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Nacira DAOUDI ZERROUKI 1*, Rabiha AROUN 1., TLILI Thiziri1., Thilali AMROUN2., Ammar KALEM3
¹Laboratoire Ressources Naturelles, Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et Agronomiques, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou. Algérie
²Faculté de Biologie. Université de Blida1. Algérie
³Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires. Université de Blida1. Algérie
4Université Hassiba BENBOUALI-Chlef- Algérie
Autthor corresponding:
The World Health Organization states that over 1,000 pesticides are used in agriculture worldwide. Since the 1990s, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has
noted an increase in the quantity of pesticides used on crops worldwide. The health risks associated with animal and human exposure to pesticides can be associated with intoxication
(accidental ingestion, skin contact, inhalation when handling or using the product). The main target organs are the central nervous system, liver, kidney and adrenal glands. The products most
frequently used are : Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides (Poitou-Charentes, 2000). Our work focused on the study of structural and functional changes in the liver of rabbits treated with a
pesticide. The aim was to assess the effects of exposure to Voliam Targo®, an abamectin-based pesticide, on hepatic, renal and adrenal structures and functions.


The results of the biochemical parameters and the histo-cytological study of the livers of rabbits treated with VT® showed :
 Batching
A variation between the control and treated batches, with a significant increase (P≤ 0.05) in plasma ASAT, ALAT and TRIG
Control group (n=12)
24 does of (daily gavage with levels, as well as a highly significant difference (P< 0.01) in PAL levels;
synthetic distilled water
from 4
months old Treatment group Very marked lesions in the liver tissue, with dilation of the veins and appearance of micro and macro-vacuolar steatosis,
(n=12) (daily force-
feeding VT® dose)

 WEIGHT OF DOES  Control and experimental lot

- No significant differences in initial body weight and final body weight at sacrifice were
reported between control and treated rabbits (P > 0.05). Des résultats similaires sont
rapportés chez des rats traités avec (5 mg/kg/jr et 10mg/kg/jr) d’émamectine benzoate VP
Répartition selon l’état physiologique (Khaldoun Oularbi et al., 2015). Conversely, Bokreta, 2022 noted a significant reduction in
body weight in adult male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) treated with this same pesticide H
for 21 days. (G) VP
Sacrifice VCL
Body weight
Dissection Target organ
 Organs weight
blood removed
and weighed - Our results for the weights of the different organs of the two batches are presented in the
Histological method following table. B

Figure 1: Histology of liver parenchyma in rabbits (A): G*10, (B):G*40. CLV: Centrilobular
vein. VP: Portal vein. S: Sinusoid. H: Hepatocyte.

1. Fixing the 2.dehydration, and 3.Inclusion in

Impregnation in (J)
components paraffin.

The study by Bokreta (2022) showed that treatment with voliam targo® did not significantly
(P>0.05) increase liver and kidney weights.

4 Making cuts and Dewaxing and

and eosin  Blood biochemical parameters
spreading moisturising the cuts staining (HE)
- Transaminases (ASAT, ALAT) are biomarkers of liver function and their increase in
plasma levels is probably linked to the hepatotoxic effect of the pesticide tested.
Treatment with the abamectin-based pesticide resulted in a significant increase (P≤0.05) Figure 2. general organisation of the adrenal gland in the control and experimental batches.
in the enzymatic activity of transaminases (ALAT, ASAT) and γ -GT in the treated batch (TEMGx4):
compared with the control batch ( Eissa et Zidan, 2010; Khaldoun Oularbi and al., 2013; control batch, (EXP Gx4): treated batch, (ZG): Glomerulated zone, (ZF): Fasciculated zone ,
Maligi et Hassan, 2017and Bokreta, 2022. (ZR)Reticulated zone.
- A significant increase in plasma creatinine was observed in adult male rabbits given VT
7. Blade assembly 8. Microscopic observation rabbit, in association with a decrease in the filtration capacity of the kidneys, reflecting
an alteration in renal function (Bokreta, 2022). Similar results were also recorded in male
albino rats exposed to avermectins (Eissa and Zidan. 2010; Khaldoun Oularbi et al.
BIOCHEMICAL BLOOD TEST 2015; Magdy et al. 2016; Nasr et al. 2016).
Automate  Histo-Cytologie These initial results have highlighted the toxic effect of the
(ARCHITECT ci 4100). Hepatic steatosis is observed in tissue sections from treated rabbits and is probably
due to altered lipid metabolism and reduced hepatic oxidation of fatty acids,
pesticide VT® on liver structures and their function. They
causing them to accumulate. Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis is a frequent cause of further confirm that exposure of living organisms to these
moderate increases in transaminases (Ontko. 1973). These alterations affect cell pesticides affects their metabolic functions and
 STATISTICAL METHOD function and can contribute to liver function dysfunction. In the kidney, there is consequently their health.
destruction of the epithelial cells of the glomerulus, perforation of Bowman's
Logiciel JASP Team
capsule and some dilatation of the kidney. In the adrenal gland, there is a general
(2020) version
disorganisation of the structure, resulting in impaired adrenal function. Several
authors have shown similar histological changes in the liver and kidney in rabbits
(Makhlouf, 20; Bokreta, 2022) and rats (Khaldoun Oularbi et al. (2015); Magdy et
al. (2016); Abdel-Daim and Abdellatief (2018); Radi et al. (2020)

Khaldoun-Oularbi, H. (2015). Etude des variations biochimiques et histologiques hépatique et rénale chez le rat traité par deux biopesticides l’emamectine benzoate et l’abamectine. (Doctoral
dissertation, Algeria).
Abdel-Daim, M. M., & Abdellatief, S. A. (2018). Attenuating effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and betaine on
abamectin-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(16), 15909-15917. Khaldoun Oularbi, H., Richeval, C., Lebaili, N., Zerrouki-Daoudi, N., Baha, M., Djennas, N., & Allorge, D. (2017). Ameliorative effect of vitamin C against hepatotoxicity induced by emamectin
benzoate in rats. Human & experimental toxicology, 36(7), 709-717.
Bokreta. S., (2022). Etude de la toxicité de Voliam Targo® (Abamectine + Chlorantraniliprole) chez le lapin d’une souche
Kushwaha, S., Anerao, I., Rajput, S., Bhagriya, P., & Roy, H. (2020). Evaluation of abamectin induced hepatotoxicity in Oreochromis mossambicus. Cogent Biology, 6(1), 1761277.
locale en Algérie,
Magdy, B. W., Mohamed, F. E., Amin, A. S., & Rana, S. S. (2016). Ameliorative effect of antioxidants (vitamins C and E) against abamectin toxicity in liver, kidney and testis of male albino rats. The
Eissa, F. & Zidan, N. (2010). Haematological, biochemical and histopathological alterations induced by abamectin and Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology, 77, 69-82.
Bacillus thuringiensis in male albino rats. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 61(1), 33-44.
Makhlouf C., (2021). Etude de la toxicité de l’ivermectine chez le lapin d’une souche locale en Algérie.
FAO., (2016) Produire plus avec moins en pratique. Le maïs, le riz, le blé, guide pour une production céréalière durable. Meligi, N., & Hassan, H. (2017). Protective effects of Eruca sativa (rocket) on abamectin insecticide toxicity in male albino rats. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(10).
Khaldoun-Oularbi, H., Richeval, C., Djenas, N., Lhermitte, M., Humbert, L., Baz, A. (2013). Effect of sub-acute Poitou-Charentes., (2000) : Fiche polluant d’ATMO et Les pesticides dans l’eau potable, édition, DRASS Bretagne, 2000.
exposure to abamectin “insecticide” on liver rats (Rattus norvegicus). Annales de toxicologie analytique, 25(2), 63-70.

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