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In this essay, we are going to explore linguishcS in languages Let's look at

how linquisthcs can help us understand lanquages and how we can use

linguishcs to learm new lanquages, as it has developed over time it is a

sience that deals with the structure. use and development of languages
Linquishcs is dvided into several branches that dedl with different aspects of
language Phonehics deals wth the sound of language. morphology deals mth
the shape of words. syntax deals with the struchure of sentences, and
semanthcs deals wth the meaning of language it developed in the 19th
century. when linguists began to apply scientfC methods to the study of

language Before that. the study of language was considered more of a

branch of philosophy than a saence unguishcs also has applicahons in other
areas, such as psychology. anthropology. socology. and edutation Linguists
work in a variety of felds. such as teaching research, translation, and
software development.

Toplc LTrends in lirngulstc theory
The complexity of the relathonships between languages such as speaking and
wrning has also been wdely recognized in language educahon in recent years
The linguist also recogn1zes and accepts wmthaut judgment the value of the
edstence of lanquage vaneties. such as regional dalects and social dalects
inguishcs recognizes as a social fact that a certan dalect can be
by society as a standard form. The linquists interest can focus. without
condescension or condemnaion on presthgous and non-presthgious variehes
of the lanquage in this sense it should be noted that in recent decades
linquists have become increasingy interested in the lanquage of people who,
due to the ngd concept of standard lanquage. do not speak "correcty: the
language of children yOung children. and foreign languages languages Thus.
learming a childs lanquage has a linquistic interest in an interested sense

based on its psychological interest, such as the development of speech in

childhood Since 1970, linquistic dversity, which is considered a linquishe
system ith its own rules and characterishcs., has been the vanety that
second language learmers develop Theconcept of interanguage was proposed
to draw attention to the possibility that a learmer's lanquage can be viewed

as a vanety or dishinct system of language mth its ow speial

characteristics and rules.

Toplc 2 Linguistic theory and language teaching ermergence ofa relationship

Cry. professor of German at the University of Oxford, wnitng on language
teaching and language teacher training in line with the reform movement.
retommended phonehcs for teaching pronunc1athon Applied linguishcs was
founded in Washingtonin 1969. sponsoring a senes of contrast studes.
which were thought to pronde American teachers with the most important
linquishe informahon in dfferent lanquages compared to nathve English.
Therefore, by the early 1960s. contrasthve inquishcs had become one of the
most important ways of linking linguistics mth lanquage teaching Even
when the principles of structural linquishcs are translated into classroom

prachce tansformathons of generative grammar begin to emerge It

discredits the foundathons of Structuralism in inquisthcs and the implicahons

of audolinqualism in lanquage teaching The 1957 version of Chomskys

theory pad almost no attenthon to language pedagogy for Several years In

the context of this dscussion, it is important to note that around 1970.

language teaching fears were flercely arquing over linguishc theones, and the
choce of linguisthc theory played an important role in polanizing
methodological issues

Topic 3. Linguisthc theory and language teaching reassessment and current


From a similar perspecthve, a number of linquists in Britain and other

European counties, since about 1970, have taken the lead in developing a
more semanhc, more social or more communicahve view of lanquage "Their

semanthc classif\cahon was based on a threepart theory of meaning

semanthcographic categornes. modal meaning categones, and communicatve
funchon categones LInquistic theory has not presented us witth a simple.
unifled picture of language Vanous Lanquage Theornes and Debates Theonsts
reveal what many teachers intuitvely know from personal expernente the
inherent complexity of any language VWe accept the view that language is
complex in nahure and presents certan internal contradchons, and both
inguistics and language teaching must accept these complexities and

Quotes APA

"(Stern. HHFundamental Concepts of Language Teaching good usage The

study of linguisthcs is a desciphve not a prescnptve, sience
"(Sterm HHFundamental Concepts of LanguageTeaching) is concerned
primanly wmth an ideal speaker-listener. in a completely.
"Stern HHFundamental Concepts of Language Teaching) in the
context of this dscussion it is important to note that around"


LingquisthcS is an important science that helps us understand how lanquage

works and its use It allows us to learn new lanquages. to communicate wth
people from other cultures It helps us understand how lanquages work how
their grammahcal structures. morphology. phonehcs. Semanthcs and
pragmahcs Each of these subdscipines has its own setof research methods
and technlques For example. phonehc linguists use instruments to study
speech sounds, while semanhc linguists use comprehension tests to study
the meaning of words and sentences Linguistcsinlanguage teaching
became animportant role for us students and teachers in the classroom Put

into prachce the use of ary languagein our daly life and when we look at the
anthropological aspect, we find that this vanety of codes is explaned by
questhons about the world environment and world vision We have to be
aware of this linquishc nchness that is the interidiomahc dversity of

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