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Describing your ls, usications and experience Talking about what an organisation does Describing the ol of tvaketing thin an organisation Wentiyng and discussing stakeholders In pair, discuss the following questions 1 Why did you choose a career in marketing? 2. you are curently working, how did you find your jo? I you are currently studying, how wil you find a job when you Ris? 5 Have you ever use Engish at work? If so, tak about the experienc. I not, ‘what problems do you think you would nave? | Look at te frst part ofthe advertisement forthe Job that Paula and Matt applied for at Culture-Insight and choose the correct answer (aor b). Calturetnsigt ] 1 a ea productocused organisation. is a sericefocused organisation, 2a is aprvate sector organisation. bs 2 public sector organisation, | a works in business‘oconsumer works in busines-to-business rmarets. mares, } 2x Marketing Executives ‘Seotthe, bared Sout at fe ea eaves er nea oii seen ne eying | mcrae hare ater Wo Matai ceo. Unit 1 The rote of markt In pairs, discuss the following questions. | As Marketing Executives in a company ke Culture insight, what tasks do you tink Paula and Matt wll be responsile for (eg. carrying out market research, managing databases)? 2 What skill, characteristics and knowledge do you think they wil need (eg. Interpersonal skll, creativity, business awareness? Read the rest of the job advertisement and check your answers to In trol, you wil be respon or bulangrktionstpe ae ag vith 2 ‘ange o stakehoides, bah inal and exer, You wl bo exces ta the fa market mix and willbe expected to mage to reduction and dtu of Tarte colsteal to conduct marke sea t menfcr competitor aby {o analyse ping potions; to malian and update database to organi stlend eens and eahiitens; o evaluate the success of marketing cmon: ‘pan and mpementcrct marketing actly to assist the craton anc inplemantion of] marksing ana communaons pan neon th ho Marketing Manage: ac fo support the Markeng Manager and other cateaguee, ‘To succes as a Nerkaing Exocutve for Cuture rg, you must have =istclassinorpersona and anaiteal le “the aby to use ria, to inuence, to nego, an to work we numeracy, creatiy, dio, busnass aware, ar racy goed rl ancl aton commision sls In adetion, an ureertaneng ofthe word of htemational business ar he imporianoe fintecutial commune ls essere @vlingress to rave Koutedge oa ae ns European enquages & peered, Thaae postions are open to both rant orsduste i relevant eubcts ant ‘exparenced BE ior marketing professionals. Carer insu of Marking {Clit quatfeston sdvantagous. To spay, contact Hora al, Markating Manager aligculre-rsigntco.Uk d_ Match the verbs (1=12) to the words and phrases (9-1) which appear in the job advertisement. Allof these colocations make tasks that Marketing Executives are often responsible for 1 monitor 4 the production and eration of malting colar 3 plan and inplenent\\ cet mating sett ieee 4 debe 5 condct, events an exits 7 Ue 4 the maratig Manage ad ther coleaqes 8 support 1 theses of mating campagne maine | inthe cation ad inpiemenition of 3 matting and 14 maintain and uate Vk competitor ately 12 onanee and attand (alate wth tallées Unit 1 The role of mackating 7 {© Which of the tasks from Exercise 2d are you responsible for in your jo? If yout are not working, Which tasks would you find most interesting? Look again at the list of skis inthe ob advert which a Marketing Executive 2¢ Culture-insght needs. n your opinion, which skis are critical (very important) and which are non-rtical (less important? gIn smal groups, dlscuss the following questions 1 Which ofthe skis the job advert could you demonstrate? 2. What sls are you lacking ~ tat is, which skls don't you have? 3 a D1: Listen to Paula and Matt meeting on thelr frst day of work at Culture: Insight. Who seems more confident? b Dts Listen again and answer the folowing questions. 1 Do Paula and Matt already know each other? 2. What aid they each study at university? 5 Why was Matt interested in applying forthe job? 4% What other qualfation does Paula have? 5 What kindof company did Paula werk fr Before? 66 What factors attracted Paula to this jou? © Correct the mistakes in the following expressions, which Paula and Matt se to talk about their qualifications and professional experience. This is my fst ob for university ‘ust graduate What have you studied? | studied a degree in Intemational Business and Management at ull ‘There were aot of modules of Marketing. | made a marketing qualification. | obtained job as a Marketing Assist London, {8 Ie was a good organisation to work nt for a nance company near In pairs, discuss your qualifications and professional experience up until now. Use the corrected expressions from Exercise 5c 4 a Imagine you are preparing for an interview forthe job of Marketing Executive at Culture-Insight. In pais, discuss how you would demonstrate the sills and experience needed to do the job, using evidence from your professional and educational background, in ciferent pairs, rote play part of the job interview. ‘Student A, ou ae the Marketing Manager at Culture-Insight. Interview ‘Student B forthe jb of Marketing Executive ‘= Use the questions inthe Useful fanguage box on page 86 to help you © Atthe end ofthe interview, evaluate Student B on a scale of 1~10 on thelr ality o do the job ‘SudentB, you are applying forthe job of Marketing Executive Convince Student A that you have the skill, experience and qualifications needed to be sucessful n the job ‘© Read the Use languoge box on page 86 and prepare your answers. ‘swap roles and practise again, 8 Unit The role of marketing ee Induction When you start work at anew organisation, f(s common to have an induction dy: this is designed ta teach you more about you jb and the organisation {ot are going to be working for In pairs, discuss any experience you have of induction days. What information did you learn about your job and the organisation? 12s part oftheir induction, Paula and Matt are given an informal presentation by Fiona Jall, the Marketing Manager. What sort of Information would you expect a presentation lke this to Include? Listen to the fist part of the presentation and check your Ideas. D> 12 Listen again and make notes under the fllowing headings. Then ‘compare your notes with Matt's inthe key on page 98, AONOROONANAOELELEE NEY upplersi aston Competitor . 13 Fiona uses several expressions to explain what the company does. LUsten and complete the following sentences. 1 OK. you know, were traning and consultancy ee ll 3 Were our tents about cultural ditferences and 4 We also do some work with here inthe UK ——— more work with {governmental organisations inthe future Unie +The ole of marketing ‘Answer the following questions about te sentences in Exercise Sc 1 For sentence f, you could say Wire i the traning and consultancy busiess/sectorinustry. Is there a difference in meaning between these three words? 2. Sentence 2 is useful fora servicefocused company. But what would a preductfocused company say? 3 Insentance 5, which word could you replace clients with and nat change the meaning? 4 For sentence 4, you could say we also do some work with prvatetoluntary sector organisations. Can you explain the alference between the public, private and voluntary sectors? 5 In sentence 5, which words could you replace be Keen with and net change the meaning? In pairs, describe the organisation you work for or an organisation you ‘know wel, Use the expressions In Exercises Se and Sd and the following prompts: 1 busineseindustry customerscints pubilprvatevoluntary sector * route to market competitors plans fr the future f= Senvcelproduct activites Involved in Orientation In pair, discuss the following questions 1 How would you define the ole of marketing inthe organisation you work for ‘or an organisation you know well? 2 ow do you think people from other departments would describe the role of marketing? '5- Haw important is marketing within the organisation 35a whole? Look a the folowing pairs of sentences. Fr each pair, decide which sentence best describes the organisation you discussed in Exercise 6a 1 a. We'ea salescriented company Were amarieting oriented company. 2. a Everything that we dois geared towards persuading our customers to choose us instzad af our competitors Everything that e do ls geared towards providing a service that satises Every department is alvays focused on the customer's point of wen, 1 Every department is ana focused on ther Individual objectives. 4 a The esponsibility ofthe Marketing Department isto make sure that the company has a customer focus in everyting that It does 'b_ The responsibil of the Marketing Department isto hep te sales fore sell our services Unit 1 The role of marketing ¢ Dts Fiona explains the role of marketing at TSMR Cutture-nsight. Listen and tick the phrases "eg (@ orb) in Exercise 6b that she says. ee In smal groups, discuss your impressions (of cuture-Insight. What advantages do you think thelr organisational structure gives them? How successful do you think they are, in the sector they work in? © Look atthe undertined phrases in s Audioserpts 1.2 and 1.4 on pages 88-89. Put the undertined phrases into the correct part ofthe table planing and giving examples Querying Showing understanding 7. a Think about the organisation you talked about in Exercise Sf, Make notes, Under the folowing headings: * orientation (that I, whether Its Sales oriented or marketing-orented) organisational structure * importanctrle of marketing A © how marketing contributes tothe success ofthe organiasation b inppairs rote play an Informal presentation, Student A you are the Marketing Manager. Explain the role of marketing in {your organisation; use your notes from Exercise Ta and the expressions trom Exercise 60 and 6e, Student B, you are starting work today at Student As organisation, Show Understanding and query anything that you don't understand. Use the expressions Fam Exercise 6e ‘Swap roles and practise again, | Unit 1 the rote of maseting§ «4 MEE Stakeholders B a Look at this extract from the Markating Executive job advertisement for CCulture-Insight and n pars discuss the following questions. bnttsrol, you wie reponse for bug rtatonships anda witha ‘ange of takehccor, both eral and extra You wil bo expe fo Uo fil ately ela sheeted bee glare 1 What are stakeholders? 2 Wat do you tink the diference is between an intemal stakeholder and an ‘external stakeholder? ‘Who do you think Cultuenights stakeholders are? Make alist under the headings Interna stakeholders and External stakeholders. tena staked ternal stakeholders b Dts As part of Paula and Matt's Induction, Fiona Is going to talk about who they ll be marketing to, To do this, she prepares a handout which lists wi the organisation's ey stakeholders are and their relative Importance. Ulsten and complete the first section of the handout Culture-Insight Key stakeholders ward sakaholers Ceara ateolers © Compare Flona's list of internal and external stakeholders withthe list you made in Exercise Ba, Are they the same? In pairs, discuss any ciferences, d_insmall groups, discuss what other internal and external stakeholders the following organisations might have. 1 allarge, muitnational communications company [FMobil, for example) 2. a government department 3 acharity 4 a fashion label 42 Unit The ole of marketing a Complete the following definitions, using the collocations with stakeholder Inthe box may tatholde saehsdrinterest secondary stale: fy lads Saeelder pone 1 the ability of stakeholder to intuence an ‘organisations behaviour, both now ann the future 2 an organisations most important internal and ‘cera stakehosers 5 Stakeholders who are vital to the organisation ‘nthout whom the organisation court survive 4 Stakeholders that an organisation can survive without 5 how much attention a stakeholder pays to an organisation; aw mich avareness the stakeholder has of the organisation o is activities > 16 Listen to the rest ofthe discussion about stakeholders and answer the Faliowing questions. 1 Whois mote important to Cuituresnsight atthe moment, their existing cents ‘or thelr potential clients? 2. Which potential clients are they particulary interested in? 3 Why are their suppliers less of aprioity for them atthe moment? ‘4 What does Fiona think the sales team wil need support with the future? 5 What does the inhouse research team need to understand? 1m pairs, try to complete Flona’s handout based on what you know about Calture insight. Reter tothe ist of six key stakeholders that you completed in Exercise 8b elatveimporcancs? Primary staksholdors a ‘Secondary stakehoties: ‘Stakeholder power and interest Key payee (high invarest and power =, Lal nero but high power: Incarost bute power; . Increaeing oe docroasing in importance? Inoresing: Decreasing “Make atstof the key stakeholders in your organisation or an organisation you know well, Use the same headings that Flona used in her handout in Exercise 8g. In pairs, take turns to present and discuss your analyses. How do the stakeholders difer depending on the type of organisation you are describing? Unit The rleof marketing 13,

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