of New MPM can be increased.
Volume Setting
Android Mobile
Configures volume of Android smart phone HW.
Volume Setting

4. AutoCall Scenarios Host IP address or URL to connect to FTP server.
Login ID User ID to access FTP server.
Password Password to access FTP server.
Change Dir Click […] button to select test file directory (Internet
connection is required).
Moves to the designated directory automatically after
authentication process is completed.
Get File File name to download from FTP server (FTP Download
Put File Select file to upload to FTP server (FTP Upload scenario).
Wait Time Option to select time between Setup Time and T.Setup
Time (sec).
Logging FTP Check: logging payload data of TCP
Row Data Uncheck: logging only header data

AutoCall Checked by default: Process call test from Setup to Call

With End.
Network Unchecked: Process traffic in no Entry stage.
Entry (Required to work with specific USB and CPE devices )
Only Entry Process Autocall only with Network Entry.

Repeat Number of repetition after server connection. GET/PUT

command is to be repeated in Traffic.
• Count: Number of repetition.
• Delay: Delay before the next GET command (in sec)
Release after Waits for PPP Release after the completion of Data
LCP transmission. If the option is unchecked, it does not
Ter nego wait for PPP Release and ends call.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
App FTP (for XCAL-Smart) FTP Server IP address or URL to connect to FTP server.
FTP Port FTP server port.
Login ID User ID to access FTP server.
Password Password to access FTP server.
Change Dir Click […] button to select test file directory (Internet
connection is required).
Moves to the designated directory automatically after
authentication process is completed.
Get File File name to download from FTP server (FTP Download
Put File Select file to upload to FTP server (FTP Upload scenario).
File Deletion Delete file after FTP call is completed.
Passive Mode Select if client requires to work in Passive Mode.
Multi-Thread Select number of threads (multiple connections) to the
Session FTP server. Maximum number is 5.
Terminates a FTP call according to configured pending
condition (performance degradation).
• Start time (sec): Time after the start of Traffic Time
when pending conditions hast to start measuring.
• Interval (sec): How long throughput remains under
Pending selected threshold.
• Threshold (Kbps): The desired throughput threshold
in bps.
If throughput remains under the configured threshold
value for the set interval period, Pending event is
declared and the call is terminated.
Total Setup timer does not apply for App FTP Autocall.

4. AutoCall Scenarios

4. AutoCall Scenarios
App Ping (for XCAL-Smart)
Destination IP address or URL to ping or trace route.
Count Ping count.
TTL Time To Live.
Packet Length Send buffer length [Bytes].
Interval Interval period between each ping (sec).
Success Ratio Percentage of returned pings for Success event.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
Daemon IP address of the Daemon server.
When [Use Iperf Daemon ] is NOT selected: Configure port
for Iperf.
Port When [Use Iperf Daemon] is selected: For IPv4, select TCP
Port 42000 / UDP Port 42002.
* When port is occupied by OS, unable to conduct Iperf call.
Mode Select UDP or TCP mode.
Up: DM – Client (sender), Daemon – Server (receiver).
Down: DM – Server (receiver), Daemon – Client (sender).
Dual: DM controls both sending and receiving (-d option at

Packet Size Packet size to transmit in B (for UDP only).

Max Seg. Size Maximum packet size to transmit in B (for TCP).

Buffer Size / Buffer size in KB (for UDP).

Window Size Window Size in KB (for TCP).
Set fixed throughput for UDP test (in Kbps).

Log Payload Log whole payload of UDP or TCP test.

Daemon Checked: Transmits statistics when call is completed.

Postpone Unchecked: Transmits statistics displayed in Daemon to DM
Notify every 1 second.
Use Iperf
Checked by default: Communicate with Daemon only.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
App Iperf (for XCAL-Smart)
Daemon IP address of the Daemon server.
When [Use Iperf Daemon ] is NOT selected: Configure port
for Iperf.
Port When [Use Iperf Daemon] is selected: For IPv4, select TCP
Port 42000 / UDP Port 42002.
* When port is occupied by OS, unable to conduct Iperf call.
Mode Select UDP or TCP mode.
Up: DM – Client (sender), Daemon – Server (receiver).
Down: DM – Server (receiver), Daemon – Client (sender).
Dual: DM controls both sending and receiving (-d option at

Packet Size Packet size to transmit in B (for UDP only).

Max Seg. Size Maximum packet size to transmit in B (for TCP).

Buffer Size / Buffer size in KB (for UDP).

Window Size Window Size in KB (for TCP).
Set fixed throughput for UDP test (in Kbps).
Daemon Checked: Transmits statistics when call is completed.
Postpone Unchecked: Transmits statistics displayed in Daemon to DM
Notify every 1 second.
Use Iperf
Checked by default: Communicate with Daemon only.

4. AutoCall Scenarios
PS(2G, 3G, 4G Modem)

- Attach & Detach: Repeats Attach and Detach.

- PDP Context Act/Deact: Repeats Act/Deact packet data
transmission between mobile and network.
- Attach: Attaches mobile.
Call Type - Detach: Detaches mobile.
- Activate: Activates packet data transmission between
mobile and network.
- Deactivate: Deactivates packet data transmission
between mobile and network.
Waiting time
Time before Release Start from Success.
until Release

5. Monitoring Data
Message - PPP Frame(Mobile Packet) Message

5. Monitoring Data
Message – Signalling Message

5. Monitoring Data
User Defined – Cell Measurement

6. Call Statistics
Voice Autocall result

Event Name Description

Success Number of Success events.
Setup Fail Number of traffic connection fails during call setup.
Air Drop: Call is stopped due to network service disconnection.
Server Drop: File download/upload cannot be performed due to FTP server problem.
End By C.P
How many times counter part release call first after voice call traffic established.
(Counter Part)
End By M.R
(Mobile How many times mobile release call first after voice call traffic is established.
Error Call test cannot be processed due to interface problem.

6. Call Statistics
FTP Autocall result

Event Name Description

Success Number of Success events.

Setup Fail Number of Traffic connection fails during call setup.
Traffic Fail Number of abnormal call fails after Traffic connection.
Air Drop: Call is stopped due to network service disconnection.
Server Drop: File download/upload cannot be performed due to FTP server problem.
Pending Call is not able to be completed due to set Pending conditions.
Time Out The designated file is not able to be downloaded/uploaded within the configured Traffic Time.
Error Call test cannot be processed due to interface problem.

[Pending event]
If throughput remains under the
configured threshold value for
the set interval period, Pending
event is declared and the call is

6. Call Statistics
Ping Autocall result

Event Name Description

Success Number of Success events.

Setup Fail Number of Traffic connection fails during call setup.
Traffic Fail Number of abnormal call fails after Traffic connection.
Pending Call is not able to be completed due to set Pending conditions.
Error Call test cannot be processed due to interface problem.

6. Call Statistics
Iperf Autocall result

Event Name Description

Success Number of Success events.

Setup Fail Number of Traffic connection fails during call setup.
Traffic Fail Number of abnormal call fails after Traffic connection.
Air Drop: Call is stopped due to network service disconnection.
Server Drop: File download/upload cannot be performed due to FTP server problem.
Time Out The designated file is not able to be downloaded/uploaded within the configured Traffic Time.
Error Call test cannot be processed due to interface problem.

6. Call Statistics
PS Autocall result

Event Name Description

Success Number of Success events.

Setup Fail Number of Traffic connection fails during call setup.
Traffic Fail Number of abnormal call fails after Traffic connection.
Air Drop: Call is stopped due to network service disconnection.
Server Drop: File download/upload cannot be performed due to FTP server problem.
Error Call test cannot be processed due to interface problem.

7. Troubleshooting
Port Setting
1 No TCP/IP packets are displayed in the windows. Check if [TCP/IP Dump] is checked in [Mobile Alias Setting].

VoLTE : 1500 B
App : 200 B

2 No Graph and Signaling Message is displayed. Check if LogMask is configured properly.

Try LogMask:
LTE Recommend

7. Troubleshooting

1 When using USB GPS provided, GPS COM Install drivers or configure GPS port manually.
port is not installed.

GPS USB driver should be

available on support portal.
You can also ask our
support to provide the files.

7. Troubleshooting
FTP Autocall

1 Traffic Fail event occurred during FTP test.

[530 Login incorrect]

ID and PW is configured incorrectly.

[550 Failed to change directory]

Wrong directory for file download is configured.

[550 Could not get file size]

Wrong file is selected for download.

7. Troubleshooting
FTP Autocall

2 [Skip Call – Socket Open Fail] event occurred during FTP test.

[Skip Call – Socket Open Fail]

Mobile’s Data Network is off.

3 [File Deletion] is set and the uploaded file is not deleted.

Server sometimes misses Tx DELE command.


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