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Citation Style

7th ed.
Referencing Formats & Examples

Library Training Team




APA Style follows the author-date system.

For each work used in the paper we form an in-text citation and a corresponding reference entry in a list at the end of the paper.

In-text citations appear at the body of the paper and provide the author's last name and the year of the work’s publication.

Citations can be parenthetical or narrative. In parenthetical citations the author’s last name and the year are given within a parenthesis, while in narrative
citations the authors name can appear in running text and the year of publication within a parenthesis.


Parenthetical citation: Emerging evidence indicates that… (Smiths, 2021).

Narrative citation: Smiths (2021) indicated in his study that…..

Page numbers only needed in case of quotations (not paraphrases, not summaries).


(King, 2010, p.60) (King, pp.62-64) (King, pp. 30, 75-79)

Updated October 2023



Work by one author: (Author, Year)

example: (King, 2010)

Work by two authors: (Author & Author, Year)

example: (Ebbing & Gammon, 2011)

Work by three or more authors: Provide only the first author followed by et al.

example: (Su et al., 2015)

Multiple works by different authors: Provide the works alphabetically and separate them with a semi colon.

example: (Bryan, 2000; Delton, 1999; Smith 2020)

Multiple works by same author: Provide the works chronologically starting from the oldest and separate them with a semi colon. Give author’s
name once.

example: (Bryan, n.d.; 1999; 2020; in press)

Multiple works, same author, same year of publication: put an extra indication after year and list alphabetically but title.

example: (Bryan, 2020a; 2020b)

Unauthored works: provide the title of work, or an abbreviated form of it, if it is long. For books, put title in italics. For articles or chapters, put title
in quotation marks.

examples: (A few thoughts, 2014) (‘’Short voyage ‘’, 1970)

Updated October 2023


If the work is signed by anonymous, use the word like a name.

example: (Anomymous, 1940).

Works by corporate author (e.g. organizations): (full name of corporate author, year)

example: (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2020).

If cited more than once, list the full name of organization for the first citation and put in square brackets the abbreviated form. For next citations
use only the abbreviation.

example: first citation: (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki [AUTH], 2020).

next citations: (AUTH, 2020)

Updated October 2023


Periodicals: Journals, magazines, newspapers

Basic Format :
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

→ Always include a DOI. DOIs are needed even when using the print source.

→ DOIs may not always be available. In these cases, use a URL

→ List up to 20 authors in your reference entry.

→ For 21 or more authors, include the first 19, then an ellipsis (...) followed by the last author's name.

Source In-text citation Reference

Bahrick, H. P. (1979). Maintenance of knowledge: Questions about memory we forgot

Journal article, one author (Bahrick, 1979) to ask. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 108, 296–308.

Findeisen, S., & Sachs, D. (in press). Education and optimal dynamic taxation: The role
Journal article,
(Findeisen & Sachs, in press) of income-contingent student loans. Journal of Public Economics.
2 authors

Updated October 2023


Roediger, H. L., III, Agarwal, P. K., McDaniel, M. A., & McDermott, K. B. (2011). Test-
Εnhanced learning in the classroom: Long-Τerm improvements from quizzing.
Journal article, 3 up to 20 authors (Roediger et al., 2011) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17(4), 382–395.

Kang, E. Y., Cheasley, D., Le Page, C., Wakefield, M. J., da Cunha Torres, M., Rowley,
S., Salazar, C., Xing, Z., Allan, P., Bowtell, D. D. L., Mes-Masson, A.-M.,Provencher,
D. M., Rahimi, K., Kelemen, L. E., Fasching, P. A., Doherty, J. A., Goodman, M. T.,
Journal article, more than 20 authors (Kang et al., 2008)
Goode, E. L., Deen, S., … Gorringe, K. L. (2021). Refined cut-off for TP53
immunohistochemistry improves prediction of TP53 mutation status in ovarian
mucinous tumors: Implications for outcome analyses. Modern Pathology, 34(1),

Lang, C., & Cachero, P. (2021, April 7). How a long history of intertwined racism and
(Lang & Cachero, 2021) misogyny leaves asian women in America vulnerable to violence. Time.
Magazine article

Formed as webpages

Newspaper article Tobitt, C. (2023, April 3). Bauer sells Trout & Salmon to Fieldsports Press. Press Gazete.
(Tobbit, 2023)

Updated October 2023


Newspaper article, no author Shipping: The two major clients of Greek ports. (2023, January 1). Το Vima.
(“Shipping”, 2023)

Beeple, N. (2010). [Review of the book Higher education and international student
mobility in the global knowledge economy, by Gürüz, K.]. The Canadian Journal of
Book review, untitled (Beeple, 2010)
Higher Education, 40(3), 106-108.

Joanne, P. (2023). A chilling dystopia [Review of Thrill Switch by Tim Hawken].

Book review, titled
(Joanne, 2023)

Include only indirect source

Include both original and
secondary work Chong, V., & Kuo, C. H. (2015). Racial identity profiles of asian-white biracial young
Secondary source (indirect citation) adults: Testing a theoretical model with cultural and psychological correlates.
(Stevens, as cited in Chong & Asian American Journal of Psychology, 6(3), 203-212.
Kuo, 2015)

Updated October 2023



Basic format:
Author, A. A. (year). Title: Subtitle. Publisher. DOI

→ Always include a DOI. DOIs are needed even when using the print source.

→ DOIs may not always be available. In these cases, use a URL

→ For multiple authors, check periodical general guides

Source In-text citation Reference

(Franklin, 2007) Franklin, C. (2007). Byron. Routledge.

Printed book

Kazdin, A. E. (2011). Single-case research designs: Methods for

Edition other than the first (Kazdin, 2011)
clinical and applied settings (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

King, H. (1998). Hippocrates' woman: Reading the female body in

Ebook with a doi (King, 1998) Ancient Greece. Routledge.

Updated October 2023


Del Rey, Lester. (2023). Absolutely no paradox. Project Gutenberg.

Ebook, no doi (Del Rey, 2023)

Spielberger, Ch. D. (Ed.). (1966). Anxiety and behavior. Academic

Edited book, no author/s (Spielberger, 1966)

Shinn, M. R. (2008). Best practices in using curriculum based

Book chapter of edited book measurement and its use in the problem-solving model. In A.
(Shinn, 2008)
Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology IV
(pp. 243–262). National Association of School Psychologists.

All subsequent uses of name should use

Never use abbreviated forms of names in Reference List.
the abbreviation only
When corporate author and publisher are the same, omit the publisher.

Book with a corporate author (American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of
[APA] 2020)
the American Psychological Association: The official guide to
APA style (7th ed.)

(A few thoughts, 2014) A few thoughts. (2014). Johnson Press.

If the work is signed by “Anonymous” in title page, instead of the author's

Book with no author, no editor
last name, cite “Anonymous”
(Anonymous, 2010)
Anonymous. (2010). Untold story. Birghen Press.

Updated October 2023


Coelho, P. (1993). The alchemist (A. R. Clarke, Trans.). HarperOne.

Translated book (Coelho, 1988/1993)
(Original work published 1988).

Citation must be formed according to publication form (article, book,

webpage, etc)

Su, C. F., Wang, S.H., & Yeh, M.L. (Eds). (2015). 1st global conference
Conference proceedings (Su et al., 2015) on biomedical engineering & 9th asian-pacific conference
on medical and biological engineering: October 9-12, 2014,
Tainan, Taiwan. Springer.

Include only indirect source

Include both original and secondary work
Vakalopoulos, K. A. (1988). Modern history of Macedonia 1830-1912:
Secondary sources (Trajanovski, as cited in Vakalopoulos, From the birth of the Greek State until the liberation.
1988) Barbounakis.

Updated October 2023


Theses, dissertations

Basic format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of dissertation [Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis, Name of Institution). Name of resource. URL

Source In-text Citation Reference

Tsinidis, G.K. (2015). On the seismic behaviour and design of tunnels

Thesis: Institutional Repository (Tsinidis, 2015) [Doctoral Dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki]. IKEE.

Always use a DOI. If not available, no need to use databases’s url because it is not
accessible by all readers.
Thesis: Commercial database (Wilson, 2010) Wilson, D. H. (2010). Vocational education in high schools: A future outlook
(Publication No. 3402501) [Doctoral Dissertation, Liberty University].
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Oast, J. B. (2008). Forgotten masters: Institutional slavery in Virginia 1680-

Unpublished thesis (Oast, 2008) 1860 [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The college of William and
Mary in Virginia.

Updated October 2023


Dictionaries & encyclopedias

Basic format:
Author, A. A.. (Year). Title of entry. In A. A. Editor (ed.), Title of reference work (edition). Publisher. URL

Or: Institution or organization name. (Year). Title of entry. In Title of reference work. URL

Source In-text citation Reference

Masters, N. T. (2014). Abstinence. In R. J. R. Levesque (Επιμ.), Encyclopedia

Authored entry in dictionary or of Adolescence.
(Masters, 2014)

Cambridge University Press (n.d.). Abortion. In Cambridge Dictionaries

(Cambridge University Press, n.d.) Online.

Entry in dictionary or encyclopedia,

no author
Norton, E., & Smith, W. (Eds). (2015). Abortion. In Dictionary of Medical
(Norton & Smith, 2015)
Terms (2nd ed., p.85). Medical Press.

Updated October 2023


Basic format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title. URL

→ Always end the reference with the URL

→ Only include a retrieval date when contents of a page are not stable and archived

→ When author of the webpage and the site name are the same, omit the site name from the source element to avoid repetition

Source In-text citation Reference

Denny, J. (2018). Employee training: The secret to business success. Elearning

Webpage, individual author
(Denny, 2018) Industry.

When author of the webpage and the site name are the same, omit the site name
All subsequent uses of name should use
from the source element
the abbreviation only
Webpage, corporate author
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Institute for
(United Nations Educational Scientific
Lifelong Learning (2013). 2nd Global report on adult learning and
and Cultural Organization [UNESCO],
education: Rethinking literacy.

Woodyatt, A. (2021, July 8). Climate change altered the size of human
(Woodyatt, 2021)
bodies. CNN.
Webpage of online newspaper

Updated October 2023


Tattersall, M. (2020, December 1). What's driving IT spend growth in

Blog post (Tattersall, 2020) Canada, how it will be impacted by COVID-19, and what the new normal
could look like. Insider,

All subsequent uses of name should use Only include retrieval date when contents of a page are not stable and archived
the abbreviation only
Webpage with a retrieval date Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (n.d.). University Units. Retrieved
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki December 10, 2021 from
[AUTH], n.d.)

Drakolimni. (2021, March 25 ). In

Wikipedia (‘’Drakolimni’’, 2021) Wikipedia.

Updated October 2023


Other Sources

→ In social media, author is the uploader, the profile owner. In case of no real name, use only username/screenname

→When author and publisher are the same, omit publisher form source element

Source In-text citation Reference

Author, A.A. [@username]. (Year, Month Date). Content of the post up to the
first 20 words [Tweet]. Twitter. URL

Tweet (Digital Trends, 2020) Digital Trends [@DigitalTrends]. (2020, April 7). Drones that can detect
fevers and coughing will soon take to the sky [Video attached]
[Tweet]. Twitter.

Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date). Content of the post up to the first 20
words [Attached media, if applicable] [Type of post]. Site Name. URL

Fake Library Statistics. (2021, April 4). 48% of library security systems
Facebook post (Fake Library Statistics, 2021) are simply a lady at the front desk giving everyone the stink eye
[status update]. Facebook.

Author, A.A. (Year). Title [MOOC]. Publisher. URL

Massive open online courses
(MOOC) Cantor, D., & Woolley, A. ( n.d.). Internal displacement, conflict and
(Cantor & Woolley, n.d.)
protection [MOOC]. Coursera.

Updated October 2023


Author, A.A. (Year, Month, Date). Title [Powerpoint slides or Lecture Notes].
Publisher. URL

Published PowerPoint Slide or (Breuning, 2015) Breuning, L. (2015). Mammalian brain chemistry explains everything
Lecture Note References [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.

Author, A.A. (Year, Month, Date). Title [Webinar]. Publisher. URL

Recorded/published webinar (Detweiler, 2021) Detweiler, G. (2021). How to find and get a small business grant
[Webinar]. Score.

Organization Name. (Year). Title [Press Release]. Publisher. URL

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021, June 29). Coronavirus

Press release (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2021) (COVID-19) Update: June 29, 2021 [Press release].

Organization Name or Author, A.A. (Year). Title [Report No]. Publisher. URL

Van Norman, E. R., & Christ, T. J. (2012). Analysis of standard error of

measurement for reading using simulated and live data (Report
Report (Van Norman & Christ, 2012)
No.12). University of Minnesota.

Organization Name. (Year). Title [Patent No]. Publisher. URL

Patent (Optinose, 2021) Optinose AS. (2021). Better nasal drug delivery Patent number (Patent
No EP2340865). European Patent Office.

Updated October 2023


Author, A.A or organization. (Year). Title [description of form of data set].

Publisher or Source of unpublished data. DOI or URL

*If the dataset is untitled, give a description of the data and publication status
in square brackets.Include a retrieval date only if the data set is designed to
(Boetius, 2020) change over time.
Data sets

Boetius, A. (2020). Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM710

entire data set) of RV METEOR during cruise M76/3b [Data Set].

Organization Name. (Year). Title [Standard No]. Publisher. URL

International Organization for Standardization. (2015). Environmental

(International Organization for Standardization,
ISO standards management systems: Requirements with guidance for use (ISO
standard No 14001:2015).

Organization Name. (Year). Title [Brochure or Pamphlet]. Publisher. URL

(Chen Design Associates, n.d.) Chen Design Associates. (n.d.). Brownie and Madam [Brochure].

Updated October 2023


Audiovisual material

Source In-text citation Rererence

Author, A.A. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production

*Author=director or writer
(Meirelles, 2019)
Meirelles, F. (Director). (2019). The two popes [film]. Netflix.
(Fleming & Mitchell, 1939)
Fleming, V. (Director), & Mitchell, M. (Writer). (1939). Gone with the wind [Film].
Selznick International Pictures.

Author, A. A. [Username]. (Year, Month Day). Title of video [Video]. Streaming Service. URL

Youtube video
(Nicolae, 2017)
Nicolae, C. (2017, January 12). Sting - Shape of My Heart (Leon) [Video]. YouTube.

Author, A. A. (n.d.). Home [Youtube channel]. Retrieval date, url

Youtube channel *Auhor=uploader

(NASA, n.d.)
NASA. (n.d.). Home [Youtube channel]. Retrieved July 8, 2021 from

Updated October 2023


Author, A.A. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (No. Episode number) [Audio podcast
episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL

Podcast (Lichtman, 2020)
Lichtman, F. (Host). (2020, December 2021). How potatoes took over the world
[Audio podcast episode]. In Every little thing. Gimlet.

Author, A.A. (Producer). (Year, Month Day). Title of broadcast [Television broadcast]. Studio
or Distributor.


(Crane & Kauffman, 1994-2004) Crane, D., & Kauffman, M. (Producers). (1994-2004). Friends [TV series]. Warner Bros
Television broadcast (series, Studios.
(Bright, 1998) Bright, K.S. (Episode director). (1998, November 19). The One with All the
Thanksgivings (season 8, episode 5) [TV series episode]. In D. Crane, D., & M.
Huffman (Executive producers), Friends. Warner Bros Studios.

Author, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Radio broadcast]. Name of site. URL

*Author= announcer, presenter

Radio broacast (James, 2020)

James, G. (Presenter). (2020, June 9). Radio 1 Breakfast [Radio broadcast]. BBC.

Updated October 2023


Author, A.A. (Year). Title [image format]. Publisher. URL

*Author= photographer, creator. When photo is untitled, give a description in square brackets

Pardo, P. (2018). [Group of Central American migrants climbing a fence between

(Pardo, 2018) Mexico and the US] [Photograph]. Time.
Picture/ image from an online
source *unauthored:
(Supply Chain, n.d.)

Supply Chain [Image]. (n.d.). Knowyourmeme.

Picture number. Title or decription in square brackets. Adapted from Source Citation
according source format (book, article, webpage ets)

Reproducing/inserting an image

Figure 2. Operations of Symbol table. Adapted from Symbol Table in Compiler, by

@Ankit87 , November 3, 2021, Geeks for Geeks. Retreived December 10, 2021 from Copyright 2010 by

Updated October 2023


Formatting and arranging a Reference List

Page layout:

→ Reference List should always appear at the end of the paper, on a new, separate page.

→ Label the page "References" in bold, centered text.

→ Double-space all reference list.

→ Don’t separate, don’t extra space reference entries.

→ All lines after the first line of each entry should be indented one-half inch (1,27 cm) from the left margin.

→ Don’t number references.

Order of references:

→ Arrange references alphabetically by author’s last name.

→ Two or more works by the same author: list them in order of publication date with the older one first.

→ Two or more works by the same author that have been published in the same year: list them alphabetically by title. Letters 'a', 'b', etc. are placed
after the year, e.g. (2019a), (2019b).

→ A work with no date is consider to be older than a work with a date (e.g.: n.d., 2010, 2015a, 2015b, 2020, in press).

→ Two or more works by the same first author and different subsequent authors: list alphabetically by second author.

Updated October 2023


→ For group authors (corporations, organizations etc.) give the full name, even though abbreviations may be used in your text.

→ Works with unknown author: list alphabetically by title, ignoring articles.

→ If the work is signed as “Anonymous”, use it as an author’s name.

→ Works in another language: provide the reference in the original language. For works in non-latin alphabet (e.g. greek), use a transcriptional
system to help you arrange the works (for further comprehension for the arrangement see Reference List example).

→ ‘’Nothing comes before something’’ when alphabetizing. That means that shorter names precede longer ones with which they share first letters.
For example, Smith precedes Smiths. It also means that one-author works precede multiple authors-works with same first author (e.g. Smiths, G.B.
(2022) precedes Smiths, G.B., & Jacobs, T.E. (2010)).

Updated October 2023



American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (6th ed.).

American Psychological Association. (2020a). Guide to what’s new in the publication manual

of the American Psychological Association, seventh edition.

American Psychological Association. (2020b). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.)

Anonymous. (2010). Untold story. Birghen Press.

Μπαλής, Σ. (2003). Λυρικά oυρανογραφήματα. Νησίδες.

Bloom, P. (n.d.). Introduction to Psychology [Online Course]. Coursera.

Del Rey, Lester. (2023). Absolutely no paradox. Project Gutenberg.

Digital Trends [@DigitalTrends]. (2020, April 7). Drones that can detect fevers and coughing

will soon take to the sky [Video attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

A few thoughts. (2014). Johnson Press.

Φώτογλου, Κ. (2021). Ασύρματη μεταφορά ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας (WPT) με χρήση του

συντονιστή EC-SRR [Πτυχιακή εργασία, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης].


King, H. (1998). Hippocrates' woman: Reading the female body in Ancient Greece.


NASA. (n.d.). Home [Youtube channel]. Retrieved July 8, 2021 from

Spielberger, Ch. D. (Ed.). (1966). Anxiety and behavior. Academic Press.

Vakalopoulos, K. A. (1988). Modern history of Macedonia 1830-1912: From the birth of

the Greek State until the liberation. Barbounakis.

Βεργίδης, Δ., & Κόκκος, Α. (Επιμ.). (2010). Εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων: Διεθνείς

προσεγγίσεις και ελληνικές διαδρομές. Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.

Wilson, D. H. (2010). Vocational education in high schools: A future outlook

(Publication No. 3402501) [Doctoral dissertation, Liberty University]. ProQuest

Dissertations & Theses Global.

World Health Organization. (2015). Global health ethics.

Ξυδώνας, Π., & Δούκας, Χ. (2018, 1 Σεπτεμβρίου). Δασμοί, διεθνές εμπόριο και ενεργειακές

επιπτώσεις. Η Ναυτεμπορική, σ. 9.

Ζήρας, Α. (2010). Σύγχρονα Κτερίσματα [Κριτική του βιβλίου Ο θησαυρός των αηδονιών και

άλλα διηγήματα, του Η. Χ. Παπαδημητρακόπουλου]. Διαβάζω (505), 34-35.

Zorpette, G. (2002). Let there be light. IEEE Spectrum, 39(9), 70-74.

Zorpette, G., & Bretz, E. A. (2002). Finding the strange and wonderful in electric town [tools &

toys]. IEEE Spectrum, 39(7), 40-42.


This work is licenced under a

Creative Commons - Attribution – Share Alike 4.0

Based on official APA Style Guide:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Guide to What’s New in the Publication

Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.

Edited by Eleni Tzavella

For further assistance please contact Library Training Team

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

University Campus
Central Library, Scientific Reading Room
Phone: +302310994216

How to cite this work:

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Library and Information Centre. (2023). APA

Citation Style: 7th edition formats & referencing examples.

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