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SDG 2015 ( For reference) 2023


SDG 1 : No Poverty 24.85 % Multidimensional Significant decline of 9.89

Poverty Rate percentage points in
India's multidimensionally
poor from 24.85% in
2015-16 to 14.96% in
SDG 2: Zero Hunger prevalence of
undernourishment declined
from 21.7% in 2004-2006 to
14% in 2019, but at 195
million -the highest number
of undernourished
people worldwide
SDG 3: Maternal Mortality rate
Good Health and Well Being down from 130 in 2014 to
97 in 2018-19
SDG 4: Gross enrolment ratio for
Quality Education primary education
increasing from 93.4% in
2014-15 to 94.3% in

Literacy rate 74.04%(2015)

to 81.3% (2023
SDG 5: Sex ratio at birth
Gender Equality increasing from 918 in
2011 to 934 in 2020.
But Female Labour Force
Participation declined
from 27% 2015 to 22.5 %
SDG 6: Access to basic drinking
Clean Water and Sanitation water in rural households
increased from 84% in 2015
to 86% in 2020.

Under Sanitation, access to

basic facilities in rural areas
improved from 39% in 2015
to 67% in 2022. Open
defecation came down from
55% in 2015 to 17% in 2022.
SDG 7: universal electricity access
Affordable and Clean Energy with 96.7%
households electrified.

Renewable energy installed

capacity grew from 36 GW
in 2014 to 100 GW by 2021

On downside, Only 44%

households use clean fuels
as primary cooking fuel as of
2019 according to WHO.
SDG 8: Decent Work and India improved its Ease of
Economic Growth Doing Business rankings
from 142 in 2015 to 63 in
2019 as per World Bank.

Unemployment rate stood

at 5.3% in 2015 and steadily
increased to 7.6% by 2019
as per Periodic Labor
Force Survey data

SDG 9: From 2015-2020, the pace

Industry, Innovation and of national highway
Infrastructure construction increased from
12 km/day to 37 km/day

Mobile penetration
increased from 74% in 2015
to 85% in 2020.

But India's gross domestic

expenditure on R&D has
stagnated at around 0.7% of
GDP over the last decade.
SDG 10: Reduce Inequality India is ranked 87 out of
144, improving from its 108
position in 2015. It has
closed its gender gap by 2%
in a year: its gap now stands
at 68% across the four
pillars of economy,
education, health and
political representation
SDG 11: Urban Population: 31.2%
Sustainable Cities and (2015) [21] Urban
Communities Population: 37.2% (2023)
[22] - India's urban
population has been
steadily increasing,
challenging sustainable
urban development.
SDG 12: India recycles about 70% of
Responsible Consumption the total e-waste generated
and Production annually, higher than
developed nations like the
US (30%) and Europe (35-
40%) as per UN estimates.

But Waste Generation:

1,49,771 tonnes/day (2015)
[23] Waste Generation:
1,68,000 tonnes/day (2023)
[24] - The volume of waste
generated has increased,
posing challenges in
responsible waste
SDG 13: Renewable energy
Climate Action comprised 24% of India's
total installed power
capacity by 2020, up
from 13% in 2015

From 2015-17, 1.5 million

hectares were brought
under afforestation.
(Source: NITI Aayog SDG
India Index 2020-21).

Early warning systems are

now in place for various
disasters covering over 70%
of vulnerable areas
SDG 14: India's mangrove cover has
Life Below Water increased from 4,277 sq km
in 2015 to
4,992 sq km in 2021.

The number of Ramsar sites,

protected wetlands of
international importance,
has increased from 27 in
2015 to 49 covering 1.1
million hectares
SDG 15: Forest cover has increased
Life on Land from 24.16% of total
geographical area in 2015 to
24.62% in 2021. However,
the target is to reach 33%
forest cover by 2030.

Number of Protected Areas

including National Parks,
Wildlife Sanctuaries and
Conservation Reserves has
gone up from 690 in 2014 to
903 in 2020 covering 5.03%
of India's land area. The
target is to increase
this to 10% by 2030.
SDG 16: India has seen a decline in
Peace, Justice and Strong violent crimes like murder,
Institutions kidnapping and riots per 1
lakh population from 5.2 in
2015 to 3.0 in 2020
indicating improvement in
law and
order. (Source: NCRB)

As of August 2022, India had

around 22,000 pending
cases per 10 lakh population
in the district and
subordinate courts
demonstrating challenges in
timely case disposal. The
number of judges per
million population also
remains low at 21.
(Source: DAKSH, PRS)
SDG 17: Total Line of Credit
Partnerships for the Goals commitments increased
from $10.9 billion in 2014 to
$32.9 billion in 2021.

India's share of international

co-authored research
publications increased from
5.1% in
2015 to 6.3% in 2020

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