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New Year’s Resolutions

# New Year Reflection and Resolutions Worksheet

**1. Reflections on the Year:**

*Describe three memorable moments or achievements from the past year.*

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

*Share a personal highlight and a challenge you faced.*

- **Highlight:** ________________________

- **Challenge:** ________________________

**2. New Year's Resolutions:**

*Discuss your goals for the upcoming year. Use future tenses.*

- **Resolution 1:** ________________________

- **Resolution 2:** ________________________

- **Resolution 3:** ________________________

**3. Cultural Traditions:**

*Research and write about a New Year's Eve tradition from your home country.*

- **Tradition:** ________________________

- **How it's celebrated:** ________________________

**4. Vocabulary Building:**

*Match the words with their meanings.*

1. Celebration

2. Reflection

3. Resolution

4. Achievement

a. Looking back on the past

b. A goal or decision to do something

c. A special event or occasion

d. Something successfully completed

*Use each word in a sentence related to New Year.*

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________


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