Leticia & Paulo - Popular Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Cultivars Show Contrasting Responses To Heat Stress at Gametogenesis and Anthesis

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Published March 20, 2015


Popular Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars

Show Contrasting Responses to Heat Stress
at Gametogenesis and Anthesis
W. Shi, T. Ishimaru, R. B. Gannaban, W. Oane, and S. V. K. Jagadish*

International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro

Abstract Manila, Philippines. Received 21 Jan. 2014. *Corresponding author
Studies on heat tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) (k.jagadish@irri.org).
have focused on a range of accessions that are
Abbreviations: IRRI, International Rice Research Institute; RH,
currently not grown or cultivated in small local-
relative humidity.
ized geographic regions, while popular rice cul-
tivars occupying millions of hectares have not
been tested for their response to heat stress.
Hence, 18 popular rice cultivars grown across
tropical and subtropical regions were subjected
to 38°C for 6 h of heat stress at anthesis and
I n response to the predicted increase in global temperatures by
up to 2°C between 2046 and 2065 (IPCC, 2013), a sustained
option envisaged for safeguarding global food security is through
five selected contrasting entries were exposed the development of heat-tolerant cultivars (Battisti and Naylor,
to six consecutive days (6 h each day) of stress 2009). Rice is highly vulnerable to heat spikes coinciding with
coinciding with both gametogenesis and anthe- critical developmental stages such as gametogenesis and flowering
sis. Among the tested entries, Ciherang was (Yoshida et al., 1981; Prasad et al., 2006; Jagadish et al., 2010b,
the most tolerant, after both 6 h at anthesis and 2011). Hence, predicted increases in frequency and magnitude of
6 d of stress across both gametogenesis and
heat spikes under future climate will lead to significant reduction
anthesis, whereas Moroberekan and KDML-105
in rice yield. The vulnerability of the major rice-producing regions
were the most susceptible. Using a quick and
easy phenotyping protocol and by considering
to these phenomena has been mapped both regionally (Wassmann
all the sterile spikelets across target panicles, et al., 2009) and at the global scale (Teixeira et al., 2013).
the crucial physiological window “spikelets with A series of phenotyping studies have quantified heat toler-
exserted anthers but with no ovule enlargement” ance among indica and/or japonica rice accessions (Yoshida et
was identified as the most sensitive stage with al., 1981; Matsui et al., 2001; Prasad et al., 2006; Jagadish et al.,
exposure to heat stress at both critical repro- 2008). From the above studies, the most heat-sensitive develop-
ductive stages. Geographic origin of rice variet- mental stages identified are gametogenesis and flowering. Heat
ies was not clearly related to the degree of tol- stress during gametogenesis reduces pollen production (Prasad
erance or susceptibility to heat stress because et al., 2006) and pollen development and viability ( Jagadish et
both conditions were observed in cultivars from al., 2013). Poor anther dehiscence, significant reduction in pollen
each target region. Our findings complement
count, poor pollen germination on the stigma, and restricted
other ongoing efforts that are using heat-toler-
pollen tube growth rate are characteristic impacts of heat stress
ant landraces and wild rice as donors to further
increase tolerance to sustain global rice pro-
coinciding with anthesis (Satake and Yoshida, 1978; Jagadish et
duction under future warmer climate.

Published in Crop Sci. 55:589–596 (2015).

doi: 10.2135/cropsci2014.01.0054
© Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein
has been obtained by the publisher.

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015  www.crops.org 589

al., 2010b). In rice, it takes just 30 to 80 min from the anthesis). Seeds for both the experiments were obtained from the
IRRI Genetic Resources Center (Table 1). Plants were grown
time of flower opening to closing, and within this inter-
in the greenhouse in a natural condition with average daily tem-
val anther dehiscence, pollination, pollen germination,
perature of 30.8°C (SD ± 2.6°C) and relative humidity (RH)
and pollen tube reaching the ovary are completed, with of 71.6% (SD ± 7.4%) till they reached the targeted stage, after
the whole process including fertilization lasting about which they were moved into the controlled-environment walk-
1.5 h to a maximum of 4 h (Cho 1956; Wassmann et al., in facility to impose heat stress. At IRRI sun rises and sets at
2009). Heat stress alters normal reproductive processes 0630 and 1830 h, respectively, during the growth period, expos-
highlighted above, resulting in increased spikelet sterility. ing plants grown in the greenhouse to 12 h of photoperiod.
Evidence that heat stress does not affect the female repro-
ductive organ negatively has been obtained using cross- Crop Husbandry
pollination techniques (Yoshida et al., 1981). Experiment 1. Eighteen locally grown cultivars from South-
The majority of the entries tested in the previously east Asia, South Asia, West Africa, and Latin America were
studies are either not grown currently; if they are, it is in selected for high-temperature tolerance phenotyping. All the
relatively narrow geographic limits. Landraces are locally entries tested were O. sativa indica grown widely across tropical
grown rice accessions that have acquired over time greater and subtropical rice-growing regions, except N22 (aus), a heat-
tolerant check, and Moroberekan and KDML-105 representing
adaptation to environments they inhabit. Significant
japonica subspecies and indica cultivar from higher altitudes,
efforts are being made to identify landraces and wild rice
respectively (see Table 1 for additional details). Seed dormancy
progenies possessing higher tolerance or escaping char- was broken by exposing them to 50°C for 3 d, followed by
acteristics in response to heat stress during the sensitive pregermination and sowing in seeding trays. Two 21-d-old
reproductive stage, with an aim to actively use them in seedlings were transplanted into plastic pots (25 cm in height;
rice breeding programs ( Jagadish et al., 2010a; Ishimaru 26 and 20 cm in diameter at the top and bottom, respectively)
et al., 2010; Ye et al., 2012). In spite of intensified efforts filled with 5.0 kg of the same clay loam soil used for seedling
and the increasing importance of overcoming the negative establishment with 2.0 g ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], 1.0
impact of heat stress on rice, no attempt has been made g single superphosphate, and 1.0 g muriate of potash (KCl). An
to systematically phenotype popular rice cultivars. More- additional 2.5 g of (NH4)2SO4 was top dressed at 25 to 30 d
over, the predicted increase in temperature would have a after transplanting. Plants were grown under fully flooded con-
greater negative impact on rice yields across vulnerable ditions throughout the experiment, even when the plants were
moved in and out of the chambers. No pest or disease incidence
tropical and subtropical regions where temperatures are
was observed throughout the experiments.
already close to critical thresholds (Prasad et al., 2006;
Experiment 2. Five cultivars based on two criteria—(i)
Wassmann et al., 2009). Hence, cultivars that are well contrasting (tolerant or susceptible) for spikelet fertility with
adapted to major tropical and subtropical rice-growing heat stress exposure at anthesis and (ii) a representative toler-
regions currently occupying large proportion of cultivated ant entry from each region of interest—were selected from
area were considered as popular cultivars. the outcome of Experiment 1 to reconfirm their tolerance by
The overall objectives of our work were (i) to quan- comparing them against a common susceptible entry. In addi-
tify the responses of popular rice cultivars to heat stress at tion, the impact at the second most heat-sensitive stage, that is,
two sensitive stages (i.e., gametogenesis and anthesis) and gametogenesis (Yoshida et al., 1981; Jagadish et al., 2013), was
(ii) to ascertain the applicability of a phenotyping pro- also quantified across all five selected cultivars. All other crop
tocol used to determine the impact of drought stress at management practices, including seeding, timing, and amount
flowering (Oane and Bennett, 2009) as an easy and quick of fertilizer application and other crop husbandry measures,
were similar to those in Experiment 1.
way to identify the most heat-susceptible physiological
window during flowering.
High-temperature Treatment
Experiment 1. To impose stress, plants at anthesis were moved
Materials and Methods into walk-in growth chambers (3.3 × 3.2 × 2.7 m; 10.6 m 2
The experiments were conducted during 2012 at the Interna- area). Each chamber was fitted with six independent units of 1
tional Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños (14°11¢N, kW high-intensity discharge lamps, providing photosynthetic
121°15¢E, 21 m), Philippines. Seeds of representative set of photon flux density of ³650 µmol m-2 s-1 at plant height for
cultivars grown across more vulnerable rice-growing regions 11 h and 215 µmol m-2 s-1 for 2 h during temperature change
of South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and West Africa, period (1730–1830 h and 0530–0630 h) providing a photope-
which account for >95% of global rice-growing area, were col- riod of 13 h d -1. At least three replicate pots (six plants) were
lected. In addition, representative popular cultivars were chosen moved into the chambers when at least three to four tillers of
based on location-specific breeder’s nominations as having high each plant started to flower to increase the number of anthesing
probability of exposure to high temperatures under current cli- spikelets exposed to stress. The height adjustment approach was
mate or with a potential to be affected by stress exposure in employed by placing pots on benches with different heights to
the near future. The selected popular cultivars were tested for ensure that panicles of all 18 cultivars were about 130 to 150 cm
heat tolerance at two sensitive stages (i.e., gametogenesis and from the ground surface. The lights in the chambers were about

590 www.crops.org crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

Table 1. Spikelet fertility (SF) of 18 popular rice cultivars exposed to high temperature for a day (6 h; 0900–1500 h) during anthe-
sis. Values presented are means ± SE.
Total spikelets
SF (%)‡ observed§
Cultivated Major cultivating Ecological Control Heat Control Heat
Cultivar † region countries group (30°C) (38°C)¶ (30°C) (38°C)
Ciherang Southeast Asia Indonesia Oryza sativa indica 93.6 ± 1.7 92.1 ± 1.5a 171 (6) 283 (9)
Samba Mahsuri South Asia India O. sativa indica 96.1 ± 2.6 88.1 ± 2.5a 275 (7) 444 (15)
BG90-2 West Africa Mali, Gambia, Ethiopia, Nigeria O. sativa indica 99.2 ± 0.8 87.2 ± 4.2ab 118 (5) 134 (7)
ADT36 South Asia India O. sativa indica 97.3 ± 1.1 84.4 ± 5.8ab 258 (8) 283 (12)
N22 South Asia India O. sativa aus 94.9 ± 1.8 84.4 ± 5.6abc 57 (4) 44 (3)
Epagri 108 Latin America South of Brazil and Venezuela. O. sativa indica 93.8 ± 2.7 83.6 ± 3.5ab 121 (6) 214 (7)
BR-IRGA 410 Latin America Southern Brazil O. sativa indica 96.0 ± 1.5 82.3 ± 2.9ab 106 (5) 551 (23)
Swarna South Asia India, Bangladesh, Nepal O. sativa indica 98.8 ± 0.8 82.1 ± 2.9abc 198 (9) 257 (8)
NSIC Rc222 Southeast Asia Philippines O. sativa indica 95.1 ± 2.1 80.6 ± 6.2abcd 122 (5) 203 (6)
Moderately tolerant
MTU1010 South Asia India O. sativa indica 95.2 ± 1.9 68.9 ± 3.1bcd 155 (6) 833 (28)
Sahel 134 West Africa Senegal, Mauritania O. sativa indica 86.9 ± 4.1 57.3 ± 4.2d 273 (10) 591 (22)
Fedearoz 50 Latin America Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Interspecific indica 92.9 ± 1.8 56.3 ± 6.3d 212 (7) 472 (13)
Rica, Panama × japonica
Bouake 189 West Africa Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Conakry O. sativa indica 90.2 ± 2.9 52.4 ± 6.0cde 115 (6) 160 (6)
IR64 South and Bhutan, Burkina Faso (FKR42), O. sativa indica 96.6 ± 1.5 51.3 ± 8.2d 100 (5) 166 (7)
Southeast Asia Cambodia, Ecuador (INIAP11),
Gambia, India, Indonesia,
Mauritania, Philippines,
Vietnam (OM89)#
Sahel 329 West Africa Senegal, Mauritania O. sativa indica 85.2 ± 1.2 22.7 ± 3.5ef 231 (7) 595 (22)
Nerica L-19 West Africa Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, O. sativa indica 78.4 ± 5.8 25.7 ± 4.7f 164 (6) 734 (18)
Liberia, Sierra Leone,
Cameroon, Togo
KDML-105 Southeast Asia Thailand O. sativa indica 92.0 ± 2.3 13.8 ± 3.0f 217 (8) 123 (6)
Moroberekan West Africa Cote d’Ivoire O. sativa japonica 92.7 ± 1.2 9.8 ± 4.8f 319 (6) 297 (9)

Cultivar abbreviations ADT(Aduthurai)36, N(Nagina)22, NSIC (National Seed Industry Council) Rc 222, MTU (Marateru)1010, KDML (Khao Dawk Mali)-105.

Tolerant (SF > 80%), moderately tolerant (SF > 50% to £ 80%), susceptible (£50%). Cultivar classification based on spikelet fertility percent obtained with stress exposure
at anthesis.
Numbers in the parenthesis indicate the numbers of panicles used for determining spikelet fertility across control and heat stress treatments.

Letters following the values indicate results from the Tukey’s test.
Alternate country names given to IR64.

1 m from the panicles during anthesis. Hence, additional heat were returned to the greenhouse and plants were grown under
load from the lights or differences in plant height would have optimum conditions till maturity.
had minimum interference with our results. Spikelets were Experiment 2. For the five selected cultivars, two indepen-
exposed to high temperature (38°C) from 0900 to 1500 h (6 dent sets of 10 pots each were transferred into growth chambers
h, short-duration stress), gradually reduced to 24°C by 1830 h to impose high-temperature treatment when the main tiller
and maintained throughout the night till 0530 h, with a diur- of plants reached gametogenesis, determined by employing
nally constant RH of 70%. Simultaneously, two replicate pots an established phenotypic marker ( Jagadish et al., 2013), and
(four plants) were moved into a control growth chamber main- at anthesis. Briefly, identifying the right morphological stage
tained at day/night temperature of 30/24°C and RH of 70%. based on phenotypic marker (-8 to -9 cm intercollar distance
Growth chambers were replicated for most parts of the stress between the last fully opened leaf and the yet-to-emerge flag
exposure period but not for the control treatment. A digital leaf ) and imposing six consecutive days of heat stress ensures
temperature sensor placed above the canopy in the middle of that > 95% of the spikelets in a panicle are exposed to stress
the growth chamber recorded ambient air temperature and RH during gametogenesis. The target temperature settings (heat
to be consistently maintained at the set target. Spikelets that stress and control, day and night), photoperiod, and RH were
flowered during the treatment hours in the growth chamber the same as in Experiment 1. High temperature of 38°C (actual
were marked with a fine-tipped pen (0.5-mm diameter, Zebra = 37.6°C, SD ± 0.6°C) with RH of 70% (actual = 63.7%, SD ±
Co. Ltd.). The marking of spikelets was undertaken immedi- 5.9%) and control at 30°C (actual = 30.7°C, SD ± 0.5°C) with
ately after the treatment ended to ensure that marked spikelets 70% RH (actual = 68.8%, SD ± 2.6%) were maintained. Unlike
were completely closed, to avoid any manual interference with the setup in Experiment 1, plants were continuously kept in the
spikelet fertility. After the 6 h of temperature treatment, pots walk-in chambers for six consecutive days of heat treatment

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015  www.crops.org 591

Figure 1. Sterile spikelets at different stages of spikelet development: (A) stage 1: immature spikelets; (B) stage 2: spikelets with anthers
stuck in the middle without filament elongation; (C) stage 3: spikelets with elongated filaments, undehisced anthers just below unopened
lemma and palea; (D) stage 4: spikelets with exserted anthers but no ovule enlargement; (E) stage 5: spikelets with enlarged ovaries but
not filled with starch; and (F) stage 6, spikelets with incomplete grain filling. All photos taken using Olympus SZX-7 stereomicroscope-
magnification at ×25. (Figure modified with permission from International Rice Research Institute.)

(long-duration stress) to expose all the spikelets on the target

(main tiller) panicle to stress during both gametogenesis and
anthesis. Spikelets exposed to heat stress at gametogenesis or
during anthesis do not develop normally and undergo irrevers-
ible damage to developmental progress at different physiological
windows (Fig. 1), resulting in reduced spikelet fertility. The
aim of this experiment was to identify the key physiological
window affected among the selected contrasting rice cultivars
from Experiment 1. A maximum of five unopened spikelets
from plants exposed to heat stress at anthesis, were removed
manually from the base of few panicles at the end of the 6 d of
treatment and the plants were moved back to the greenhouse
and maintained under optimum conditions till maturity. The
removed spikelets were not used for any analysis. Figure 2. Micro-thermocouples pierced into the soft leaf sheath
just above the un-emerged panicle during gametogenesis (A; in-
Observations set, closer view) and placed between individual spikelet’s lemma
Tissue Temperature and palea at anthesis (B).
Panicle temperatures of the five selected cultivars at gameto-
genesis and spikelet temperatures at anthesis were measured in Spikelet Fertility and Sensitive
Experiment 2 using at least three 0.2-mm-diameter Type T Stage Characterization
copper constantan thermocouples (RS Components Corpora- In Experiment 1, the marked spikelets were collected at maturity,
tion) in each chamber. Tissue temperatures were recorded every and filled (fully and partially filled) and unfilled spikelets were
10 s and averaged over 5 min using a data logger (CR1000 data counted separately. Finally, spikelet fertility was analyzed follow-
logger, Campbell Scientific, Inc.). These tissue temperatures were ing Jagadish et al. (2007). In Experiment 2, the main tiller panicle
recorded for 6 h (from 0900 to 1500), that is for 1 d of heat treat- from each pot was harvested to determine spikelet fertility. All
ment. Micro thermocouples were carefully pierced into the soft filled spikelets were meticulously picked by hand. To identify
leaf sheath just above the unemerged panicle during gametogen- the stage at which further developmental progress was stopped,
esis and at anthesis were placed inside individual spikelets, within sterile spikelets were categorized into different sensitive stages
the lemma and palea (Fig. 2). Three replicate thermocouples using the drought stress phenotyping protocol used by Oane and
in each chamber were used to measure the sensors consistency, Bennett (2009) (Fig. 1). Spikelet fertility was determined by the
before measuring the panicle and spikelet temperature (Supple- number of fully filled spikelets divided by the total number of
mentary Table 1). spikelets on the panicle, including both filled and sterile spikelets.

592 www.crops.org crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

Statistical Analysis Table 2. Spikelet fertility (SF) of representative popular rice
Difference of means of spikelet fertility across the 18 acces- cultivars exposed to high temperatures for 6 d (0900–1500 h
sions exposed to heat stress was analyzed by Tukey-Kramer each day) during gametogenesis and anthesis. Values pre-
sented are means ± SE.
test installed in the R program (ver. 2.10.1). Spikelet fertility
from Experiment 2, panicle temperature and spikelet tissue SF (%)†
temperature were analyzed as a complete randomized design Cultivated Control Gametogen- Anthesis
using Genstat (GenStat 14th edition, Rothamsted Experimen- region Cultivar ‡ (30°C) esis (38°C) (38°C)
tal Station, Harpenden, UK), with pot as an experimental unit. Tolerant
Significant difference between spikelet sterility proportions Southeast Asia Ciherang 95.8 ± 0.6 83.8 ± 1.9 82.8 ± 3.4
among six sensitive stages were estimated using the contrasts Moderately tolerant
function in ANOVA framework in Genstat. South Asia ADT36 89.3 ± 1.8 82.8 ± 1.9 76.4 ± 3.0
West Africa BG90-2 86.3 ± 2.0 75.6 ± 4.3 76.4 ± 5.0
Latin America Epagri 108 83.6 ± 1.0 31.1 ± 4.7 52.1 ± 6.2
Results Susceptible
Spikelet Fertility and Tissue Temperature Southeast Asia KDML-105 78.3 ± 3.4 60.9 ± 4.3 20.4 ± 5.7
All 18 cultivars completed their daily flowering cycle LSD at 5%§

within this 6-h stress exposure period, with an average Genotype (G) (5.9)*** (7.3)***

peak of flowering at 1030 to 1100 h. Rice cultivars were Treatment (T) (3.7)*** (4.6)***

divided into three distinct heat-response groups based on G×T (8.3)*** (10.3)***
their statistical significance and percent spikelet fertility *** Significant at 0.1%.
recorded with heat stress exposure during anthesis: tolerant †
Tolerant (SF > 80%), moderately tolerant (SF > 50 to £ 80%), susceptible ( £ 50%).

Cultivar classification based on spikelet fertility percent obtained with stress expo-
(with spikelet fertility > 80%), moderately tolerant (> 50% sure at anthesis.
to £ 80%) and susceptible (£ 50%). Nine out of 18 cultivars §
Numbers in parentheses are least significant difference (LSD) of means.
tested were categorized as tolerant, with four susceptible
entries after 6 h of heat stress exposure. Ciherang, with
>90% spikelet fertility, was the most tolerant, and Moro-
berekan and KDML-105, with <15% fertility, were the
most sensitive ones (Table 1). Four cultivars from South
Asia and two from Southeast Asia were categorized as tol-
erant, whereas, from West Africa, three among the tested
six were susceptible. With extended stress duration of 6 d,
a similar trend in fertility was observed but with a higher
decline in fertility even with the tolerant entries (Table 2).
Among the five cultivars, Ciherang maintained its high tol-
erance at anthesis and a similar response was documented at
gametogenesis, followed by ADT36 and BG-90-2. Epagri
was more sensitive to gametogenesis compared to anthe-
sis while KDML-105 resulted in greater susceptibility at
anthesis (Table 2). Both panicle and spikelet tissue tempera-
tures varied significantly across genotypes and treatment (P
< 0.001), and both these factors interacted significantly (P
< 0.01) compared to their respective ambient temperatures.
On exposure to heat stress, the tissue temperature close to
the unemerged panicle was lower compared to ambient
conditions, except in ADT36 (Fig. 3A), while spikelet tissue
temperatures were higher than the ambient during anthesis
(Fig. 3B). A significant negative relationship (R 2 = 0.48; P
< 0.05) was observed between spikelet tissue temperature
and spikelet fertility (Fig. 4).

Sensitive-stage Characterization
The highest proportion of sterile spikelets across all five Figure 3. Panicle temperature minus ambient temperature at ga-
tested cultivars was mainly due to their sensitivity at stage metogenesis (A); spikelet tissue temperature minus ambient tem-
perature at anthesis (B), exposed to control and heat stress. Bars
4 (anthers exserted with/without dehiscence with no ovary
indicate ±SE.
enlarged) under control conditions, which further increased

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015  www.crops.org 593

Table 3. Spikelet sterility categorized across different sen-
sitive stages among five selected rice cultivars at control
(30°C) and heat stress (38°C) exposure for 6 h a day (0900–
1500) extended over six consecutive flowering days during
gametogenesis and anthesis.
Sterile spikelets (%)†
Cultivar Treatment S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Ciherang Control 20.8 1.7 6.4 41.1 24.7 5.3
Gametogenesis 4.7 0.0 4.2 67.4 13.2 10.5
Anthesis 3.9 0.7 12.9 69.9 9.5 3.3
ADT36 Control 6.7 0.4 8.0 41.9 15.5 27.5
Gametogenesis 0.0 0.3 10.0 56.5 13.6 19.6
Anthesis 1.0 1.7 8.4 74.3 6.7 8.0
BG90-2 Control 4.5 0.0 10.9 75.2 5.9 3.6
Gametogenesis 2.0 0.0 9.0 72.2 9.2 7.7
Anthesis 0.8 0.0 26.0 60.4 8.9 4.0
Figure 4. Increase in spikelet tissue temperature decreases spike- Epagri 108 Control 9.7 1.5 19.0 50.4 7.8 11.6
let fertility. Y = 0.068x + 41.09; R2 = 0.48; n = 10. Gametogenesis 3.3 1.6 8.8 58.5 19.4 8.4
Anthesis 3.7 1.6 16.1 61.7 12.0 5.1
KDML-105 Control 14.9 4.1 17.5 59.1 2.2 2.2
under heat stress exposure across both gametogenesis and Gametogenesis 5.4 2.6 8.2 78.8 4.1 1.0
anthesis (Table 3). Across all four tolerant entries, stage 5 Anthesis 3.2 3.8 12.5 74.6 5.6 0.2
(with enlarged ovary but with no starch filling) was gener- †
“S” indicates stage as illustrated in Fig. 1.
ally the second most sensitive stage, with stress coinciding
with gametogenesis, except for ADT 36. However, with
Table 4. Comparative proportion of spikelet sterility
stress coinciding with anthesis, stage 3 (elongated filaments accounted for by six different sensitive stages (see Fig. 1)
and un-dehisced anthers) was identified as the second most with stage 1 as the reference (A) and across three stages
sensitive after stage 4. Similarly, the sensitive KDML-105 accounting larger proportions of sterility (stages 3, 4, and 5;
was most sensitive to stage 4, followed by stage 3, at both B). “S” indicates stage and “vs” versus. Values in the table
gametogenesis and anthesis. Spikelet sterility percentage are the P values indicating the level of significance.
varied significantly across the different stages (P < 0.001). A B
Significance of contrasts between the stages, with stage S1 vs. S1 vs. S1 vs. S1 vs. S1 vs. S3 vs. S3 vs.
1 as reference resulted in stage 4 as the most consistent, S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S4 S5
accounting for a greater proportion of sterility at gameto- Ciherang 0.154 0.124 <0.001 0.012 0.338 <0.001 0.317
genesis and anthesis (Table 4). Further, comparing stages BG 90–2 0.670 <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.156 <0.001 0.060
accounting for larger proportions of sterility (stages 3, 4, Epagri 0.308 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.083 <0.001 0.079
and 5), with stage 3 as reference, stage 4 accounted for the ADT36 0.904 0.023 <0.001 0.012 <0.001 <0.001 0.804
significantly highest spikelet sterility across all the cultivars
KDML-105 0.416 <0.001 <0.001 0.645 0.006 <0.001 <0.001
except KDML-105 (P < 0.001), but not stage 5 (Table 4).

Geographic origin of rice varieties was not clearly related to the heat stress response at anthesis (references in the
to the degree of tolerance or susceptibility to heat stress Introduction section), genetic response during gameto-
as both conditions were observed in cultivars from each genesis has not been quantified due to the lack of a pheno-
target region and hence cannot be generalized. A repre- typic marker. Recently a phenotypic marker was identi-
sentative set of 18 popular cultivars selected had contrast- fied ( Jagadish et al., 2013), and through its use, Ciherang
ing responses to heat stress during anthesis. Among these and ADT36 were identified to be tolerant. Interestingly,
cultivars, an elite indica line from Indonesia, Ciherang, Ciherang, like N22, was tolerant at heat-sensitive flow-
was highly heat tolerant, recording the highest spikelet ering and gametogenesis stages, a promising cultivar to
fertility with stress exposure of 1 d (6 h of heat stress) be included in ongoing heat tolerance breeding programs.
at anthesis and 6 d (6 h of stress daily for six consecu- On the other hand, a number of other popular cultivars
tive flowering days) at both gametogenesis and anthesis. were sensitive to both these stages, indicating the need
In addition, a few other cultivars such as Samba Mahsuri, for additional efforts in this direction to provide options
BG90-2, and ADT36 were categorized as tolerant with to reduce heat-induced rice yield losses across identified
6 h of stress, the latter two resulting in increased suscep- vulnerable regions (Wassmann et al., 2009).
tibility with extended duration of stress. In comparison

594 www.crops.org crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

Physiological mechanisms of heat stress induced Using a phenotyping protocol developed by Oane
spikelet sterility and phenotyping protocols have been and Bennett (2009), we recorded the highest proportion
standardized under controlled environments using cul- of sterile spikelets that were damaged and stopped fur-
tivars that are not widely grown under current climatic ther progress at stage 4 (anthers exserted and ovules not
conditions (Prasad et al., 2006; Jagadish et al., 2008, enlarged) across all the five tested entries exposed to both
2010b). This is the first report wherein popular rice culti- gametogenesis and anthesis. This indicated that heat stress
vars occupying a significant arable area globally have been at gametogenesis and anthesis had the same physiologi-
tested for their potential to tolerate heat stress at key sen- cal failure, ultimately leading to spikelet sterility. With
sitive stages—gametogenesis and flowering. The advan- microscopic analysis ( Jagadish et al., 2010b), representative
tage of such an exercise would be to identify farmer- and spikelets collected can be analyzed and the results extrapo-
consumer-preferred cultivars (for example Ciherang) that lated to substantiate the cause behind percentage sterility
can be recommended for locations where high tempera- while this quick approach facilitates determining actual
tures are limiting rice production under current climates. mechanistic failure across the entire set of sterile spikelets
Although 50% of the cultivars tested (9 out of 18) docu- in a targeted number of panicles. Both techniques men-
mented tolerance to short duration heat stress, it was not tioned above complement each other, with the whole-
sustained for longer durations in a tested subset, indicating panicle sterility approach from the present study allowing
the need for incorporating greater tolerance with antici- the identification of the most critical sensitive window
pated increase in temperature under future climate. Alter- (stage 4). However, precise dissection at the spikelet level
natively, landraces such as the most heat-tolerant donor, using aniline blue staining protocol is needed to further
N22 (Yoshida et al., 1981; Jagadish et al., 2008), have been identify the actual physiological process, leading to steril-
exploited to identify and introgress interesting genes using ity considering that stage 4 includes a range of processes
molecular markers to develop heat-tolerant rice cultivars, such as anther indehiscence, pollen germination, pollen
which is a relatively longer term strategy. Hence, both the tube growth, and so forth ( Jagadish et al., 2010b).
above approaches have their advantages, with the former In summary, our work provides evidence for contrast-
facilitating growing tolerant popular cultivars in areas ing high-temperature responses across currently grown
with immediate heat stress pressure, while the latter will popular cultivars, with most of the tested cultivars signifi-
allow further upgrading of the tolerance of these rice cul- cantly affected by heat stress. Out of the tested 18 popu-
tivars to sustain production under future warmer climate. lar cultivars, Ciherang from Indonesia was identified to be
A lower panicle temperature during gametogenesis truly heat tolerant at both gametogenesis and anthesis. Only
(Fig. 3A; panicle yet to emerge) under high-temperature the most popular and representative cultivars nominated
exposure could reflect transpiration contributed by sur- by breeders were tested in our study, but a more thorough
rounding whorl of leaves facilitating reduction in panicle investigation using a larger set of cultivars grown locally
microclimate temperature. A similar phenomenon of could lead to identifying additional sources of heat toler-
lower panicle temperature among improved rice cultivars ance similar to Ciherang. In the absence of locally adapted
with panicles surrounded by plant leaf canopy benefitted cultivars with greater heat tolerance, progress achieved
by effective transpiration cooling over traditional varieties through ongoing efforts to introgress tolerance from land-
with panicle well above the crop canopy has been high- races and wild rice will facilitate increasing heat tolerance
lighted (Wassmann et al., 2009). However, at the later among widely grown vulnerable popular cultivars to safe-
anthesis stage, the panicles are at the canopy or above the guard rice production under future volatile climates.
plant canopy, thereby exposing the spikelets to higher ambi-
ent temperature. In addition, reduced transpiration cooling Supplemental Information Available
due to high temperature and high RH (Weerakoon et al., Supplemental information is available with this article.
2008; Wassmann et al., 2009, Julia and Dingkuhn, 2013),
could have contributed to increased spikelet tissue tempera- Acknowledgments
tures at anthesis. Restricted wind circulation under con- The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel-
trolled conditions, difference in wax deposition on leaves opment, Germany, is thanked for supporting the first author’s
contributing to heat stress impact cannot be ruled out. In extension as a master’s student, along with the IRRI-Japan proj-
ect for providing partial support toward funding the research
spite of higher spikelet tissue temperature over the target
expenses. Dr. B. Manneh from Africa Rice and Dr. E. Torres
heat stress, Ciherang consistently maintained significantly
from CIAT are thanked for providing information on popular
high spikelet fertility (Fig. 4). This indicates a greater role cultivars in West Africa and Latin America, respectively. Bill
of resilient reproductive physiological traits such as pollen Hardy is thanked for editing the manuscript.
viability and physiological processes such as pollen germi-
nation and pollen tube length, resulting in higher fertility
as demonstrated in our earlier work (Jagadish et al., 2010b).

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